Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Maybe by the time they grow up, the Death Cult will have killed them... or something like that.

Cool, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

How easily are you programmed by propaganda that you would actually characterize the intentional murder of innocent people based upon ethnicity as "self defense".

What is it in your background that has led you to the point you support the murder of Jews?

It is not that they are Jews. It is that they are criminals. It would not matter if they were Hindus.

Ah, so you support the death of Arabs in Israel down in that murderous black place that exists where your heart should be?
I am a girl- Yara Jouda, Gaza


I am a girl who has no dreams and maybe no future. In a blink of an eye, I could be without hands, heart and soul.

I am a girl who lives under a roof which is under a sky occupied by thousands of planes full of rockets, who is surrounded by land without anyone to work it, because everyone is afraid of being killed by soldiers in the watch towers, hidden but ready to fire at any time—without caring who they target and how their families will survive without them.

Beyond that, there is a sea that, as much as we love it, terrifies us, because it carries huge and creepy ships that can kill us as well.

Shall I also tell you about the beautiful park turned into scarred, barren land? Shall I tell you I would love to fly on a plane, but it I am so scared of being killed by one? Shall I tell you that I am scared to look at the sky and count the stars, because maybe they will suddenly turn into the lights that kill? I can't even write about these things that threaten my life without fearing I will die as a result.

See more at: I am a girl
Maybe by the time they grow up, the Death Cult will have killed them... or something like that.

Cool, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

How easily are you programmed by propaganda that you would actually characterize the intentional murder of innocent people based upon ethnicity as "self defense".

What is it in your background that has led you to the point you support the murder of Jews?

It is not that they are Jews. It is that they are criminals. It would not matter if they were Hindus.

Ah, so you support the death of Arabs in Israel down in that murderous black place that exists where your heart should be?

Those, lbrainwashed like you, that celebrate the death of thousands of Arab women and children at a pop by the Israelis every 2-3 years, claiming they are collateral damage, are in a black hole not merely a dark place.
Maybe by the time they grow up, the Death Cult will have killed them... or something like that.

Cool, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

How easily are you programmed by propaganda that you would actually characterize the intentional murder of innocent people based upon ethnicity as "self defense".

What is it in your background that has led you to the point you support the murder of Jews?

It is not that they are Jews. It is that they are criminals. It would not matter if they were Hindus.

Ah, so you support the death of Arabs in Israel down in that murderous black place that exists where your heart should be?

Those, lbrainwashed like you, that celebrate the death of thousands of Arab women and children at a pop by the Israelis every 2-3 years, claiming they are collateral damage, are in a black hole not merely a dark place.

Flail your Pom Poms in celebration as you parade the dead islamo-bodies around. The Arabs-Moslems celebrate those deaths as "martyrs". 'Human shields for Islamic terrorists" would be the more accurate term, but hey, when have you ever let facts get in the way of your propaganda?
Maybe by the time they grow up, the Death Cult will have killed them... or something like that.

Cool, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

How easily are you programmed by propaganda that you would actually characterize the intentional murder of innocent people based upon ethnicity as "self defense".

What is it in your background that has led you to the point you support the murder of Jews?

It is not that they are Jews. It is that they are criminals. It would not matter if they were Hindus.

Ah, so you support the death of Arabs in Israel down in that murderous black place that exists where your heart should be?

Those, lbrainwashed like you, that celebrate the death of thousands of Arab women and children at a pop by the Israelis every 2-3 years, claiming they are collateral damage, are in a black hole not merely a dark place.

Ah, so THAT'S why you support the murder of Jews.

It's because of things I have never said.

Got it.
The reason, of course, is that Palestinians were the ones who innovated these kinds of attacks, and they were reported in Arabic media in terms of being heroic military operations against Israelis. The phrase stuck even when reporting on Nice or Barcelona, since the shorthand that implicitly finds these attacks to be heroic remains as part of modern Arabic.

The first vehicle attack I am aware of was indeed Palestinian. It was in 2001 when an Arab bus driver aimed his bus at a group of soldiers at the Azor junction, killing seven soldiers and one civilian and injuring 26.

It was the first "heroic ramming operation." It occurred some nine years before Al Qaeda first recommended that tactic in its "Inspire" magazine.

Every time that the media reports on these types of attacks and pretends that they are a new European phenomenon, they are purposefully obscuring the fact that these attacks are yet another gift that Palestinian terrorists have given the world.

(full article online)

In Hebrew, they are terror attacks. In Arabic, they are "operations." ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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