Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Dr. Mustafa Barghouti

Oh give me a break. There is so much BS here I don't know where to start. Oh, let's start with this. Israel was just looking for an excuse to put metal detectors up and they were waiting for the excuse. Therefore, Arab violence is mostly Israel's fault.

Palestinians needs to do better. Arab violence gets a response -- the responsibility lies squarely on the Arabs. End of story.
An example of young Arab-Moslem virgin seekers last will.

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Crucial Facts About Latest Palestinian Terrorist Attack You May Have Missed

My will:

My will for you, my family, is that nobody cries during my procession to paradise, but rather distribute dates and utter trilling cries of joy during my martyrdom wedding.

And finally, I will say: see you soon in a paradise, whose width is only equal to heaven and earth and has been prepared for God-fearing people.

Our last prayer is thanks be to God, the lord of the worlds.

Living martyr,

Qutayba Ziad Zahran

In other words, he did it out of a religious desire to die a martyr and reach paradise. Note he makes no mention of life being unbearable or the “occupation.”
In the “Palestinians’” attempt to rewrite history and claim falsely that they and not the Jews are the indigenous people of the land of Israel, they have taken to claiming they have descended from the Canaanites. Since the Canaanites preceded the ancient Jews’ conquest of the land, that would make the Palestinians the rightful inheritors.

Problem with this claim is that it is utterly ridiculous from all points of view. First off, it means the Palestinians aren’t Arabs. Which they are, by their own lights. Arabs, though, came from Arabia and most certainly were not around in the Biblical land of Israel.

Second, there’s not a shred of evidence that the “Palestinians” were descended from the Canaanites. Nor is there any evidence they descended from any other unified people or tribe, for the simple reason they did not. The immediate forefathers of today’s “Palestinians” either considered themselves southern Syrians or just part of the Arab nation; many others immigrated to pre-Israel Palestine in the first half of the last century from a variety of non-Arab countries. And of course, since the invading Romans tried to erase the Jews’ claim to the land by giving Judea/Israel the meaningless name Palestina, there was never any such people as “the Palestinians”.

(full article online)

The Canaan falsehood | MelaniePhillips.com
In the “Palestinians’” attempt to rewrite history and claim falsely that they and not the Jews are the indigenous people of the land of Israel, they have taken to claiming they have descended from the Canaanites. Since the Canaanites preceded the ancient Jews’ conquest of the land, that would make the Palestinians the rightful inheritors.

Problem with this claim is that it is utterly ridiculous from all points of view. First off, it means the Palestinians aren’t Arabs. Which they are, by their own lights. Arabs, though, came from Arabia and most certainly were not around in the Biblical land of Israel.

Second, there’s not a shred of evidence that the “Palestinians” were descended from the Canaanites. Nor is there any evidence they descended from any other unified people or tribe, for the simple reason they did not. The immediate forefathers of today’s “Palestinians” either considered themselves southern Syrians or just part of the Arab nation; many others immigrated to pre-Israel Palestine in the first half of the last century from a variety of non-Arab countries. And of course, since the invading Romans tried to erase the Jews’ claim to the land by giving Judea/Israel the meaningless name Palestina, there was never any such people as “the Palestinians”.

(full article online)

The Canaan falsehood | MelaniePhillips.com

Of course the Palestinians are the indigenous people. They are descendants of the Jews, Samaritans, Pagans and others that converted to Christianity after Christianity became the state religion of Rome. When the Arabians conquered Palestine it was a Christian land inhabited by Christians. Your silly fake history is easily debunked. And, the inhabitants of Palestine were Palestinians at the time.
In the “Palestinians’” attempt to rewrite history and claim falsely that they and not the Jews are the indigenous people of the land of Israel, they have taken to claiming they have descended from the Canaanites. Since the Canaanites preceded the ancient Jews’ conquest of the land, that would make the Palestinians the rightful inheritors.

Problem with this claim is that it is utterly ridiculous from all points of view. First off, it means the Palestinians aren’t Arabs. Which they are, by their own lights. Arabs, though, came from Arabia and most certainly were not around in the Biblical land of Israel.

Second, there’s not a shred of evidence that the “Palestinians” were descended from the Canaanites. Nor is there any evidence they descended from any other unified people or tribe, for the simple reason they did not. The immediate forefathers of today’s “Palestinians” either considered themselves southern Syrians or just part of the Arab nation; many others immigrated to pre-Israel Palestine in the first half of the last century from a variety of non-Arab countries. And of course, since the invading Romans tried to erase the Jews’ claim to the land by giving Judea/Israel the meaningless name Palestina, there was never any such people as “the Palestinians”.

(full article online)

The Canaan falsehood | MelaniePhillips.com

Of course the Palestinians are the indigenous people. They are descendants of the Jews, Samaritans, Pagans and others that converted to Christianity after Christianity became the state religion of Rome. When the Arabians conquered Palestine it was a Christian land inhabited by Christians. Your silly fake history is easily debunked. And, the inhabitants of Palestine were Palestinians at the time.

It's truly comical to read your befuddled commentaries on indigenous people. How did the invading Christians from Europe magically transform into indigenous people?

Where is Palestine?
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