Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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That's too bad. The Islamic holy month of violence and killing is over.

Well good. Now time for gluttony and more violence and killing.

I didn't see any violence until Israel sent in its goons.

Indeed, Of course you didn't. Islamism is, after all, The Religion of Peace™.

That's why there's such peace and happiness across the Islamist Middle East.
Do any of those Jews "returning" have any evidence that they have ancestors from that territory?

What would you require for "proof" that could be applied objectively and universally?

For example, how would you apply the concept of "proof" to First Nations Americans? Or to Catalans? Or to Kurds? Or to Scots? Or, for that matter, to "Palestinians"?
Well, the Palestinians have records of citizenship.

But citizenship is not ancestry. You imply that ancestry gives some sort of legitimacy but then refuse to apply that definition to all peoples. You demand proof of ancestry for one group, while only proof of citizenship for the other. Thus an Arab family from elsewhere who buys a farm in "Palestine" in the 1930s is, according to you, a legitimate Palestinian while a Jewish family from elsewhere who buys a farm in "Palestine" in the 1930s is, according to you, a foreign invader.

You can't have it both ways. Either citizenship is the criteria we are using -- in which case both families listed above are legitimate. OR foreign familial birth is the criteria -- in which case neither of the families listed above are legitimate. Or ancestry is the criteria, which you have been unable to provide a definition for.

What criteria are you using to determine, in practice, who are "settler colonists" and "foreign invaders"? YOU are actually defining people as "foreign invaders" using their cultural and religious background as the criteria for that definition. You never use the terms "foreign invaders" or "settler colonists" when referring to people of Arabic cultural and religious background -- you use that exclusively for Jewish people.

So how about if I use the same criteria that you use -- their cultural and religious background? How to prove ancestry? Easy. Does their cultural and religious background match with the indigenous, pre-invasion culture? Well, let's check. Same language. Same religion. Same system of laws. Same holidays. Same life celebrations. Same traditional foods. Same traditional names. Same clothing. (etc, etc, etc). Well, well. It appears that it DOES, indeed, match. Ancestry proven. Using, actually, the same criteria that you use.

Now, let's check to see if I can apply that universally and objectively. I'm of Scots ancestry. I actually know that for certain because we have physical documentation of my family moving to Canada from Scotland. But let's say I didn't have that documentation. But I spoke Gaelic. And I celebrated uniquely Scottish holidays. And I wore a plaid which was passed down from generation to generation. And I named my children traditional Gaelic names. And we had parritch for breakfast most mornings. Would you be reasonably convinced that I had Scots ancestry? Of course you would.

See how that works? Works pretty well, I think. And we can apply it anywhere. To all cultures. To all peoples. And it turns out that its pretty easy to recognize a Jew. Jewish culture is pretty darn definitive. Much easier than recognizing a Scot. Or a Dane. Or a Swede.

Now, you can accept that criteria and keep using it to define your "foreign invaders", but you are a hypocrite if you do not ALSO use that same criteria for proof of ancestry.

Or you can reject that criteria and reject the premise of ancestry all together and stick to using only non-cultural definitions of "foreign invaders", but you will be a hypocrite if you do not ALSO do that when describing the Jewish people.

My, my. Quite a corner you have painted yourself into, isn't it?
"parritch" would make you of parrot decent, a true Scot would eat porridge
No I don't. I go by the reason they are there.

Oh give me a break. You assign meaning to "the reason they are there" based on their cultural background. You posted a story of a family of (Arab) foreign invaders from elsewhere as a heroes of "Palestine". Why weren't they "stealing land"?
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There are no 5 Million Palestinian refugees.
Those who lett in 1948 because their leaders told them to, or were expelled because they fought against Israel are dead, or nearly all dead.
The number is more like 20,000 now.

When the Muslims and UNWRA does build a conscience and stops using unwanted human beings to destroy Israel and kill Jews, the Palestinian refugee plight will come to an end and they will be treated like any other refugee.
Meaning: They will be allowed to become citizens of their host countries, be it Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, USA, Saudi Arabia, England, France, etc etc where they have moved to.

And when Hamas and Fatah put an end to their desire to destroy Israel, those people will become citizens of Gaza and or the Palestinian State once both declare Independence, just as Israel did, as the Kurds wish to do.

As it was done with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon once they accomplished what was required to become a State. As Jordan did. As Israel did.

Cry the poor victims of Jew hatred a river.

Get rid of that hatred and one will get rid of the suffering imposed on so many by groups like Hamas and Fatah and other Arab Leaders.


Treat Jews and Arabs who have no money or power like people.

They all deserve it.

It will end the Arab-Israel conflict.

There are no 5 Million Palestinian refugees.
Those who lett in 1948 because their leaders told them to, or were expelled because they fought against Israel are dead, or nearly all dead.
The number is more like 20,000 now.

When the Muslims and UNWRA does build a conscience and stops using unwanted human beings to destroy Israel and kill Jews, the Palestinian refugee plight will come to an end and they will be treated like any other refugee.
Meaning: They will be allowed to become citizens of their host countries, be it Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, USA, Saudi Arabia, England, France, etc etc where they have moved to.

And when Hamas and Fatah put an end to their desire to destroy Israel, those people will become citizens of Gaza and or the Palestinian State once both declare Independence, just as Israel did, as the Kurds wish to do.

As it was done with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon once they accomplished what was required to become a State. As Jordan did. As Israel did.

Cry the poor victims of Jew hatred a river.

Get rid of that hatred and one will get rid of the suffering imposed on so many by groups like Hamas and Fatah and other Arab Leaders.


Treat Jews and Arabs who have no money or power like people.

They all deserve it.

It will end the Arab-Israel conflict.
Oh jeese, more Israeli bullshit.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

There are no 5 Million Palestinian refugees.
Those who lett in 1948 because their leaders told them to, or were expelled because they fought against Israel are dead, or nearly all dead.
The number is more like 20,000 now.

When the Muslims and UNWRA does build a conscience and stops using unwanted human beings to destroy Israel and kill Jews, the Palestinian refugee plight will come to an end and they will be treated like any other refugee.
Meaning: They will be allowed to become citizens of their host countries, be it Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, USA, Saudi Arabia, England, France, etc etc where they have moved to.

And when Hamas and Fatah put an end to their desire to destroy Israel, those people will become citizens of Gaza and or the Palestinian State once both declare Independence, just as Israel did, as the Kurds wish to do.

As it was done with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon once they accomplished what was required to become a State. As Jordan did. As Israel did.

Cry the poor victims of Jew hatred a river.

Get rid of that hatred and one will get rid of the suffering imposed on so many by groups like Hamas and Fatah and other Arab Leaders.


Treat Jews and Arabs who have no money or power like people.

They all deserve it.

It will end the Arab-Israel conflict.
Oh jeese, more Israeli bullshit.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I relayed your thoughts to the Israeli Knesset and they still don't give a shit.

There are no 5 Million Palestinian refugees.
Those who lett in 1948 because their leaders told them to, or were expelled because they fought against Israel are dead, or nearly all dead.
The number is more like 20,000 now.

When the Muslims and UNWRA does build a conscience and stops using unwanted human beings to destroy Israel and kill Jews, the Palestinian refugee plight will come to an end and they will be treated like any other refugee.
Meaning: They will be allowed to become citizens of their host countries, be it Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, USA, Saudi Arabia, England, France, etc etc where they have moved to.

And when Hamas and Fatah put an end to their desire to destroy Israel, those people will become citizens of Gaza and or the Palestinian State once both declare Independence, just as Israel did, as the Kurds wish to do.

As it was done with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon once they accomplished what was required to become a State. As Jordan did. As Israel did.

Cry the poor victims of Jew hatred a river.

Get rid of that hatred and one will get rid of the suffering imposed on so many by groups like Hamas and Fatah and other Arab Leaders.


Treat Jews and Arabs who have no money or power like people.

They all deserve it.

It will end the Arab-Israel conflict.
Oh jeese, more Israeli bullshit.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Yeap, all I wrote would be Israeli bullshit to a peace loving, full of goodness for his fellowman, Christian like you.

You truly love the Palestinian people and want them to be free.

Or you truly hate the Jewish people and want them all to be dead.

I think the latter is closer to the truth.
Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces have detained a prominent activist after he called for PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas to resign, The Associated Press reported Monday.

A lawyer representing Issa Amro, an activist from Hevron, said his client was arrested after posting his comments on Facebook.

In addition, according to AP, Ayman Qawasmi, a Palestinian Arab reporter, was arrested on Sunday after writing that Abbas should resign for “failing to protect the Palestinian people.”

(full article online)

PA activist detained after calling for Abbas to resign


A Muslim tradition, not a Palestinian one, where the Muslims claim that the Al Aqsa Mosque is the third most important site of Islam (never before 1948), where Clowns are allowed to perform and so many other things not worthy of worshiping a religious place are allowed to happen.

All to celebrate something the Muslims borrowed 100% from the Jews.
The Patriarch Abraham sacrifice of his son, and all the Jewish history after it, transferred to his other son Ishmael, who did not marry an Arab and did not create the Arab people they now insist is their ancestral history.

It is absolutely sad that so much Arab tribal history has been now forgotten or destroyed to give place to the amazingly endless robbery of the Jewish History, culture, etc.
[Sacrifice a lamb, sacrifice a Jew....on the Temple Mount, Islam's third holiest site, cough, cough]

IDF and Shin Bet forces arrested an Arab from the village of Beit Awwa in the South Hevron Hills on suspicions of incitement and support for a hostile organization.

The suspect, Nagy Mohammed Alswiti, a senior employee in the office of the PA preventive security chief in Jenin, published content on Facebook in which he called for violent acts against Jews, and expressed praise and support for acts of terror.

(full article online)

Incitement on Facebook: 'Spill blood on the Dome of the Rock'
At the moment, the “Palestinian narrative” is winning, hands down. This should not be happening, not only because the facts do not support that story but because the Jewish story is so much more glorious and empowering.

Why would you root for the story of the perpetual victim when you could choose the story of those who miraculously overcame all odds? Why would you choose the story of violence and hate over the story of self-sacrifice and love?

To put it in a completely different light, the “Palestinian” narrative is most damaging to Arabs. Their story does not inspire the creation of a better life for the downtrodden. In fact, it is a story that keeps the downtrodden, down. It teaches Arab youth that they are victims of the Jew, that the path to improving their lives is to throw their own lives away in attempt to be rid of the Jews. Instead of teaching life, this story teaches death – for the Jew and often for the Arab as well.

And while the majority of the Arab population is busy hating the Jew, fighting the Jew, Arab rulers are busy enjoying the opulence of their corruption. The Arab people suffer while their rulers have access to all the comforts and pleasures of life. More than it is used against the Jewish people, the “Palestinian” narrative is used by Arab and Muslim leaders to distract, control and retain power over their own people.

(full article online)

Unravelling the “narrative” (Forest Rain) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Tamimi was included in a list of “human rights defenders” in a recent report by S. Michael Lynk, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the disputed territories.

In response, NGO Monitor, a Jerusalem-based organization that tracks the activities and funding of self-described human rights groups, informed the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights that Tamimi has during the past two years authored tweets such as: “Vampire zionist celebrating their Kebore day [written on Yom Kippur] by drinking Palestinian bloods, yes our blood is pure & delicious but it will kill u at the end.” In another tweet Aug. 1, 2015, she said, “I do hate israel, i do hate zionism, i wish a third Intefada coming soon and people rais up and kills all these zionist settlers everywhere.”

In a Twitter exchange Aug. 20 with NGO Monitor spokesman Daniel Laufer, Tamimi wrote, “I’m not a Jew heater [sic], I have a very good Jew friends, I hate Zionists & I’m not denying that, Zionism, KKK and ISIS R all same 4 me.”

In response to the NGO Monitor complaint, the U.N. agency removed Tamimi from the roster of “human rights defenders” in Lynk’s report.

(full article online)

(full article online)

Palestinian ‘Supermom’ Says ‘Vampire Zionists’ Drink Arab Blood
At the moment, the “Palestinian narrative” is winning, hands down. This should not be happening, not only because the facts do not support that story but because the Jewish story is so much more glorious and empowering.

Why would you root for the story of the perpetual victim when you could choose the story of those who miraculously overcame all odds? Why would you choose the story of violence and hate over the story of self-sacrifice and love?

To put it in a completely different light, the “Palestinian” narrative is most damaging to Arabs. Their story does not inspire the creation of a better life for the downtrodden. In fact, it is a story that keeps the downtrodden, down. It teaches Arab youth that they are victims of the Jew, that the path to improving their lives is to throw their own lives away in attempt to be rid of the Jews. Instead of teaching life, this story teaches death – for the Jew and often for the Arab as well.

And while the majority of the Arab population is busy hating the Jew, fighting the Jew, Arab rulers are busy enjoying the opulence of their corruption. The Arab people suffer while their rulers have access to all the comforts and pleasures of life. More than it is used against the Jewish people, the “Palestinian” narrative is used by Arab and Muslim leaders to distract, control and retain power over their own people.

(full article online)

Unravelling the “narrative” (Forest Rain) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You are full of shit, as usual. Why don't the Palestinians build a life?

Daoud Nassar talks about saving his family's land, the Tent of Nations. In May 2014 1,500 trees were uprooted in the middle of the night.

How can Palestinians build a life when the assholes keep destroying it.
At the moment, the “Palestinian narrative” is winning, hands down. This should not be happening, not only because the facts do not support that story but because the Jewish story is so much more glorious and empowering.

Why would you root for the story of the perpetual victim when you could choose the story of those who miraculously overcame all odds? Why would you choose the story of violence and hate over the story of self-sacrifice and love?

To put it in a completely different light, the “Palestinian” narrative is most damaging to Arabs. Their story does not inspire the creation of a better life for the downtrodden. In fact, it is a story that keeps the downtrodden, down. It teaches Arab youth that they are victims of the Jew, that the path to improving their lives is to throw their own lives away in attempt to be rid of the Jews. Instead of teaching life, this story teaches death – for the Jew and often for the Arab as well.

And while the majority of the Arab population is busy hating the Jew, fighting the Jew, Arab rulers are busy enjoying the opulence of their corruption. The Arab people suffer while their rulers have access to all the comforts and pleasures of life. More than it is used against the Jewish people, the “Palestinian” narrative is used by Arab and Muslim leaders to distract, control and retain power over their own people.

(full article online)

Unravelling the “narrative” (Forest Rain) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You are full of shit, as usual. Why don't the Palestinians build a life?

Daoud Nassar talks about saving his family's land, the Tent of Nations. In May 2014 1,500 trees were uprooted in the middle of the night.

How can Palestinians build a life when the assholes keep destroying it.

(Video 1)
From a comment of the video on youtube
"what is the reason that the army is doing this? If you dig you will find that these shopkeepers have built their shops on land that is not theirs. If you build a store on land you don't own - then you have to move."

[What, Palestinian Arabs building on land which is not theirs, in 2007?]
(Video 2 )Oops!!! No Permit !!! Tsk, tsk, tsk !!!

The Dutch gamble
(video 3) Ooops, another State Land

Here is what really happened.

On May 11 2014 Nassar received an order from the Israeli authorities to stop cultivating the orchards. The order stated that the orchards were on ‘state land’ and that cultivating the land was forbidden by law. The authorities ordered the removal of the trees. The plots in question are situated in a valley hundreds of meters away from Nassar’s farm.

The missing piece in the story about Daoud Nassar’s trees | Missing Peace | missingpeace.eu | EN


Horrible Israelis or thieving Palestinians and their European supporters?
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