Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Solidarity Demonstration: Arab-Moslems posing as Pal*istanians with Arab-Moslem terrorists.

[How so many Arab and non Arab countries STILL do not care for those Arabs they call Palestinians]

I don't know whether any Palestinian Syrians are among the 50,000. This article from January implies that Turkey makes it difficult for many Palestinians to enter, while this one says that their legal status in Turkey is unclear, thanks to UNRWA being their official agency and not UNHCR.

But while 50,000 is still a small number compared to the total number of Syrian refugees in Turkey, the government's willingness to allow tens of thousands to become citizens after a few years stands in stark contrast to the refusal of nearly every Arab state to allow Palestinians to become citizens after nearly 70 years of statelessness.

Turkey granting citizenship to 50K Syrians. Palestinians still shafted. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[And here is 77% of Palestine's, aka Jordan, treatment of all non Hashemite Arabs on its land]

Isn't it curious that Jordan considers over 2 million of its own citizens - people who have been citizens of Jordan for nearly 70 years - to still be "refugees" that are a burden on its resources like Syrian and Iraqi refugees are?

This has not been the only casual disparagement of Palestinians by Jordan's royal family this year. In an interview with the Washington Post in May, Jordan's King Abdullah mentioned a startling statistic:
In 2016, for the first time, we captured and killed 40 ISIS terrorists in two major incidents. Ninety-six percent of them were of Palestinian origin.

Jordan's royal family doesn't quite consider its Palestinian citizens to be - citizens ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[And this is the Palestinians latest moves towards peace with Israel]

  • The agreement makes no reference to Hamas's security control over the Gaza Strip. This means that Hamas and its armed wing, Ezaddin Al-Qassam, will remain the main "law-enforcers" in the Gaza Strip. The idea that Hamas would allow Mahmoud Abbas's security forces to return to the Gaza Strip is pure illusion.

  • There is no mention in the agreement of Hamas's political and ideological agenda. The agreement does not require Hamas to abandon its charter, which calls for the elimination of Israel. Nor does it require Hamas to lay down its arms and accept Israel's right to exist.

  • The agreement absolves Hamas of its financial responsibilities towards its constituents in the Gaza Strip. The resumption of Palestinian Authority (PA) funds to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip will allow Hamas to redirect its resources and energies to building up its military capabilities in preparation for war with Israel. Hamas will no longer have to worry about salaries and electricity and medical supplies to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip because Abbas will be taking care of that.

  • The agreement facilitates Hamas's effort to project itself as a legitimate player in the Palestinian arena and win international recognition and sympathy. Hamas will now be able to market itself as a legitimate partner in Abbas's Western-funded PA governments.
(full article online)

The True Enemies of the Palestinians

One of Rasmea’s main support groups, the U.S. Palestinian Community Network, knew better. It tweeted out images of Rasmea’s family and friends waiting for her at the airport in Amman, Jordan:


(full article online)

Terrorist Rasmea Odeh lies one last time as she is deported
[Jordan is Palestine, or it will be someday]

Jordanian officials tell their concerned friends in the West that Jordan has a free press, and, besides, these views are for domestic consumption, and should not be taken literally, writes Sharnoff, who notes that the free press argument is weak, seeing as in June 2017 Jordan revoked Al Jazeera’s license.

Sharnoff warns that “the Kingdom’s toleration of anti-Semitic propaganda violates the spirit of the 1994 peace treaty and actually harms Jordanian and Israeli interests.”

There may be another explanation to this phenomenon: why do Jordanians, who are about 80% “Palestinians,” hate Israel and the Jews with such a fervor despite the enormous advantages, economic and security-wise, Jordan receives from Israel? Because Jordanian anti-Semitism is another proof of the vast distance between the ruling Bedouin King Abdullah II and his citizenry, or, in other words – Jordan is actually Palestine. Sooner or later, that will become the reality in a post-Hashemite Jordan.

(full article online)

Jordan’s Media’s Depraved Anti-Semitism Puts in Question Close Ties with US | The Jewish Press | David Israel | 5 Tishri 5778 – September 24, 2017 | JewishPress.com
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