Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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UNRWA, Bedein explained, paints itself as a humanitarian organization that’s doing good work, but it hides its ties to Hamas and that organization’s terrorist network.

“The people in PR for UNRWA paint themselves as Mother Theresa. They do a good job selling their product, like the cigarette industry,” he said, adding that donor nations are often taken in by the slick propaganda.

At one point, there was widespread acceptance of UNRWA’s claim that it was introducing a Holocaust curriculum in its schools. That never happened, Bedein said, but “very sophisticated guys in the Israeli administration fell for it, as did Jewish organizations.”

And according to Groiss’s report, “The books used in UNRWA’s schools in its various areas of operation often advocate an armed struggle against Israel, which is denied legitimacy as a sovereign state and severely demonized.”

(full article online)

Canada urged to monitor funds sent to UNRWA - The Canadian Jewish News
Irael, and the USA, and India, and a few other countries would be the last ones to ever use Nuclear weapons.

What about addressing the facts I have quoted?
USA already used nukes against civilians, and I have quoted a prominent Jewish expert who said in plain English that Israel will destroy the European capitals, if the Zionist regime is doomed.
Official Israel never disavowed this expert.

Martin Levi van Creveld (Hebrew: מרטין ון קרפלד‎‎; born 5 March 1946) is an Israeli military historian and theorist.
Martin van Creveld - Wikipedia
Irael, and the USA, and India, and a few other countries would be the last ones to ever use Nuclear weapons.

What about addressing the facts I have quoted?
USA already used nukes against civilians, and I have quoted a prominent Jewish expert who said in plain English that Israel will destroy the European capitals, if the Zionist regime is doomed.
Official Israel never disavowed this expert.

Martin Levi van Creveld (Hebrew: מרטין ון קרפלד‎‎; born 5 March 1946) is an Israeli military historian and theorist.
Martin van Creveld - Wikipedia
Art, have you done the research on what Van Creveld may have said?
Did you read David Hirst's book?

Where did you find the idea that Van Cleveld said that Israel meant to destroy the world if it did not get its way?

Please give me the source of where you read it. Thanks.
Where did you find the idea that Van Cleveld said that Israel meant to destroy the world if it did not get its way?

Please give me the source of where you read it. Thanks.

Read my previous posts, you will find the quotes and the links.
Where did you find the idea that Van Cleveld said that Israel meant to destroy the world if it did not get its way?

Please give me the source of where you read it. Thanks.

Read my previous posts, you will find the quotes and the links.
Sorry, I do not have the time to peruse all of your posts. I checked the first few pages of this thread.
It does not answer my questions.
Where did you find the idea that Van Cleveld said that Israel meant to destroy the world if it did not get its way?

Please give me the source of where you read it. Thanks.

Read my previous posts, you will find the quotes and the links.
Ok, let us go back to your first post on this "Part 2" thread, which is supposed to deal with "Who are the Palestinians", but you are using this title not for the purpose of discussing who are the Palestinians, but to attempt to discuss something which was said by Moshe Dayan, how many years ago, and of which you are scared to death, as you do live in Europe.

This is some of what your first post says:

[Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's The Gun and the Olive Branch(2003) as saying:

We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan:

'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.'

I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third.

We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.[30]

Samson Option - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia]

Now, we are about 15 years away from what Van Creveld allegedly said. Since then, we have had
1) a massive immigration of Muslims into Europe
2) an increase of Muslim terrorist attacks in Europe
3) Iran has been somewhat freed to work on Nuclear capabilities, and has threatened Israel and the USA with destroying each of them.
4) North Korea has been firing missiles over Japan, and threatening Israel and the USA with those missiles.
First of all, without understanding why anyone in Israel would have said the above, if indeed they did, you seem to be hiding in your panic room and screaming for help.

Here is an article I found showing how sound Van Cleverd's words are,
assuming he ever said them:


Read it. Several times.
If you do realize that indeed Frontstorrm or any other anti Israel site is where you got all this panicky idea that Israel has every intention of destroying Europe first, then you do have something to work on.

Ask yourself this question:
1) If Israel was at war with Hamas, PLO and Hezbollah, as it is, and was dealing with Intifadas and wars from all of them which were killing hundreds of Jews in Israel, why in the world would Israel bother to nuke Europe and not any of its enemies?

So in other words, you take the "Sampson Option" as some others have brought up "Plan Dalet" and try to make omelet out of it.

But what you are truly coming up with, without knowing it, is rotten eggs.

You are attempting to force an "option" as if it was the "first option".

The USA and all other countries have "options" and the USA does have the "nuclear option" as well in case Iran, North Korea or any other country actually attempted to fire a nuclear missile against it.

Does it mean that it is going to fire a Nuclear missile first, or just because? Of course not.

The USA, Israel, India and many others, have the Nuclear option as a deterrent against those who have many times expressed the desire to obliterate those countries. Especially in the case of Israel and the USA.

Art, drink some tea. Have some cumprets or whichever delicatessen you enjoy the most.

Stop worrying, and especially stop accusing Israel of what it has no intention of doing, especially first.

If you are not worried about Iran, North Korea, and a few others instead of Israel, then you truly have some issues to deal with.

No one, in their right mind, is taking your severe panics seriously.

[Here is a Muslim threatening Israel with.....what exactly?]

A few points for those who don't follow Hezbollah closely.

When Nasrallah says "settlers" he means all Jews in Israel.

When he says "occupied territories" he means all of Israel.

He is saying that Jews should leave to save their lives in the next war - but strangely he doesn't call for 2 million Arabs to leave. Meaning that either he wants to see them killed or he's blustering.

Since he is so interested in having people go back to their countries of origin, perhaps it is time for Nasrallah - who claims to be a direct descendant of Mohammed through his daughter (that's what Sayyed means) - to return to the areas where Mohammed lived.

Because Mohammed sure never lived in Israel. And the Jews sure did.

[Full article online]

Nasrallah calls for Jews to "return to where they came from." (Maybe he should move to Arabia.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There you have it. Love isn't the most powerful force on Earth. Neither is gravity or electromagnetism. Not hurricanes or earthquakes. Nor the desire for food or sex or fame. There is no political or ideological or biological or physical force today more powerful than Zionism.

We rock!

Yet somehow Israel still takes up less than 0.004% of the world's surface area. Somehow Israel can't just annex the territories it supposedly controls and expel the Arabs, which people like Najjar know is what Zionism is all about. The most powerful and insidious force on the planet can't do what countless nations have done to far more people in the most barbaric ways without an ounce of guilt.

What is wrong with us Zionists? By now you would have thought we'd have taken over Asia at least, and killed a couple of million Arabs. Especially since we're so immoral and intent on expansionism and colonialism, addicted to destroying other peoples and (probably) poisoning wells and killing prophets and killing gentile children to drink their blood.

Najjar also calls Zionism a "Jewish supremacist ideology that is dismissive of the human rights of non-Jews." This coming from someone whose entire article is dismissive of the human rights of Jews to self-determination.

(full article online)

Palestinian academic: "Zionism is the most insidiously powerful force on the planet" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"One of the hardest things I have ever done is combating anti-black racism in the Arab-American community, challenging my own people on issues around racism, around anti-Semitism.That is my job to do, not your job to do."
Really? Because when an Arab American looked into Sarsour last year, it was found that she is indeed a racist herself:

It turns out Sarsour is known to harbor an ugly racism towards African-Americans which makes her latching onto the BLM movement all the more galling. She rarely associated with or interacted with African-Americans (this explains why she views African-Americans through the prism of racist, media stereotypes) until the “activist” with political aspirations realized it can be to her benefit. Sarsour’s racism which she is now trying to hide is common knowledge among the Arab-American community in NY.

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour claims she fights Arab antisemitism and racism. Really? When?? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[If only the Arabs would stop teaching hatred in their schools]

Fatah presents arch-terrorist Abu Jihad
and planner of Munich Olympics massacre Salah Khalaf
as role models for youth


Faces from left to right: Yasser Arafat, Abu Jihad, and Salah Khalaf.
[Facebook page of the Dar Salah High School for Girls in the Bethlehem District, Sept., 17. 2017]
  • Cover of free diary distributed by Fatah's youth movement Shabiba to high school students shows photos of Abu Jihad who was responsible for murder of 125 Israelis and Salah Khalaf, head of Black September and planner of murders of 11 Israeli athletes in Munich Olympics in 1972

(full article online)

Fatah’s educational message to youth - PMW Bulletins
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