Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[Tell a lie enough times.......]

Most of these incidents never happened, of course. The monks were hostages. The church was desecrated. Nuns took care of the wounded, not the terrorists. They never killed four Israeli soldiers. The idea that no one in Bethlehem could go to the hospital for weeks is ludicrous. The story of the mother being forced to speak at gunpoint is fiction.

To have such a play glorifying terror to be performed at NYU is outrageous.

(full article online)

Scene-by-scene description of anti-Israel play, The Siege, at NYU theatre ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Dr. Irene Calis

Emancipated Palestinian Futures? Hard Lessons from the South African Dream Deferred

They do not, properly speaking, form a nation. There is among them neither coherency nor spirit of patriotism. Just as the wild Bedaween are divided into distinct and generally hostile tribes, so the peasantry (Fellahheen) are divided into clans governed by their respective sheikhs. They speak a common, language, they possess a common religion; their manners and customs are generally the same all over the country. Yet of national unity there is absolutely none.They never combine for any purpose excepting when occasionally some clans aid each other in their faction fights. They are all classed, it is true, under the two great divisions of Yemeny and Kais, wearing white or red as the badge of these parties; but even then there is nothing among them approaching to the co-operation of patriots as a nation, ready and willing to join hand in hand for the mother country. The Turkish government well understand this important fact and take it into practical account in. their method of ruling the land. This state of things is in itself enough to explain in great measure the backward condition of the people at large. They have no national life. Every district lives in and for itself, and wages its own petty wars with its neighbours, but has neither interests nor action in common with any other.

(full article online)

1872 researcher says explicitly that Palestine Arabs had no national character ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
They do not, properly speaking, form a nation. There is among them neither coherency nor spirit of patriotism. Just as the wild Bedaween are divided into distinct and generally hostile tribes, so the peasantry (Fellahheen) are divided into clans governed by their respective sheikhs. They speak a common, language, they possess a common religion; their manners and customs are generally the same all over the country. Yet of national unity there is absolutely none.They never combine for any purpose excepting when occasionally some clans aid each other in their faction fights. They are all classed, it is true, under the two great divisions of Yemeny and Kais, wearing white or red as the badge of these parties; but even then there is nothing among them approaching to the co-operation of patriots as a nation, ready and willing to join hand in hand for the mother country. The Turkish government well understand this important fact and take it into practical account in. their method of ruling the land. This state of things is in itself enough to explain in great measure the backward condition of the people at large. They have no national life. Every district lives in and for itself, and wages its own petty wars with its neighbours, but has neither interests nor action in common with any other.

(full article online)

1872 researcher says explicitly that Palestine Arabs had no national character ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

.....and little had changed by the 1920s-40s when the Al Husayni and Nashashibi clans were at odds with each other.

Needless to say, had the Nashibi rather than the al Husayni clan won out in the end, the world would be a vastly more peaceful place today.
[Here are the people who won't negotiate for peace, won't put their weapons down, because ALL of the Mandate for Palestine is MUSLIM land, and must be returned to Muslims. Here is the party Abbas is President of. The "Moderate" one willing to make peace with Israel ]

Fatah: "From the sea of the blood of the Martyrs
we will create the State of Palestine"

Fatah: Dying for Allah “will create the State of Palestine” - PMW Bulletins
[Here are the people who won't negotiate for peace, won't put their weapons down, because ALL of the Mandate for Palestine is MUSLIM land, and must be returned to Muslims. Here is the party Abbas is President of. The "Moderate" one willing to make peace with Israel ]

Fatah: "From the sea of the blood of the Martyrs
we will create the State of Palestine"

Fatah: Dying for Allah “will create the State of Palestine” - PMW Bulletins
So, when will Israel lay down its arm for peace?
[Here are the people who won't negotiate for peace, won't put their weapons down, because ALL of the Mandate for Palestine is MUSLIM land, and must be returned to Muslims. Here is the party Abbas is President of. The "Moderate" one willing to make peace with Israel ]

Fatah: "From the sea of the blood of the Martyrs
we will create the State of Palestine"

Fatah: Dying for Allah “will create the State of Palestine” - PMW Bulletins
So, when will Israel lay down its arm for peace?
You know exactly what would have happened from 1936-1939 if Jews did not start to arm themselves. They would be all dead from the endless incitement by Al Husseini.

You know exactly what would have happened in 1948 if the Jews and others in Israel had not been armed to fight the 5 Arab armies invasion into their new country. They would all be dead.

You know exactly what would have happened in 1967, in 1973 if Israel had not been armed to defend itself again from Arab invasion. They would all be dead.

You know exactly what would happen if Israel had given in after the 1st and 2nd Intifada to the endless attacks by the Arabs. All Jews would be dead.

You know exactly that All extremist Arab Muslim want the end of Israel and the Jews to either leave or be again nothing but dhimmis to the Muslims as Jews were for 1300 years before that.

So, when is Israel laying down its weapons for peace?

When the Arabs come to the table and really want peace and really want to finally create a Palestine State BUT NOT on the back of Israel, or with Israel SIX FEET UNDER.
What a Christian you are. You are for hatred and not for love. For war and not peace.
For Jews always giving in and never having rights.

Gratefully not all Christians are like you and many respect the Jewish people for the Human beings they are. Whereas You do not.
You know exactly what would have happened from 1936-1939 if Jews did not start to arm themselves.
Indeed, they would have to set their settler colonial project aside.

Settler colonialism, by its nature, is aggression.
The Jews cannot and will not set aside their rights over their own ancient land.
Especially to people who's Koran instructs them not only mistreat Jews, but to kill them wherever they are.

Either Hamas and Fatah can come to the table and make peace and renounce any more aggressions against Jews in Israel and everywhere else in the world, or they are going to continue to experience the shortcoming of declaring war on Israel.
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