Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[Just like what upset the Arabs in 1920-1921 riots. Jews doing what Jews do. Jews in the "West Bank" = settlers. Jews in Israel = settlers. Jews on any Muslim conquered land = invaders ]

This prompted Palestinian media to recoil in horror that Friedman was performing "Talmudic rituals" with "thousands of settlers" at the "western wall of Al Aqsa Mosque."

(ful article online)

Palestinians upset that Ambassador Friedman "performed Talmudic rituals" at Kotel today ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
PHOTO: Young Palestinian men smile during banana harvest season in Jericho, circa 1930.

Except that they would not have caught themselves even dead calling themselves "Palestinians". Many called themselves Syrians. They wanted to be part of Greater Syria post Ottoman Empire.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: “Occupation” has become an all-purpose Palestinian tool. On the one hand, the Palestinians claim the Israeli “occupation” makes serious negotiations with Israel impossible. On the other, they claim the “occupation” makes the development of local institutions and civil society impossible. Western and Israeli diplomats have largely avoided criticism of this strategy, possibly because it has become a central tenet of Palestinian identity.
A consistent Palestinian strategy for seeking statehood while blaming Israel for its absence has been codified through the narrative of “occupation.” The anniversary of the 1967 war brought this to the forefront in endless accusations regarding the Israeli “occupation” of the West Bank. There is even an assertion that Gaza is still “occupied.”

Occupation is a Palestinian tool to avoid negotiations, since “no tactical brilliance in negotiations, no amount of expert preparation, no perfect alignment of the stars can overcome that obstacle.” Nor is progress in Palestinian economics, institution-building, or civil society possible, because – as Nabeel Kassis, Palestinian Minister for Finance, put it – “Development under occupation is a charade.” Even the Palestinian Authority’s own repression and crackdown on freedom of the press is, according to Hanan Ashrawi, caused “of course [by] the Israeli occupation.” And despite the palpable underdevelopment of Palestinian institutions and civil society, Europe must keep funding them, since “Preparedness for several possible scenarios with a long-term focus on functioning institutions is what is required from the EU and other donors in Palestine.”

(full article online)

How Palestine “Occupies” Itself
As readers may recall, the BBC did not report al Arouri’s claim of Hamas responsibility for the kidnappings and murders of the three Israeli teenagers in 2014 or his designation by the US Treasury in 2015. Neither did it inform audiences of al Arouri’s forced relocation from Turkey to Qatar and subsequently to Beirut or of his visit to Tehran in August.

Similarly, BBC audiences have yet to see any coverage of al Arouri’s appointment to the second most important position in the Hamas terror organisation.

(full article online)

BBC ignores appointment of new Hamas deputy chief
The complaint was submitted in collaboration with the Jewish community of Ibiza, Spain. It details how Khaled used her position in the PFLP to “trivialize the Holocaust, compare Israel to Nazi Germany and advocate for indiscriminate violence against civilians,” the group said in a statement. Additionally, The Lawfare Project has applied for a European warrant for the arrest of Khaled and for her inclusion in the European Union (EU) and Interpol criminal databases.

Khaled, 73, hijacked a civilian American airplane in 1969 and forced it to land in Damascus, Syria, handing two Israeli civilians to Syrian authorities. Syria held the Israelis in custody for three months before trading them for Syrian prisoners of war held by Israel.

A year later, she was arrested by Israeli security officials while in possession of two hand grenades ahead of an attempt to hijack an El Al flight from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv.

(full article online)

Organization Files Terrorism Charges with Spanish Court Against Palestinian Hijacker
Normalizing Muslims in the minds of the masses is on the agenda of social justice warriors.

Tommy Robinson does a great job breaking down how “normal” people who have been thrown our way in order to show us what truly peaceful Muslims are really like.

In truth, these are people who support terrorist groups – in England and Israel.

Not only are these Muslims nothing even close to moderates – the presenter of the show himself is also no moderate either.

Sometimes the stereotypes that we have are well-deserved.

(vide video online)

Tommy Robinson: Channel 4's "Moderate" Muslims
Since a Palestinian terrorist murdered 3 Israelis last month, Fatah, which is headed by Mahmoud Abbas, has repeatedly emphasized his status as hero. Palestinian Media Watch reported that only a few hours after the murders, Fatah celebrated the morning scented with the fragrance of the Martyrs.

Subsequently, Fatah has issued and distributed a poster glorifying murderer Nimr Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Jamal who shot and murdered an Israeli border police officer and two security guards and wounded another Israeli at the entrance to Har Adar, northwest of Jerusalem, on Sept. 26, 2017.

In a PA TV News broadcast, the murderer's children and others were seen holding the Fatah issued poster which displays a large picture of terrorist murderer Nimr Al-Jamal, together with pictures Mahmoud Abbas and Yasser Arafat, with the text:

"With all honor and pride,
The Fatah Movement, Jerusalem district, Beit Surik branch, mourns the death of its heroic Martyr Nimr Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Jamal."
[Official PA TV News, Sept. 29, 2017

(full article online)

Fatah glorifies murderer of 3 Israelis - PMW Bulletins
Youssef, who styles himself as a human rights activist, called the Supreme Court decision "ridiculous," adding how ironic it was that Israel allowed Jews to "break into the sanctities of others and desecrate the Al-Aqsa Mosque continuously" while pretending to care about the holiness of the site by banning soccer.

Youssef heads a previously unheard-of NGO, the "Integrity Foundation for Humanitarian and Human Rights (Hayat Haq)". Before that he headed a similarly sketchy organization called the International Public Foundation to Aid Gaza which seems to have done nothing to actually help anyone in Gaza.

Essam Youssef is not the first Palestinian to try to grab headlines by characterizing himself as a human rights leader when in fact he is using a fake interest in human rights as a way to enrich himself. NGOs are a big business in the territories.

(full article online)

Palestinians say Muslim soccer on the Temple Mount is a "human right" - as is no Jews there ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[National Liberation = putting an end to Israel and connecting all parts as Muslim parts, because Gaza was ok from 1948 to 1967 but is no more since Muslims lost it to Israel. And getting Jews out of it is not enough. We are still "occupied". All of Palestine must be returned to Muslim hands, ALL Muslim hands]

“I won’t accept the reproduction of the Hezbollah experience in Lebanon” in Gaza, Abbas said in an interview late last Monday with the Egyptian news station CBC.

On Saturday, Hamas spokesperson and political bureau member Hasam Bardan pushed back against Abbas’s comparison.

“It is not logical to compare any regional situation to the Palestinian situation, neither the case of Hezbollah nor anyone else. We are a people living under occupation,” Bardan told the Palestinian daily Al-Quds in an interview.

(full article online)

Hamas rebuffs comparison by Abbas to Hezbollah terror group
[Can one imagine if all prisoners in all conflicts got paid a salary while still in prison? Only Palestinians can come up with this.
First, forever refugees (or until Israel is destroyed). Now this !
Oh, yes, and Jerusalem is their "eternal" Capital.]

According to the official PA news agency Wafa, Fatah leader and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said at the meeting that Jerusalem was "the eternal capital of the state of Palestine."

He praised the 'victory' of the Arab residents of Jerusalem for the "tyranny of the occupation" after the thwarting of the installation of metal detectors at the entrance to the Temple Mount.

Abbas stated that there was an inherent danger in the Balfour Declaration, which was issued 100 years ago, and stressed the importance of calling for Britain to apologize for the "historic injustice" caused to the Palestinian Arabs by the declaration, as well as for the cancellation of all events marking the anniversary of the declaration.

(full article online)

Abbas says 'no' to Trump
[if you repeat a lie long enough.....]

The play is based on an event that took place between April 2 and May 10, 2002, during which 39 armed terrorists barricaded themselves in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, taking 46 monks and 200 civilians, including children, hostage. The terrorists booby-trapped the holy site and threatened to blow it up and kill the hostages. At the end of long negotiations, 13 of the terrorists were deported abroad, the rest were expelled to the Gaza Strip, and Israeli military sappers defused the explosives that threatened one of Christianity's holiest sites.

But the playbill seems to have twisted the facts in favor of a clear anti-Israeli agenda.

(full article online)

Anti-Israel play about terrorists twists facts, sparks outrage – Israel Hayom
I have finished reading The Anti-Israel Agenda, Inside the Political War on the Jewish State, edited by Alex Ryvchin

A book review is forthcoming, but I wanted to look up something that Seth Frantzman, op-ed editor at the Jerusalem Post, wrote in his chapter on media bias.

An essay by James Estrin in the Times in 2014 claimed to show a Palestinian girl throwing a javelin at Al Quds University with the Israeli security barrier in the background. This writer happens to teach at Al Quds University and in four years there has never seen javelin practice conducted in the area in which the photo was taken. The photographer created a perfect political backdrop to suggest that Palestinians cannot practice javelin except under the shadow of an Israeli wall.

Here is the article and the photo:

(vide photos online)

Some 2014 Pallywood scenes of Al Quds University sports practice ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The murderer, interviewed by the ever-eager media (take a bow Associated Press and Al Jazeera) has lately been responding to their questions by saying she's innocent, she did nothing wrong, she's shocked that the American authorities, the Department of Justice, the FBI are going after her "for no obvious reasons". Those are all direct quotes.

There's an unusually large body of readily-accessible video material in which Ahlam Tamimi, the psychopathic Hamas jihadist, boasts of the murders she executed, reinforcing again and again that she has no regrets and why should she.

Here are some screen shots from just one: it's available via YouTube [here] for anyone wanting to see the whole clip.

(full article and photos online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 08-Oct-17: Why kill religious Jewish children? Because, says Hamas celebrity-jihadist, this is a religious struggle
An Arab Muslim Zionist??? You do not hear those 3 words together very often.

Yahya Mahamed grew up in the 3rd largest Arab city in Israel. He wants to share the truth about Israel, despite what he grew up learning about the Jewish state.

This guy may not be representative of a silent majority. But, he does say it like it is.

In 2002, something happened and he changed his mind.

Arab-Israeli StandWithUs Educator Yahya speaks out at WITS University in South Africa
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