Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Khaled Barakat: Criminalizing People's Liberation Movements

Scrap the so-called terrorist list

Khaled Barakat: Criminalizing People's Liberation Movements

Scrap the so-called terrorist list

How ironic. Israel IS the liberation movement (a successful one) of the Jewish people. And the international community has managed to criminalize the presence of Jews. Just being in a place has become a crime, if your Jewish.
Mustafa Barghouthi: The Issue of Palestine is the Mother of All Middle East Conflicts

"The mother of all nonsensical banter"

How strange that the past and current history of Moslems slaughtering each other wholesale has such little relevance for Arabs-Moslems.
Another PMW success as Belgium freezes funding of PA schools - PMW Bulletins

Another PMW success
as Belgium freezes funding of PA schools

  • Two weeks ago PMW exposed and notified the Belgium government that a Palestinian school it had funded was renamed after terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi
In response to PMW’s report the Belgium Foreign Ministry’s spokesman has now announced:
  • Belgium will put on hold any projects related to the construction or equipment of Palestinian schools”
  • “The Belgian government was unaware of this name change”
  • “Belgium ‘unequivocally condemns the glorification of terrorist attacks,’ and ‘will not allow itself to be associated with the names of terrorists in any way.’” [The Algemeiner, Oct. 7, 2017]
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