Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Aww. The Death Cultists are so cute when they launch these recruitment drives for vacant minded islamo-bots

Fatah: Dying for Allah “will create the State of Palestine” - PMW Bulletins

In a post on Facebook, Abbas' Fatah Movement encourages Palestinians to die for Allah. It is Palestinians dying for Allah, the spilling of "the blood of the Martyrs," Fatah says, that "will create the State of Palestine."

Fatah posted the following text together with a collage of photos of terrorists:

"From the sea of the blood of the Martyrs (Shahids)
we will create the State of Palestine"
"Fatah Movement - The official page"
The annexation of American history is the latest in the Palestinian takeover of U.S. protest movements on various issues: Linda Sarsour, for example, became the official spokeswoman of women's groups when she created a unique link between feminism and Islamism in the name of fighting racism. Sarsour, a native of Brooklyn who led the so-called Women's March on Inauguration Day, also became one of the leaders of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, whose official colors have become black, white, red and green – the colors of the Palestinian flag.

Israel can't ignore this growing trend of Palestinians' co-opting the narratives of minorities in American society, especially in light of the fact that the anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist dialogue ignores the fact that Muslim Arabs, including the Palestinians, were and are a colonialist phenomenon, not victims of history, even if for a short period of their existence they were under colonial rule.

(full article online)

[Islam, using the West in its war against Israel. For a little piece of land ]

In addition to this post, on October 14, 2017, AFPS 34 will host an event “From the Balfour Declaration till today, a colonial tragedy- Keys to understand, keys to act!” supported by “departmental Council of Hérault” – a French regional government branch. Despite that boycotts and calls for boycotts are illegal under French law, topics at the event will include discussions regarding past BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns against Israeli banks and the Orange-Partner mobile phone network in Israel. B’Tselem researcher, Adam Aloni, and Ayman Odeh, head of Israel’s Joint (Arab) List in the Israeli Knesset, are included in the program.

(full article online)

Local Branch of French Government Funded Organization Promotes Violence
Aww. The Death Cultists are so cute when they launch these recruitment drives for vacant minded islamo-bots

Fatah: Dying for Allah “will create the State of Palestine” - PMW Bulletins

In a post on Facebook, Abbas' Fatah Movement encourages Palestinians to die for Allah. It is Palestinians dying for Allah, the spilling of "the blood of the Martyrs," Fatah says, that "will create the State of Palestine."

Fatah posted the following text together with a collage of photos of terrorists:

"From the sea of the blood of the Martyrs (Shahids)
we will create the State of Palestine"
"Fatah Movement - The official page"

Palestine: Roman name for Jews’ land


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Most Christian peacemakers would consider it bad form to engage in exultant displays of solidarity with a political movement that uses anti-Jewish violence and hatred as a unifying agenda, but Raheb has been offering displays like this for years. From Raheb’s perspective as an anti-Israel agitator and approval-seeking dhimmi, his visit to Al Aqsa was a smashing success. It allowed him an opportunity to shroud jihadist violence behind veils of “creative resistance” and inter-religious “unity” between Christians and Muslims – never mind that the unity he lauded is rooted in a shared contempt for Jews and their state.

(full article online)

This report by Mike Lanchin is not, as noted above, timed to coincide with an anniversary and its featured interviewee does not have a particularly historically important story to tell. One might therefore wonder why Lanchin travelled all the way to the Gaza Strip to interview a specific person who was a child at the time of the disengagement.

Maisoon Bashir describes herself as follows:

“I have been asked to introduce myself. I am wondering how I should, as an activist or a journalist, who tries to raise the voice of Palestine? Both are true, but I prefer to introduce myself just as a Palestinian girl, because my nationality is a testament to the authenticity of my homeland and the injustices borne by my people.”

Her activism is given a platform at a site called ‘We Are Not Numbers’ that is linked to a political NGO currently called ‘Euro Med Rights’ (which has Richard Falk as chair of its board of trustees) and which was founded by a self-described “social justice activist” called Pam Bailey who is also associated with Code Pink. Bashir’s writings have also been posted at the Hamas linked outlet MEMO.

BBC audiences, however, were not informed that they were in fact listening to a political activist (in breach of BBC editorial guidelines on impartiality) and neither were they given any insight into how Mike Lanchin was introduced to her story or why he visited the Gaza Strip (where the BBC has a staffed local office) to interview her.

(full article online)

BBC WS history show yet again promotes political narrative
  • The most widespread conspiracy theory, which has been floating around for decades and can be heard in almost every coffee shop on the streets of Cairo, Amman, Ramallah and Beirut, is that Zionist Jews, together with American capitalists and imperialists, have a secret plan to take control over the Arab and Islamic countries and their resources.

  • How exactly are the "Zionists and imperialists" trying to "undermine" the Palestinian "national project"? And what, precisely, is this project? Is it the project of Hamas and many other Palestinians that seeks the destruction of Israel?

  • The corrupt Arab and Palestinian leaders spread such rumors to divert attention from problems at home, such as corruption and dictatorship. These leaders want their people too busy hating Jews and Westerners to demand reform, democracy and transparency from their leaders. Those valuables, of course, are what Arab and Palestinian leaders still refuse to offer their people.

  • Why do many Palestinians prefer peace with Hamas? Because they identify with Hamas's dream of destroying Israel and killing Jews. It may be an unpleasant a truth, but that is the bottom line.

    (full article online)

    Palestinian Normalization -- With Hamas, Not Israel
The most widespread conspiracy theory, which has been floating around for decades and can be heard in almost every coffee shop on the streets of Cairo, Amman, Ramallah and Beirut, is that Zionist Jews, together with American capitalists and imperialists, have a secret plan to take control over the Arab and Islamic countries and their resources.
[These are the Palestinians. Once they write a charter, it becomes a charter for all eternity. Change it? Do away with it? Not in Islam. ]

Hamas: Unity deal is so we can all ‘work together against Zionist enterprise’

Muslims are funny: Their own Koran has Allah being a Zionist!
It all depends on who wrote that passage. They prefer the passages where Jews are Apes and pigs and must be hunted down behind trees.

But.....that is only the extremist Muslims who choose the conquest parts of the Quran. And then....Mohammad was in the mood of conquering and not of being conquered.

And that is how we now have about, how many (?) Muslim conquered lands/countries in Asia and Africa?
[These are the Palestinians. Once they write a charter, it becomes a charter for all eternity. Change it? Do away with it? Not in Islam. ]

Hamas: Unity deal is so we can all ‘work together against Zionist enterprise’

Muslims are funny: Their own Koran has Allah being a Zionist!
It all depends on who wrote that passage. They prefer the passages where Jews are Apes and pigs and must be hunted down behind trees.

But.....that is only the extremist Muslims who choose the conquest parts of the Quran. And then....Mohammad was in the mood of conquering and not of being conquered.

And that is how we now have about, how many (?) Muslim conquered lands/countries in Asia and Africa?

True. Muslims embrace “palestine” a PAGAN ROMAN name referring to PAGAN GREEK Philistines.
[These are the Palestinians. Once they write a charter, it becomes a charter for all eternity. Change it? Do away with it? Not in Islam. ]

Hamas: Unity deal is so we can all ‘work together against Zionist enterprise’

Muslims are funny: Their own Koran has Allah being a Zionist!
It all depends on who wrote that passage. They prefer the passages where Jews are Apes and pigs and must be hunted down behind trees.

But.....that is only the extremist Muslims who choose the conquest parts of the Quran. And then....Mohammad was in the mood of conquering and not of being conquered.

And that is how we now have about, how many (?) Muslim conquered lands/countries in Asia and Africa?

True. Muslims embrace “palestine” a PAGAN ROMAN name referring to PAGAN GREEK Philistines.
It does not matter what they call the land. The extremist ones believe that once they conquered a land, that it is forever theirs.
They still dream of taking back their part of Spain, Vienna, etc in Europe, which Muslims had once conquered.

That is the reason for the conflict with Israel. It is not a Muslim sovereign country.
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