Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Sour grapes about Joseph Massad because he does not shovel Israeli shit.

Nope, as it is noted in the articles I posted, he shovel's Arab, Islamic shit.
Which by the way, the Arab shoveling, has been going on for 1400 years. :)

What did he say that was incorrect?

Cue song and dance.

Let me ask you a question.
You say that you live in the Midwest. Would that be Midwest of the USA or any other part of the world?

Are you pro America or, like the Professor at Columbia who was born in Jordan, are very anti the country you live and work in and would like to see it taken over by Islam or the Confederates, or the Communists, or the Nazis, etc, take your pick.

Are you a loyal resident of the United States of America? Yes ?
Then, please, be aware of those who are not pro America and are working within the country to take over it.

What to you think? Good idea, or it does not matter?

I love my country. I am even a veteran.

Unfortunately our government sucks.

Nice deflection though.

Many governments suck. But it is not what I asked.

Why do you tend to support people who live in the USA, but are against the USA and are doing everything to undermine the country, Mr. Veteran?

Are you going to tell me that the Professor is a proud American, only doing what a proud American would do?
Is he being against this government or every American government?

Do you understand the difference?

There is a big difference between a country, i.e. the people, and the government. In many places the people and the government are not on the same page.

Was there anything he said that was against our country?
Nope, as it is noted in the articles I posted, he shovel's Arab, Islamic shit.
Which by the way, the Arab shoveling, has been going on for 1400 years. :)
What did he say that was incorrect?

Cue song and dance.
Let me ask you a question.
You say that you live in the Midwest. Would that be Midwest of the USA or any other part of the world?

Are you pro America or, like the Professor at Columbia who was born in Jordan, are very anti the country you live and work in and would like to see it taken over by Islam or the Confederates, or the Communists, or the Nazis, etc, take your pick.

Are you a loyal resident of the United States of America? Yes ?
Then, please, be aware of those who are not pro America and are working within the country to take over it.

What to you think? Good idea, or it does not matter?
I love my country. I am even a veteran.

Unfortunately our government sucks.

Nice deflection though.
Many governments suck. But it is not what I asked.

Why do you tend to support people who live in the USA, but are against the USA and are doing everything to undermine the country, Mr. Veteran?

Are you going to tell me that the Professor is a proud American, only doing what a proud American would do?
Is he being against this government or every American government?

Do you understand the difference?
There is a big difference between a country, i.e. the people, and the government. In many places the people and the government are not on the same page.

Was there anything he said that was against our country?
According to the articles there was.

You may have passed over it. Reread the articles, and possibly the eyewitness of American Students to his classes.
What is he saying, as a Palestinian, about America and American Politics? What is he after?
What did he say that was incorrect?

Cue song and dance.
Let me ask you a question.
You say that you live in the Midwest. Would that be Midwest of the USA or any other part of the world?

Are you pro America or, like the Professor at Columbia who was born in Jordan, are very anti the country you live and work in and would like to see it taken over by Islam or the Confederates, or the Communists, or the Nazis, etc, take your pick.

Are you a loyal resident of the United States of America? Yes ?
Then, please, be aware of those who are not pro America and are working within the country to take over it.

What to you think? Good idea, or it does not matter?
I love my country. I am even a veteran.

Unfortunately our government sucks.

Nice deflection though.
Many governments suck. But it is not what I asked.

Why do you tend to support people who live in the USA, but are against the USA and are doing everything to undermine the country, Mr. Veteran?

Are you going to tell me that the Professor is a proud American, only doing what a proud American would do?
Is he being against this government or every American government?

Do you understand the difference?
There is a big difference between a country, i.e. the people, and the government. In many places the people and the government are not on the same page.

Was there anything he said that was against our country?
According to the articles there was.

You may have passed over it. Reread the articles, and possibly the eyewitness of American Students to his classes.
What is he saying, as a Palestinian, about America and American Politics? What is he after?
I don't know. You need to be more specific. I don't read through Israeli colored glasses so I may have missed it.
Let me ask you a question.
You say that you live in the Midwest. Would that be Midwest of the USA or any other part of the world?

Are you pro America or, like the Professor at Columbia who was born in Jordan, are very anti the country you live and work in and would like to see it taken over by Islam or the Confederates, or the Communists, or the Nazis, etc, take your pick.

Are you a loyal resident of the United States of America? Yes ?
Then, please, be aware of those who are not pro America and are working within the country to take over it.

What to you think? Good idea, or it does not matter?
I love my country. I am even a veteran.

Unfortunately our government sucks.

Nice deflection though.
Many governments suck. But it is not what I asked.

Why do you tend to support people who live in the USA, but are against the USA and are doing everything to undermine the country, Mr. Veteran?

Are you going to tell me that the Professor is a proud American, only doing what a proud American would do?
Is he being against this government or every American government?

Do you understand the difference?
There is a big difference between a country, i.e. the people, and the government. In many places the people and the government are not on the same page.

Was there anything he said that was against our country?
According to the articles there was.

You may have passed over it. Reread the articles, and possibly the eyewitness of American Students to his classes.
What is he saying, as a Palestinian, about America and American Politics? What is he after?
I don't know. You need to be more specific. I don't read through Israeli colored glasses so I may have missed it.
I will not do your homework for you. You are way too lazy.
And that is how the Arabs are slowly, but surely taking over American Academia, and others, in order to change history, politics and everything else they can change to help them.

But, hey, you are a Veteran - of what remains questionable. Not of fighting for your country because it IS your country. You are more than ready to give it away.

But the same goes in every country fighting the Jihadists. Free Speech and the damage of not taking care of the baby before it grows up thinking who knows what. :)

Professor, go ahead and continue your great job at Columbia as a Palestinian intent on making your people look the victims of what Arabs themselves started. You have plenty of American supporters, like this person, to whom the hatred of Israel and Jews outshines protecting their own country from yourself or any other American and Non American whose intent is very clear, only for those who wish to see.

Am Israel Chai.

The People of Israel LIVE .
And will continue to LIVE.

I love my country. I am even a veteran.

Unfortunately our government sucks.

Nice deflection though.
Many governments suck. But it is not what I asked.

Why do you tend to support people who live in the USA, but are against the USA and are doing everything to undermine the country, Mr. Veteran?

Are you going to tell me that the Professor is a proud American, only doing what a proud American would do?
Is he being against this government or every American government?

Do you understand the difference?
There is a big difference between a country, i.e. the people, and the government. In many places the people and the government are not on the same page.

Was there anything he said that was against our country?
According to the articles there was.

You may have passed over it. Reread the articles, and possibly the eyewitness of American Students to his classes.
What is he saying, as a Palestinian, about America and American Politics? What is he after?
I don't know. You need to be more specific. I don't read through Israeli colored glasses so I may have missed it.
I will not do your homework for you. You are way too lazy.
And that is how the Arabs are slowly, but surely taking over American Academia, and others, in order to change history, politics and everything else they can change to help them.

But, hey, you are a Veteran - of what remains questionable. Not of fighting for your country because it IS your country. You are more than ready to give it away.

But the same goes in every country fighting the Jihadists. Free Speech and the damage of not taking care of the baby before it grows up thinking who knows what. :)

Professor, go ahead and continue your great job at Columbia as a Palestinian intent on making your people look the victims of what Arabs themselves started. You have plenty of American supporters, like this person, to whom the hatred of Israel and Jews outshines protecting their own country from yourself or any other American and Non American whose intent is very clear, only for those who wish to see.

Am Israel Chai.

The People of Israel LIVE .
And will continue to LIVE.

Just as I said.
The series of maps pictured here and above are a propaganda tool of Hamas that have been spread across American campuses by SJP, MSA and their leftwing allies, often with funds and support provided by college administrations. These maps are genocidal lies, featured on every Israeli Apartheid Wall erected with the student funds provided to these groups. They purport to show a Palestinian state in 1947, which is steadily infiltrated and occupied by Jews who transform it into today’s Israel. Contrary to what is shown on these maps, there never was a state called Palestine, and the state of Israel was created by the UN, not out of land that belonged to the Arabs, but out of land that belonged to the Turks for 400 years until they joined the aggressors in World War I. (The same Turkish land was used to create the Arab states of Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.) These fraudulent maps were designed by Hamas to justify the extermination of the Jews, as called for in the Hamas Charter, and the destruction of the Jewish state.

The Top Ten Colleges Most Friendly to Terrorists
(Note: the ranking is in alphabetical order)

  • Brandeis University
  • Columbia University
  • Harvard University
  • Rutgers University-New Brunswick
  • San Francisco State University
  • University of California, Irvine
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of California, San Diego
  • University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • University of New Mexico
(full article online)

Ten Top American Universities Most Friendly to Terrorists
The series of maps pictured here and above are a propaganda tool of Hamas that have been spread across American campuses by SJP, MSA and their leftwing allies, often with funds and support provided by college administrations. These maps are genocidal lies, featured on every Israeli Apartheid Wall erected with the student funds provided to these groups. They purport to show a Palestinian state in 1947, which is steadily infiltrated and occupied by Jews who transform it into today’s Israel. Contrary to what is shown on these maps, there never was a state called Palestine, and the state of Israel was created by the UN, not out of land that belonged to the Arabs, but out of land that belonged to the Turks for 400 years until they joined the aggressors in World War I. (The same Turkish land was used to create the Arab states of Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.) These fraudulent maps were designed by Hamas to justify the extermination of the Jews, as called for in the Hamas Charter, and the destruction of the Jewish state.

The Top Ten Colleges Most Friendly to Terrorists
(Note: the ranking is in alphabetical order)

  • Brandeis University
  • Columbia University
  • Harvard University
  • Rutgers University-New Brunswick
  • San Francisco State University
  • University of California, Irvine
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • University of California, San Diego
  • University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • University of New Mexico
(full article online)

Ten Top American Universities Most Friendly to Terrorists
These maps are genocidal lies, featured on every Israeli Apartheid Wall erected with the student funds provided to these groups. They purport to show a Palestinian state in 1947, which is steadily infiltrated and occupied by Jews who transform it into today’s Israel. Contrary to what is shown on these maps, there never was a state called Palestine, and the state of Israel was created by the UN,
Wrong and wrong. Where do you get your shit?

Now a new study (also here, if doesn’t open) by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) documents how kids in Palestinian Authority-controlled areas are being further indoctrinated to hate through their schoolbooks.

Like earlier textbooks that were used to teach “over one million impressionable children”, the IMPACT-se report finds that the new textbooks—recently released as part of the PA’s first full reform of the educational curriculum since 2000—are still promoting the demonization of Israel.

But the IMPACT-se assessment also finds that the radicalization is pervasive across this new curriculum—to an even greater extent than before.

(full article online)

New Palestinian Authority textbooks teach “martyrdom as a life goal”
Zionist Organization of America chief Morton Klein ridiculed claims that Israel has ‘occupied’ Judea and Samaria, telling supporters at the ZOA annual gala Sunday night in New York that no Palestinian Arab nation ever existed.

“This was never their sovereign land,” said Klein. “And if it was their sovereign land, how could it be that they would have named it 'Palestine' - a Roman name, not an Arab name? We [the ZOA] are the only significant organization making it clear to Congress and the media and in public speeches that there is no 'occupation'. This is holy Jewish land, it has never been sovereign Arab land."

In addition, Klein noted, Israel has withdrawn from nearly all Arab population centers in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, granting autonomy to the overwhelming majority, 98%, of Arabs in those areas.

(full article online)

'This was never Palestinian land'
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.
You know very well that Israel "bombs the crap out of Hamas and all other militias in Gaza who fire rockets into Israel and hide in civilian areas, and amongst civilians.

There is one way of curing that .

Hamas and all other groups in Gaza stay totally away from civilians and civilian areas when it fires rockets into Israel or it starts a war, as in 2014 or any of the others.

Some people never learn :(
Rajoub made these comments following the FIFA Council's announcement on Oct. 27, 2017 that it had decided to reject the Palestinian Football Association's (PFA) request to sanction Israel. Since FIFA's Israel-Palestine Monitoring Committee was created to examine only the claims of the PFA against Israel, it would appear that while rejecting the Palestinian claim, FIFA's Council attributed considerable weight to the complaint submitted by Palestinian Media Watch against the PFA and its president Rajoub for glorifying and inciting terror, for racism and Antisemitism. FIFA therefore decided to "refrain from imposing any sanctions or other measures on either the Israel FA or the Palestinian FA, as well as from requesting any other FIFA body to do so. The matter is declared closed..." [FIFA Council statement, Oct. 27, 2017]

Rajoub also holds the following positions: Head of the PLO Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs, Chairman of the Palestine Olympic Committee, and Chairman of the Palestinian Scout Association (PSA).

(full article online)

Fatah official: Israel has a "fascist governmental plan, typical of Nazism" - PMW Bulletins
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.

Arabs: Israel embraces a culture of peace Member of Saudi delegation: Israeli society wants peace
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.
You know very well that Israel "bombs the crap out of Hamas and all other militias in Gaza who fire rockets into Israel and hide in civilian areas, and amongst civilians.

There is one way of curing that .

Hamas and all other groups in Gaza stay totally away from civilians and civilian areas when it fires rockets into Israel or it starts a war, as in 2014 or any of the others.

Some people never learn :(
All Israeli talking points aside, Israel will bomb the crap out of civilians.
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.

Arabs: Israel embraces a culture of peace Member of Saudi delegation: Israeli society wants peace
Israel's version of peace - all of Palestine without the Palestinians.
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.
You know very well that Israel "bombs the crap out of Hamas and all other militias in Gaza who fire rockets into Israel and hide in civilian areas, and amongst civilians.

There is one way of curing that .

Hamas and all other groups in Gaza stay totally away from civilians and civilian areas when it fires rockets into Israel or it starts a war, as in 2014 or any of the others.

Some people never learn :(
All Israeli talking points aside, Israel will bomb the crap out of civilians.

Arabs: Israel embraces a culture of peace Member of Saudi delegation: Israeli society wants peace
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.

Arabs: Israel embraces a culture of peace Member of Saudi delegation: Israeli society wants peace
Israel's version of peace - all of Palestine without the Palestinians.

History Lesson: Palestine originated as a fake Roman name for Jews’ land
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.
You know very well that Israel "bombs the crap out of Hamas and all other militias in Gaza who fire rockets into Israel and hide in civilian areas, and amongst civilians.

There is one way of curing that .

Hamas and all other groups in Gaza stay totally away from civilians and civilian areas when it fires rockets into Israel or it starts a war, as in 2014 or any of the others.

Some people never learn :(
All Israeli talking points aside, Israel will bomb the crap out of civilians.
Only if Hamas insists in putting those, sometimes more than willing Martyrdom civilians, where they should not be.
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