Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Children of Israel appear in Arabs’ own Koran But, no mention of palestine or palestinians—Fakey fakey

Oh right imbecile...because everyone knows there is no such thing as Palestine right moron? If only you could have explained this to Ben Gurion and Herzl and Weitzman and Jabotinsky and Begin and Dayan and Rabin and Shamir it would've spared these poor men so much trouble...One has to wonder how long these 3rd grade drop-outs will try to erase Palestinian history...considering there was never a 'Nation of Israel'
...will try to erase Palestinian history...considering there was never a 'Nation of Israel'

Oh. The irony.

Replacement history: I'm going to deny your history existed while simultaneously usurping it as my own. Replacement theology for the 21 century.

Just as ridiculous and just as harmful.
...will try to erase Palestinian history...considering there was never a 'Nation of Israel'

Oh. The irony.

Replacement history: I'm going to deny your history existed while simultaneously usurping it as my own. Replacement theology for the 21 century.

Just as ridiculous and just as harmful.

Oh but your comments are quite worthless Princess to the extent that you prove nothing beyond your pugnacious idiocy...denying Palestine history is the position of a fool to the extent that Zionism itself is an inexorable component of the existence of Palestine...by contrast there is no record of a 'nation' called Israel...
Jesus is called King of the Jews and King of Israel in the Bible No mention of fake palestine and fake palestinians


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The Israel Prison Service provides expensive psychiatric treatment to terrorists behind bars in Israel, including medicine which ordinary Israeli citizens find it difficult to obtain, according to a Tuesday report on Israel Radio’s Reshet Bet.

Psychiatrist Dr. Nimrod Keisar said he was proud of the treatment he provides to terrorists, as member of a team of senior psychiatrists hired by the IPS to treat imprisoned terrorists.

(full article online)

Israel Offers ‘Superior’ Psychiatric Treatment to Terrorists | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | David Israel | 26 Heshvan 5778 – November 15, 2017 | JewishPress.com
In fact, aerial photos taken as recently as 2004 show that there was no village – Beduin, Palestinian, or any other kind – in this area; aerial photos going back to 1999 debunk Jabareen’s claims altogether. At most, in certain seasons there were tents in the area, constructed for temporary shelter by the nomadic shepherds who passed through with their flocks. This hardly constitutes ownership, settlement, or historic claims to land.

(full article online)

Ein al Hilweh and Umm Jamal: Facts on the ground
  • It takes particular gall for European Union representatives to express "humanitarian" outrage at Israel for razing illegal structures in the West Bank -- while the EU is in league with Palestinian criminals who have been brazenly stealing Arab-owned land.

  • There has been massive "behind-the-scenes" Palestinian construction, the goal of which is "to create irreversible facts on the ground," and completely encircle Jerusalem. Once the buildings – which "do not meet even the most minimum standards required by engineers, architects and housing planners" – are erected, the apartments are sold cheaply ($25,000-$50,000), to guarantee they are purchased and populated quickly.

  • If there is any debt to pay here, it is not Israel's to Europe, but the other way around. Belgium and the rest of the EU should be embracing its natural ally, the democratic Jewish state, against all forces that support and perpetrate violence, while rejecting peace.
(full article online)

Europe's Collusion in Palestinian Illegal Land Grab
...will try to erase Palestinian history...considering there was never a 'Nation of Israel'

Oh. The irony.

Replacement history: I'm going to deny your history existed while simultaneously usurping it as my own. Replacement theology for the 21 century.

Just as ridiculous and just as harmful.

Oh but your comments are quite worthless Princess to the extent that you prove nothing beyond your pugnacious idiocy...denying Palestine history is the position of a fool to the extent that Zionism itself is an inexorable component of the existence of Palestine...by contrast there is no record of a 'nation' called Israel...
It is not "Palestine" history one is denying, as in a region named Palestine, and the Jewish homeland of Judea renamed Syria Palestinea by the Romans.

It is the existence of a country, a Nation of Arabs who called themselves Palestinians and lived in ancient Canaan from time immemorial.

When you discover any vestige of these Arabs, do let us know.
[ Today's consequence of Islamic teachings about Jews ]

The terrorist ran over a 70-year-old man at the Efrat south junction, lightly injuring him.

The terrorist then continued to the Gush Etzion junction, where he ran over a 35-year-old man. The 35-year-old suffered a head injury and was evacuated to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, MDA reported. He is currently in serious but stable condition.

The terrorist then attempted to stab a soldier and was shot and neutralized by the security forces at the scene.

“The soldiers responded by firing towards the attacker, resulting in his injury,” an IDF spokesperson said Friday morning.

Authorities say the terrorist is a 17-year-old Palestinian Authority resident. The wounded terrorist was treated on the scene by IDF medics before being evacuated to Ein Kerem Hospital.

(full article online)

2 injured in Gush Etzion terror attack
A recent interview with DCI-P's Accountability Program Director Ayed Abu Qteish on official PA TV, shows that the claims made by his own organization are false. Abu Qteish explained that Palestinian minors do in fact commit terror attacks, and they do it, not necessarily because they want to attack Israelis, but in order to enhance or maintain their status in Palestinian society.
Ayed Abu Qteish: "There are children who, when they were in prison, told the lawyer: 'I want to be imprisoned.' The first time [the child] was imprisoned, he didn't confess, and they released him because there was no evidence to convict him in the Israeli military court. The second time, there was no evidence either. The third time, he wanted to be imprisoned so that his image won't be hurt in the eyes of his friends, even though he is actually innocent... In several cases [Palestinian children] carried out stabbing operations because of the way the public looks at them. They realized 'the best way to clear myself of this image [of helping Israel] is to participate in resistance operations.'" [Official PA TV, Personal Encounter, Oct. 11, 2017] PMW correctly points out that this interview shows that, contrary to DCI-P's claims, Israel does not unjustly convict kids.

But I think the most important part of this is the sheer hypocrisy of DCI-P. They claim to "defend" Palestinian children's rights, but they have nothing to say about a society where the kids are brought up to hate. To lionize stabbers and suicide bombers. To aspire to martyrdom. To gain social status by becoming terrorists and criminals.

(full article online)

"Defending" Palestinian children by turning them into martyrdom-seekers ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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