Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.

Arabs: Israel embraces a culture of peace Member of Saudi delegation: Israeli society wants peace
Israel's version of peace - all of Palestine without the Palestinians.

No fake palestine or fake palestinians in Arabs’ Koran. Allah decreed Israel to Children of Israel Surat Al-'Isra' [17:104] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم
[ Why do Palestinian Leaders hide in Damascus and other places? ]

Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), on Saturday night warned the terrorist organizations in Gaza that Israel will respond to any act of retaliation for the destruction of the terror tunnel that was exposed in Israeli territory two weeks ago.

"We are aware of the plot being waged by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad against Israel. They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip and at the expense of internal Palestinian reconciliation and the region as a whole,” Mordechai said in an Arabic-language video he posted to YouTube.

"It should be clear," he added, "that for every Islamic Jihad response, wherever it is, Israel will respond with force and determination, not only to the Jihad but also to Hamas."

"We advise the Islamic Jihad leadership in Damascus to exercise caution and control matters,” Mordechai said.

(full article online)

Terror group: Israeli threats 'a declaration of war'
They are playing with fire on the backs of the residents of the Gaza Strip
Indeed, Israel will respond by bombing the crap out of civilians.

Arabs: Israel embraces a culture of peace Member of Saudi delegation: Israeli society wants peace
Israel's version of peace - all of Palestine without the Palestinians.
It was never a Jewish/Israeli version. It belongs to your fogged mind.
And those of the Arabs, like the Hashemites, who ethnically cleansed all of Judea, Samaria and the JEWISH quarter of Jerusalem in 1948, and then returned in 1967 wanting more land from the Mandate for Palestine.

78% of ALL of the Mandate for Palestine to the Arabs, Hashemites, was never enough.

Defog :)
Palestinians? Encyclopedia of Islam says palestine originated as a Roman name for Jews’ land


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n 1974, 2nd Lt. Hiroo Onoda of the Imperial Japanese Army was still fighting for his emperor, hiding in a Philippine jungle. He had rejected many attempts to inform him of Japan's surrender 29 years earlier. During those many years, he senselessly murdered about one Filipino and injured three others each year. Only a concerted effort by his former commander finally convinced Onoda that the emperor had accepted defeat in 1945 and therefore he too must lay down arms.

The Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza are Onoda writ large. They formally acknowledged defeat by Israel 24 years ago, when Yasser Arafat stood on the White House lawn and recognized "the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security." Trouble was, Arafat himself did not sincerely offer this act of surrender and most Palestinians rejected it.

(full article online)

Western “progressives” support the Palestinian Authority and support the Palestinan cause. What do they imagine Mahmoud al Habbash means by the world “purified”? How do they think he intends to put that word into practice in Israel? I’ll give them a clue. It will involve, at the very least, a war of annihilation, racist ethnic cleansing and mass murder.

This is what establishing a state of Palestine means to the Palestinian Authority. This is the agenda that western “progressives” not only support but have made into their cause of causes: an agenda which involves the purge of every single Jew from Israel, their own national home.

(full article online)

The signature cause of western progressives: purging every Jew from Israel | MelaniePhillips.com
Before I let you find out how you did, I should perhaps note what I just found out: my articles on Massad got me an honorary mention on Stormfront! As I noted in my post back then, Stormfront members shared and debated Massad’s notorious Al Jazeera column “The last of the Semites,” which Jeffrey Goldberg immediately denounced as “one of the most anti-Jewish screeds in recent memory.”

(full article online)

Columbia professor Joseph Massad or Stormfront? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Arabs historically called Syria by the Arabic word “Sham” “Land to the Left” Palestine is an English word derived from a Latin word palaestina, so, Arabs calling themselves “palestinians” makes no sense.

Also, no letter p in Arabic
Who said that Palestinians have no respect for Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab countries? They do.

Palestinians have respect for the money of their Arab brethren. The respect they lack is for the heads of the Arab states, and the regimes and royal families there.

It is important to take this into consideration in light of the growing talk about Saudi Arabia’s effort to help the Trump Administration market a comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East, the details of which remain intriguingly mysterious.

(full article online)

The U.S. Middle East Peace Plan? | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | Bassam Tawil | 25 Heshvan 5778 – November 14, 2017 | JewishPress.com
Before I let you find out how you did, I should perhaps note what I just found out: my articles on Massad got me an honorary mention on Stormfront! As I noted in my post back then, Stormfront members shared and debated Massad’s notorious Al Jazeera column “The last of the Semites,” which Jeffrey Goldberg immediately denounced as “one of the most anti-Jewish screeds in recent memory.”

(full article online)

Columbia professor Joseph Massad or Stormfront? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Before I let you find out how you did, I should perhaps note what I just found out: my articles on Massad got me an honorary mention on Stormfront! As I noted in my post back then, Stormfront members shared and debated Massad’s notorious Al Jazeera column “The last of the Semites,” which Jeffrey Goldberg immediately denounced as “one of the most anti-Jewish screeds in recent memory.”

(full article online)

Columbia professor Joseph Massad or Stormfront? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The term “semite” has no legitimacy in anthropology. “Semitic” applies to languages only

Thus, the video is bullshit, like “palestinians”
Before I let you find out how you did, I should perhaps note what I just found out: my articles on Massad got me an honorary mention on Stormfront! As I noted in my post back then, Stormfront members shared and debated Massad’s notorious Al Jazeera column “The last of the Semites,” which Jeffrey Goldberg immediately denounced as “one of the most anti-Jewish screeds in recent memory.”

(full article online)

Columbia professor Joseph Massad or Stormfront? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Not asking the dummies in the video too much to read a history book and learn that palestine originated as a Roman name imposed on Jews and their land of Israel.

There’s no letter p in Arabic, so Arabs can’t write or even say “palestine” in their native language, because it’s a foreign term
And what has Hamas gained for all that? The answer, ironically, is that the very things it lost are its most significant gain.

When it seized Gaza from Fatah in 2007, Hamas declared that the takeover validated its vision of an Islamic Palestine, that its rise against all odds, against the express wishes of the PA, Israel and much of the international community, proved that these opponents, for all their immense power, could be pushed back, and that pious Muslims could find themselves on the ascendant in their wake.

Hamas’s troubles may have begun when it made the mistake of believing its own propaganda. In the name of its pious devotion to the cause, it drove Gaza from one ideological clash to another, dragging its long-suffering population not only into repeated rounds of war with Israel, but even, inexplicably to outsiders, into the bloodstained mess of the civil war between the Egyptian army and the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas’s one-time patrons and ideological forebears.

Facing an Israeli blockade from the start of Hamas’s rule in 2007, as of 2014 Gazans found themselves under a ruthlessly tightening Egyptian one as well — the Egyptian army’s response to Hamas’s meddling. And beginning in 2017, Abbas’s PA began imposing its own financial stranglehold, denying the Hamas-led government in Gaza funds from the PA for the provision of basic services such as electricity.

Hamas could blame and bluster, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for it to argue it was leading Gaza to a better place.

(full article online)

The day Palestine gave up
Palestine was an old Roman name imposed on Jews, referring to Philistines who were Greek not Arab—So, who are the palestinians?

Before I let you find out how you did, I should perhaps note what I just found out: my articles on Massad got me an honorary mention on Stormfront! As I noted in my post back then, Stormfront members shared and debated Massad’s notorious Al Jazeera column “The last of the Semites,” which Jeffrey Goldberg immediately denounced as “one of the most anti-Jewish screeds in recent memory.”

(full article online)

Columbia professor Joseph Massad or Stormfront? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Not asking the dummies in the video too much to read a history book and learn that palestine originated as a Roman name imposed on Jews and their land of Israel.

There’s no letter p in Arabic, so Arabs can’t write or even say “palestine” in their native language, because it’s a foreign term

I sit back and laugh convulsively every time I sample a retarded post like this, NEWSFLASH "DUMMY" the Arabic pronunciation of Palestine is ( Falastine )...beyond that you repulsive second-graders cannot erase or alter the history of Arabic Palestine...ironically your central argument is Zionist architects Hiam Weitzman...Theodore Herzl...Begin...Jabotinsky...Rabin...Ben Gurion...etc. The one certainty in the rich history of Arabic Palestine is the noted absence of Eastern European Khazar-converts to Judaism---Turks...Mongols...Ukranians...Poles...Russians!!! Go back to your soiled Zionist coloring book Einstein...LMAO
And what has Hamas gained for all that? The answer, ironically, is that the very things it lost are its most significant gain.

When it seized Gaza from Fatah in 2007, Hamas declared that the takeover validated its vision of an Islamic Palestine, that its rise against all odds, against the express wishes of the PA, Israel and much of the international community, proved that these opponents, for all their immense power, could be pushed back, and that pious Muslims could find themselves on the ascendant in their wake.

Hamas’s troubles may have begun when it made the mistake of believing its own propaganda. In the name of its pious devotion to the cause, it drove Gaza from one ideological clash to another, dragging its long-suffering population not only into repeated rounds of war with Israel, but even, inexplicably to outsiders, into the bloodstained mess of the civil war between the Egyptian army and the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas’s one-time patrons and ideological forebears.

Facing an Israeli blockade from the start of Hamas’s rule in 2007, as of 2014 Gazans found themselves under a ruthlessly tightening Egyptian one as well — the Egyptian army’s response to Hamas’s meddling. And beginning in 2017, Abbas’s PA began imposing its own financial stranglehold, denying the Hamas-led government in Gaza funds from the PA for the provision of basic services such as electricity.

Hamas could blame and bluster, but it was becoming increasingly difficult for it to argue it was leading Gaza to a better place.

(full article online)

The day Palestine gave up

...and yet you omit the vital fact that the rise and dominance of Islamic Hamas was attributable to the Israeli leadership, who financed and politically sponsored the radical Islamic group against the increasingly moderate and secular PLO...CURIOUS HUH?
Before I let you find out how you did, I should perhaps note what I just found out: my articles on Massad got me an honorary mention on Stormfront! As I noted in my post back then, Stormfront members shared and debated Massad’s notorious Al Jazeera column “The last of the Semites,” which Jeffrey Goldberg immediately denounced as “one of the most anti-Jewish screeds in recent memory.”

(full article online)

Columbia professor Joseph Massad or Stormfront? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Not asking the dummies in the video too much to read a history book and learn that palestine originated as a Roman name imposed on Jews and their land of Israel.

There’s no letter p in Arabic, so Arabs can’t write or even say “palestine” in their native language, because it’s a foreign term

I sit back and laugh convulsively every time I sample a retarded post like this, NEWSFLASH "DUMMY" the Arabic pronunciation of Palestine is ( Falastine )...beyond that you repulsive second-graders cannot erase or alter the history of Arabic Palestine...ironically your central argument is Zionist architects Hiam Weitzman...Theodore Herzl...Begin...Jabotinsky...Rabin...Ben Gurion...etc. The one certainty in the rich history of Arabic Palestine is the noted absence of Eastern European Khazar-converts to Judaism---Turks...Mongols...Ukranians...Poles...Russians!!! Go back to your soiled Zionist coloring book Einstein...LMAO

Is the word Palestine an Arabic word?

Did the Arabs name the region Palestine 4000 years ago?

Did the Romans rename Judea after the Arabs as Syria Palestinea in 135 CE, or FOR the Arabs?

Find one historical document from the ancient Egyptians, Philistines, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans which refers to the region as Arabic Palestine.
Before I let you find out how you did, I should perhaps note what I just found out: my articles on Massad got me an honorary mention on Stormfront! As I noted in my post back then, Stormfront members shared and debated Massad’s notorious Al Jazeera column “The last of the Semites,” which Jeffrey Goldberg immediately denounced as “one of the most anti-Jewish screeds in recent memory.”

(full article online)

Columbia professor Joseph Massad or Stormfront? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Not asking the dummies in the video too much to read a history book and learn that palestine originated as a Roman name imposed on Jews and their land of Israel.

There’s no letter p in Arabic, so Arabs can’t write or even say “palestine” in their native language, because it’s a foreign term

I sit back and laugh convulsively every time I sample a retarded post like this, NEWSFLASH "DUMMY" the Arabic pronunciation of Palestine is ( Falastine )...beyond that you repulsive second-graders cannot erase or alter the history of Arabic Palestine...ironically your central argument is Zionist architects Hiam Weitzman...Theodore Herzl...Begin...Jabotinsky...Rabin...Ben Gurion...etc. The one certainty in the rich history of Arabic Palestine is the noted absence of Eastern European Khazar-converts to Judaism---Turks...Mongols...Ukranians...Poles...Russians!!! Go back to your soiled Zionist coloring book Einstein...LMAO

Is the word Palestine an Arabic word?

Did the Arabs name the region Palestine 4000 years ago?

Did the Romans rename Judea after the Arabs as Syria Palestinea in 135 CE, or FOR the Arabs?

Find one historical document from the ancient Egyptians, Philistines, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans which refers to the region as Arabic Palestine.

Spare all of us your regurgitated second-grader historical revision and focus your starved brain on the 13 consecutive centuries of Arabic residency that Herzl and Wetizman conceded in their sinister plan to expel the native population...your argument is with Zionist politics itself...LOL
Palestinian Media Watch reported recently that Fatah's Bethlehem Branch glorified the PA terror campaign - the second Intifada - and posted "a souvenir picture" from it, showing rows of masked men apparently belonging to Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades carrying rifles.

Over 1,000 Israelis, the vast majority of whom were civilians, were murdered during the PA terror campaign, mostly in suicide bombings by Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades is considered a terror organization by the US and the EU.

(full article online)

Fatah's narrative: Israel is a "monster" killing Palestinian "rebels" - PMW Bulletins
Children of Israel appear in Arabs’ own Koran But, no mention of palestine or palestinians—Fakey fakey


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