Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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“Palestine” and “palestinians” do not appear in the ancient Jewish, Christian and Islamic sources.

Israel appears in all three sources.

Excerpts from an article yesterday on NRG on Dr. Ruchama Marton, the acting President of Physicians for Human Rights reveals the type of radical left organizations supported by the New Israel Fund. While Physicians for Human Rights claims to work towards "a more fair and inclusive society in which the right to health is applied equally for all," this telling interview provides the reality that the organization stands with Israel’s enemies.

According to NGO Monitor, The New Israel Fund (NIF) gave $1,470,400 to Physicians for Human Rights since 2008.

As the article quotes this organization's head as saying:

“I view BDS as a movement that will help me end the occupation”

The radical left, she said, must “launch a “revolt” against the Israeli government by joining the BDS movement, participating in boycotts of public figures and institutions and causing the Jewish state to “to end the occupation, the apartheid and the privileged regime.”

(full article online)

New Israel Fund grantee: 'BDS will help me end the occupation'

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik

A poem in the Palestinian youth magazine Zayzafuna teaches children that throwing rocks at Jews is something mandated by Muhammad, Islam's prophet. The funders of the magazine include the Palestinian Authority.

The following lines were part of the poem printed in the magazine's October issue together with the image above of a kid throwing rocks:

"O children of my country, sing to the occupied homeland so it will be liberated...
Sing by the order of Prophet [Muhammad]
that we carry a rock
That we will throw at the people of the Gharqad [tree]"
[Zayzafuna, October 2017]

Muhammad ordered kids to throw rocks at Jews, according to PA-funded PLO magazine for children - PMW Bulletins
As the Dean of Middle East historians, Professor Bernard Lewis, writes, palestine originated as a foreign name imposed on Jews’ land by the Roman Empire about 2000 years ago, reflecting the Jewish heritage of the land

“Palestinians” do not exist.

Islamic Jihad and the PFLP explicitly denounced the Arab League as part of this "coalition." When this alliance was founded in 1993 in Damascus, it included 10 terror groups including Hamas, the DFLP, PFLP-GC, as-Saiqa, Fatah al-Intifada, the Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF, Abu Nidal Ashqar faction), the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front (PPSF, Khalid ‘Abd al-Majid faction) and the Palestinian Revolutionary Communist Party (PRCP). It is unclear who them members are today, and indeed it looks like the organization exists only on paper.

As of this writing, I have not seen official Hamas or Fatah reaction to the news. Their media have largely ignored the news because they know it puts them between a rock and a hard place. They know that whoever's side they choose means losing financial support from the other.

(full article online)

Palestinian terror groups choose Iran over fellow Sunnis ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • All people born in British Mandatory Palestine between 1923-1948 (today's Israel) had "Palestine" stamped on their passports at the time. But when they were called Palestinians, the Arabs were offended. They complained: "We are not Palestinians, we are Arabs. The Palestinians are the Jews".

  • After invading Arab armies were routed and the Arabs who had fled the war wanted to return, they were considered a fifth column and not invited back. The Arabs who had loyally remained in Israel during the war, however, and their descendants, are still there and make up one fifth of the population. They are known as Israeli Arabs; they have the same rights as Christians and Jews, except they are not required to serve in the army unless they wish to.

  • "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality, today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese." – PLO leader Zuheir Mohsen, interview in the Dutch newspaper Trouw, March 1977.
(full article online)

When Was the "Palestinian People" Created? Google Has the Answer.
In reality, there was never an independent Palestinian Arab state. Prior to the creation of the modern-day State of Israel, Palestine was the geographic name given to the area by the Romans after they destroyed Judea, became part of the British empire after WWI, and prior to that, was part of the Ottoman empire. The only time "Palestine" was independent was when it was ruled by Jews during the First and Second Temple periods. During the First Temple Period, it was called "Israel" in the north and "Judea" in the rest of the country..

The concept of an Arab "Palestine" was born after the Six Day War, when Jordan lost the Judea and Samaria region to Israel after attacking the Jewish State. It then relinquished control of Judea and Samaria, and the Jordanian citizens living in those areas refused to accept Israeli authority.

In the words of one man, "One day we were Jordanian citizens, and they promised us the war would be over and we would win. The next day, the war was over and we had lost. They took the star out of our flag and told us we're not Jordanians anymore, we're Palestinians."

Earlier this year, a book entitled "A History of the Palestinian People: From Ancient Times to the Modern Era" proved to contain nothing but blank pages, since, in the words of Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud), "The Palestinians don't have kings and they don't have heritage sites...[they] are appropriating Jewish heritage sites and displacing them. "

(full article online)

'P' is for Palestine, 'I' is for intifada
Forty years ago, I worked in Washington as the Director of Research at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. My work focused on arguing against the Carter Administration’s push for an international peace conference in Geneva that would include the Soviet Union and radical Arab states and opposing American arms sales to Egypt. At the same time, I was intrigued by a smattering of articles by Egyptian writers who hinted at prospects of co-existence with Israel.

In November 1977, I visited Israel for meetings and to attend a Tel Aviv conference of Israeli and Palestinian “peace activists.” Suddenly, like a lightning bolt, we heard Sadat might be coming to Israel. Some Palestinians were dazed. “If it’s true,” one activist pledged, “I will kill the traitor with my own hands.” At the time, I relayed a more moderate message from the activist.

I went up to Jerusalem for Sadat’s electrifying visit, and I filed this dispatch, “Cautious Optimism in Jerusalem” for the Washington newsletter, Near East Report.

(full article online)

Sadat and Me in Jerusalem 40 Years Ago
"One worshipper told AFP it was the first time in 18 years that Jews were allowed to pray at the site, deep in a Palestinian-controlled area.

A military spokeswoman said the army and police forces accompanying the worshippers were attacked by Palestinians hurling "rocks and firebombs", with the forces responding with riot dispersal means to "prevent further escalation".18 years? And when the Jews finally go - Jews who are hardly Zionist - they get attacked with a barrage of rocks and Molotov cocktails."

Could anyone trust Palestinian security to protect Jews wanting to worship in their holy places? Ever?

This is what "access to holy places" is like under Arab rule.
According to tradition, the graves are located inside the mosque, but the Jewish worshippers did not enter the holy site, rather held an hour of pre-dawn prayers on the road outside before leaving, the photographer said.

Naturally, if there is a Jewish holy site, a mosque must be built on top of it. So Jews can't enter.

(full article online)

To Palestinians "freedom of worship" means "freedom to firebomb Jews" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Mea culpa, mea culpa is all I can say: I’m afraid I was the first one to highlight this tweet of yours, along with a whole lot of similar ones…
But in any case, there can be little doubt that also Richard Spencer would just LOVE your “Pro Defamation League” quip – can you imagine that the evil ADL has accused him of trying “to mainstream racism and anti-Semitism”???

You see, the ADL isn’t just defaming Palestinians – they’re also defaming the likes of David Duke and Richard Spencer, and of course, worst of all, they’re defaming you, dear Linda Sarsour!!! But isn’t it a consolation that you are in such great company???

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour’s white knights: Max Blumenthal, David Duke & Richard Spencer ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Mea culpa, mea culpa is all I can say: I’m afraid I was the first one to highlight this tweet of yours, along with a whole lot of similar ones…
But in any case, there can be little doubt that also Richard Spencer would just LOVE your “Pro Defamation League” quip – can you imagine that the evil ADL has accused him of trying “to mainstream racism and anti-Semitism”???

You see, the ADL isn’t just defaming Palestinians – they’re also defaming the likes of David Duke and Richard Spencer, and of course, worst of all, they’re defaming you, dear Linda Sarsour!!! But isn’t it a consolation that you are in such great company???

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour’s white knights: Max Blumenthal, David Duke & Richard Spencer ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Linda Sarsour must be doing something right. She has the criminal class on her case.
Mea culpa, mea culpa is all I can say: I’m afraid I was the first one to highlight this tweet of yours, along with a whole lot of similar ones…
But in any case, there can be little doubt that also Richard Spencer would just LOVE your “Pro Defamation League” quip – can you imagine that the evil ADL has accused him of trying “to mainstream racism and anti-Semitism”???

You see, the ADL isn’t just defaming Palestinians – they’re also defaming the likes of David Duke and Richard Spencer, and of course, worst of all, they’re defaming you, dear Linda Sarsour!!! But isn’t it a consolation that you are in such great company???

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour’s white knights: Max Blumenthal, David Duke & Richard Spencer ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Linda Sarsour must be doing something right. She has the criminal class on her case.

It really is remarkable how you define social misfits and Islamic terrorists as your heroes.
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