Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It's long past time that the Infidel stopped greasing the rails for the Kuffar money train that the Islamic terrorist "Pal'istanians" have been climbing aboard. Belgian is making a show of symbolically stepping down from visibly supporting the Islamic terrorist quasi-state that bleeds them.

Belgian Jews laud government’s aid freeze to PA over school named for terrorist

Belgian Jews laud government’s aid freeze to PA over school named for terrorist

Jewish leader says decision to halt education funding because of Dalal Mughrabi School shows 'there is no more sweeping under the carpet'

JTA — Belgian Jewish groups welcomed the decision by their country’s foreign ministry to freeze funding for Palestinian schools following the renaming of a recipient institution for a terrorist who killed Jewish civilians.

Tuesday’s move, which the Forum of Jewish Organizations of Belgium’s Flemish Region said was “the right thing to do,” was announced in a government statement that was unusual for the seniority of the undersigned: federal vice prime ministers Didier Reynders and Alexander De Croo.
Palestine originated as a Roman name imposed on Jews and ancient Israel.

Why would “palestinians” who are really just Arabs identify with a Roman name for Jews and their land? And there’s no letter p in Arabic!

Palestinian Jews - the Danon family.

Yom Tov Danon
One of the greatest sages of Izmir. He immigrated to Jerusalem before the year 1814. Here he was elected head of the rabbinical court and priest in this post until 1821. In the same year, the "Chacham Bashir" died, and Yosef Raphael Hazan was chosen to sit on his throne. In the preface to his book "Kavod Yom Tov" it says that he excelled in "all the good qualities". He was a great preacher and his words sound like planted nails. His power in the Torah was great and he was well versed in the nature of Gittin and Kiddushin. He authored a book about the Rambam called "Kavod Yom Tov" (Salonika 1926). The rest of his comrades were burned by the great fire that broke out in Izmir in 1825. His immigration to Eretz Israel was to be burred in her, and for this he made a grave for himself and engraved this tombstone on him: "This is my resting place, until the Lord sees from heaven. This is the tombstone that I laid down for me in Jerusalem. Who will bear the name of Yom Tov Danon, a Dayan from the city of Izmir, and chose another in Jerusalem. " Only two years he sat on the throne of the rabbinate in Jerusalem. He died in the month of Tammuz 1823. Tradition says that there was a dispute between him and R. Eliezer Chazan, the son of Rabbi Yosef Hazan, on an unknown matter "and they said that after there was no one who could perish below, one".
*865 | Encyclopedia of the Founders and Builders of Israel

*His grave on the Mount of Olives (Jerusalem):
כרטיס קבר: יום טוב דנון YomTov Danon » הר הזיתים, ירושלים

Danon family today:

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Adalah is not fighting “for minorities, for the voiceless, and for the powerless,” as the New Israel Fund claims. Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists are not a persecuted minority. They are not “voiceless” or “powerless.” They have a voice through their many supporters around the world, and they have the power of their missiles, guns, and knives.

And when a few Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists get trapped in a tunnel they were going to use to murder Israeli children, they know they can count on Adalah, and its American Jewish donors, to ride to their rescue.

(full article online)

American Jews Trying To Save Gaza Tunnel Terrorists | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | Stephen M. Flatow | 21 Heshvan 5778 – November 9, 2017 | JewishPress.com
The Arab villagers live in Gush Etzion along the planned route of one of the new bypass roads, according to a report by Ynet. A village elder contacted the leaders of the Jewish protest to offer his support, saying new roads are just as important to the Arab residents as they are to the Jews.
There are many citizens of the Palestinian Authority who work in Jerusalem, particularly in the hospitals and the hotel industry.

(full article online)

Arab students at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem protested Israel’s presence in the Golan Heights on Wednesday in a demonstration that also saw protesters call for the expulsion of “Zionists” from the country.

“Zionists, out. My land [must be] Arab and free. There is no solution, no solution, but to get rid of the occupier,” students said, according to footageobtained by Channel 2.

(full article online)

At Hebrew University rally, Arab students call for ‘Zionists, out’
[ Article by Noor DahriNoor Dahri is a director of Pakistan Israel Alliance (PIA) and Editor in Chief of the Newspaper Pak Israel News (PIN). He is an independent researcher based in London, UK. He has studied Counter Terrorism from International Institute for Counter Terrorism ICT- Herzliya - Israel. He is a honorary member of the ZF-UK. ]

Therefore, I am going to help you learn to go about defeating the Israelis (and Zionists) in any debate. I will tell you three important formulas not to bring into the discussion so that you will never be shamed in arguments with any Israelis or Zionists. You just need to grasp and be able to have full knowledge of how to skip these three formulas.

Formula Number 1- No Religious Grounds:

Start by reading your holy Quran, Chapter Number 17, Verse Number 104

“And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, “Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, we will bring you forth in [one] gathering.”

وَقُلۡنَا مِنۢ بَعۡدِهِۦ لِبَنِىٓ إِسۡرَٲٓءِيلَ ٱسۡكُنُواْ ٱلۡأَرۡضَ فَإِذَا جَآءَ وَعۡدُ ٱلۡأَخِرَةِ جِئۡنَا بِكُمۡ لَفِيفً۬ا

Next read Chapter Number 05, Verse Number 21.

“O my people (the Jews)! Enter the Holy Land, which God has assigned unto you”

يَـٰقَوۡمِ ٱدۡخُلُواْ ٱلۡأَرۡضَ ٱلۡمُقَدَّسَةَ ٱلَّتِى كَتَبَ ٱللَّهُ لَكُمۡ وَلَا تَرۡتَدُّواْ عَلَىٰٓ أَدۡبَارِكُمۡ فَتَنقَلِبُواْ خَـٰسِرِينَ
Let’s do that:

My advice is either you claim that Palestinians were the only indigenous people of the holy land and stick with it (despite the factual evidence to the contrary), or do not bring the history of the Palestinian people to any debate; otherwise you would be defeated again very badly. If we bring the discussion from the First World War and the Second World War or about the creation of Israel in 1948 or even since the Six Days War 1967, we will be defeated based on the ground realities which I will mention at some point in my next article. The best way is to deny everything, all the evidence Israelis or their supporters bring into the discussion and stick to those claims, which insist Palestinians’ history is older than Israelis, Palestinians are the indigenous people of the Holy land, Israel is the occupied country of the Palestine and that Jewish people have no right to claim the Palestinian land. Ignore everything and create a fake claim to win the debate, if you feel that you are losing the discussion, just leave the discussion and disappear.

If you understood my formulas and advice then Let’s Defame the Jewish State of Israel.

(full article online)

Let’s Defame the Jewish State of Israel
Gaza suffers from severe water pollution, with more than 95 percent of its groundwater unclean, leading to increased risk of serious diseases.

The strip has been ruled by the Hamas terrorist organization since 2007. Hamas has diverted funds and aid meant for civilian infrastructure to its military wing, including the construction of terror tunnels into Israel. The Palestinian Authority has accused Hamas of preventing the construction of a desalination plant which would provide clean water for Gaza's residents.

(full article online)

First pineapple farm opens in Gaza
Palestinian Jews: Rabbi Hanon Hasson


He was born in Hebron, 1767 (1867), to his father Rabbi Mordecai, an affluent merchant and one of the best of the city, and his mother Rivka to the house of Benvenisti. He studied Talmud Torah and a Yeshiva of the Sephardim and was 15 years old in his knowledge of the Talmud and his literature.

He married Klara, the daughter of Rav Rachamim Yosef Franco and his wife Mazal Tov, the daughter of Rav Yitzchak Israel. She was born in Jerusalem in 1880 and moved with her parents to Hebron when her father was appointed a father-of-din. She was known for generosity, kindness and love People).

He taught Talmud for several years in the Talmud Torah of the Sephardic community. In 1939 he went abroad on behalf of the community and its institutions. In the meantime, his father-in-law passed away and was replaced by Rabbi Chaim Chizkia Medini, who immigrated from Karasu-Bazar in Crimea, author of the books Sdei Chemed. And when Rav Hasson returned from his journey he was appointed a member of the Beit Din and was the right hand of the gaon, who gave him the proof and printing of the final parts of his book Sdei Chemed.

After the demise of gaon Medini he was appointed chief rabbi of the Sephardic community. He worked very hard in favor of the Jewish community in Hebron and in the fortification of the community and its institutions. He took an interest in the history of the city of Hebron and the history of the Jewish settlement there, and collected ancient documents on this matter.

In his old age, his sons persuaded him to move to Jerusalem, but he refused, so much so that he would not reduce the settlement there. In the summer of 1929, his wife spent a few months with her sons in Jerusalem, and when she returned in the month of Tammuz she continued to beg him to move to Jerusalem, and he refused.

On the day of the massacre, on Saturday, 18 Av, 1929, he and his wife were murdered by the Hebron rioters, as well as his writings in Torah novellae and in the history of Hebron.


322 | Encyclopedia of the Founders and Builders of Israel
So a fourth question:

If panel member ‘A’, agreed with panel member ‘B’, who agreed with panel member ‘C’, and the role of the Chair was to ensure the panelists were the only ones in the room allowed to speak freely, then how on earth were ‘all sides represented’?

The entire free speech argument is bogus. The only speech being denied is a right of response. So much so, that towards the end, I felt physically unwell. The attacks were relentless. Bouattia for example, claimed that in 2009 or 2011, the Israelis ‘carpet bombed’ the people of Gaza. Israel was even referred to as a ‘despotic regime’.

What is occurring is insidious. The argument of free speech is being turned on its head, in a perverse manipulation of the truth. Why won’t these lying cowards put their arguments up for challenge? Why is that cowardice supported by a university?

(full article online)

The University of Cambridge - teaching ignorance and hate
Sarsour has also minimized problems faced by women living in Arab countries. At least twice, she has lauded Saudi Arabia as a model of women’s rights. In doing so, she ignored the fact that in Saudi Arabia, all adult women must have a male guardian, whose permission they need just in order to get married, get a passport or travel. She also ignored that at the time she made those statements, Saudi women were prohibited from driving, and that in Saudi Arabia, girls as young as eight years old can be forced to marry old men.

(full article online)

When It Comes to Linda Sarsour, Where’s the ‘Glamour’ in Bigotry?
Oh, knowledgeable Master, do point us to the links which prove that ALL Jews in Europe had origins in Europe itself and did not come from Asia as far back as the destruction of the First Temple.

Who cares if some Ashkenazi have oriental or Asian roots, most of them have European roots, almost all "founding mothers" of Ashkenazi communities are of European origin. If Judaism is transmitted via the maternal line, then Ashkenazi are neither Jews nor Semites.

Yeah, Ivrit is an invented language, just like Arabic, English, Farsi,
Latin, Greek, Aramaic, etc.
It was invented by the people who became known for it thousands of years ago.


English, Farsi, Latin, Greek, Aramaic and ancient Hebrew were naturally born languages, they evolved due to the evolution of these languages, which was a natural process that involved millions of people who spoke these languages.

Ivrith is like Esperanto, in did not evolve naturally, it was created from a dead language, it is like a Frankenstein.
Oh, knowledgeable Master, do point us to the links which prove that ALL Jews in Europe had origins in Europe itself and did not come from Asia as far back as the destruction of the First Temple.

Who cares if some Ashkenazi have oriental or Asian roots, most of them have European roots, almost all "founding mothers" of Ashkenazi communities are of European origin. If Judaism is transmitted via the maternal line, then Ashkenazi are neither Jews nor Semites.

Yeah, Ivrit is an invented language, just like Arabic, English, Farsi,
Latin, Greek, Aramaic, etc.
It was invented by the people who became known for it thousands of years ago.


English, Farsi, Latin, Greek, Aramaic and ancient Hebrew were naturally born languages, they evolved due to the evolution of these languages, which was a natural process that involved millions of people who spoke these languages.

Ivrith is like Esperanto, in did not evolve naturally, it was created from a dead language, it is like a Frankenstein.
What language does the word Ivrit come from?

What does it mean?
Oh, knowledgeable Master, do point us to the links which prove that ALL Jews in Europe had origins in Europe itself and did not come from Asia as far back as the destruction of the First Temple.

Who cares if some Ashkenazi have oriental or Asian roots, most of them have European roots, almost all "founding mothers" of Ashkenazi communities are of European origin. If Judaism is transmitted via the maternal line, then Ashkenazi are neither Jews nor Semites.

Yeah, Ivrit is an invented language, just like Arabic, English, Farsi,
Latin, Greek, Aramaic, etc.
It was invented by the people who became known for it thousands of years ago.


English, Farsi, Latin, Greek, Aramaic and ancient Hebrew were naturally born languages, they evolved due to the evolution of these languages, which was a natural process that involved millions of people who spoke these languages.

Ivrith is like Esperanto, in did not evolve naturally, it was created from a dead language, it is like a Frankenstein.

Majority of Ashkenazi Jews cluster with the Druze from Lebanon and Galilee.
It's is my conclusion as well that diaspora communities used to revolve around a small number of converted women. It were usually men who reached further places.
However while culture is passed by the mother from childhood, it is the father who gives the familial and tribal identity to the Jewish child.
The language wasn't dead at all. It was used in legal documents, schools, books, songs and letters between the communities. Even when writing in Yiddish or Arabic - Hebrew letters AND words were used.
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