Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Really that's news to you bumpkin? The Jews lost the 181 vote and executed Plan-D...there was no Israel when the ethnic-cleansing/terror offensive began, there was no recognition of Israel because Israel didn't exist...the brazen Jews had occupied all of the Arab towns and villages appointed to the Palestinians in 181...the so-called 'Arab armies' didn't enter the fray until days after the Zionist pirates embarked on their criminal ethnic cleansing...Egyptian and Syrian forces COMBINED were estimated at 40,000 contrast by Zionist terror groups and ancillary Zionist forces estimated in excess of 125,000...so much for the fairy-tale of the 'brave Jews' winning over astronomical number of Arab armies...LOL

You know nothing of the facts. General Assembly resolution 181 was non-binding. G.A. resolutions have no force of law.

The Israelis had no vote to lose.

You had no facts to present. But, no one's surprised.

LOL...if it was 'non-binding'---as I have already stated innumerable times, then the agreement of both parties was the only lever to execute it...in your brazen idiocy you imply that SOMEHOW Jews were entirely justified in expelling 800,000 native Palestinians and stealing their property and land. You do understand that 181 was put up for a vote right dummy?...voting implies loss or win...good god go back to school and try for a C...
And, once again for the benefit of the chronic learning-impaired, by the time the neighboring states intervened--only Syria and Egypt---following the Zionists’ unilateral declaration of the existence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948, 300,000 Arabs had already been ethnically cleansed from Palestine. (And how can Arab irregulars attack Israel before Israel existed?)

I marvel at the sheer idiocy required to refer to native Palestinians as 'squatters'...13 successive centuries is one long 'squat' low-brow...I hope they pay more than minimum-wage for you to post lies 24/7

Denying the fact of the combined Arab armies crossing the frontier suggests you're simply fact-averse. Your usual, silly tirades really don't provide cover for your abysmal lack of knowledge surrounding the circumstances.

Haven't you get discovered that your baseless ".... because I say so", outbursts are met with a great deal of cynicism and more often, outright disbelief?

You really should educate yourself to the facts.

ROTFLMAO I have most likely forgotten more of the relevant facts involved than a mindless parrot like you is ever likely to learn...again your argument is with Zionist leaders who contradict the 'heroic battle against Arab hordes' narrative...let's face it lies are all you can spout because the truth doesn't offer you much...yeah 40,000 Egyptian and Syrian troops against 125,000 Zionist troops---mostly terrorist groups like Irgun, Haganah, Lehi, Stern Gang....cowardly Jew thugs

Such an angry, Louie. As you’re having difficulty, Im happy to jump in and lend an assist. As you were told, GA resolutions are non-binding and carry no weight of law. As you should have learned by now, resolution 181 was never implemented. I’m shocked you are still so ignorant regarding the facts. There was no vote to lose. Your childish outbursts would be an embarrassment to anyone but you, apparently.

Lastly, I’m glad you recognize the fact that the combined Arab armies moved past the frontiers and were the aggressors. That aggressive force was, in large part responsible for the uprooting of so many arab squatters. The aggressors, were, in fact, delivered a humiliating defeat. That pains you. Deal with it. You people would go on to lose more wars of aggression and suffer similar humiliating defeats.

You can deny these facts to yourself but your lacking regarding the historical record is your own fault.

Wrong again...at least your consistent...let's list your errors in order of execution:

#1 I am not angry, merely a combo of disgusted amusement...but if it pleases you to believe that you make me angry knock yourself out...

#2 I an not 'Louie'...again if it pleases you to indulge this delusion by all means...

#3 Apparently you cannot grasp the significance of the word 'vote'...permit me---I briefly worked with retarded adults like you---why continue to state the obvious as to 'GA resolutions? The Zionists participated in the 'vote' for 181, anticipating an Arab rejection...please explain how a criminal ethnic cleansing of the native population establishes the basis for a declaration of statehood? To say that 'there was no vote to lose' reveals the extent of your ignorance...has no one explained that Zionists participated in the 'vote' dummy?

#4 There were no 'frontiers' because there was no recognized nation of Israel...does this register yet or shall I employ a set of IQ-appropriate crayon graphics? The Syrian and Egyptian forces engaged the numerical superior Zionist terror militias...I absolutely delight at you lie that Egyptian and Syrian forces conducted the ethnic cleansing...I am literally wasting my time even answering a lying parrot like you...please try to prove one word of the nausea you posted...go ahead I'll wait right here...

#5 THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ISRAEL...there is only occupied Palestine....

I used the term frontiers for a reason. You don’t understand.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. You will be raising your hand a lot. That’s fine. However, demanding that everyone on a public discussion board acknowledge your self-imposed limitations is not necessary.

...and why might I need help from a liar who cannot prove anything she posts?
Really that's news to you bumpkin? The Jews lost the 181 vote and executed Plan-D...there was no Israel when the ethnic-cleansing/terror offensive began, there was no recognition of Israel because Israel didn't exist...the brazen Jews had occupied all of the Arab towns and villages appointed to the Palestinians in 181...the so-called 'Arab armies' didn't enter the fray until days after the Zionist pirates embarked on their criminal ethnic cleansing...Egyptian and Syrian forces COMBINED were estimated at 40,000 contrast by Zionist terror groups and ancillary Zionist forces estimated in excess of 125,000...so much for the fairy-tale of the 'brave Jews' winning over astronomical number of Arab armies...LOL

You know nothing of the facts. General Assembly resolution 181 was non-binding. G.A. resolutions have no force of law.

The Israelis had no vote to lose.

You had no facts to present. But, no one's surprised.

LOL...if it was 'non-binding'---as I have already stated innumerable times, then the agreement of both parties was the only lever to execute it...in your brazen idiocy you imply that SOMEHOW Jews were entirely justified in expelling 800,000 native Palestinians and stealing their property and land. You do understand that 181 was put up for a vote right dummy?...voting implies loss or win...good god go back to school and try for a C...
And, once again for the benefit of the chronic learning-impaired, by the time the neighboring states intervened--only Syria and Egypt---following the Zionists’ unilateral declaration of the existence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948, 300,000 Arabs had already been ethnically cleansed from Palestine. (And how can Arab irregulars attack Israel before Israel existed?)

I marvel at the sheer idiocy required to refer to native Palestinians as 'squatters'...13 successive centuries is one long 'squat' low-brow...I hope they pay more than minimum-wage for you to post lies 24/7

Denying the fact of the combined Arab armies crossing the frontier suggests you're simply fact-averse. Your usual, silly tirades really don't provide cover for your abysmal lack of knowledge surrounding the circumstances.

Haven't you get discovered that your baseless ".... because I say so", outbursts are met with a great deal of cynicism and more often, outright disbelief?

You really should educate yourself to the facts.

ROTFLMAO I have most likely forgotten more of the relevant facts involved than a mindless parrot like you is ever likely to learn...again your argument is with Zionist leaders who contradict the 'heroic battle against Arab hordes' narrative...let's face it lies are all you can spout because the truth doesn't offer you much...yeah 40,000 Egyptian and Syrian troops against 125,000 Zionist troops---mostly terrorist groups like Irgun, Haganah, Lehi, Stern Gang....cowardly Jew thugs

Such an angry, Louie. As you’re having difficulty, Im happy to jump in and lend an assist. As you were told, GA resolutions are non-binding and carry no weight of law. As you should have learned by now, resolution 181 was never implemented. I’m shocked you are still so ignorant regarding the facts. There was no vote to lose. Your childish outbursts would be an embarrassment to anyone but you, apparently.

Lastly, I’m glad you recognize the fact that the combined Arab armies moved past the frontiers and were the aggressors. That aggressive force was, in large part responsible for the uprooting of so many arab squatters. The aggressors, were, in fact, delivered a humiliating defeat. That pains you. Deal with it. You people would go on to lose more wars of aggression and suffer similar humiliating defeats.

You can deny these facts to yourself but your lacking regarding the historical record is your own fault.

Wrong again...at least your consistent...let's list your errors in order of execution:

#1 I am not angry, merely a combo of disgusted amusement...but if it pleases you to believe that you make me angry knock yourself out...

#2 I an not 'Louie'...again if it pleases you to indulge this delusion by all means...

#3 Apparently you cannot grasp the significance of the word 'vote'...permit me---I briefly worked with retarded adults like you---why continue to state the obvious as to 'GA resolutions? The Zionists participated in the 'vote' for 181, anticipating an Arab rejection...please explain how a criminal ethnic cleansing of the native population establishes the basis for a declaration of statehood? To say that 'there was no vote to lose' reveals the extent of your ignorance...has no one explained that Zionists participated in the 'vote' dummy?

#4 There were no 'frontiers' because there was no recognized nation of Israel...does this register yet or shall I employ a set of IQ-appropriate crayon graphics? The Syrian and Egyptian forces engaged the numerical superior Zionist terror militias...I absolutely delight at you lie that Egyptian and Syrian forces conducted the ethnic cleansing...I am literally wasting my time even answering a lying parrot like you...please try to prove one word of the nausea you posted...go ahead I'll wait right here...

#5 THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ISRAEL...there is only occupied Palestine....

I used the term frontiers for a reason. You don’t understand.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. You will be raising your hand a lot. That’s fine. However, demanding that everyone on a public discussion board acknowledge your self-imposed limitations is not necessary.

Yes of course 'frontiers' is such an esoteric word...LOL
You know nothing of the facts. General Assembly resolution 181 was non-binding. G.A. resolutions have no force of law.

The Israelis had no vote to lose.

You had no facts to present. But, no one's surprised.

LOL...if it was 'non-binding'---as I have already stated innumerable times, then the agreement of both parties was the only lever to execute it...in your brazen idiocy you imply that SOMEHOW Jews were entirely justified in expelling 800,000 native Palestinians and stealing their property and land. You do understand that 181 was put up for a vote right dummy?...voting implies loss or win...good god go back to school and try for a C...
Denying the fact of the combined Arab armies crossing the frontier suggests you're simply fact-averse. Your usual, silly tirades really don't provide cover for your abysmal lack of knowledge surrounding the circumstances.

Haven't you get discovered that your baseless ".... because I say so", outbursts are met with a great deal of cynicism and more often, outright disbelief?

You really should educate yourself to the facts.

ROTFLMAO I have most likely forgotten more of the relevant facts involved than a mindless parrot like you is ever likely to learn...again your argument is with Zionist leaders who contradict the 'heroic battle against Arab hordes' narrative...let's face it lies are all you can spout because the truth doesn't offer you much...yeah 40,000 Egyptian and Syrian troops against 125,000 Zionist troops---mostly terrorist groups like Irgun, Haganah, Lehi, Stern Gang....cowardly Jew thugs

Such an angry, Louie. As you’re having difficulty, Im happy to jump in and lend an assist. As you were told, GA resolutions are non-binding and carry no weight of law. As you should have learned by now, resolution 181 was never implemented. I’m shocked you are still so ignorant regarding the facts. There was no vote to lose. Your childish outbursts would be an embarrassment to anyone but you, apparently.

Lastly, I’m glad you recognize the fact that the combined Arab armies moved past the frontiers and were the aggressors. That aggressive force was, in large part responsible for the uprooting of so many arab squatters. The aggressors, were, in fact, delivered a humiliating defeat. That pains you. Deal with it. You people would go on to lose more wars of aggression and suffer similar humiliating defeats.

You can deny these facts to yourself but your lacking regarding the historical record is your own fault.

Wrong again...at least your consistent...let's list your errors in order of execution:

#1 I am not angry, merely a combo of disgusted amusement...but if it pleases you to believe that you make me angry knock yourself out...

#2 I an not 'Louie'...again if it pleases you to indulge this delusion by all means...

#3 Apparently you cannot grasp the significance of the word 'vote'...permit me---I briefly worked with retarded adults like you---why continue to state the obvious as to 'GA resolutions? The Zionists participated in the 'vote' for 181, anticipating an Arab rejection...please explain how a criminal ethnic cleansing of the native population establishes the basis for a declaration of statehood? To say that 'there was no vote to lose' reveals the extent of your ignorance...has no one explained that Zionists participated in the 'vote' dummy?

#4 There were no 'frontiers' because there was no recognized nation of Israel...does this register yet or shall I employ a set of IQ-appropriate crayon graphics? The Syrian and Egyptian forces engaged the numerical superior Zionist terror militias...I absolutely delight at you lie that Egyptian and Syrian forces conducted the ethnic cleansing...I am literally wasting my time even answering a lying parrot like you...please try to prove one word of the nausea you posted...go ahead I'll wait right here...

#5 THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ISRAEL...there is only occupied Palestine....

I used the term frontiers for a reason. You don’t understand.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. You will be raising your hand a lot. That’s fine. However, demanding that everyone on a public discussion board acknowledge your self-imposed limitations is not necessary.

...and why might I need help from a liar who cannot prove anything she posts?

.....because you need help learning what befuddles you.
You know nothing of the facts. General Assembly resolution 181 was non-binding. G.A. resolutions have no force of law.

The Israelis had no vote to lose.

You had no facts to present. But, no one's surprised.

LOL...if it was 'non-binding'---as I have already stated innumerable times, then the agreement of both parties was the only lever to execute it...in your brazen idiocy you imply that SOMEHOW Jews were entirely justified in expelling 800,000 native Palestinians and stealing their property and land. You do understand that 181 was put up for a vote right dummy?...voting implies loss or win...good god go back to school and try for a C...
Denying the fact of the combined Arab armies crossing the frontier suggests you're simply fact-averse. Your usual, silly tirades really don't provide cover for your abysmal lack of knowledge surrounding the circumstances.

Haven't you get discovered that your baseless ".... because I say so", outbursts are met with a great deal of cynicism and more often, outright disbelief?

You really should educate yourself to the facts.

ROTFLMAO I have most likely forgotten more of the relevant facts involved than a mindless parrot like you is ever likely to learn...again your argument is with Zionist leaders who contradict the 'heroic battle against Arab hordes' narrative...let's face it lies are all you can spout because the truth doesn't offer you much...yeah 40,000 Egyptian and Syrian troops against 125,000 Zionist troops---mostly terrorist groups like Irgun, Haganah, Lehi, Stern Gang....cowardly Jew thugs

Such an angry, Louie. As you’re having difficulty, Im happy to jump in and lend an assist. As you were told, GA resolutions are non-binding and carry no weight of law. As you should have learned by now, resolution 181 was never implemented. I’m shocked you are still so ignorant regarding the facts. There was no vote to lose. Your childish outbursts would be an embarrassment to anyone but you, apparently.

Lastly, I’m glad you recognize the fact that the combined Arab armies moved past the frontiers and were the aggressors. That aggressive force was, in large part responsible for the uprooting of so many arab squatters. The aggressors, were, in fact, delivered a humiliating defeat. That pains you. Deal with it. You people would go on to lose more wars of aggression and suffer similar humiliating defeats.

You can deny these facts to yourself but your lacking regarding the historical record is your own fault.

Wrong again...at least your consistent...let's list your errors in order of execution:

#1 I am not angry, merely a combo of disgusted amusement...but if it pleases you to believe that you make me angry knock yourself out...

#2 I an not 'Louie'...again if it pleases you to indulge this delusion by all means...

#3 Apparently you cannot grasp the significance of the word 'vote'...permit me---I briefly worked with retarded adults like you---why continue to state the obvious as to 'GA resolutions? The Zionists participated in the 'vote' for 181, anticipating an Arab rejection...please explain how a criminal ethnic cleansing of the native population establishes the basis for a declaration of statehood? To say that 'there was no vote to lose' reveals the extent of your ignorance...has no one explained that Zionists participated in the 'vote' dummy?

#4 There were no 'frontiers' because there was no recognized nation of Israel...does this register yet or shall I employ a set of IQ-appropriate crayon graphics? The Syrian and Egyptian forces engaged the numerical superior Zionist terror militias...I absolutely delight at you lie that Egyptian and Syrian forces conducted the ethnic cleansing...I am literally wasting my time even answering a lying parrot like you...please try to prove one word of the nausea you posted...go ahead I'll wait right here...

#5 THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ISRAEL...there is only occupied Palestine....

I used the term frontiers for a reason. You don’t understand.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. You will be raising your hand a lot. That’s fine. However, demanding that everyone on a public discussion board acknowledge your self-imposed limitations is not necessary.

Yes of course 'frontiers' is such an esoteric word...LOL

It has a definition you don’t understand or comprehend.
LOL...if it was 'non-binding'---as I have already stated innumerable times, then the agreement of both parties was the only lever to execute it...in your brazen idiocy you imply that SOMEHOW Jews were entirely justified in expelling 800,000 native Palestinians and stealing their property and land. You do understand that 181 was put up for a vote right dummy?...voting implies loss or win...good god go back to school and try for a C...
ROTFLMAO I have most likely forgotten more of the relevant facts involved than a mindless parrot like you is ever likely to learn...again your argument is with Zionist leaders who contradict the 'heroic battle against Arab hordes' narrative...let's face it lies are all you can spout because the truth doesn't offer you much...yeah 40,000 Egyptian and Syrian troops against 125,000 Zionist troops---mostly terrorist groups like Irgun, Haganah, Lehi, Stern Gang....cowardly Jew thugs

Such an angry, Louie. As you’re having difficulty, Im happy to jump in and lend an assist. As you were told, GA resolutions are non-binding and carry no weight of law. As you should have learned by now, resolution 181 was never implemented. I’m shocked you are still so ignorant regarding the facts. There was no vote to lose. Your childish outbursts would be an embarrassment to anyone but you, apparently.

Lastly, I’m glad you recognize the fact that the combined Arab armies moved past the frontiers and were the aggressors. That aggressive force was, in large part responsible for the uprooting of so many arab squatters. The aggressors, were, in fact, delivered a humiliating defeat. That pains you. Deal with it. You people would go on to lose more wars of aggression and suffer similar humiliating defeats.

You can deny these facts to yourself but your lacking regarding the historical record is your own fault.

Wrong again...at least your consistent...let's list your errors in order of execution:

#1 I am not angry, merely a combo of disgusted amusement...but if it pleases you to believe that you make me angry knock yourself out...

#2 I an not 'Louie'...again if it pleases you to indulge this delusion by all means...

#3 Apparently you cannot grasp the significance of the word 'vote'...permit me---I briefly worked with retarded adults like you---why continue to state the obvious as to 'GA resolutions? The Zionists participated in the 'vote' for 181, anticipating an Arab rejection...please explain how a criminal ethnic cleansing of the native population establishes the basis for a declaration of statehood? To say that 'there was no vote to lose' reveals the extent of your ignorance...has no one explained that Zionists participated in the 'vote' dummy?

#4 There were no 'frontiers' because there was no recognized nation of Israel...does this register yet or shall I employ a set of IQ-appropriate crayon graphics? The Syrian and Egyptian forces engaged the numerical superior Zionist terror militias...I absolutely delight at you lie that Egyptian and Syrian forces conducted the ethnic cleansing...I am literally wasting my time even answering a lying parrot like you...please try to prove one word of the nausea you posted...go ahead I'll wait right here...

#5 THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ISRAEL...there is only occupied Palestine....

I used the term frontiers for a reason. You don’t understand.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. You will be raising your hand a lot. That’s fine. However, demanding that everyone on a public discussion board acknowledge your self-imposed limitations is not necessary.

...and why might I need help from a liar who cannot prove anything she posts?

.....because you need help learning what befuddles you.

You appear to be projecting once again...
LOL...if it was 'non-binding'---as I have already stated innumerable times, then the agreement of both parties was the only lever to execute it...in your brazen idiocy you imply that SOMEHOW Jews were entirely justified in expelling 800,000 native Palestinians and stealing their property and land. You do understand that 181 was put up for a vote right dummy?...voting implies loss or win...good god go back to school and try for a C...
ROTFLMAO I have most likely forgotten more of the relevant facts involved than a mindless parrot like you is ever likely to learn...again your argument is with Zionist leaders who contradict the 'heroic battle against Arab hordes' narrative...let's face it lies are all you can spout because the truth doesn't offer you much...yeah 40,000 Egyptian and Syrian troops against 125,000 Zionist troops---mostly terrorist groups like Irgun, Haganah, Lehi, Stern Gang....cowardly Jew thugs

Such an angry, Louie. As you’re having difficulty, Im happy to jump in and lend an assist. As you were told, GA resolutions are non-binding and carry no weight of law. As you should have learned by now, resolution 181 was never implemented. I’m shocked you are still so ignorant regarding the facts. There was no vote to lose. Your childish outbursts would be an embarrassment to anyone but you, apparently.

Lastly, I’m glad you recognize the fact that the combined Arab armies moved past the frontiers and were the aggressors. That aggressive force was, in large part responsible for the uprooting of so many arab squatters. The aggressors, were, in fact, delivered a humiliating defeat. That pains you. Deal with it. You people would go on to lose more wars of aggression and suffer similar humiliating defeats.

You can deny these facts to yourself but your lacking regarding the historical record is your own fault.

Wrong again...at least your consistent...let's list your errors in order of execution:

#1 I am not angry, merely a combo of disgusted amusement...but if it pleases you to believe that you make me angry knock yourself out...

#2 I an not 'Louie'...again if it pleases you to indulge this delusion by all means...

#3 Apparently you cannot grasp the significance of the word 'vote'...permit me---I briefly worked with retarded adults like you---why continue to state the obvious as to 'GA resolutions? The Zionists participated in the 'vote' for 181, anticipating an Arab rejection...please explain how a criminal ethnic cleansing of the native population establishes the basis for a declaration of statehood? To say that 'there was no vote to lose' reveals the extent of your ignorance...has no one explained that Zionists participated in the 'vote' dummy?

#4 There were no 'frontiers' because there was no recognized nation of Israel...does this register yet or shall I employ a set of IQ-appropriate crayon graphics? The Syrian and Egyptian forces engaged the numerical superior Zionist terror militias...I absolutely delight at you lie that Egyptian and Syrian forces conducted the ethnic cleansing...I am literally wasting my time even answering a lying parrot like you...please try to prove one word of the nausea you posted...go ahead I'll wait right here...

#5 THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ISRAEL...there is only occupied Palestine....

I used the term frontiers for a reason. You don’t understand.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. You will be raising your hand a lot. That’s fine. However, demanding that everyone on a public discussion board acknowledge your self-imposed limitations is not necessary.

Yes of course 'frontiers' is such an esoteric word...LOL

It has a definition you don’t understand or comprehend.

No doubt in your febrile, atrophied brain perhaps
Such an angry, Louie. As you’re having difficulty, Im happy to jump in and lend an assist. As you were told, GA resolutions are non-binding and carry no weight of law. As you should have learned by now, resolution 181 was never implemented. I’m shocked you are still so ignorant regarding the facts. There was no vote to lose. Your childish outbursts would be an embarrassment to anyone but you, apparently.

Lastly, I’m glad you recognize the fact that the combined Arab armies moved past the frontiers and were the aggressors. That aggressive force was, in large part responsible for the uprooting of so many arab squatters. The aggressors, were, in fact, delivered a humiliating defeat. That pains you. Deal with it. You people would go on to lose more wars of aggression and suffer similar humiliating defeats.

You can deny these facts to yourself but your lacking regarding the historical record is your own fault.

Wrong again...at least your consistent...let's list your errors in order of execution:

#1 I am not angry, merely a combo of disgusted amusement...but if it pleases you to believe that you make me angry knock yourself out...

#2 I an not 'Louie'...again if it pleases you to indulge this delusion by all means...

#3 Apparently you cannot grasp the significance of the word 'vote'...permit me---I briefly worked with retarded adults like you---why continue to state the obvious as to 'GA resolutions? The Zionists participated in the 'vote' for 181, anticipating an Arab rejection...please explain how a criminal ethnic cleansing of the native population establishes the basis for a declaration of statehood? To say that 'there was no vote to lose' reveals the extent of your ignorance...has no one explained that Zionists participated in the 'vote' dummy?

#4 There were no 'frontiers' because there was no recognized nation of Israel...does this register yet or shall I employ a set of IQ-appropriate crayon graphics? The Syrian and Egyptian forces engaged the numerical superior Zionist terror militias...I absolutely delight at you lie that Egyptian and Syrian forces conducted the ethnic cleansing...I am literally wasting my time even answering a lying parrot like you...please try to prove one word of the nausea you posted...go ahead I'll wait right here...

#5 THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ISRAEL...there is only occupied Palestine....

I used the term frontiers for a reason. You don’t understand.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. You will be raising your hand a lot. That’s fine. However, demanding that everyone on a public discussion board acknowledge your self-imposed limitations is not necessary.

...and why might I need help from a liar who cannot prove anything she posts?

.....because you need help learning what befuddles you.

You appear to be projecting once again...

You are befuddled, as usual.
Get this: No p in Arabic, so “palestinians” who are really Arabs can’t write or say “palestinian” or “palestine” in their own Arabic language

Wrong again...at least your consistent...let's list your errors in order of execution:

#1 I am not angry, merely a combo of disgusted amusement...but if it pleases you to believe that you make me angry knock yourself out...

#2 I an not 'Louie'...again if it pleases you to indulge this delusion by all means...

#3 Apparently you cannot grasp the significance of the word 'vote'...permit me---I briefly worked with retarded adults like you---why continue to state the obvious as to 'GA resolutions? The Zionists participated in the 'vote' for 181, anticipating an Arab rejection...please explain how a criminal ethnic cleansing of the native population establishes the basis for a declaration of statehood? To say that 'there was no vote to lose' reveals the extent of your ignorance...has no one explained that Zionists participated in the 'vote' dummy?

#4 There were no 'frontiers' because there was no recognized nation of Israel...does this register yet or shall I employ a set of IQ-appropriate crayon graphics? The Syrian and Egyptian forces engaged the numerical superior Zionist terror militias...I absolutely delight at you lie that Egyptian and Syrian forces conducted the ethnic cleansing...I am literally wasting my time even answering a lying parrot like you...please try to prove one word of the nausea you posted...go ahead I'll wait right here...

#5 THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ISRAEL...there is only occupied Palestine....

I used the term frontiers for a reason. You don’t understand.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for help. You will be raising your hand a lot. That’s fine. However, demanding that everyone on a public discussion board acknowledge your self-imposed limitations is not necessary.

...and why might I need help from a liar who cannot prove anything she posts?

.....because you need help learning what befuddles you.

You appear to be projecting once again...

You are befuddled, as usual.

Projecting again...running low of BS?
Get this: No p in Arabic, so “palestinians” who are really Arabs can’t write or say “palestinian” or “palestine” in their own Arabic language


wow!!!!! I guess you just wiped out 13 centuries of residency with that devastating observation...how can we fight such genius????
Get this: No p in Arabic, so “palestinians” who are really Arabs can’t write or say “palestinian” or “palestine” in their own Arabic language


wow!!!!! I guess you just wiped out 13 centuries of residency with that devastating observation...how can we fight such genius????

Another of your silly slogans. 13 centuries of residency by who?

Had you known anything of the history surrounding the area, you would have known of at least three separate conquests undertaken by the Turks, Mongols and Christian Crusaders.

You are the source of a great deal of laughter with your silly slogans.
Get this: No p in Arabic, so “palestinians” who are really Arabs can’t write or say “palestinian” or “palestine” in their own Arabic language


wow!!!!! I guess you just wiped out 13 centuries of residency with that devastating observation...how can we fight such genius????

Another of your silly slogans. 13 centuries of residency by who?

Had you known anything of the history surrounding the area, you would have known of at least three separate conquests undertaken by the Turks, Mongols and Christian Crusaders.

You are the source of a great deal of laughter with your silly slogans.

Apparently in addition to being a demonstrable F-student in history you have problems with math as well...Arab Palestinian residency goes back to the late period of the 7th century drool queen...you need to calm down and stop spewing laughable lies here...if someone is paying you to do this that would reduce you to the status of an immoral propaganda-parrot, on the other hand if this is a sample of your pathetic hilariously distorted knowledge-base you must hold the IQ of sand...any time you require assistance I'll be only too happy to help...as previously explained I pulled a brief stint working with retarded adults, therefore I recognize the signatures...

BTW: Turks and Mongols are part of the prevalent DNA of contemporary Israelis...LOL
Get this: No p in Arabic, so “palestinians” who are really Arabs can’t write or say “palestinian” or “palestine” in their own Arabic language


wow!!!!! I guess you just wiped out 13 centuries of residency with that devastating observation...how can we fight such genius????

Another of your silly slogans. 13 centuries of residency by who?

Had you known anything of the history surrounding the area, you would have known of at least three separate conquests undertaken by the Turks, Mongols and Christian Crusaders.

You are the source of a great deal of laughter with your silly slogans.

Apparently in addition to being a demonstrable F-student in history you have problems with math as well...Arab Palestinian residency goes back to the late period of the 7th century drool queen...you need to calm down and stop spewing laughable lies here...if someone is paying you to do this that would reduce you to the status of an immoral propaganda-parrot, on the other hand if this is a sample of your pathetic hilariously distorted knowledge-base you must hold the IQ of sand...any time you require assistance I'll be only too happy to help...as previously explained I pulled a brief stint working with retarded adults, therefore I recognize the signatures...

BTW: Turks and Mongols are part of the prevalent DNA of contemporary Israelis...LOL

As noted, you quickly put on your islamo-dancing shoes and retreated from identifying who has had 13 centuries of residency in your invented "country of Pal'istan". You did, of course, acknowledge the various invaders I identified for you who have colonized the area thus contributing to the population churn.

Now would be a good time to wipe that unseemly drool from your keyboard.
Get this: No p in Arabic, so “palestinians” who are really Arabs can’t write or say “palestinian” or “palestine” in their own Arabic language


wow!!!!! I guess you just wiped out 13 centuries of residency with that devastating observation...how can we fight such genius????

Another of your silly slogans. 13 centuries of residency by who?

Had you known anything of the history surrounding the area, you would have known of at least three separate conquests undertaken by the Turks, Mongols and Christian Crusaders.

You are the source of a great deal of laughter with your silly slogans.

Apparently in addition to being a demonstrable F-student in history you have problems with math as well...Arab Palestinian residency goes back to the late period of the 7th century drool queen...you need to calm down and stop spewing laughable lies here...if someone is paying you to do this that would reduce you to the status of an immoral propaganda-parrot, on the other hand if this is a sample of your pathetic hilariously distorted knowledge-base you must hold the IQ of sand...any time you require assistance I'll be only too happy to help...as previously explained I pulled a brief stint working with retarded adults, therefore I recognize the signatures...

BTW: Turks and Mongols are part of the prevalent DNA of contemporary Israelis...LOL

As noted, you quickly put on your islamo-dancing shoes and retreated from identifying who has had 13 centuries of residency in your invented "country of Pal'istan". You did, of course, acknowledge the various invaders I identified for you who have colonized the area thus contributing to the population churn.

Now would be a good time to wipe that unseemly drool from your keyboard.

As counter-noted you aren't too swift at basic literacy either...7th century to mid-twentieth century mongoloid...your tiny spun-atrophied brain has been so thoroughly saturated by the mind-numbing Hasbara disciplines that you scarcely communicate reality...the sad part is that you are sufficiently stupid to assume that your spate of cheap deflections and evasions---'your tirades...Islamo blablabla---actually work. Has no one explained to you that these tactics merely reduce you to pathetic? A brain is a terrible thing to waste...wink, wink!
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