Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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There's no history of the palestinian people because there are no palestinian people. What we have is a conglomeration of recent Arabic speaking immigrants from the North African area that have no common background. That and the area was Southern Syria and the people considered themselves Syrian under Ottoman rule until Jordan was invented and now they are Jordanian. Ask the Jordanian king ;-)

Israel on the other hand is a homogenous group of people carrying specific genetic markers, sharing a language and culture as well as a religion unique to that culture. So yeah, clearly a unique people.

No palestinian people? Who knew?

There's no history of the palestinian people because there are no palestinian people. What we have is a conglomeration of recent Arabic speaking immigrants from the North African area that have no common background. That and the area was Southern Syria and the people considered themselves Syrian under Ottoman rule until Jordan was invented and now they are Jordanian. Ask the Jordanian king ;-)

Israel on the other hand is a homogenous group of people carrying specific genetic markers, sharing a language and culture as well as a religion unique to that culture. So yeah, clearly a unique people.

No palestinian people? Who knew?

once again Joel, your argument is with people like Hiam Weitzman, Theodore Herzl, Menachem Begin and David Ben Gurion...explain to them in detail that they were conspiring to remove a people that didn't exist...:smartass:
{These are the Partners for Peace ]

investigative report (excerpted here) on the negotiations between Israel, the US and the Palestinians in 2013 and 2014.

The report shows that Netanyahu approved a framework, created by John Kerry and his team, that would have resulted in a Palestinian state based on the 1967 lines with land swaps. When it was presented to Mahmoud Abbas, he angrily rejected it.

When Kerry came back with a sweeter offer that addressed Abbas' concerns - without consulting the Israelis - Abbas never responded and let the talks die.

This story, published in an ultra-left wing newspaper, it the biggest news story of the year for Israel.

It proves that Netanyahu is far more flexible towards a two-state solution than any reporter has ever written. It proves that Abbas is more intransigent and uninterested in peace than any reporter is willing to admit.

It completely up-ends the conventional wisdom about Israel and the Palestinians.

(full article online)

The biggest Israel-related story of the decade that no one (right or left) wants you to know ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[This is Fatah, the Party of Abbas, who is the moderate Arab Partner for Peace with Israel .
Palestinians do not have an army? ]

Fatah glorifies the second Intifada in which over 1,000 Israelis were murdered
and promises more terror
  • "The only way to freedom and liberation is resistance to the occupier... There is no honor for the weak." [Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor, Sultan Abu Al-Einein]
  • "Resistance until the return [of the refugees], the state, and self determination.'
    [Fatah Central Committee member Tawfiq Tirawi]

(full article oniine)

Fatah glorifies the second Intifada, promises more terror - PMW Bulletins
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BTW, “Semitic” applies to languages, not to “tribes” Now you know

In this case Ashkenazi are not Semites at all, because their native language was Yiddish, a bastardised Slavic language in which Slavic words were replaced with German words, but the Slavic grammatical structure remained.

The Jewish linguist Paul Wexler wrote a book about it.

The term "Anti-Semitism" is an idiotic term, because Ashkenazi are not Semites, their spoken language was neither Semitic, nor oriental.

Ivrith is an invented language, like Esperanto, no ancestors of Ashkenazi ever spoke this language.
BTW, “Semitic” applies to languages, not to “tribes” Now you know

In this case Ashkenazi are not Semites at all, because their native language was Yiddish, a bastardised Slavic language in which Slavic words were replaced with German words, but the Slavic grammatical structure remained.

The Jewish linguist Paul Wexler wrote a book about it.

The term "Anti-Semitism" is an idiotic term, because Ashkenazi are not Semites, their spoken language was neither Semitic, nor oriental.

Ivrith is an invented language, like Esperanto, no ancestors of Ashkenazi ever spoke this language.

You know less than nothing.

Semitic applies to languages only. There is no such thing as semites

Go back to sleep
BTW, “Semitic” applies to languages, not to “tribes” Now you know

In this case Ashkenazi are not Semites at all, because their native language was Yiddish, a bastardised Slavic language in which Slavic words were replaced with German words, but the Slavic grammatical structure remained.

The Jewish linguist Paul Wexler wrote a book about it.

The term "Anti-Semitism" is an idiotic term, because Ashkenazi are not Semites, their spoken language was neither Semitic, nor oriental.

Ivrith is an invented language, like Esperanto, no ancestors of Ashkenazi ever spoke this language.
Oh, knowledgeable Master, do point us to the links which prove that ALL Jews in Europe had origins in Europe itself and did not come from Asia as far back as the destruction of the First Temple.

Yeah, Ivrit is an invented language, just like Arabic, English, Farsi,
Latin, Greek, Aramaic, etc.
It was invented by the people who became known for it thousands of years ago.

{These are the Partners for Peace ]

investigative report (excerpted here) on the negotiations between Israel, the US and the Palestinians in 2013 and 2014.

The report shows that Netanyahu approved a framework, created by John Kerry and his team, that would have resulted in a Palestinian state based on the 1967 lines with land swaps. When it was presented to Mahmoud Abbas, he angrily rejected it.

When Kerry came back with a sweeter offer that addressed Abbas' concerns - without consulting the Israelis - Abbas never responded and let the talks die.

This story, published in an ultra-left wing newspaper, it the biggest news story of the year for Israel.

It proves that Netanyahu is far more flexible towards a two-state solution than any reporter has ever written. It proves that Abbas is more intransigent and uninterested in peace than any reporter is willing to admit.

It completely up-ends the conventional wisdom about Israel and the Palestinians.

(full article online)

The biggest Israel-related story of the decade that no one (right or left) wants you to know ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The story is pure bullshit...perhaps you can explain the brazen settlement expansion of the same period? The last thing that Netanyahu wants is 'peace'...he wants what every Israeli leader has wanted: to steal more land...build more illegal settlements, and suck more billions out of U.S. taxpayers!
There's no history of the palestinian people because there are no palestinian people. What we have is a conglomeration of recent Arabic speaking immigrants from the North African area that have no common background. That and the area was Southern Syria and the people considered themselves Syrian under Ottoman rule until Jordan was invented and now they are Jordanian. Ask the Jordanian king ;-)

Israel on the other hand is a homogenous group of people carrying specific genetic markers, sharing a language and culture as well as a religion unique to that culture. So yeah, clearly a unique people.

No palestinian people? Who knew?

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! a claim which raises the inexorable question: who exactly did pre-state Zionist leaders conspire to expel from Palestine? No doubt you've heard the word ( CENSUS )????
In an article about how some Palestinian Arabs are biased against their "refugee" brethren, it says:

Ghassan Weshah, head of the history and archaeology department at the Islamic University of Gaza, says the role of institutions supporting refugees should not be reduced to simply providing relief. UNRWA, he notes as an example, plays an important relief role, especially as the general economic situation has deteriorated in Palestine. But its function is more than economic.

“The responsibility of UNRWA is to help refugees, but it must also continue this work to remind the world of the refugee issue and the right of return. If UNRWA goes, the refugee issue is over.”In two sentences, Weshah accurately describes UNRWA's real purpose - not to help refugees but to perpetuate them.

If it would disappear or merge with UNHCR, the UN organization for all the other refugees in the world, then the refugee issue would go "poof."

The article mentions how the Palestinians resent their UNRWA-supported fellows:

(full article online)

"If UNRWA goes, the refugee issue is over" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Spokesperson Dr. Musab Abu Arkoub called on the Islamic Umma to "assume its responsibilities and move their armies immediately to uproot the Jewish entity and liberate the blessed land."

The statement itself isn't surprising (although it is interesting that Hizb ut-Tahrir accepts that Israel is the "Jewish" entity, not the "Zionist" entity, so it doesn't hide its Jew-hatred.)

But the fact is that practically every single Arab agrees with every word. The only reason they don't attack Israel is because they would lose. It isn't moderation or a desire for peace that causes stability in the Middle East - it is Israel's strength.

That is one of the basic facts that most of the world chooses to ignore.

(full article online)

"All of Israel is an illegal settlement" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In an article about how some Palestinian Arabs are biased against their "refugee" brethren, it says:

Ghassan Weshah, head of the history and archaeology department at the Islamic University of Gaza, says the role of institutions supporting refugees should not be reduced to simply providing relief. UNRWA, he notes as an example, plays an important relief role, especially as the general economic situation has deteriorated in Palestine. But its function is more than economic.

“The responsibility of UNRWA is to help refugees, but it must also continue this work to remind the world of the refugee issue and the right of return. If UNRWA goes, the refugee issue is over.”In two sentences, Weshah accurately describes UNRWA's real purpose - not to help refugees but to perpetuate them.

If it would disappear or merge with UNHCR, the UN organization for all the other refugees in the world, then the refugee issue would go "poof."

The article mentions how the Palestinians resent their UNRWA-supported fellows:

(full article online)

"If UNRWA goes, the refugee issue is over" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Right because ethnic-cleansing doesn't really generate any 'refugee issues'...I can only marvel at the mindless determination to lie and distort facts that essentially make Zionist Jews a pack of ruthless pirates and cowards...
In an article about how some Palestinian Arabs are biased against their "refugee" brethren, it says:

Ghassan Weshah, head of the history and archaeology department at the Islamic University of Gaza, says the role of institutions supporting refugees should not be reduced to simply providing relief. UNRWA, he notes as an example, plays an important relief role, especially as the general economic situation has deteriorated in Palestine. But its function is more than economic.

“The responsibility of UNRWA is to help refugees, but it must also continue this work to remind the world of the refugee issue and the right of return. If UNRWA goes, the refugee issue is over.”In two sentences, Weshah accurately describes UNRWA's real purpose - not to help refugees but to perpetuate them.

If it would disappear or merge with UNHCR, the UN organization for all the other refugees in the world, then the refugee issue would go "poof."

The article mentions how the Palestinians resent their UNRWA-supported fellows:

(full article online)

"If UNRWA goes, the refugee issue is over" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Right because ethnic-cleansing doesn't really generate any 'refugee issues'...I can only marvel at the mindless determination to lie and distort facts that essentially make Zionist Jews a pack of ruthless pirates and cowards...

You can thank your Islamist heroes for the "refugee crisis". Arab armies crossing the frontier as a part of their gee-had to destroy Israel pushed aside the hapless Arab-Moslem squatters.
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