Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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So you are arguing that there was no resistance by Arabs in 1947/1948? They were all peaceful, unarmed civilians?
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.
Then how do you think they rose up again in 1947 against the Jews after the UN partition?

Or how do you think about the British actually fighting on the side of the Hashemite Kingdom and training them as well in order to attack Israel in May of 1948?

How did all of those weapons find their way to the Arabs?

(Uhmmmm, could there have been any "contraband")

There was no UN partition you mindless chimpanzee...there was an ethnic-cleansing and 800, 000 Palestinian refugees created by the Jew cowards...

Your shrill screeching is a hoot.

The Arab-moslem “refugees” were the result of the Arab-Islamist invaders pushing aside the Arab-Moslem squatters. That gee-had to push the Jews into the sea with gunfire didn’t work out as planned for you Islamist invaders. You suffered a humiliating loss. Deal with your failures.
ON A COLD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 10 March 1948, a group of eleven men, veteran Zionist leaders together with young military Jewish officers, put the final touches on a plan for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. That same evening, military orders were dispatched to units on the ground to prepare for the systematic expulsion of Palestinians from vast areas of the country. The orders came with a detailed description of the methods to be used to forcibly evict the people: large-scale intimidation; laying siege to and bombarding villages and population centers; setting fire to homes, properties, and goods; expelling residents; demolishing homes; and, finally, planting mines in the rubble to prevent the expelled inhabitants from returning. Each unit was issued its own list of villages and neighborhoods to target in keeping with the master plan. Code-named Plan D (Dalet in Hebrew), this was the fourth and final version of vaguer plans outlining the fate that was in store for the native population of Palestine. The previous three plans had articulated only obscurely how the Zionist leadership intended to deal with the presence of so many Palestinians on the land the Jewish national movement wanted for itself. This fourth and last blueprint spelled it out clearly and unambiguously: the Palestinians had to go.

http://www.whale.to/b/Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.pdf

This atrocity is what the scavengers call 'Israel's War of Independence"...even their lies are cowardly...the Jewish cowards who participated in this atrocity must've studied the ground tactics of the SS...


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"Palestinians don't exist"

Somebody did not get Israel's bullshit memo.

Palestine: Bogus Roman name for Jews’ land. D’oh! No history of “palestinians”


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No history of “palestinians”

History of the Jewish People Surprising Mosaics Revealed in Ancient Synagogue in Israel

When one pauses to consider the period of Palestinian majority residency in historic Palestine---the late 7th century to the mid-20th century---it is quite extraordinary that anyone would be stupid enough to post a statement that read: " No history of Palestinians'...but then I remind myself that stupidity and moral cowardice are the immutable signatures of these bottom-feeders...
Where does one find this alleged "historic Pal'istan" as opposed to the "regular Pal'istan"?
No history of “palestinians”

History of the Jewish People


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What legal or ethical reasons are those? That only majorities should have rights to self-determination, sovereignty and independence?

So, for example, the Catalans, as a minority, are prohibited from having rights to self-determination, sovereignty and independence?

A Jewish minority being granted 56% of land in a proposed nation where they cumulatively own less than 5% of the land??? To the obvious extent that they were not a 'dependent minority' they are not entitled to state 'independence" You're hilarious

56%?? How many times is with its' Palestinian majority Jordan bigger than Israel? How many times?

Knock-knock - do Indians own most of the land in the US?

Jordan is irrelevant to historic Palestine

Why because it has a Palestinian majority?
Because it's 100% Palestinian Arab state, where Jews were not allowed to live?
Arabs received much more than half the land already.

Typically you bottom-feeders assume that this level of flipping psychology is fool-proof---all the more pathetic...indeed the minority of Jews are permitted to 'live' in Palestine as was the case---NOT TO RAVAGE THE MAJORITY POPULATION AND STEAL FROM AND EXPEL 800,000 NATIVE PALESTINIANS...any questions Gestapo-girl???

Arab tribes were as much "natives" as the average US citizen is a native of Milwaukee.

If You apply team Palestine logic, then it was a natural conclusion of all the Arab pogroms against Palestinian Jews. They had the right to resist, and they eventually did.

Q. Why are You so stressed?
A Jewish minority being granted 56% of land in a proposed nation where they cumulatively own less than 5% of the land??? To the obvious extent that they were not a 'dependent minority' they are not entitled to state 'independence" You're hilarious

56%?? How many times is with its' Palestinian majority Jordan bigger than Israel? How many times?

Knock-knock - do Indians own most of the land in the US?

Jordan is irrelevant to historic Palestine

Why because it has a Palestinian majority?
Because it's 100% Palestinian Arab state, where Jews were not allowed to live?
Arabs received much more than half the land already.

Typically you bottom-feeders assume that this level of flipping psychology is fool-proof---all the more pathetic...indeed the minority of Jews are permitted to 'live' in Palestine as was the case---NOT TO RAVAGE THE MAJORITY POPULATION AND STEAL FROM AND EXPEL 800,000 NATIVE PALESTINIANS...any questions Gestapo-girl???

Arab tribes were as much "natives" as the average US citizen is a native of Milwaukee.

If You apply team Palestine logic, then it was a natural conclusion of all the Arab pogroms against Palestinian Jews. They had the right to resist, and they eventually did.

Q. Why are You so stressed?

'stressed'???? Don't you correctly mean amused/disgusted? Apparently you share the same condition of historical ignorance common to your co-parrots...please permit me to assist: Arab-Palestinians constituted the overwhelming majority residents of Palestine from the late 7th century up to the midway of the 20th century...the problem with you scavengers is that you wrongly assume that you can 'occupy' documented history with the same brazen signatures with which you criminally occupy Palestinian lands...
56%?? How many times is with its' Palestinian majority Jordan bigger than Israel? How many times?

Knock-knock - do Indians own most of the land in the US?

Jordan is irrelevant to historic Palestine

Why because it has a Palestinian majority?
Because it's 100% Palestinian Arab state, where Jews were not allowed to live?
Arabs received much more than half the land already.

Typically you bottom-feeders assume that this level of flipping psychology is fool-proof---all the more pathetic...indeed the minority of Jews are permitted to 'live' in Palestine as was the case---NOT TO RAVAGE THE MAJORITY POPULATION AND STEAL FROM AND EXPEL 800,000 NATIVE PALESTINIANS...any questions Gestapo-girl???

Arab tribes were as much "natives" as the average US citizen is a native of Milwaukee.

If You apply team Palestine logic, then it was a natural conclusion of all the Arab pogroms against Palestinian Jews. They had the right to resist, and they eventually did.

Q. Why are You so stressed?

'stressed'???? Don't you correctly mean amused/disgusted? Apparently you share the same condition of historical ignorance common to your co-parrots...please permit me to assist: Arab-Palestinians constituted the overwhelming majority residents of Palestine from the late 7th century up to the midway of the 20th century...the problem with you scavengers is that you wrongly assume that you can 'occupy' documented history with the same brazen signatures with which you criminally occupy Palestinian lands...

Which of the Arab tribes dominated Palestine in the 7th century?

And while at it : what is the percentage of the Indigenous peoples in the Americas today, are they a majority?
Jordan is irrelevant to historic Palestine

Why because it has a Palestinian majority?
Because it's 100% Palestinian Arab state, where Jews were not allowed to live?
Arabs received much more than half the land already.

Typically you bottom-feeders assume that this level of flipping psychology is fool-proof---all the more pathetic...indeed the minority of Jews are permitted to 'live' in Palestine as was the case---NOT TO RAVAGE THE MAJORITY POPULATION AND STEAL FROM AND EXPEL 800,000 NATIVE PALESTINIANS...any questions Gestapo-girl???

Arab tribes were as much "natives" as the average US citizen is a native of Milwaukee.

If You apply team Palestine logic, then it was a natural conclusion of all the Arab pogroms against Palestinian Jews. They had the right to resist, and they eventually did.

Q. Why are You so stressed?

'stressed'???? Don't you correctly mean amused/disgusted? Apparently you share the same condition of historical ignorance common to your co-parrots...please permit me to assist: Arab-Palestinians constituted the overwhelming majority residents of Palestine from the late 7th century up to the midway of the 20th century...the problem with you scavengers is that you wrongly assume that you can 'occupy' documented history with the same brazen signatures with which you criminally occupy Palestinian lands...

Which of the Arab tribes dominated Palestine in the 7th century?

And while at it : what is the percentage of the Indigenous peoples in the Americas today, are they a majority?

Both questions are entirely irrelevant to the 12 centuries of residency rights of native Palestinians...as for the weak argument for native Americans, guess what low-brow? When White European Christians---the same strain which support Israeli crimes---were busy slaughtering native American tribes there was no recognized form of international law or property rights...this was not the case in 1948...I eagerly await your next pre-scripted bit of idiocy...
From a Palestinian institute

Deir al 'Asal al Fauqa Village Profile

History Deir al ‘Asal al Fauqa is an ancient village , the name of the village is derived from the word “Honey”, as historically, village residents used to keep bees and produce honey. Village officials remark that most of the families in the village have roots to the Arabian Peninsula from the Shamar tribe.
http://vprofile.arij.org/hebron/pdfs/Deir al 'Asal al Fauqa_pr_en.pdf


Shammar tribe

The tribe of Shammar (Arabic: شمّر Šammar) is an Arab Qahtanite tribe, descended from the ancient tribe of Tayy. It is one of the largest and most influential Arab tribes, with an estimated around 12 million members in the world: 3 million in Iraq, over 6.5 million inSaudi Arabia (concentrated in Ha'il), a Syrianpopulation thought to exceed 0.5 million, and an unknown number in Jordan, Kuwait, and Qatar.[1] The current seat of the tribe's leadership is in the city of Mosul in Northern Iraq. In its "golden age", around 1850, the tribe ruled much of central and northern Arabia from Riyadh to the frontiers of Syria and the vast area known as Al Jazira in Northern Iraq....
In the 17th century, a large section of the Shammar left Jabal Shammar under the leadership of the Al Jarba and settled in Iraq, reaching as far as the northern city ofMosul, their current stronghold.
Why because it has a Palestinian majority?
Because it's 100% Palestinian Arab state, where Jews were not allowed to live?
Arabs received much more than half the land already.

Typically you bottom-feeders assume that this level of flipping psychology is fool-proof---all the more pathetic...indeed the minority of Jews are permitted to 'live' in Palestine as was the case---NOT TO RAVAGE THE MAJORITY POPULATION AND STEAL FROM AND EXPEL 800,000 NATIVE PALESTINIANS...any questions Gestapo-girl???

Arab tribes were as much "natives" as the average US citizen is a native of Milwaukee.

If You apply team Palestine logic, then it was a natural conclusion of all the Arab pogroms against Palestinian Jews. They had the right to resist, and they eventually did.

Q. Why are You so stressed?

'stressed'???? Don't you correctly mean amused/disgusted? Apparently you share the same condition of historical ignorance common to your co-parrots...please permit me to assist: Arab-Palestinians constituted the overwhelming majority residents of Palestine from the late 7th century up to the midway of the 20th century...the problem with you scavengers is that you wrongly assume that you can 'occupy' documented history with the same brazen signatures with which you criminally occupy Palestinian lands...

Which of the Arab tribes dominated Palestine in the 7th century?

And while at it : what is the percentage of the Indigenous peoples in the Americas today, are they a majority?

Both questions are entirely irrelevant to the 12 centuries of residency rights of native Palestinians...as for the weak argument for native Americans, guess what low-brow? When White European Christians---the same strain which support Israeli crimes---were busy slaughtering native American tribes there was no recognized form of international law or property rights...this was not the case in 1948...I eagerly await your next pre-scripted bit of idiocy...

I never denied Palestinian Arabs had rights to live in the land, as much as Americans have rights due to longstanding presence. It's the Arabs who openly admit "Jews are not allowed".

But with international law, or without it - Arabs didn't become a majority in Palestine by peaceful means.
From a Palestinian institute

Deir al 'Asal al Fauqa Village Profile

History Deir al ‘Asal al Fauqa is an ancient village , the name of the village is derived from the word “Honey”, as historically, village residents used to keep bees and produce honey. Village officials remark that most of the families in the village have roots to the Arabian Peninsula from the Shamar tribe.
http://vprofile.arij.org/hebron/pdfs/Deir al 'Asal al Fauqa_pr_en.pdf


Shammar tribe

The tribe of Shammar (Arabic: شمّر Šammar) is an Arab Qahtanite tribe, descended from the ancient tribe of Tayy. It is one of the largest and most influential Arab tribes, with an estimated around 12 million members in the world: 3 million in Iraq, over 6.5 million inSaudi Arabia (concentrated in Ha'il), a Syrianpopulation thought to exceed 0.5 million, and an unknown number in Jordan, Kuwait, and Qatar.[1] The current seat of the tribe's leadership is in the city of Mosul in Northern Iraq. In its "golden age", around 1850, the tribe ruled much of central and northern Arabia from Riyadh to the frontiers of Syria and the vast area known as Al Jazira in Northern Iraq....
In the 17th century, a large section of the Shammar left Jabal Shammar under the leadership of the Al Jarba and settled in Iraq, reaching as far as the northern city ofMosul, their current stronghold.

apologies but your point escapes me...how does this information in any way alter the majority Arab demographic of Palestine or the ethnic-cleaning offensive it fell victim to under the onslaught of Zionist terror?
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