Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Deflection. We were discussing 1948.

So you are arguing that there was no resistance by Arabs in 1947/1948? They were all peaceful, unarmed civilians?
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.

...by April of 1948 the number of expelled Palestinians had reached 800,000...the victors were quite frank and candid about the scavenger Zionist Jews who opportunistically took property and land abandoned by Arab Palestinians fleeing for their very lives...the Jew cowards re-wrote this episode as 'Israel's War for Independence' ...when we reflect on the salient fact that no 'dependent Israel' existed the sheer weight and scale of these vulgar lies rises to the surface like shit...

Another of your plagiarized tirades.

Another of your tired delusions...IQ?

You’re such an easy mark to leave stuttering and mumbling.
Deflection. We were discussing 1948.

So you are arguing that there was no resistance by Arabs in 1947/1948? They were all peaceful, unarmed civilians?
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.
Then how do you think they rose up again in 1947 against the Jews after the UN partition?

Or how do you think about the British actually fighting on the side of the Hashemite Kingdom and training them as well in order to attack Israel in May of 1948?

How did all of those weapons find their way to the Arabs?

(Uhmmmm, could there have been any "contraband")

There was no UN partition you mindless chimpanzee...there was an ethnic-cleansing and 800, 000 Palestinian refugees created by the Jew cowards...
So you are arguing that there was no resistance by Arabs in 1947/1948? They were all peaceful, unarmed civilians?
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.

...by April of 1948 the number of expelled Palestinians had reached 800,000...the victors were quite frank and candid about the scavenger Zionist Jews who opportunistically took property and land abandoned by Arab Palestinians fleeing for their very lives...the Jew cowards re-wrote this episode as 'Israel's War for Independence' ...when we reflect on the salient fact that no 'dependent Israel' existed the sheer weight and scale of these vulgar lies rises to the surface like shit...

Another of your plagiarized tirades.

Another of your tired delusions...IQ?

You’re such an easy mark to leave stutteting and mumbling.

Your level and degree of compensatory self-delusions suggests mental illness...or garden variety idiocy...take your pick
Deflection. We were discussing 1948.

So you are arguing that there was no resistance by Arabs in 1947/1948? They were all peaceful, unarmed civilians?
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.
Then how do you think they rose up again in 1947 against the Jews after the UN partition?

Or how do you think about the British actually fighting on the side of the Hashemite Kingdom and training them as well in order to attack Israel in May of 1948?

How did all of those weapons find their way to the Arabs?

(Uhmmmm, could there have been any "contraband")

There was no UN partition you mindless chimpanzee...there was an ethnic-cleansing and 800, 000 Palestinian refugees created by the Jew cowards...

Your shrill screeching is a hoot.

The Arab-moslem “refugees” were the result of the Arab-Islamist invaders pushing aside the Arab-Moslem squatters. That gee-had to push the Jews into the sea with gunfire didn’t work out as planned for you Islamist invaders. You suffered a humiliating loss. Deal with your failures.
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The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.

...by April of 1948 the number of expelled Palestinians had reached 800,000...the victors were quite frank and candid about the scavenger Zionist Jews who opportunistically took property and land abandoned by Arab Palestinians fleeing for their very lives...the Jew cowards re-wrote this episode as 'Israel's War for Independence' ...when we reflect on the salient fact that no 'dependent Israel' existed the sheer weight and scale of these vulgar lies rises to the surface like shit...

Another of your plagiarized tirades.

Another of your tired delusions...IQ?

You’re such an easy mark to leave stutteting and mumbling.

Your level and degree of compensatory self-delusions suggests mental illness...or garden variety idiocy...take your pick

Your fumbling with terms and definitions you don’t understand suggests you’re a pompous know-nothing.

But, I do acknowledge your inability to refute my arguments.


  • 83259739-C718-488E-95E6-9E0810A8CC62.png
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Three Arab terrorists were captured last week while placing a bomb near a security fence outside of Jerusalem.

The three suspects are residents of the Palestinian Authority-controlled town of Beit Duqu, in Samaria, and ranged in age from 17 to 19.

Last Monday, the three terrorists were captured while planting an explosive device alongside a patrol road running parallel to a security fence outside of Jerusalem.

(full article online)

Watch: Terrorists caught in the act
Deflection. We were discussing 1948.

So you are arguing that there was no resistance by Arabs in 1947/1948? They were all peaceful, unarmed civilians?
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.
Then how do you think they rose up again in 1947 against the Jews after the UN partition?

Or how do you think about the British actually fighting on the side of the Hashemite Kingdom and training them as well in order to attack Israel in May of 1948?

How did all of those weapons find their way to the Arabs?

(Uhmmmm, could there have been any "contraband")

There was no UN partition you mindless chimpanzee...there was an ethnic-cleansing and 800, 000 Palestinian refugees created by the Jew cowards...

Your shrill screeching is a hoot.

The Arab-moslem “refugees” were the result of the Arab-Islamist invaders pushing aside the Arab-Moslem squatters. That gee-had to push the Jews into the sea with gunfire didn’t work out as planned for you Islamist invaders. You suffered a humiliating loss. Deal with your failures.
ON A COLD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 10 March 1948, a group of eleven men, veteran Zionist leaders together with young military Jewish officers, put the final touches on a plan for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. That same evening, military orders were dispatched to units on the ground to prepare for the systematic expulsion of Palestinians from vast areas of the country. The orders came with a detailed description of the methods to be used to forcibly evict the people: large-scale intimidation; laying siege to and bombarding villages and population centers; setting fire to homes, properties, and goods; expelling residents; demolishing homes; and, finally, planting mines in the rubble to prevent the expelled inhabitants from returning. Each unit was issued its own list of villages and neighborhoods to target in keeping with the master plan. Code-named Plan D (Dalet in Hebrew), this was the fourth and final version of vaguer plans outlining the fate that was in store for the native population of Palestine. The previous three plans had articulated only obscurely how the Zionist leadership intended to deal with the presence of so many Palestinians on the land the Jewish national movement wanted for itself. This fourth and last blueprint spelled it out clearly and unambiguously: the Palestinians had to go.

http://www.whale.to/b/Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.pdf
So you are arguing that there was no resistance by Arabs in 1947/1948? They were all peaceful, unarmed civilians?
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.
Then how do you think they rose up again in 1947 against the Jews after the UN partition?

Or how do you think about the British actually fighting on the side of the Hashemite Kingdom and training them as well in order to attack Israel in May of 1948?

How did all of those weapons find their way to the Arabs?

(Uhmmmm, could there have been any "contraband")

There was no UN partition you mindless chimpanzee...there was an ethnic-cleansing and 800, 000 Palestinian refugees created by the Jew cowards...

Your shrill screeching is a hoot.

The Arab-moslem “refugees” were the result of the Arab-Islamist invaders pushing aside the Arab-Moslem squatters. That gee-had to push the Jews into the sea with gunfire didn’t work out as planned for you Islamist invaders. You suffered a humiliating loss. Deal with your failures.
ON A COLD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 10 March 1948, a group of eleven men, veteran Zionist leaders together with young military Jewish officers, put the final touches on a plan for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. That same evening, military orders were dispatched to units on the ground to prepare for the systematic expulsion of Palestinians from vast areas of the country. The orders came with a detailed description of the methods to be used to forcibly evict the people: large-scale intimidation; laying siege to and bombarding villages and population centers; setting fire to homes, properties, and goods; expelling residents; demolishing homes; and, finally, planting mines in the rubble to prevent the expelled inhabitants from returning. Each unit was issued its own list of villages and neighborhoods to target in keeping with the master plan. Code-named Plan D (Dalet in Hebrew), this was the fourth and final version of vaguer plans outlining the fate that was in store for the native population of Palestine. The previous three plans had articulated only obscurely how the Zionist leadership intended to deal with the presence of so many Palestinians on the land the Jewish national movement wanted for itself. This fourth and last blueprint spelled it out clearly and unambiguously: the Palestinians had to go.

http://www.whale.to/b/Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.pdf

Palestine: Roman name imposed on Jews’ land of Israel, about 2000 years ago, reflecting the ancient Jewish heritage and history of the land


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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ "P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you've made this mistake several time in the last month.

So then, why did the British hand Palestine over to the UNSCOP and not Israel?

The British transferred their authority to the UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), not the UN Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP). the UNSCOP research and made the recommendations to the General Assembly in late 1947. The UNPC was the recommendation of the UNSCOP in Part I of Resolution 181(II) and became the "Successor Government."

15 May 1948: Date officially communicated to the Commission by the representative of the United Kingdom Government as the ultimate date on which the Mandatory Power will terminate the Mandate and transfer administrative authority in Palestine to the Commission.

Legally the Mandate terminates midnight on the night of the 14th/15th May.

UK MEMORANDUM NAMES COMMISSION AS SUCCESSOR GOVERNMENT Press Release PAL/138 27 February 1948 The Government of the United Kingdom, in a memorandum on the "Legal Meaning of the Termination of the Mandate", has advised the United Nations Palestine Commission that so far as the Mandatory Power is concerned the United Nations Commission will be the Government of Palestine after 15 May 1948.

First Meeting of the United Nations Palestine Commission. 9 January 1948


But I'm sure that we all knew what you meant.

Most Respectfully,
So you are arguing that there was no resistance by Arabs in 1947/1948? They were all peaceful, unarmed civilians?
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.
Then how do you think they rose up again in 1947 against the Jews after the UN partition?

Or how do you think about the British actually fighting on the side of the Hashemite Kingdom and training them as well in order to attack Israel in May of 1948?

How did all of those weapons find their way to the Arabs?

(Uhmmmm, could there have been any "contraband")

There was no UN partition you mindless chimpanzee...there was an ethnic-cleansing and 800, 000 Palestinian refugees created by the Jew cowards...

Your shrill screeching is a hoot.

The Arab-moslem “refugees” were the result of the Arab-Islamist invaders pushing aside the Arab-Moslem squatters. That gee-had to push the Jews into the sea with gunfire didn’t work out as planned for you Islamist invaders. You suffered a humiliating loss. Deal with your failures.
ON A COLD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 10 March 1948, a group of eleven men, veteran Zionist leaders together with young military Jewish officers, put the final touches on a plan for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. That same evening, military orders were dispatched to units on the ground to prepare for the systematic expulsion of Palestinians from vast areas of the country. The orders came with a detailed description of the methods to be used to forcibly evict the people: large-scale intimidation; laying siege to and bombarding villages and population centers; setting fire to homes, properties, and goods; expelling residents; demolishing homes; and, finally, planting mines in the rubble to prevent the expelled inhabitants from returning. Each unit was issued its own list of villages and neighborhoods to target in keeping with the master plan. Code-named Plan D (Dalet in Hebrew), this was the fourth and final version of vaguer plans outlining the fate that was in store for the native population of Palestine. The previous three plans had articulated only obscurely how the Zionist leadership intended to deal with the presence of so many Palestinians on the land the Jewish national movement wanted for itself. This fourth and last blueprint spelled it out clearly and unambiguously: the Palestinians had to go.

http://www.whale.to/b/Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.pdf

It was a dark and stormy night......

Yes, yes, Louie and now you have attempted to make this conspiracy theory more than it was.

Plan D - Master Defense Plan of the Hagana

Nonetheless, contrary to the assertions of some, none of the following seem to be evident in the plan as published:

  • It was not a plan for mass expulsion or "ethnic cleansing" of Palestinians from wide areas

  • It was not an offensive plan-- it was meant to activated only in the event of an attack initiated by the Arab side, though that attack was thought to be inevitable.

  • It did not call for massacres such as the massacre perpetrated at Deir Yassin by the dissident Irgun and Lehi forces.

  • It was not an "expansionist" plan: "Generally, the aim of this plan is not an operation of occupation outside the borders of the Hebrew state."
The British dusted off the Roman name “palestine” first imposed on Jews’ land and called the British Mandate, established after WW1, “palestine” until it ceased to exist with Israeli statehood

“Palestine” was an illegitimate Western colonialist invention.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ "P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you've made this mistake several time in the last month.

So then, why did the British hand Palestine over to the UNSCOP and not Israel?

The British transferred their authority to the UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), not the UN Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP). the UNSCOP research and made the recommendations to the General Assembly in late 1947. The UNPC was the recommendation of the UNSCOP in Part I of Resolution 181(II) and became the "Successor Government."

15 May 1948: Date officially communicated to the Commission by the representative of the United Kingdom Government as the ultimate date on which the Mandatory Power will terminate the Mandate and transfer administrative authority in Palestine to the Commission.

Legally the Mandate terminates midnight on the night of the 14th/15th May.

UK MEMORANDUM NAMES COMMISSION AS SUCCESSOR GOVERNMENT Press Release PAL/138 27 February 1948 The Government of the United Kingdom, in a memorandum on the "Legal Meaning of the Termination of the Mandate", has advised the United Nations Palestine Commission that so far as the Mandatory Power is concerned the United Nations Commission will be the Government of Palestine after 15 May 1948.

First Meeting of the United Nations Palestine Commission. 9 January 1948


But I'm sure that we all knew what you meant.

Most Respectfully,
You are correct, Thanks.

Where was the UNPC when it was supposed to protect the people and territory in its trust?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ "P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you've made this mistake several time in the last month.

So then, why did the British hand Palestine over to the UNSCOP and not Israel?

The British transferred their authority to the UN Palestine Commission (UNPC), not the UN Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP). the UNSCOP research and made the recommendations to the General Assembly in late 1947. The UNPC was the recommendation of the UNSCOP in Part I of Resolution 181(II) and became the "Successor Government."

15 May 1948: Date officially communicated to the Commission by the representative of the United Kingdom Government as the ultimate date on which the Mandatory Power will terminate the Mandate and transfer administrative authority in Palestine to the Commission.

Legally the Mandate terminates midnight on the night of the 14th/15th May.

UK MEMORANDUM NAMES COMMISSION AS SUCCESSOR GOVERNMENT Press Release PAL/138 27 February 1948 The Government of the United Kingdom, in a memorandum on the "Legal Meaning of the Termination of the Mandate", has advised the United Nations Palestine Commission that so far as the Mandatory Power is concerned the United Nations Commission will be the Government of Palestine after 15 May 1948.

First Meeting of the United Nations Palestine Commission. 9 January 1948


But I'm sure that we all knew what you meant.

Most Respectfully,
You are correct, Thanks.

Where was the UNPC when it was supposed to protect the people and territory in its trust?

The “people” were the indigenous Jews who have owned the land dating back 3000+ years. Israel is the only indigenous, historically legitimate name for those thousands of years
The British disarmed the Palestinians and expelled all their leaders in 1939. They had almost nothing. That is how Israel could expel 300,000 people in a few months. The Palestinians were defenseless.
Then how do you think they rose up again in 1947 against the Jews after the UN partition?

Or how do you think about the British actually fighting on the side of the Hashemite Kingdom and training them as well in order to attack Israel in May of 1948?

How did all of those weapons find their way to the Arabs?

(Uhmmmm, could there have been any "contraband")

There was no UN partition you mindless chimpanzee...there was an ethnic-cleansing and 800, 000 Palestinian refugees created by the Jew cowards...

Your shrill screeching is a hoot.

The Arab-moslem “refugees” were the result of the Arab-Islamist invaders pushing aside the Arab-Moslem squatters. That gee-had to push the Jews into the sea with gunfire didn’t work out as planned for you Islamist invaders. You suffered a humiliating loss. Deal with your failures.
ON A COLD WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 10 March 1948, a group of eleven men, veteran Zionist leaders together with young military Jewish officers, put the final touches on a plan for the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. That same evening, military orders were dispatched to units on the ground to prepare for the systematic expulsion of Palestinians from vast areas of the country. The orders came with a detailed description of the methods to be used to forcibly evict the people: large-scale intimidation; laying siege to and bombarding villages and population centers; setting fire to homes, properties, and goods; expelling residents; demolishing homes; and, finally, planting mines in the rubble to prevent the expelled inhabitants from returning. Each unit was issued its own list of villages and neighborhoods to target in keeping with the master plan. Code-named Plan D (Dalet in Hebrew), this was the fourth and final version of vaguer plans outlining the fate that was in store for the native population of Palestine. The previous three plans had articulated only obscurely how the Zionist leadership intended to deal with the presence of so many Palestinians on the land the Jewish national movement wanted for itself. This fourth and last blueprint spelled it out clearly and unambiguously: the Palestinians had to go.

http://www.whale.to/b/Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.pdf

Palestine: Roman name imposed on Jews’ land of Israel, about 2000 years ago, reflecting the ancient Jewish heritage and history of the land

LOL...in point of fact 2000 years ago the history and heritage of the land was Canaanite...why are Jews so abysmal at basic history?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ "P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah -

Where was the UNPC when it was supposed to protect the people and territory in its trust?

The UNPC was created when Resolution 181(II) was adopted. Its first meeting was in January 1948.

When the UNPC attempted to bring all the parties together, as usual the Arab Higher Committee (AKA Arab Palestinians) declined.

(EXCERPT UNPC First Monthly Progress Report A/AC.21/7 29 January 1948)

(d) The text of this resolution was communicated by the Secretary-General on 9 January to the Government of the United Kingdom, as the Mandatory Power, to the Arab Higher Committee, and to the Jewish Agency for Palestine. The invitation extended by the resolution was promptly accepted by the Government of the United Kingdom and by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, both of which designated representatives to assist the commission. The representative designated by the Government of the United Kingdom was Sir Alexander Cadogan. The representative designated by the Jewish Agency for Palestine was Mr. Moshe Shertok. As regards the Arab Higher Committee, the following telegraphic response was received by the Secretary-General on 19 January:

No further communication has been addressed to or received from the Arab Higher Committee by the Commission. The Commission will, at the appropriate time, set forth in a separate document its views with regard to the implementations of this refusal by the Arab Higher Committee.​

The Arab Palestinians have little room (maybe even NO room) to complain if they chose not to participate in the process of establishing self-governing institutions.

Democracy in Government is a participatory activity and function.

Most Respectfully,
The British dusted off the Roman name “palestine” first imposed on Jews’ land and called the British Mandate, established after WW1, “palestine” until it ceased to exist with Israeli statehood

“Palestine” was an illegitimate Western colonialist invention.

Oh but it didn't 'cease to exist fool...it merely became occupied Palestine...the real 'illegitimate Western Colonialist invention is Israel

What a pathetic imbecile...right no history of the Palestinians---just a blank space in Palestine from the late 7th century to the present...the object of propaganda and lies is to appear credible, not to make statements so impossibly stupid that you virtually declare yourself a mindless liar...
Have you been able to find a history book, documents, reports, etc referring to the Palestinian People, professor?

Does any one of your sources give us a glimpse of these people from the late 7th century to the end of WWI?
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