Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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They bomb the Cave of the Patriarchs as well. And are making sure that all of our holy sites are defined as Muslim by UNESCO.
We do know, now, what UNESCO stands for.
They bomb the Cave of the Patriarchs as well. And are making sure that all of our holy sites are defined as Muslim by UNESCO.
We do know, now, what UNESCO stands for.

Actually, the Muslims desecrate the siddurim (prayer-books), Torahs and mezuzzot in the Jewish section of the Cave, when they get the Cave exclusively for 10 days a year. (The Jews also get the Cave for 10 days annually, and the rest of the time it's divided.) Can you imagine what would happen if the Jews tore up Muslim prayer rugs or damaged their mihrabs (pulpits)? Not that Jews would ever descend to their level...
They bomb the Cave of the Patriarchs as well. And are making sure that all of our holy sites are defined as Muslim by UNESCO.
We do know, now, what UNESCO stands for.

Actually, the Muslims desecrate the siddurim (prayer-books), Torahs and mezuzzot in the Jewish section of the Cave, when they get the Cave exclusively for 10 days a year. (The Jews also get the Cave for 10 days annually, and the rest of the time it's divided.) Can you imagine what would happen if the Jews tore up Muslim prayer rugs or damaged their mihrabs (pulpits)? Not that Jews would ever descend to their level...
Yes, they do. I have posted an article about it.
They cannot accept Jews being sovereign of anything or anyplace they once conquered, as it has been pointed out before.

They need to learn the hard way.
In short, Britain and the EU continue to support, validate and this connive at an agenda aimed at the extermination of Israel promoted by hallucinatory lies and libels about the Jewish people along with gross Holocaust denial.

Abbas’s speech should be sent to every member of the British parliament, and the Prime Minister, Theresa May, should be asked how Britain can continue to give any money at all to such open antisemites and Holocaust deniers. She should be asked how the British government can continue to support giving such people a state of their own. She should be asked why the British government has ignored this horrifying reality, and the constant mortal danger it poses for the Israelis, for so long.

But then, many British people will be unaware of the appalling nature of Abbas’s speech since the BBC chose to bowdlerise it, as BBC Watch observes here.

(full article online)

Abbas tears off the mask | MelaniePhillips.com
The Palestinian narrative of Israel as European colonialists has several layers of appeal for Palestinian nationalism;

  1. It validates Palestinian history while denying Jewish history. Under this theory Jews are not a nation or a race, but a predominantly European religion. This, again, ignores evidence of ancient Jewish presence in Israel, and the expulsion of Jewish natives of the region from states including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, and Jordan.
  2. It views suspiciously Europeans creating artificial Arab nation states in the region via the Sykes-Picot agreement. It is critical to contextualize Palestinian Holocaust denial in this view. The Holocaust, in this view, was a European hoax- the big lie- designed to justify Jewish European Colonialism as required by Sykes-Picot. (This was the subject of Abbas’s Doctoral Thesis)
  3. This view argues that Zionism- like all other colonialist occupations in human history- will end with the occupiers returning to their homeland, and the natives retaining control of their indigenous land. This belief is not about land captured in 1967, but about the founding of Israel in 1948, and its existence thereafter. It was the basis for founding the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1964, three years before there was any occupation. Put another way, this belief is about Jaffa and Haifa, not Hebron and the Etzion Bloc.

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Guest Post: Trading ‘67 for ‘48: Why Abu Mazen’s Tantrum Matters
Only about half a dozen PLO military officials remained in Tehran attached to the Guards as of August of 1980, according to the report.

The PLO's main presence was in Tehran.

"Immediately after the revolution," Khomeni gave the PLO a Tehran office building that formerly housed Israel's diplomatic mission in Iran, the report claims. The office was accorded the status of an embassy and included a military attache, press offices for the Palestine News Agency (WAFA) and a few intelligence officers. The regime also granted the PLO small offices in several other cities, including Mashhad, Shiraz, Ahvaz and Esfehan.

The PLO presence in Iran was "dominated by Arafat's Fatah group which has sought to prevent other Palestinian organizations from gaining a position in the country," according to the document.

While Iran has maintained a relationship with the PLO since 1979, the Shi'ite regime is also seen as a major backer of Fatah's arch-nemesis Hamas, who ousted Fatah from Gaza in 2007. The two groups engaged in reconciliation talks in late 2017.

(full article online)

Too many media reports whitewashed Abbas’ coverage. Perhaps editors didn’t attach enough importance to the speech to give their correspondents a longer word count, which might account for the short, sanitized reports by Reuters, BBC News, CNN and Sky News.

Other news services touched on Abbas’ rant, but didn’t delve into the significance, such as AFP, The Independent, Irish Times and the Financial Times.

While the New York Times gave a sense of the PA chairman’s verbosity, the paper unfortunately didn’t fact-check Abbas, giving a pass to the false quote.

(full article online)

Media Whitewashes Abbas' Revisionism and Rejectionism | HonestReporting
This happened on Monday according to a report published late Monday night:
A rocket fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip struck a Palestinian home in Deir al-Balah by mistake, Arab media reported Monday. Located in the central Gaza Strip, two residents of Deir al-Balah were badly wounded and a third lightly wounded. ["Rocket from Gaza Strip accidentally strikes Palestinian home", Jerusalem Post, January 15, 2018]

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 16-Jan-18: In Gaza, another invisible "Fell Short" wrecks a Palestinian Arab home
They bomb the Cave of the Patriarchs as well. And are making sure that all of our holy sites are defined as Muslim by UNESCO.
We do know, now, what UNESCO stands for.

Actually, the Muslims desecrate the siddurim (prayer-books), Torahs and mezuzzot in the Jewish section of the Cave, when they get the Cave exclusively for 10 days a year. (The Jews also get the Cave for 10 days annually, and the rest of the time it's divided.) Can you imagine what would happen if the Jews tore up Muslim prayer rugs or damaged their mihrabs (pulpits)? Not that Jews would ever descend to their level...
Yes, they do. I have posted an article about it.
They cannot accept Jews being sovereign of anything or anyplace they once conquered, as it has been pointed out before.

They need to learn the hard way.

Although it may be old news, can you re-post that article you say you have about Muslims bombing the Tomb of the Patriarchs? Or was it vandalism of the Jewish section of the Cave? Thanx in advance.
They bomb the Cave of the Patriarchs as well. And are making sure that all of our holy sites are defined as Muslim by UNESCO.
We do know, now, what UNESCO stands for.

Actually, the Muslims desecrate the siddurim (prayer-books), Torahs and mezuzzot in the Jewish section of the Cave, when they get the Cave exclusively for 10 days a year. (The Jews also get the Cave for 10 days annually, and the rest of the time it's divided.) Can you imagine what would happen if the Jews tore up Muslim prayer rugs or damaged their mihrabs (pulpits)? Not that Jews would ever descend to their level...
Yes, they do. I have posted an article about it.
They cannot accept Jews being sovereign of anything or anyplace they once conquered, as it has been pointed out before.

They need to learn the hard way.

Although it may be old news, can you re-post that article you say you have about Muslims bombing the Tomb of the Patriarchs? Or was it vandalism of the Jewish section of the Cave? Thanx in advance.
There was this:

Palestinians Vandalize Jewish Artifact at Cave of Patriarchs

and several attacks at soldiers and others.

No the first time:

Hevron: Muslim Worshippers Desecrate Jewish Holy Site
Black is quite sympathetic to Palestinian Arabs, but even he makes clear that they did not have that identity until relatively recently.

It makes the occasional article or tweet about "Palestine Airlines" or Palestine currency and stamps seem even more stupid than they already were.

And notice that even today, Arabs refer to Israel -not the territories, but Israel altogether - as "the occupation."

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Guardian writer admits that really no Arabs were called "Palestinian" until the 1960s ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"The terrorist Hamas movement, which supports the Persian Iranian regime, rejected [UNRWA's] curricula on human rights.[6] This caused a grave crisis between the Hamas government and UNRWA, following which the latter suspended these curricula in its Gaza schools... Hamas's complaint was that these curricula address everyone's human rights, including those of the Jewish and Israeli people, and contravene the culture and rights of the 'Palestinian' people. There are no signs on the horizon of any solution for this broad crisis that developed between the terrorist Hamas government... and UNRWA...

"Therefore, all forms of financial aid and international funding for UNRWA must stop, as long as it [continues] subjecting its decisions to the methodology of terror, exclusion, racism and lack of consideration for the rights of other peoples, namely to the methodology of the Persian Hamas movement that controls Gaza, which [Hamas] imposes upon the UNRWA curricula and schools."

(full article online)

Kuwaiti Columnist: Stop Funding For Racist UNRWA Until It Dwindles And Dies
The PA’s problem with women is not limited to Republicans. In its Oct. 3, 1997 issue, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida’s editor in chief denounced Arab leaders whom, he said, “would have sung love songs” to then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright “were it not for her advanced age and the fact that she has passed her prime.”

I wonder if the PA’s disturbing obsession with physical appearance of these female U.S. officials is a reflection of the anti-woman culture that the PA fosters in Palestinian society.

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Mahmoud Abbas has a problem with women
What has changed between then and now? It is obvious: Nothing. Both then and now, Arabs didn't care about who would administer Jerusalem as long as the people who controlled it weren't Jews. They wanted to reduce, however they could, the amount of land that Jews controlled - hence the absurd idea of not only including Nazareth in the corpus separatum, but also the corridor that would need to be created to travel there from Jerusalem - cutting Israel nearly in half.

There is no rich Arab history in Jerusalem. It was never an Arab capital. The city was a terrible place to live when under Muslim rule.

The only time Muslims showed interest was when either Christians, during the Crusades, or Jews nowadays, controlled the city. Otherwise, the city was all but ignored, with only occasional pilgrims passing through.

The Palestinian Arab obsession with Jerusalem, plastering photos of the Dome of the Rock on every surface, is a new phenomenon. Jerusalem is not even mentioned in the original PLO charter written in 1964!

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UN report from 1949 shows Arabs didn't want Jerusalem - they just wanted to take it away from Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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