Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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PA schools named after terrorists by PA Ministry of Education - PMW Bulletins

Terrorist Shadia Abu Ghazaleh:

Two Palestinian Authority schools are named after Shadia Abu Ghazaleh - a terrorist who was active in the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) terror organization and involved in many attacks against Israel. While she was preparing a bomb for an attack in Tel Aviv in 1968, it accidentally detonated and killed her.
http://www.thenational.ae/arts-life...rab-women-filmmakers-to-win-ucla-scholarshipA Palestinian woman who lives in the UAE is one of three recipients of an inaugural scholarship for Arab female filmmakers.


Quite accomplished: Annemarie Jacir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glorifying terrorists and terror | PMW

At least 8 streets in multiple Palestinian cities named after Abu Jihad
Source: PMW, Aug. 1, 2015
Bethlehem:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street
Ramallah:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street, The Martyr Abu Jihad College Street, Beitunia (in the Ramallah Governorate)‎
Tulkarem:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street, The Martyr Abu Jihad Street ‎
Hebron:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street
Jenin:‎ The Martyr Abu Jihad Street
Bir Nabala (northeast of Jerusalem)‎: The Martyr Abu Jihad Street

Note: Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir) was a founder of Fatah and deputy to Yasser Arafat. He headed the PLO terror organization's military wing and also planned many deadly Fatah terror attacks. These attacks, which killed a total of 125 Israelis, included the most lethal in Israeli history - the hijacking of a bus and killing of 37 civilians, 12 of them children.
Glorifying terrorists and terror | PMW

At least 8 streets in multiple Palestinian cities named after Abu Jihad
Source: PMW, Aug. 1, 2015
Bethlehem:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street
Ramallah:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street, The Martyr Abu Jihad College Street, Beitunia (in the Ramallah Governorate)‎
Tulkarem:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street, The Martyr Abu Jihad Street ‎
Hebron:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street
Jenin:‎ The Martyr Abu Jihad Street
Bir Nabala (northeast of Jerusalem)‎: The Martyr Abu Jihad Street

Note: Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir) was a founder of Fatah and deputy to Yasser Arafat. He headed the PLO terror organization's military wing and also planned many deadly Fatah terror attacks. These attacks, which killed a total of 125 Israelis, included the most lethal in Israeli history - the hijacking of a bus and killing of 37 civilians, 12 of them children.
Really Hollie,post by post you become more and more hiedious............sic.........you omitted the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Babies and Children SLAUGHTERED by Zionists and IDF..........No death is excusable but your 12 Israeli child hardly compares to the Palestinian children.

You GLORIFY ZIONIST MURDERERS................Your are a CURR

Thank You for this interesting example of what the right education
and conditions (family) can do.

She is indeed a talented person, a prodigy in biochemistry and mathematics. "By the age of 13, Iqbal had not only learnt to drive, she had caught the eye of Lebanon's education minister, who helped her to secure a medical scholarship in Qatar."

Not to diminish her personal abilities and
achievements, but that's not a 'palestinian' culture.

I asked myself is it a regular muslim, palestinian family she grew in?
Is it regular for women to drive, and especially this age in that community?
Then asked myself which education did she actually get?

"And this year, at 20, she became not only the youngest ever medical graduate from Cornell University's Qatar branch, but possibly the youngest Arab doctor ever...

"The sky is the limit for Iqbal."

There is just one problem: Iqbal cannot work as a doctor in Lebanon, the country of her birth. "My dream is to come back to do something for the Palestinian refugees in the camps, even by opening a free clinic for them," she says.

"But if you're a Palestinian doctor, you're not allowed to work in public hospitals."

Palestinian child prodigy becomes doctor at age 20 | The National

Again I'm always happy to see young people reach success, especially when the intent is good. But what bout some native Palestinian culture those tribes maintain?
Glorifying terrorists and terror | PMW

At least 8 streets in multiple Palestinian cities named after Abu Jihad
Source: PMW, Aug. 1, 2015
Bethlehem:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street
Ramallah:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street, The Martyr Abu Jihad College Street, Beitunia (in the Ramallah Governorate)‎
Tulkarem:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street, The Martyr Abu Jihad Street ‎
Hebron:‎ The Martyr Khalil Al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) Street
Jenin:‎ The Martyr Abu Jihad Street
Bir Nabala (northeast of Jerusalem)‎: The Martyr Abu Jihad Street

Note: Abu Jihad (Khalil Al-Wazir) was a founder of Fatah and deputy to Yasser Arafat. He headed the PLO terror organization's military wing and also planned many deadly Fatah terror attacks. These attacks, which killed a total of 125 Israelis, included the most lethal in Israeli history - the hijacking of a bus and killing of 37 civilians, 12 of them children.
Really Hollie,post by post you become more and more hiedious............sic.........you omitted the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Babies and Children SLAUGHTERED by Zionists and IDF..........No death is excusable but your 12 Israeli child hardly compares to the Palestinian children.

You GLORIFY ZIONIST MURDERERS................Your are a CURR
theliq, et al,

Oh please, don't be such a drama queen.

Really: "10's of thousands of Palestinian Babies and Children SLAUGHTERED by Zionists" You should really right for the Electronic Intifada (EI). Your exaggerated and bent spin providing a biased interpretation of an events and data is just what they do. They would love you. And it is run by an American Freelance Journalist (Ali Abunimah) and a Dutch Politician (Arjan El Fassed). You would fit right in.

Really Hollie,post by post you become more and more hiedious............sic.........you omitted the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Babies and Children SLAUGHTERED by Zionists and IDF..........No death is excusable but your 12 Israeli child hardly compares to the Palestinian children.

We agree that: The death of even one child, in preventable events and in discretionary combat, is one too many. But it happens. The reasons are many --- and not flattering to either side.

The Paradox here is that War (conflict between political entities and states) is a brutal and ugly enterprise. The violent nature (death and destruction) and the controversial social effect (the types and kinds of casualties --- AKA: The Body Count), has given rise to troubling moral questions that haven't been solved in over five millennium. Yet, inherent to the nature and concept of "war" is to bring ever better and more advanced weapon to bear on the opposing force in a manner that maximizes its killing potential. Now typically, the exchange between conventional forces results in opponents adjusting their tactics to increase their dispersion of forces so as to minimize the targets provided to the new weapons. And in the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, dispersion would be the key if the Customary Rules applied. The measurable casualty effects by opposing modern weapons results in far fewer casualties and far less destruction of military assets when dispersal measures are in play. However, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the face-off is NOT between conventional forces. One is conventional (Israel) and one is asymmetric (Palestinian). And in the case of the asymmetric (Palestinian) opponent --- they have to discover new methods of fighting in order render certain targetable assets immune from hostile Israeli fires. The Palestinians do the exact opposite. Instead of relocating their forces outside densely populated areas, and removing civilians (non-combatants) from the vicinity of their military operations, the Palestinians operate from within the densely populated areas, surrounded by civilians (non-combatants) so that any Israeli counter-strike will result in a measurable increase in casualties. (See Rule #23 --- and --- Rule #24, Customary IHL). The purpose of this particular tactic is to reduce the effectiveness of the new modern weapons used by the Israelis, and to raise the claim of "War Crimes" against the Israeli on strikes to Hostile Palestinian Targets operating in the close proximity of civilians [(non-combatants)(homes, women and children)], that result in collateral damage and casualties. This gives rise to sympathy for the Palestinian cause.

That brings us back to the troubling moral questions that haven't been solved in over five millennium. Does the Palestinian Cause give the right to disregard Customary International Humanitarian Law in the effort to achieve a Political Victory in the absence of a Military Victory? Many pro-Palestinians say: Yes! --- in that the General Assembly has given tacit approval and explicit guidance:
  • A/RES/2649: (1970) "entitled to the right of self-determination to restore to themselves that right by any means at their disposal;"
  • A/RES/3246: (1974) "Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;"
  • A/RES/33/24: (1978) "liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;"
This, in effect, exempts the Palestinians from the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/25/2625) and the requirement to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State; and, Measures to be taken against propaganda and the inciters of a new war (A/RES/2/110) and the prevention of all forms of propaganda which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression. More recently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has given tacit approval to the Palestinians to commit War Crimes, by publicly acknowledging that the ICC will conduct an "analysis in full independence and impartiality" into alleged war crimes by only Israel (not HAMAS/Palestinians). This, in itself, is a successful non-violent approach to politically defeat Israel as an opponent.

In this regard, and based on the fact that both implied and explicit approval has been given to the Palestinians to engage in "any and all means" --- the second moral question arises: Should Israel be denied the practice of exchanging actions (reciprocity) with Palestinians for mutual combat, especially privileges granted by one the UN General Assembly and ICC to Palestinians?

The death of the children (highly exaggerated here), is very regrettable. But it was aggravated, advanced and politically exploited by pro-Palestinian resources to achieve political ends that the Palestinians were denied through peaceful means.

You GLORIFY ZIONIST MURDERERS................Your are a CURR

Wow, now that is a linguistic tongue twister.

I assume you mean "CUR:"

The term "cur" refers to a mongrel dog. Originally the word cur referred to a certain British purpose-bred, short-tailed cattle droving dog known only from historical records, the cur dog, but in modern usage it applies to any mongrel. ( en.wikipedia.org )​

I learned a new word.

Most Respectfully,
theliq, et al,

Oh please, don't be such a drama queen.

Really: "10's of thousands of Palestinian Babies and Children SLAUGHTERED by Zionists" You should really right for the Electronic Intifada (EI). Your exaggerated and bent spin providing a biased interpretation of an events and data is just what they do. They would love you. And it is run by an American Freelance Journalist (Ali Abunimah) and a Dutch Politician (Arjan El Fassed). You would fit right in.

Really Hollie,post by post you become more and more hiedious............sic.........you omitted the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Babies and Children SLAUGHTERED by Zionists and IDF..........No death is excusable but your 12 Israeli child hardly compares to the Palestinian children.

We agree that: The death of even one child, in preventable events and in discretionary combat, is one too many. But it happens. The reasons are many --- and not flattering to either side.

The Paradox here is that War (conflict between political entities and states) is a brutal and ugly enterprise. The violent nature (death and destruction) and the controversial social effect (the types and kinds of casualties --- AKA: The Body Count), has given rise to troubling moral questions that haven't been solved in over five millennium. Yet, inherent to the nature and concept of "war" is to bring ever better and more advanced weapon to bear on the opposing force in a manner that maximizes its killing potential. Now typically, the exchange between conventional forces results in opponents adjusting their tactics to increase their dispersion of forces so as to minimize the targets provided to the new weapons. And in the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, dispersion would be the key if the Customary Rules applied. The measurable casualty effects by opposing modern weapons results in far fewer casualties and far less destruction of military assets when dispersal measures are in play. However, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the face-off is NOT between conventional forces. One is conventional (Israel) and one is asymmetric (Palestinian). And in the case of the asymmetric (Palestinian) opponent --- they have to discover new methods of fighting in order render certain targetable assets immune from hostile Israeli fires. The Palestinians do the exact opposite. Instead of relocating their forces outside densely populated areas, and removing civilians (non-combatants) from the vicinity of their military operations, the Palestinians operate from within the densely populated areas, surrounded by civilians (non-combatants) so that any Israeli counter-strike will result in a measurable increase in casualties. (See Rule #23 --- and --- Rule #24, Customary IHL). The purpose of this particular tactic is to reduce the effectiveness of the new modern weapons used by the Israelis, and to raise the claim of "War Crimes" against the Israeli on strikes to Hostile Palestinian Targets operating in the close proximity of civilians [(non-combatants)(homes, women and children)], that result in collateral damage and casualties. This gives rise to sympathy for the Palestinian cause.

That brings us back to the troubling moral questions that haven't been solved in over five millennium. Does the Palestinian Cause give the right to disregard Customary International Humanitarian Law in the effort to achieve a Political Victory in the absence of a Military Victory? Many pro-Palestinians say: Yes! --- in that the General Assembly has given tacit approval and explicit guidance:
  • A/RES/2649: (1970) "entitled to the right of self-determination to restore to themselves that right by any means at their disposal;"
  • A/RES/3246: (1974) "Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;"
  • A/RES/33/24: (1978) "liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;"
This, in effect, exempts the Palestinians from the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/25/2625) and the requirement to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State; and, Measures to be taken against propaganda and the inciters of a new war (A/RES/2/110) and the prevention of all forms of propaganda which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression. More recently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has given tacit approval to the Palestinians to commit War Crimes, by publicly acknowledging that the ICC will conduct an "analysis in full independence and impartiality" into alleged war crimes by only Israel (not HAMAS/Palestinians). This, in itself, is a successful non-violent approach to politically defeat Israel as an opponent.

In this regard, and based on the fact that both implied and explicit approval has been given to the Palestinians to engage in "any and all means" --- the second moral question arises: Should Israel be denied the practice of exchanging actions (reciprocity) with Palestinians for mutual combat, especially privileges granted by one the UN General Assembly and ICC to Palestinians?

The death of the children (highly exaggerated here), is very regrettable. But it was aggravated, advanced and politically exploited by pro-Palestinian resources to achieve political ends that the Palestinians were denied through peaceful means.

You GLORIFY ZIONIST MURDERERS................Your are a CURR

Wow, now that is a linguistic tongue twister.

I assume you mean "CUR:"

The term "cur" refers to a mongrel dog. Originally the word cur referred to a certain British purpose-bred, short-tailed cattle droving dog known only from historical records, the cur dog, but in modern usage it applies to any mongrel. ( en.wikipedia.org )​

I learned a new word.

Most Respectfully,
More recently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has given tacit approval to the Palestinians to commit War Crimes, by publicly acknowledging that the ICC will conduct an "analysis in full independence and impartiality" into alleged war crimes by only Israel (not HAMAS/Palestinians).​

I don't think the Palestinians have committed war crimes. Perhaps the ICC knows this.

Every time I try to discuss this with you, you start dancing.
theliq, et al,

Oh please, don't be such a drama queen.

Really: "10's of thousands of Palestinian Babies and Children SLAUGHTERED by Zionists" You should really right for the Electronic Intifada (EI). Your exaggerated and bent spin providing a biased interpretation of an events and data is just what they do. They would love you. And it is run by an American Freelance Journalist (Ali Abunimah) and a Dutch Politician (Arjan El Fassed). You would fit right in.

Really Hollie,post by post you become more and more hiedious............sic.........you omitted the 10's of thousands of Palestinian Babies and Children SLAUGHTERED by Zionists and IDF..........No death is excusable but your 12 Israeli child hardly compares to the Palestinian children.

We agree that: The death of even one child, in preventable events and in discretionary combat, is one too many. But it happens. The reasons are many --- and not flattering to either side.

The Paradox here is that War (conflict between political entities and states) is a brutal and ugly enterprise. The violent nature (death and destruction) and the controversial social effect (the types and kinds of casualties --- AKA: The Body Count), has given rise to troubling moral questions that haven't been solved in over five millennium. Yet, inherent to the nature and concept of "war" is to bring ever better and more advanced weapon to bear on the opposing force in a manner that maximizes its killing potential. Now typically, the exchange between conventional forces results in opponents adjusting their tactics to increase their dispersion of forces so as to minimize the targets provided to the new weapons. And in the case of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, dispersion would be the key if the Customary Rules applied. The measurable casualty effects by opposing modern weapons results in far fewer casualties and far less destruction of military assets when dispersal measures are in play. However, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the face-off is NOT between conventional forces. One is conventional (Israel) and one is asymmetric (Palestinian). And in the case of the asymmetric (Palestinian) opponent --- they have to discover new methods of fighting in order render certain targetable assets immune from hostile Israeli fires. The Palestinians do the exact opposite. Instead of relocating their forces outside densely populated areas, and removing civilians (non-combatants) from the vicinity of their military operations, the Palestinians operate from within the densely populated areas, surrounded by civilians (non-combatants) so that any Israeli counter-strike will result in a measurable increase in casualties. (See Rule #23 --- and --- Rule #24, Customary IHL). The purpose of this particular tactic is to reduce the effectiveness of the new modern weapons used by the Israelis, and to raise the claim of "War Crimes" against the Israeli on strikes to Hostile Palestinian Targets operating in the close proximity of civilians [(non-combatants)(homes, women and children)], that result in collateral damage and casualties. This gives rise to sympathy for the Palestinian cause.

That brings us back to the troubling moral questions that haven't been solved in over five millennium. Does the Palestinian Cause give the right to disregard Customary International Humanitarian Law in the effort to achieve a Political Victory in the absence of a Military Victory? Many pro-Palestinians say: Yes! --- in that the General Assembly has given tacit approval and explicit guidance:
  • A/RES/2649: (1970) "entitled to the right of self-determination to restore to themselves that right by any means at their disposal;"
  • A/RES/3246: (1974) "Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;"
  • A/RES/33/24: (1978) "liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;"
This, in effect, exempts the Palestinians from the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/25/2625) and the requirement to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State; and, Measures to be taken against propaganda and the inciters of a new war (A/RES/2/110) and the prevention of all forms of propaganda which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression. More recently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has given tacit approval to the Palestinians to commit War Crimes, by publicly acknowledging that the ICC will conduct an "analysis in full independence and impartiality" into alleged war crimes by only Israel (not HAMAS/Palestinians). This, in itself, is a successful non-violent approach to politically defeat Israel as an opponent.

In this regard, and based on the fact that both implied and explicit approval has been given to the Palestinians to engage in "any and all means" --- the second moral question arises: Should Israel be denied the practice of exchanging actions (reciprocity) with Palestinians for mutual combat, especially privileges granted by one the UN General Assembly and ICC to Palestinians?

The death of the children (highly exaggerated here), is very regrettable. But it was aggravated, advanced and politically exploited by pro-Palestinian resources to achieve political ends that the Palestinians were denied through peaceful means.

You GLORIFY ZIONIST MURDERERS................Your are a CURR

Wow, now that is a linguistic tongue twister.

I assume you mean "CUR:"

The term "cur" refers to a mongrel dog. Originally the word cur referred to a certain British purpose-bred, short-tailed cattle droving dog known only from historical records, the cur dog, but in modern usage it applies to any mongrel. ( en.wikipedia.org )​

I learned a new word.

Most Respectfully,
More recently, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has given tacit approval to the Palestinians to commit War Crimes, by publicly acknowledging that the ICC will conduct an "analysis in full independence and impartiality" into alleged war crimes by only Israel (not HAMAS/Palestinians).​

I don't think the Palestinians have committed war crimes. Perhaps the ICC knows this.

Every time I try to discuss this with you, you start dancing.

Is that why the ICC/ICJ just lately refused to take any action against Israel for alleged war crimes and stated that they would now be looking at Palestinian war crimes with a view to bringing charges. This caused the P.A, through Abu Mazen, to revoke their initial request and thus bring the case to a halt.
The UN know they have committed war crimes from the Goldstone report and have not taken any action against them because they are afraid of the Islamic contingent stopping the Oil from flowing.

It is you that does the dancing round subjects that show your misplaced support for Palestinian war crimes, terrorism and violence. The UN has even stated that the qassam rockets are war crimes and should be stopped, but take no further action against the Palestinians.
actually that is not correct
at 20 she became a doctor. She is the youngest graduate of Qatar medical school

Balamurali Ambati was the youngest official doctor

Akrit Jaswal has been preforming surgery since the age of 7
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