Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Typically moronic.

Israel has returned more land taken in war than its physical land mass.

Thinking is difficult for you which is why you've made yourself the Village Idiot.
What land was that? Gaza? It was never Israel's land to give.

Land they occupied under the terms of the Geneva conventions and international law. As for gaza it was granted to the Jews in 1923 not the arab muslims, they got trans Jordan
Your denial is awesome,there're ancient synagogues all over the world.
Did you go to school in a long bus, or a short bus? Because that has nothing to do with what I said.

I said there is no evidence of the Exodus. In Egypt. Back then.

Que pasa, mutha?

The Exodus: Does archaeology have a say?
"The whole subject of the Exodus is embarrassing to archaeologists. The Exodus is so fundamental to us and our Jewish sources that it is embarrassing that there is no evidence outside of the Bible to support it. So we prefer not to talk about it, and hate to be asked about it.

For the account in the Torah is the basis of our people’s creation, it is the basis of our existence and it is the basis of our important Passover festival and the whole Haggada that we recite on the first evening of this festival of freedom. So that makes archaeologists reluctant to have to tell our brethren and ourselves that there is nothing in Egyptian records to support it. Nothing on the slavery of the Israelites, nothing on the plagues that persuaded Pharaoh to let them go, nothing on the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, nothing.

Nothing at all. There are three Pharaohs who said they got rid of the hated foreigners, but nothing to say who the foreigners were, and no Pharaoh is named as having persecuted foreign slaves or suffered unspeakable plagues."

Sorry to burst your bubble boy, but a synagogue in Rome, doesn't mean someone kicked your ass out of Egypt way back when.

Again You fail to deal on topic in this simple question.
There's a post like this one where your point would be relevant, though ignorant.
Hey asshole, you questioned someone's "history" and I questioned yours. That's relevant!
Your denial is awesome,there're ancient synagogues all over the world.
Did you go to school in a long bus, or a short bus? Because that has nothing to do with what I said.

I said there is no evidence of the Exodus. In Egypt. Back then.

Que pasa, mutha?

The Exodus: Does archaeology have a say?
"The whole subject of the Exodus is embarrassing to archaeologists. The Exodus is so fundamental to us and our Jewish sources that it is embarrassing that there is no evidence outside of the Bible to support it. So we prefer not to talk about it, and hate to be asked about it.

For the account in the Torah is the basis of our people’s creation, it is the basis of our existence and it is the basis of our important Passover festival and the whole Haggada that we recite on the first evening of this festival of freedom. So that makes archaeologists reluctant to have to tell our brethren and ourselves that there is nothing in Egyptian records to support it. Nothing on the slavery of the Israelites, nothing on the plagues that persuaded Pharaoh to let them go, nothing on the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, nothing.

Nothing at all. There are three Pharaohs who said they got rid of the hated foreigners, but nothing to say who the foreigners were, and no Pharaoh is named as having persecuted foreign slaves or suffered unspeakable plagues."

Sorry to burst your bubble boy, but a synagogue in Rome, doesn't mean someone kicked your ass out of Egypt way back when.

Again You fail to deal on topic in this simple question.
There's a post like this one where your point would be relevant, though ignorant.
Hey asshole, you questioned someone's "history" and I questioned yours. That's relevant!

HeyTROLL that's what You said:

"You know, I wouldn't go there, seeing how there is no archeological evidence that the diaspora ever happened."

You don't even know what You say...you fail to answer simple questions
then bring your usual off-topic.

What does that have to do with Baletinians?
Better show us their native distinct culture they still maintain, either artifacts or tales, songs, poetry....not Arabic but distinct PALESTINIAN.
Should e easy since "they've lived there for thousands of years"
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Your denial is awesome,there're ancient synagogues all over the world.
Did you go to school in a long bus, or a short bus? Because that has nothing to do with what I said.

I said there is no evidence of the Exodus. In Egypt. Back then.

Que pasa, mutha?

The Exodus: Does archaeology have a say?
"The whole subject of the Exodus is embarrassing to archaeologists. The Exodus is so fundamental to us and our Jewish sources that it is embarrassing that there is no evidence outside of the Bible to support it. So we prefer not to talk about it, and hate to be asked about it.

For the account in the Torah is the basis of our people’s creation, it is the basis of our existence and it is the basis of our important Passover festival and the whole Haggada that we recite on the first evening of this festival of freedom. So that makes archaeologists reluctant to have to tell our brethren and ourselves that there is nothing in Egyptian records to support it. Nothing on the slavery of the Israelites, nothing on the plagues that persuaded Pharaoh to let them go, nothing on the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea, nothing.

Nothing at all. There are three Pharaohs who said they got rid of the hated foreigners, but nothing to say who the foreigners were, and no Pharaoh is named as having persecuted foreign slaves or suffered unspeakable plagues."

Sorry to burst your bubble boy, but a synagogue in Rome, doesn't mean someone kicked your ass out of Egypt way back when.

Again You fail to deal on topic in this simple question.
There's a post like this one where your point would be relevant, though ignorant.
Hey asshole, you questioned someone's "history" and I questioned yours. That's relevant!

Did you read on where the author shows that there was an Exodus and the evidence is there.

From your link we see

However, there is another way of looking at it, another way of seeking support for this fundamental experience of our peoplehood.

We do not look for evidence from the biblical text, but we can look to it for the general context of a sojourn in, and an exodus from, Egypt, and there are three major elements.

The first is that the Israelites were slave workers in mudbrick. They had to manufacture the material and they were semi-skilled workers in laying the bricks. As there were thousands of Israelites, what projects were they working on? The pyramids and the temples were in stone, the mudbrick houses of the peasants were built by themselves, so what project needed hundreds of workers in mudbrick? Secondly, when the Israelites escaped, it was during a period of turmoil brought on by the magical plagues, a period when the Egyptians were off their guard and keen to see the slaves go as they wished into the desert.

When could that have been? And thirdly, the Israelites escaped into the desert and there built a most luxurious portable shrine to their God, to accompany them through their long desert trek and to house the Deity that would lead them and protect them on the way. It was to be made of fabulous materials, in hardwood and colored cloth with gold and copper trimmings, as described in detail in 16 chapters of the Torah.

Read on for the full details from your own link that says you are a LIAR. And you don't question history you try and rewrite it to attack the Jews
HeyTROLL that's what You said:
I'm not a troll. Trolls don't answer direct questions or specifically address what others say. I do both.

"You know, I wouldn't go there, seeing how there is no archeological evidence that the diaspora ever happened."

You don't even know what You say...
WTF are you talking about? Are you saying the diaspora has nothing to do with the exodus?

you fail to answer simple questions
then bring your usual off-topic.
Again, I answered your questions and bringing up your lack of history after you questioned the history of others, is on topic.

What does that have to do with Baletinians?
I'm not going to respond to your little made-up words.

Better show us their native distinct culture they still maintain, either artifacts or tales, songs, poetry....not Arabic but distinct PALESTINIAN.
Should e easy since "they've lived there for thousands of years"
Why? They've lived there for thousands of years. What does showing their culture prove? Besides, treating them like they are one entity with one mindset, is pretty retarded.
HeyTROLL that's what You said:
I'm not a troll. Trolls don't answer direct questions or specifically address what others say. I do both.

"You know, I wouldn't go there, seeing how there is no archeological evidence that the diaspora ever happened."

You don't even know what You say...
WTF are you talking about? Are you saying the diaspora has nothing to do with the exodus?

you fail to answer simple questions
then bring your usual off-topic.
Again, I answered your questions and bringing up your lack of history after you questioned the history of others, is on topic.

What does that have to do with Baletinians?
I'm not going to respond to your little made-up words.

Better show us their native distinct culture they still maintain, either artifacts or tales, songs, poetry....not Arabic but distinct PALESTINIAN.
Should e easy since "they've lived there for thousands of years"
Why? They've lived there for thousands of years. What does showing their culture prove? Besides, treating them like they are one entity with one mindset, is pretty retarded.

They do, but in a troll manner, just as you do

Two separate and distinct actions, showing you have done no research and just copied from some Nazi site

Not if it deals with a different subject, then it is off topic

It is what they call themselves, so how is it a made up word ?

Yet no one has been able to prove that the arab muslims existed prior to 635 C.E. and here you are claiming hey lived and owned Palestine 800 years before they knew of its existence. History shows they owned Palestine for a matter of 22 years and were evicted in 1099 never to own or control Palestine ever again. So how could it be their land, what treaty/international law gave them Palestine as their property prior to 1988 when they claimed independence and prompty gave it up again.
Who are the Pal'istanians?

People in need of being extricated from the Death Cult of hate and derision.

This sort of murderous hatred is a matter of course in Islam's jihad and for those who submit to the loopy sheiks, Mullahs, Emirs,, etc., etc. who imprison people in hate. There simply isn't any other movement in the world today, religious or secular, whose adherents willfully and regularly murder unarmed civilians en masse. It comes from Islamism, and when I see something like this dreadful tragedy otherwise called Pal'istanian welfare fraud , I get frustrated that people still won't acknowledge where this poisonous hatred and glorification of death comes from.

PA schools named after terrorists by PA Ministry of Education

PA schools named after terrorists by PA Ministry of Education - PMW Bulletins

Dozens of Palestinian schools are named after terrorist murderers. The official Palestinian Authority news agency WAFA now reports that the naming of state schools "is under the authority" of the PA Minister of Education. [WAFA, Aug. 25, 2015] "The naming of schools and changes are the responsibility of the Minister of Education, by a direct decision of the Ministry or the Name Committee," the independent news agency Ma'an added. Palestinian Media Watch documented 25 schools named after terrorists in its recent report Palestinian Authority Education: A Recipe for Hate and Terror.
Who are the Pal'istanians?

People who elevate those who willfully mass murder un-armed civilians to the status of hero.

http://palwatch.org/STORAGE/special reports/PA Education Report for Teachers Union 210715.pdf#page=11

The following are some examples of schools named after terrorists:

In the PA, there are three schools named after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi.

1. The Dalal Mughrabi High School for Girls – Gaza

2. The Dalal Mughrabi High School for Girls – Al-Shuyoukh, Hebron

3. The Dalal Mughrabi Elementary School for Girls – near Hebron

Terrorist Dalal Mughrabi led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, known as
the Coastal Road massacre, in 1978, when she and other Fatah terrorists hijacked a
bus on Israel's Coastal Highway, killing 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding
over 70.
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