Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Lets see I am a Zionist, yet I am not a Jew so how do you like those apples. At the same time the Prophet was a Zionist initially, then became an islamonazi some years later.
I could understand your Zionist hatreds because that Cult are Mad but by telling me you are not Jewish but still a Zionist!!!!!!!!!That makes you MADDER THAN A CUT SNAKE,.............and what the Fcuk is a Christian Zionist ???????? There Pheo is a contradiction in terms.............No Christian could be a Zionist,other than those that are Mad.......Madder than Mad,Sadder than Sad,Dimmer than Dim......heading for the Mental Asylim........The longer you are here the weirder you become.........HIM theliq

First you need to understand exactly what a Zionist is, and you seem to think they are islamonazi mass murdering child raping terrorists. All a Zionist is in fact is a person that believes the Jews should have a homeland in Palestine and the right to defend that homeland against attack. Any other definition is a BLOOD LIBEL and a LIE.

This is no different to being an Aussie, a Brit, a Yank, a German, an eyetie, a frog or any other nationalistic person. The only person on here that is stark raving mad is you when you defend islamonazi mass murder and terrorism when you attack the Jews
Islamic Slaughterers are Scum BUT YOU MUST REALISE.............Zionists/Zionism HAVE ENCOURAGED THEM...watching your Slaughter over the past 70 years the Palestinians.........You and they are so similar...You Murder and Slaughter so do they...Bastards
I will say thaliq is right and every action has a reaction, we should condemn the Israel over their killing for 70 years.

You mean the killing of terrorists and invaders that is legal under international law. How about the killing by muslims then will you condemn all those. From the 10 million in India to the 50,000 in Jordan, these went on over 70 years and amounted to many millions of innocents.
I will say for some reason you don't accept the truth or may be it is your job.
Who are the Palestinians?

Palestinians are those people who live in Palestine for over three thousands years and now force to live in camps in their homeland called Palestine by the clever and tricky jew invaders.

So were are these camps full of Jews then as they are the people who have lived there for 3,000 years. Arab muslims can only claim 22 years out of the last 1400 so they are not what you mean are they ?

Jew never live in the camp, either they go underground or move around the world and merge in the jew net work. This is the reason 6 million jews missing in the Germany, have no clue so far where they are.

They must do as until 1960 they were the only Palestinians in Palestine, the arab muslims said they were Syrians or Egyptian

You are not wrong. There was only one country until jews invaded and their colonial master divide the land in many countries so they can adjust Israel in there.

What country was that then ? as my searches show that no country existed at all when it was part of the Ottoman empire. In fact no country existed since the roman invasion in the first century BCE. That was 2000 years ago
I could understand your Zionist hatreds because that Cult are Mad but by telling me you are not Jewish but still a Zionist!!!!!!!!!That makes you MADDER THAN A CUT SNAKE,.............and what the Fcuk is a Christian Zionist ???????? There Pheo is a contradiction in terms.............No Christian could be a Zionist,other than those that are Mad.......Madder than Mad,Sadder than Sad,Dimmer than Dim......heading for the Mental Asylim........The longer you are here the weirder you become.........HIM theliq

First you need to understand exactly what a Zionist is, and you seem to think they are islamonazi mass murdering child raping terrorists. All a Zionist is in fact is a person that believes the Jews should have a homeland in Palestine and the right to defend that homeland against attack. Any other definition is a BLOOD LIBEL and a LIE.

This is no different to being an Aussie, a Brit, a Yank, a German, an eyetie, a frog or any other nationalistic person. The only person on here that is stark raving mad is you when you defend islamonazi mass murder and terrorism when you attack the Jews
Islamic Slaughterers are Scum BUT YOU MUST REALISE.............Zionists/Zionism HAVE ENCOURAGED THEM...watching your Slaughter over the past 70 years the Palestinians.........You and they are so similar...You Murder and Slaughter so do they...Bastards
I will say thaliq is right and every action has a reaction, we should condemn the Israel over their killing for 70 years.

You mean the killing of terrorists and invaders that is legal under international law. How about the killing by muslims then will you condemn all those. From the 10 million in India to the 50,000 in Jordan, these went on over 70 years and amounted to many millions of innocents.
I will say for some reason you don't accept the truth or may be it is your job.

Are you saying that historical records kept by muslims are not true ?
Who are the Palestinians?

Nathalie Handal

And what has this to do with this thread, your deflection is noted and ignored

The question is: Who are the Palestinians. I am answering that question.

Speaking of Palestinians, here is another one.

Tamer Nafar

No they are arab muslim's that cant be Palestinians because Palestine is not arab. And they owned it for less than 30 years in the last 1400
As clear as mud.

Well it would be to you..As I said to you earlier U R AN Idiot

Using this place for venting your frustrations?
Never but I just speak as I see and it is almost always the Truth,if I make errors,I always put my hands up.......If I've ever done a Crime,I will always do the Time

But unlike others I am not a Liar or Wastrel or a Denyer(Denier)
Who are the Palestinians?

Nathalie Handal

And what has this to do with this thread, your deflection is noted and ignored

The question is: Who are the Palestinians. I am answering that question.

Speaking of Palestinians, here is another one.

Tamer Nafar

Pathetic, what was actually taken from him? I guess they left some for all that studio equipment..

He's not even a real artist. Uses the same beat up cliche' forms
with nothing but hate and racism messages.The funniest thing is he actually uses American sounds to express 'balstinian culture'...:eusa_clap:
Who are the Palestinians?

Nathalie Handal

And what has this to do with this thread, your deflection is noted and ignored

The question is: Who are the Palestinians. I am answering that question.

Speaking of Palestinians, here is another one.

Tamer Nafar

Pathetic, what was actually taken from him? I guess they left some for all that studio equipment..

He's not even a real artist. Uses the same beat up cliche' forms
with nothing but hate and racism messages.The funniest thing is he actually uses American sounds to express 'balstinian culture'...:eusa_clap:

And the Americans "Borrowed" Jamaican Sounds,so the Joke is on U......LOL........
Who are the Palestinians?

Nathalie Handal

And what has this to do with this thread, your deflection is noted and ignored

The question is: Who are the Palestinians. I am answering that question.

Speaking of Palestinians, here is another one.

Tamer Nafar

Pathetic, what was actually taken from him? I guess they left some for all that studio equipment..

He's not even a real artist. Uses the same beat up cliche' forms
with nothing but hate and racism messages.The funniest thing is he actually uses American sounds to express 'balstinian culture'...:eusa_clap:

And the Americans "Borrowed" Jamaican Sounds,so the Joke is on U......LOL........

U mean African-Americans?
Like McHammer, Run DMC and Snoop Dog...

Sure that's 'native balestinian' culture... sounds very middle-eastern.:lame2:
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Who are the Palestinians?

Nathalie Handal

And what has this to do with this thread, your deflection is noted and ignored

The question is: Who are the Palestinians. I am answering that question.

Speaking of Palestinians, here is another one.

Tamer Nafar

Pathetic, what was actually taken from him? I guess they left some for all that studio equipment..

He's not even a real artist. Uses the same beat up cliche' forms
with nothing but hate and racism messages.The funniest thing is he actually uses American sounds to express 'balstinian culture'...:eusa_clap:

And the Americans "Borrowed" Jamaican Sounds,so the Joke is on U......LOL........

U mean African-Americans?
Like McHammer, Run DMC and Snoop Dog...

Sure that's 'native balestinian' culture... sounds very middle-eastern.:lame2:

No You Mate......your the NATIVE
And what has this to do with this thread, your deflection is noted and ignored
The question is: Who are the Palestinians. I am answering that question.

Speaking of Palestinians, here is another one.

Tamer Nafar

Pathetic, what was actually taken from him? I guess they left some for all that studio equipment..

He's not even a real artist. Uses the same beat up cliche' forms
with nothing but hate and racism messages.The funniest thing is he actually uses American sounds to express 'balstinian culture'...:eusa_clap:

And the Americans "Borrowed" Jamaican Sounds,so the Joke is on U......LOL........

U mean African-Americans?
Like McHammer, Run DMC and Snoop Dog...

Sure that's 'native balestinian' culture... sounds very middle-eastern.:lame2:

No You Mate......your the NATIVE

Exactly- COHEN.

When I'm asked to introduce my culture I don't play american tunes with English racist slogans against enemies. I have a choice of king David's songs praising G-d in Hebrew, which sound much more 'native' mid-eastern, than this fake 'Pally- Jamaican' piece of blood libel.

Sorry Bob...

Please show use the distinct Palestinian culture those refugees maintain.
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Who are the Palestinians?

Nathalie Handal

And what has this to do with this thread, your deflection is noted and ignored

The question is: Who are the Palestinians. I am answering that question.

Speaking of Palestinians, here is another one.

Tamer Nafar

Not surprising that Pal'istanian Arabs who steal land and money would steal American pop culture. What a shame those dregs couldn't steal a work ethic.
What's actually the distinct Palestinian culture those Bedouins from Syria, Arabia and Egypt maintain?

You know except for pictures of girls biting soldiers, songs of martyrdom and such.
Since You can find a variety of Jewish artifacts allover Israel, and those Palestinians claim to have lived there for thousands of years, we should in the same way see distinct Palestinian artifacts as well.

Any ancient Palestinian stories? Tunes? Poetry?
Really interested.
What's actually the distinct Palestinian culture those Bedouins from Syria, Arabia and Egypt maintain?

You know except for pictures of girls biting soldiers, songs of martyrdom and such.
Since You can find a variety of Jewish artifacts allover Israel, and those Palestinians claim to have lived there for thousands of years, we should in the same way see distinct Palestinian artifacts as well.

Any ancient Palestinian stories? Tunes? Poetry?
Really interested.
You know, I wouldn't go there, seeing how there is no archeological evidence that the diaspora ever happened.
Not surprising that Pal'istanian Arabs who steal land and money would steal American pop culture. What a shame those dregs couldn't steal a work ethic.
Not as much land than the Israeli's stole.
Typically moronic.

Israel has returned more land taken in war than its physical land mass.

Thinking is difficult for you which is why you've made yourself the Village Idiot.
What's actually the distinct Palestinian culture those Bedouins from Syria, Arabia and Egypt maintain?

You know except for pictures of girls biting soldiers, songs of martyrdom and such.
Since You can find a variety of Jewish artifacts allover Israel, and those Palestinians claim to have lived there for thousands of years, we should in the same way see distinct Palestinian artifacts as well.

Any ancient Palestinian stories? Tunes? Poetry?
Really interested.
You know, I wouldn't go there, seeing how there is no archeological evidence that the diaspora ever happened.

Your denial is awesome,there're ancient synagogues all over the world.

Again You fail to deal on topic in this simple question.
There's a post like this one where your point would be relevant, though ignorant.
What's actually the distinct Palestinian culture those Bedouins from Syria, Arabia and Egypt maintain?

You know except for pictures of girls biting soldiers, songs of martyrdom and such.
Since You can find a variety of Jewish artifacts allover Israel, and those Palestinians claim to have lived there for thousands of years, we should in the same way see distinct Palestinian artifacts as well.

Any ancient Palestinian stories? Tunes? Poetry?
Really interested.
You know, I wouldn't go there, seeing how there is no archeological evidence that the diaspora ever happened.

And your evidence of this is what exactly, some islamonazi propaganda site ?

Now what archeological evidence is there of arab muslims inhabiting Palestine for 2000 years. Even America has archeological evidence of the first settlers from 400 years ago, but no sign of arab muslims in Palestine.
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