Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Not only Palestinian children compete in championships named after terrorists - so do their teachers.

The Qalqilya Directorate of Education, which is a branch of the PA Ministry of Education, recently held the "Martyr Abd Al-Jaber Abd Al-Qader Khaled Volleyball Championship for Teachers," named after a Palestinian terrorist and member of Fatah's military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. Together with an accomplice, Khaled attempted to carry out a combined shooting and suicide bombing attack at an Israeli army training camp in 2002. (See below)

The championship was sponsored by Abbas' Fatah Movement and the Jayyous Municipality in the Qalqilya district.

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed the PA's policy of indoctrinating Palestinian kids to view terrorist murderers as heroes and role models. The PA has named 31 schools after terrorists, and sports tournaments are frequently named after terrorists too. In November 2015, a school football tournament for young kids was named after 13-year-old terrorist Ahmad Manasrah, who a month earlier during a Palestinian wave of terror attacks stabbed a 13-year-old Israeli boy and an adult, injuring both seriously. The Ahmad Manasrah Football Tournament named after the young stabber showed Palestinian kids of the same age that murdering or wounding Israelis makes you a hero to the extent that tournaments will be named after you. In this way, the PA creates an incentive for young Palestinians to become murderers and use violence.

(full article online)

Volley and Violence - PA Ministry of Education names teachers tourney after terrorist - PMW Bulletins
They are not terrorists in Palestine. They are only terrorists to foreign name callers.
Not only Palestinian children compete in championships named after terrorists - so do their teachers.

The Qalqilya Directorate of Education, which is a branch of the PA Ministry of Education, recently held the "Martyr Abd Al-Jaber Abd Al-Qader Khaled Volleyball Championship for Teachers," named after a Palestinian terrorist and member of Fatah's military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. Together with an accomplice, Khaled attempted to carry out a combined shooting and suicide bombing attack at an Israeli army training camp in 2002. (See below)

The championship was sponsored by Abbas' Fatah Movement and the Jayyous Municipality in the Qalqilya district.

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed the PA's policy of indoctrinating Palestinian kids to view terrorist murderers as heroes and role models. The PA has named 31 schools after terrorists, and sports tournaments are frequently named after terrorists too. In November 2015, a school football tournament for young kids was named after 13-year-old terrorist Ahmad Manasrah, who a month earlier during a Palestinian wave of terror attacks stabbed a 13-year-old Israeli boy and an adult, injuring both seriously. The Ahmad Manasrah Football Tournament named after the young stabber showed Palestinian kids of the same age that murdering or wounding Israelis makes you a hero to the extent that tournaments will be named after you. In this way, the PA creates an incentive for young Palestinians to become murderers and use violence.

(full article online)

Volley and Violence - PA Ministry of Education names teachers tourney after terrorist - PMW Bulletins
They are not terrorists in Palestine. They are only terrorists to foreign name callers.
Of course, dear. The Hamas vs. Fatah civil war that included kidnapping, torture and street muderrs was a friendly disagreement .
[ US, EU, everyone's money wasted on education innocent children to hate and to kill Jews. Mohammad is smiling ]

At the graduation ceremony of the Al-Hoda kindergarten in Gaza, pre-schoolers carrying mock guns and rifles simulated Islamic Jihad militants storming an Israeli building on "Al-Quds Street," capturing a child dressed in stereotypical garb as an Orthodox Jew and killing an "Israeli soldier." To the sounds of loud explosions and gunfire, the children, dressed in uniforms of the Islamic Jihad’s Al-Quds Brigades, attacked the building, placing a sign reading "Israel has fallen" in Hebrew and Arabic on the back of the "soldier," who lies prone on the ground, and leaving the stage with their "hostage." Then some of the children performed on stage, with an address by Yasser Arafat playing on the speakers.

(full article and video online)

Gaza kindergarten stages play where kids kidnap an Orthodox Jew, kill Israeli soldier ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Here's some happy-fun Islamic Death Cult indoctrination.

What lovely people with such a lovely "religion".
Islamic Jihad and Hamas media are reporting on the mortar attacks and praising them, but for the past few years terror groups have not been as interested in taking responsibility for them.

The reason is that they don't want Israel to target them.

But Hamas is responsible in the end, and Hamas has stopped many rocket and mortar attacks in the past because it cannot afford a war.

This seems to be a tactical blunder on Hamas' part, as it has been successful in convincing the world that the Gaza riots were "peaceful protests" and it is hard to portray mortars as peaceful. Indeed, the EU and UN condemned this attack, but only condemned Israel for its response to the Gaza riot.

(full article online)

Interestingly, Islamic Jihad has not claimed responsibility for mortar barrage to Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
he initial, primary bombardment came at 7 a.m., when approximately 25 mortar shells were toward the Sha’ar Hanegev and Eshkol regions, as parents were beginning to send their children to school, the IDF said.

he army said its Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted the majority of the incoming shells from the first barrage.

One of the shells struck a tree in the yard of a kindergarten in the Eshkol region, less than an hour before students were due to arrive, a spokesperson for the community said.

Exactly one hour later, incoming sirens were triggered for a second time in the Eshkol region, but not in Sha’ar Hanegev, as at least two mortar shells struck an open field in the area, the army said.


The remains of a mortar shell that was fired from the Gaza Strip at an Israeli community near the Gaza border, on May 29, 2018. (Israel Police)

The second attack caused neither injuries nor damage.

(full article online)

28 mortar shells strike southern Israel in largest barrage since 2014; 1 injured
Israeli warplanes raided an Islamic Jihad outpost in the central Gaza Strip on Tuesday afternoon, in retaliation for a massive mortar attack by the terror group on civilian populations just across the border. Arab sources said the planes fired seven rockets at a site of the Islamic Jihad’s military wing, Saraya al-Quds. Al-Quds Brigades is the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, which is funded by Iran.

The Israeli bombardment caused material damage to the site, which was empty of fighters. The Israeli planes also launched another raid targeting a terrorist site in Khan Younis.

(full article online)

IDF Retaliates in Gaza, Islamic Jihad Outpost Destroyed
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Well, it looks like the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) are really trying hard to start a major incident.

he initial, primary bombardment came at 7 a.m., when approximately 25 mortar shells were toward the Sha’ar Hanegev and Eshkol regions, as parents were beginning to send their children to school, the IDF said.

We've seen this cycle before. The HoAP start out with border incident fire, and gradually ascending from unacceptable behaviors to an intolerable threshold. The Israelis will eventually respond --- and the HoAP will cry in outrage. The UN will scream Human Rights violations. The International Community will claim "war crimes" violations. The Prosecutor will suggest that the Israelis are in range of criminal prosecution. A bandwagon of cry baby NGOs, Human Rights Organizations, the International Red Cross, etc etc, will fold into a media-driven anti-Israel posture - making Israel appear as the aggressor using disproportionate force against poor defenseless HoAP who's only harms was intentionally firing rockets and mortars across the border indiscriminately.

This is not like it has not happened several times before. The will be yet another rush to judgment by elements within the international community to persecute the Israelis. No one in the Middle East expects the UN, the EU, the entirety of Scandinavia, the Benelux, members of the GCC, and nearly all of the totalitarian regimes including North Korea, to support Israel or the US.

So what is new. It has happened so many times that Israel and the US should place them on ignoring. Make sure, to the extent possible, start off fresh listing of HAMAS Collaborators. This would include the UNRWA and other NGOs.

Most Respectfully,
[ Who makes the Gaza population suffer because of the leaders' endless war against Israel ? ]

One of dozens of rockets launched Tuesday by terrorists from the Gaza Strip hit facilities supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip.

Due to the damage to the facilities, three lines supplying electricity to the southern Gaza Strip were stopped.

(full article online)

Gaza electricity cut off after rocket strikes supplying facility
Emphasizing the message to Palestinians that “sacrificing” oneself for “Palestine” and dying as a “Martyr” while carrying out a terror attack against Israelis is an admirable act, the Bethlehem branch of Abbas’ Fatah Movement lauded the female suicide bomber Andalib Takatka, who murdered 6 when she carried out a suicide bombing in 2002.

Fatah stated that the suicide bomber hurried and carried out her attack a few days before her birthday because she “preferred” celebrating in Paradise, and that “her desire to take revenge against the Jews” was stronger than her desire to blow out birthday candles:

Posted text: "Sixteen years ago, on April 12, 2002, heroic self-sacrificing fighter Andalib Takatka carried out a self-sacrificing operation in occupied Jerusalem that led to the death of 6 Zionists and the wounding of another 85...
It was a deeply moving sight to see Andalib read her will... while holding Allah's book and saying: 'This life is fleeting, pointless, and worthless, and the best thing man seeks is a dignified life in Paradise.' ... Andalib carried out the April 12, 2002 self-sacrificing operation, and did not wait until Sunday, April 14, in order to celebrate her 20th birthday. This was because she preferred to celebrate it in a different place and a different manner, and she hurried to extinguish the flame of her desire to take revenge against the Jews instead ofextinguishing her 20th candle in her father's house...
We all bow in admiration and appreciation before the soul of heroic Martyrdom (Shahada) seeker Andalib Takatka."
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement - Bethlehem Branch,
April 12, 2018

(full article online)

Birthday in Paradise – suicide bomber’s preferred way to celebrate, says Fatah - PMW Bulletins
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