Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The photograph, taken in Abbas’ hospital room, where he was taken suffering from an ear infection and pneumonia, shows him reading a PA newspaper. Clearly visible is a cartoon showing an Israeli soldier poisoning a Palestinian baby.

Edy Cohen, chairman of the Kedem Forum for Middle East Studies, told The Algemeiner, “I just spoke with several people very close to Mahmoud Abbas, and it was explicitly told to me that Abbas picked the only [newspaper] where that cartoon was large. … So I understand that he chose it deliberately, because we’re talking about the biggest cartoon there was, so it would be seen. It’s a subliminal message.”

The photo, Cohen said, was “a message to his people. Abbas is not a child. He’s old. He’s going to meet his maker. But he wants to go out as a hero. And the message he’s sending is ‘Even if I’m in the hospital, I’m against the Jews. I’m against Israel.’”

(full article online)

Scholar: Abbas Deliberately Chose to Be Photographed With Antisemitic Cartoon
  • In each case, Palestinian Arabs living in PA-controlled areas were suspected of collaborating with Israel -- a "crime" that can include anything from warning authorities of impending acts of terrorism to selling land to Jews.

  • All told, 13 of 15 "human rights organizations" proved that they are, in fact, dedicated to defaming the State of Israel, and have no real interest in defending human rights.

  • Only two organizations -- The Committee for Prevention of Torture and Physicians for Human Rights -- offered assistance of any kind.

  • Ironically, help also came from two unexpected sources: Honenu, a legal aid society most often associated with right wing causes, and Regavim, a think-tank and lobbying group that regularly finds itself in court as a means of protecting Israeli sovereignty.

(full article online)

Pro-Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Shaft Palestinians and Human Rights
  • In each case, Palestinian Arabs living in PA-controlled areas were suspected of collaborating with Israel -- a "crime" that can include anything from warning authorities of impending acts of terrorism to selling land to Jews.

  • All told, 13 of 15 "human rights organizations" proved that they are, in fact, dedicated to defaming the State of Israel, and have no real interest in defending human rights.

  • Only two organizations -- The Committee for Prevention of Torture and Physicians for Human Rights -- offered assistance of any kind.

  • Ironically, help also came from two unexpected sources: Honenu, a legal aid society most often associated with right wing causes, and Regavim, a think-tank and lobbying group that regularly finds itself in court as a means of protecting Israeli sovereignty.
(full article online)

Pro-Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Shaft Palestinians and Human Rights

Great article, if NGO's are not ready to help Palestinians when right wing-organizations do, then it's pretty clear who are the provocateurs.

The exaggerated impression of suffering is what creates jobs and budget flow for NGO's.
That's why it's unlikely that they'd be invested in improving the conditions, the system is basically set as a financial incentive to create and prolong confrontation - even when neither sides intend to.

Destroyed cherries after terrorists set fire to Gush Etzion orchard

The agricultural eco-terrorism in Gush Etzion continues. Tuesday night, following a string of arson and thefts in the Kibbutz Kfar Etzion orchards, Arab rioters came again to the groves on Givat Ha’Mukhtar, located between Kfar Etzion and the Arab town of Beit Ummar, and set fire to a number of cherry orchards using burning tires.

(full article online)

Watch Report: Arab Agricultural Terrorists Set Fire to Gush Etzion Orchards

Destroyed cherries after terrorists set fire to Gush Etzion orchard

The agricultural eco-terrorism in Gush Etzion continues. Tuesday night, following a string of arson and thefts in the Kibbutz Kfar Etzion orchards, Arab rioters came again to the groves on Givat Ha’Mukhtar, located between Kfar Etzion and the Arab town of Beit Ummar, and set fire to a number of cherry orchards using burning tires.

(full article online)

Watch Report: Arab Agricultural Terrorists Set Fire to Gush Etzion Orchards
Occupations always have a problem with security.

It comes with the territory.

Destroyed cherries after terrorists set fire to Gush Etzion orchard

The agricultural eco-terrorism in Gush Etzion continues. Tuesday night, following a string of arson and thefts in the Kibbutz Kfar Etzion orchards, Arab rioters came again to the groves on Givat Ha’Mukhtar, located between Kfar Etzion and the Arab town of Beit Ummar, and set fire to a number of cherry orchards using burning tires.

(full article online)

Watch Report: Arab Agricultural Terrorists Set Fire to Gush Etzion Orchards
Occupations always have a problem with security.

It comes with the territory.
Jews always have a problem with extremist Arab Muslims.

And your premise is so false as it does not seem to apply to all the British, Turkish, American, French, Russian, etc who actually do occupy indigenous people's territory around the world.

Destroyed cherries after terrorists set fire to Gush Etzion orchard

The agricultural eco-terrorism in Gush Etzion continues. Tuesday night, following a string of arson and thefts in the Kibbutz Kfar Etzion orchards, Arab rioters came again to the groves on Givat Ha’Mukhtar, located between Kfar Etzion and the Arab town of Beit Ummar, and set fire to a number of cherry orchards using burning tires.

(full article online)

Watch Report: Arab Agricultural Terrorists Set Fire to Gush Etzion Orchards
Occupations always have a problem with security.

It comes with the territory.

That's true.

A preacher on official Palestinian Authority TV threatened that the Palestinians or Muslims in general will "soon" conquer Jerusalem "by force," unless it is handed over "peacefully":



"The Jews are an arrogant and tyrannical enemy, occupying Jerusalem and Palestine... Allah willing, we will soon take what was taken from us, if not peacefully then by force."
[Official PA TV, April 13, 2018]

The preacher called on Allah to help "drive out the Jews" from Jerusalem, using the Muslims to do so. The preacher compared this to the way Allah helped drive out the crusaders who "left it humiliated and disgraced, dragging their tails behind them":

(full article online)

We’ll take Jerusalem “if not peacefully then by force… Allah, drive out the Jews” - PA TV preacher - PMW Bulletins
The statistics for the first 11 days of Ramadan shows that Egypt allowed 4200 Gazans to enter, but only three of them were admitted for medical treatment. (490 people returned to Gaza.)

In that same time period, Israel allowed 30 injured people to travel to Jordan for treatment. And Israel has allowed about 1000 Gazans to enter Israel altogether for "humanitarian reasons" (which usually means the people seeking medical attention and one family member.) I count 86 ambulance crossings into Israel in that time period.

(full article online)

Egypt has so far allowed only 3 injured people from Gaza to be treated ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Fatah, the moderate partner for Peace with Israel. More like writers of Stephen King like books about the Jews and Israel, where they are always the victims, never the victimizers ]

Israel worse than "Hitler, the Nazis and fascism," wants to "crush" the Arab world and
"steal its resources"

  • "There is no regime in history - believe me, not Hitler, not the Nazis, not fascism - that has implemented what Israel is implementing against the Palestinians" - Fatah spokesman
  • Israel “wants the Arab countries to be crushed, and wants to steal their resources. It wants the Arab countries to be broken apart, poor, and involved in conflict with each other... Israel wants to divide the Arab states... It rules over the American decision-making and over the American Congress. "
  • "The colonialist and imperialist forces... plant[ed] an aggressive entity... that would divide the united Arab nation" - op-ed in the official PA daily

(full article online )

Fatah: Israel worse than Nazis, wants to "crush" the Arab world, "steal its resources" - PMW Bulletins

[Definitely NOT about Palestinian Arab rights, but al about ARABS
in general ]
[ Fatah, the moderate partner for Peace with Israel. More like writers of Stephen King like books about the Jews and Israel, where they are always the victims, never the victimizers ]

Israel worse than "Hitler, the Nazis and fascism," wants to "crush" the Arab world and
"steal its resources"

  • "There is no regime in history - believe me, not Hitler, not the Nazis, not fascism - that has implemented what Israel is implementing against the Palestinians" - Fatah spokesman
  • Israel “wants the Arab countries to be crushed, and wants to steal their resources. It wants the Arab countries to be broken apart, poor, and involved in conflict with each other... Israel wants to divide the Arab states... It rules over the American decision-making and over the American Congress. "
  • "The colonialist and imperialist forces... plant[ed] an aggressive entity... that would divide the united Arab nation" - op-ed in the official PA daily

(full article online )

Fatah: Israel worse than Nazis, wants to "crush" the Arab world, "steal its resources" - PMW Bulletins

[Definitely NOT about Palestinian Arab rights, but al about ARABS
in general ]

Last words of dying irrelevancy?

Egyptian media to Hamas - "We're sick and tired of You!"

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Not only Palestinian children compete in championships named after terrorists - so do their teachers.

The Qalqilya Directorate of Education, which is a branch of the PA Ministry of Education, recently held the "Martyr Abd Al-Jaber Abd Al-Qader Khaled Volleyball Championship for Teachers," named after a Palestinian terrorist and member of Fatah's military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades. Together with an accomplice, Khaled attempted to carry out a combined shooting and suicide bombing attack at an Israeli army training camp in 2002. (See below)

The championship was sponsored by Abbas' Fatah Movement and the Jayyous Municipality in the Qalqilya district.

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed the PA's policy of indoctrinating Palestinian kids to view terrorist murderers as heroes and role models. The PA has named 31 schools after terrorists, and sports tournaments are frequently named after terrorists too. In November 2015, a school football tournament for young kids was named after 13-year-old terrorist Ahmad Manasrah, who a month earlier during a Palestinian wave of terror attacks stabbed a 13-year-old Israeli boy and an adult, injuring both seriously. The Ahmad Manasrah Football Tournament named after the young stabber showed Palestinian kids of the same age that murdering or wounding Israelis makes you a hero to the extent that tournaments will be named after you. In this way, the PA creates an incentive for young Palestinians to become murderers and use violence.

(full article online)

Volley and Violence - PA Ministry of Education names teachers tourney after terrorist - PMW Bulletins
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