Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[ Who makes the Gaza population suffer because of the leaders' endless war against Israel ? ]

One of dozens of rockets launched Tuesday by terrorists from the Gaza Strip hit facilities supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip.

Due to the damage to the facilities, three lines supplying electricity to the southern Gaza Strip were stopped.

(full article online)

Gaza electricity cut off after rocket strikes supplying facility

Well, jeez, its all Israel's fault -- I mean, if Israel didn't supply them with electricity in the first place, then they wouldn't have to shoot dozens of rockets at Israel in order to take out their electricity so they could be sad and complain about a slow genocide and make Israel look bad.

Sour grapes article by someone who does not know what he is talking about.

That's the same silly youtube video you have dumped into multiple threads on multiple occassions.

All that whining about “international law” from another yattering Islamic talking head.
I'm sorry if it is too complicated for you.
It’s not. It’s just your repetitious cutting and pasting with repetitious yatteting from someone who pretends to be knowledgeable about law.

It’s not any different from your confused bloviating.
Sour grapes article by someone who does not know what he is talking about.

That's the same silly youtube video you have dumped into multiple threads on multiple occassions.

All that whining about “international law” from another yattering Islamic talking head.
I'm sorry if it is too complicated for you.
It’s not. It’s just your repetitious cutting and pasting with repetitious yatteting from someone who pretends to be knowledgeable about law.

It’s not any different from your confused bloviating.
You are too funny. On one side we have:

Susan M. Akram
Clinical Professor of Law
BA with honors, University of Michigan Ann Arbor
JD, Georgetown University
Diplome in International Human Rights,
Institut International des Droits de l’Homme, Strasbourg (France)
Masters of Studies, International Human Rights Law, University of Oxford​

On the other side we have an internet troll who absolutely refuses to learn anything.

Oh, who to believe, who to believe? :laugh::laugh::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Well, it looks like the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) are really trying hard to start a major incident.

he initial, primary bombardment came at 7 a.m., when approximately 25 mortar shells were toward the Sha’ar Hanegev and Eshkol regions, as parents were beginning to send their children to school, the IDF said.

We've seen this cycle before. The HoAP start out with border incident fire, and gradually ascending from unacceptable behaviors to an intolerable threshold. The Israelis will eventually respond --- and the HoAP will cry in outrage. The UN will scream Human Rights violations. The International Community will claim "war crimes" violations. The Prosecutor will suggest that the Israelis are in range of criminal prosecution. A bandwagon of cry baby NGOs, Human Rights Organizations, the International Red Cross, etc etc, will fold into a media-driven anti-Israel posture - making Israel appear as the aggressor using disproportionate force against poor defenseless HoAP who's only harms was intentionally firing rockets and mortars across the border indiscriminately.

This is not like it has not happened several times before. The will be yet another rush to judgment by elements within the international community to persecute the Israelis. No one in the Middle East expects the UN, the EU, the entirety of Scandinavia, the Benelux, members of the GCC, and nearly all of the totalitarian regimes including North Korea, to support Israel or the US.

So what is new. It has happened so many times that Israel and the US should place them on ignoring. Make sure, to the extent possible, start off fresh listing of HAMAS Collaborators. This would include the UNRWA and other NGOs.

Most Respectfully,
The problem is that every time Israel does something stupid their hole gets deeper.
Sour grapes article by someone who does not know what he is talking about.

That's the same silly youtube video you have dumped into multiple threads on multiple occassions.

All that whining about “international law” from another yattering Islamic talking head.
I'm sorry if it is too complicated for you.
It’s not. It’s just your repetitious cutting and pasting with repetitious yatteting from someone who pretends to be knowledgeable about law.

It’s not any different from your confused bloviating.
You are too funny. On one side we have:

Susan M. Akram
Clinical Professor of Law
BA with honors, University of Michigan Ann Arbor
JD, Georgetown University
Diplome in International Human Rights,
Institut International des Droits de l’Homme, Strasbourg (France)
Masters of Studies, International Human Rights Law, University of Oxford​

On the other side we have an internet troll who absolutely refuses to learn anything.

Oh, who to believe, who to believe? :laugh::laugh::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

That’s the same silly cut and paste resume’ you cut and paste after you cut and paste that silly YouTube video.

How interesting that she is reduced to making silly YouTube videos.

You YouTube groupies are a hoot. :laugh::laugh::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Well, it looks like the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) are really trying hard to start a major incident.

he initial, primary bombardment came at 7 a.m., when approximately 25 mortar shells were toward the Sha’ar Hanegev and Eshkol regions, as parents were beginning to send their children to school, the IDF said.

We've seen this cycle before. The HoAP start out with border incident fire, and gradually ascending from unacceptable behaviors to an intolerable threshold. The Israelis will eventually respond --- and the HoAP will cry in outrage. The UN will scream Human Rights violations. The International Community will claim "war crimes" violations. The Prosecutor will suggest that the Israelis are in range of criminal prosecution. A bandwagon of cry baby NGOs, Human Rights Organizations, the International Red Cross, etc etc, will fold into a media-driven anti-Israel posture - making Israel appear as the aggressor using disproportionate force against poor defenseless HoAP who's only harms was intentionally firing rockets and mortars across the border indiscriminately.

This is not like it has not happened several times before. The will be yet another rush to judgment by elements within the international community to persecute the Israelis. No one in the Middle East expects the UN, the EU, the entirety of Scandinavia, the Benelux, members of the GCC, and nearly all of the totalitarian regimes including North Korea, to support Israel or the US.

So what is new. It has happened so many times that Israel and the US should place them on ignoring. Make sure, to the extent possible, start off fresh listing of HAMAS Collaborators. This would include the UNRWA and other NGOs.

Most Respectfully,
The problem is that every time Israel does something stupid their hole gets deeper.

That makes no sense.

Shirley, you have a YouTube video?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

Maybe some segments of the International Community are seeing the true nature of the Arab Palestinian; and the threat they pose.

[ There goes Gaza support ]

US calls barrage 'reprehensible,' Italy tweets solidarity, and Ireland blames Hamas amid flurry of condemnation following Gazan barrage

(full article online)

International sympathy rains down as Israeli diplomats go on offensive
The lackey class always supported Israel.

There is nothing new here.

I have seen and heard some very intelligent conversation about this latest Israeli-Arab Palestinian confrontation. Everyone sees the issues at hand. While there is a branch of the issues that deal with territorial integrity, and another branch at hand dealing with self-defense and sovereignty, the real tricky branch is the one of audacity; and the open intention of provoking a confrontation.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians believe that any action they take in the face-off with Israeli is righteous. And Israel has no foundation to respond. Any action Israel takes, against the lawlessness of the Arab Palestinians will be spun as the as the Israelis on the role of the aggressor.


The International Community has been biased in favor of the Arab Palestinian for several decades. Each time that Israel has shown restraint, the International Community consistently took no notice. Each time the Hostile Arab Palestinians, and those that have funded and supplied material support, have taken to provoke a violent confrontation, the International Community (politically and judicially) sided with the Arab Palestinians.

It looks to me that the Israelis should ignore the reaction of the international community (driven by the constant bombardment by by both the political and the biased media) and take that action that is necessary to effectively defend Article 2(4) expectation and act against the Arab Palestinian threat AND use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel through Artice 51 (inherent right of self-defense from an armed attack). Based on the history of the international community, Israel has no reasonable expectation that the Internation Community, including the UN elements themselves collaborating with designated terrorist organizations, will act in any way that will prevent Arab Palestinians from further hostile actions.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

International Community responds!

[ There goes Gaza support ]

US calls barrage 'reprehensible,' Italy tweets solidarity, and Ireland blames Hamas amid flurry of condemnation following Gazan barrage

(full article online)

International sympathy rains down as Israeli diplomats go on offensive
The lackey class always supported Israel.

There is nothing new here.

What kind of meaningful response should Israel expect from the international community?

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Wait --- Let me find my glasses!

Any action Israel takes, against the lawlessness of the Arab Palestinians will be spun as the as the Israelis on the role of the aggressor.
What lawlessness?

My --- but I must be in an alternate reality.

From the time of the unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, right up through to the recent eeventsof this past week, the Arab Palestinians have demonstrated what it means to be a failed state that has abandon yhe rule of law.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Wait --- Let me find my glasses!

Any action Israel takes, against the lawlessness of the Arab Palestinians will be spun as the as the Israelis on the role of the aggressor.
What lawlessness?

My --- but I must be in an alternate reality.

From the time of the unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, right up through to the recent eeventsof this past week, the Arab Palestinians have demonstrated what it means to be a failed state that has abandon yhe rule of law.

Most Respectfully,
Nice deflection. Could you be more specific?
"The bad news for journalists is there is no neutral mode. If your words sound neutral, it’s likely you’ve simply avoided laying responsibility for the killings, or have imputed responsibility only indirectly."

She illustrates the story this way:

The entire article uses Gaza, and only Gaza, to make her point. Her Twitter account is littered with anti-Israel posts.

But it is ostensibly not an anti-Israel story but a critique of how journalists cover violence.

Maybe I'm just a rube, but while I agree that the wording of stories is important, accuracy should be far more important than "imputing responsibility."

(full article online)

Anti-Israel professor cares about pro-Israel grammar in news stories, but facts aren't important at all ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • Ahmed Majdalani is now being accused by his own people of promoting "normalization" between Palestinians and Israel.

  • It is worth noting that those who took the decision to ban the PLO official Majdalani from entering Palestinian universities are living under the "moderate" Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, not under Hamas rule.

  • This is the same Palestinian Authority that receives funds from the US and EU. In other words, Americans and Europeans are funding Palestinians who are opposed to any form of "normalization" with Israel. If a PLO official's visit to a conference in Israel is labelled treason, what would happen to a Palestinian who signed a peace agreement with Israel?

  • The Palestinians' problem is not with a settlement or a checkpoint or a fence. They have a problem with the existence of Israel in any borders. Palestinians have still not come to terms with Israel's right to exist, period; this is the essence of the Israeli-Arab conflict. They see Israel as one big settlement that needs to be ripped out.

    (full article online)

    Palestinian "Treason"
PA TV's coverage of the funeral of terrorist Zamaarah exemplified that his parents also perceive his "Martyrdom" and his funeral as a "wedding" and his death as a sacrifice for "the defense of Palestine, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and Jerusalem":


Father of terrorist Hamza Zamaarah: "Hamza is not just my child, he is the son of Palestine. Hamza became a Martyr while defending the soil of Palestine. Hamza became a Martyr while defending the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, and the prisoners. Praise Allah."
[Official PA TV News, Feb. 17, 2018]


Mother of terrorist Hamza Zamaarah: "I ask Allah to give him the reward of a Martyr. Allah willing, he will be with the prophets, the Martyrs, and the righteous. I greet all the people who came today to accompany my son at his wedding. My son is a sacrifice for the homeland, for Palestine, for Islam, and a sacrifice for all of Palestine."

(full article online)

Terrorist funerals – glorification and incitement by the PA - PMW Bulletins
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