Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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An online poll at Ma'an Arabic asked its Palestinian readers who the most dangerous and most hostile leaders are towards their cause.

Nearly 85% said that Arab leaders "who were striving to normalize with the occupation" are the most dangerous and hostile ones, with the remaining 15% divided in their anger at Trump and "the government of settlers and Zionist extremists."

This poll was taken after the US Embassy moved to Jerusalem.

It is not a scientific poll by any means but it does give an indication of how, despite the PR successes from the Gaza riots, the Palestinians feel more isolated than ever before.

(full article online)

Online poll shows Palestinians consider Arab leaders more of a danger to them than Israel or US ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Arab Organization of Human Rights issues what appear to be weekly press statements, usually condemning Israel for something or other.

This week was no different.

But buried within the items calling on the ICC to prosecute Israel and for the world to boycott Israel one sees this:

The International Legal and Communication Committee calls on the Palestinian President and the Government to immediately begin lifting the punitive and illegal measures imposed on the Gaza Strip and taking the necessary measures to support the steadfastness of the citizens and secure a decent life for them.
While this is mild language an purposefully vague as to exactly what Mahmoud Abbas is doing (limiting fuel, medicines, salaries, goods, paperwork for Gazans to travel to the West Bank) it is interesting to see that it calls his actions "illegal."

(full article online)

Arab Organization of Human Rights mildly chides Abbas for his siege of Gaza ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Arab Organization of Human Rights issues what appear to be weekly press statements, usually condemning Israel for something or other.

This week was no different.

But buried within the items calling on the ICC to prosecute Israel and for the world to boycott Israel one sees this:

The International Legal and Communication Committee calls on the Palestinian President and the Government to immediately begin lifting the punitive and illegal measures imposed on the Gaza Strip and taking the necessary measures to support the steadfastness of the citizens and secure a decent life for them.
While this is mild language an purposefully vague as to exactly what Mahmoud Abbas is doing (limiting fuel, medicines, salaries, goods, paperwork for Gazans to travel to the West Bank) it is interesting to see that it calls his actions "illegal."

(full article online)

Arab Organization of Human Rights mildly chides Abbas for his siege of Gaza ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
One of the reasons why 85% of Palestinians want him to leave.
PA Mufti:
"Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque are an Islamic waqf until Judgment Day; they cannot be sold, given away, or bequeathed, and no one has the right to relinquish them"

Hamas' charter:
"The land of Palestine is an Islamic waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgment Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up"

PA Mufti:
  • "Granting ownership over Islamic territory or part of it to enemies is invalid and constitutes treason"
  • "Whoever sells his land to his enemies or takes compensation for it sins, as in doing so he aids in the removal of Muslims from their homes"
(full article online)

PA Mufti echoes Hamas: Transferring land to "enemies" is "treason," a sin, and forbidden - PMW Bulletins
The Arab Organization of Human Rights issues what appear to be weekly press statements, usually condemning Israel for something or other.

This week was no different.

But buried within the items calling on the ICC to prosecute Israel and for the world to boycott Israel one sees this:

The International Legal and Communication Committee calls on the Palestinian President and the Government to immediately begin lifting the punitive and illegal measures imposed on the Gaza Strip and taking the necessary measures to support the steadfastness of the citizens and secure a decent life for them.
While this is mild language an purposefully vague as to exactly what Mahmoud Abbas is doing (limiting fuel, medicines, salaries, goods, paperwork for Gazans to travel to the West Bank) it is interesting to see that it calls his actions "illegal."

(full article online)

Arab Organization of Human Rights mildly chides Abbas for his siege of Gaza ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
One of the reasons why 85% of Palestinians want him to leave.

One of the reasons why Arab-Moslem societies continue to be backward and retrograde is when given that rare opportunity to elect the theocratic dictators who will keep them mired in fear, ignorance and poverty, they will positively rush out to do so. The other dictators who rule over Arabs-Moslems (usually the current dictator who had larger caliber weapons and ammo to depose the earlier dictator), simply behave as one would expect dictators to behave.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ PF Tinmore, et al,

I find us rarely on the same page anymore.

The two state solution has always been a foreign imposed solution.
This is a solution for what problem?

This - or - That. Your idea that it is foreign imposed is irrelevant. For more than two millennia the victors of a conflict enjoyed dictating terms for the post-War period. The Great War (WWI) was no different. The Arab Palestinians that lived in the affected Vilayets of the Ottoman Empire were left in the hands of the Allied Powers of that era pursuant to Article 16 of the Treaty of Lausanne. No matter how much today's Arab Palestinian would like it to be otherwise, it was a fact then and its influence lasts to this day (nearly a century later). That was a tradition in the time that the Canaanites inhabit Palestine (5000 years ago); it was that way when Alexander the Great captured Palestine (about 2000 years ago), and it was that way 2000 years later when the British and the French established the Enemy Occupied Territory Administration over which the territory under the Mandate of Palestine was created. And the world has suffered the incessant whining from one of the most unproductive cultural inhabitance ever since. And that cultural inhabitance that has come to be known as the Arab Palestinian, but better known as Palestinian Extremists and the Arab Palestinians that provide material support to the Palestinian Extremists. Hardly a day goes by that the Arab Palestinian are not creating havoc somewhere in the territories. Whether it is provoking children to engage in a physical assault on police, or staging a media event by sacrificing a child's life so that it may be paraded around like an icon to garner the sympathy by outside observers.

Of course the Allied Powers, in 1920, DID NOT dictate that a two-state solution. It did favor the establishment of a Jewish National Home. The leaders of the Allied Powers, were flexible enough to open the task to all possible solutions. It was the violence that erupted, largely at the hands of the Arabs that drove the necessity of a two-state solution. Making the two-state solution the means to protect and preserve a little spot on the planet for the Jewish People.


A point to be made on the matter of responding to the demand for “[LINKS].”

I provide [LINKS] only as a matter of clarifying my position; not as proof. It is another way for me to provide an alternative source to view on the topic under discussion.

I have a number of sources of information that goes beyond that contained on the internet. Some people call them “books” (print media). My knowledge base, as so very humble as it is, is not limited to what you can cut’n’paste from another web (open, deep, dark). I only answer the call for a [LINK] when I am fairly sure I understand the nature of the query and the accuracy of the search link. Our discussions are not bounded by the ability to data mine the webs on various topics.

In The Ars Notoria revealed by the Most High Creator (the Supreme Being) to (King) Solomon, the very first oration is that of the Holy Art of Knowledge. The fact that I do not have a [LINK] to the Notary Art, does not mean the orations doesn’t exist. In fact, if I cite the first stanza in English to you, you may have even heard it.

Alpha and Omega! Oh Almighty God,
the Beginning of all things,
without Beginning, and without End:
Graciously this day hear my Prayers

Most Respectfully,
People of Banu Tamim



A guy who's last name is Iraqi blames Lieberman for being a foreigner...:cuckoo:
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a very strange claim.

It was the violence that erupted, largely at the hands of the Arabs that drove the necessity of a two-state solution.
Violence erupted because the Palestinians were under attack.

During the period in which the Mandate applied tp the territory, no year-end report did the British Forces record being attacked by external opponents.

This claim that the Arab Palestinians cling to, wherein they equate Article 6 facilitation of immigration by the Jewish People with an attack or invasion by external force (or representing external interference), is merely the childish play with words. This is, yet again, just another appeal to emotions to incite unrest.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

All immigrants are foreigners.

Zionists are foreigners.

Xenophobia is a mental illness. You should seek treatment...

The Allied Powers → under which the Turkish Republic renounces all rights and title to the territories; Article 16, makes the determination as to the status of immigrants. Not a gang of lawless vigilante like jihadist (ex Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam) → various faction of Hostile Arab Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,.
Let's reiterate: The "occupation" is not a claim, it is a perception, and it is founded on the notion that Jewish sovereignty over any part of the Land of Israel is abhorrent. In the aftermath of the Oslo Accords, Israel relinquished control over the vast majority of the Arab population in Judea and Samaria. They have a Palestinian government with a Palestinian flag and a Palestinian national anthem and Palestinian budgets. They are supposed to vote in Palestinian parliamentary elections. Most of the territory isn't populated, and Israel has a historical right to it as a nation.

The Israeli military deploys around the Palestinian areas to protect them, and us, from Hamas radicalization. What happened in Gaza could happen tenfold in Judea and Samaria if we make the mistake of pulling out. If we do, we will really have to fight for our lives from the homefront and the Palestinians could sustain a worse blow than anything seen before. So yes, there is an Israeli presence around Judea and Samaria. But unlike the reality in Gaza, our military presence in Judea and Samaria has proved itself. The Judea and Samaria region is one of the calmest, safest places for Arabs in the entire Middle East. But that doesn't matter. The view of Israel in the world is even worse now than it was before the Oslo Accords. We are seen only as occupiers.

Bleeding hearts and rights activists contend that we need to "separate from them or give them full civil rights." But we did separate from them. "Give them an independent state," they demand. They had every opportunity to establish a state in Gaza, but they demonstrated that civil government, in and of itself, is not a priority for them. They only care about self-rule as a weapon of war against us. "Well, then, give them full civil rights," they say. But they do enjoy civil rights under the Palestinian Authority. Who says that every ethnic minority is entitled to its own independent state? And if the designated state fails to thrive, and makes the lives of its citizens miserable? And worse yet, if the state poses an existential threat to Israel? Will it still be deemed such a fundamental right?

So in the absence of an independent state "give them full Israeli citizenship," they argue. And that will solve the "occupation" problem? There are Arab representatives in the Israeli Knesset already. As far as they're concerned, are they not under an occupation? Do they accept the self-definition of the state that they inhabit? Do they accept its symbols? Do they recognize its sovereignty over the land? You can't fool us. Anyone who read the Arab Higher Monitoring Committee's so-called position paper – "The Future Vision of the Arab Palestinians in Israel" published in 2006 – will see that to them, the Jews are foreign colonialists who came to a land that doesn't belong to them (Palestine). As long as Israel defines itself as the national state of the Jewish people, and not the state of any other nationality, the Arab political (as well as much of the intellectual) leadership will continue to feel that their Israeli citizenship was forced on them as a result of their "catastrophe" in the 1948 War of Independence. So what if they have Israeli citizenship? Would it make a psychological difference to a prisoner if he was allowed cast a vote in the elections for warden? Would it change the prisoner's status?

(full article online)

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