Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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...actually the Israelis intend to starve the Palestinian to death preferably which is why they want it to be difficult for them to get water.

Seriously? Israel is doing a spectacularly poor job of it then, since Palestinians enjoy one of the longest life expectancies in the Middle East, along with an extraordinarily high birth rate, low infant mortality and obesity levels similar to Americans. One would think Israel wouldn't be so...well, incompetent.

I stand corrected. You are not a useful idiot. Just another vile, toxic poster spreading blood libels about the Jooooooos.
I rest my case. I don't buy your statostics thpugh. Israelis won't even allow god damn ambulances to help a palestinian.
...actually the Israelis intend to starve the Palestinian to death preferably which is why they want it to be difficult for them to get water.

Seriously? Israel is doing a spectacularly poor job of it then, since Palestinians enjoy one of the longest life expectancies in the Middle East, along with an extraordinarily high birth rate, low infant mortality and obesity levels similar to Americans. One would think Israel wouldn't be so...well, incompetent.

I stand corrected. You are not a useful idiot. Just another vile, toxic poster spreading blood libels about the Jooooooos.
I rest my case. I don't buy your statostics thpugh. Israelis won't even allow god damn ambulances to help a palestinian.

Oh you are just all over the place, aren't you, dancing from one blood libel to the next whenever I respond with factual information? Just precious.

The Palestinians run their own ambulances through the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. They have about 41 stations, 122 ambulances and about 350 active EMTs. They operate freely in Areas A, B and Gaza. They are subject to checkpoints when entering Israel because they are frequently used to transport bombs, terrorists and rioters, including those disguised as pregnant women, injured and terminally ill.
...actually the Israelis intend to starve the Palestinian to death preferably which is why they want it to be difficult for them to get water.

Seriously? Israel is doing a spectacularly poor job of it then, since Palestinians enjoy one of the longest life expectancies in the Middle East, along with an extraordinarily high birth rate, low infant mortality and obesity levels similar to Americans. One would think Israel wouldn't be so...well, incompetent.

I stand corrected. You are not a useful idiot. Just another vile, toxic poster spreading blood libels about the Jooooooos.
I rest my case. I don't buy your statostics thpugh. Israelis won't even allow god damn ambulances to help a palestinian.
You are a liar, a denialist and an absolute Jew hater.

There hasn't been one thing about Jews and Israel you have not attempted to deny or destroy, from ancient Israel's existence to how Israel helps Arab Palestinians in every way possible, from jobs, to health care to education.

You know you are lying.

We more than know you are lying.
And, unbelievable though it may sound, because of desire and will, it is working. Last year, 180,000 Palestinian citizens entered Israel to receive treatment. 3,000 emergency patients were transferred from Israeli to Palestinian ambulances using the “back to back” method, without warning. “Ultimately, this is a rewarding experience. There is frustration, of course there is. But on the other hand, there are people who see me on the street or in hospitals, hear my name and say ‘You saved my son’s life’. When you get home in the end of the day and examine your life, you know that you saved lives. You know you did a lot of good.”

180,000 Palestinians Treated in Israeli Hospitals This Year



I will second what Susha wrote:

You are a vile Jew hater, nothing more, nothing less.
...actually the Israelis intend to starve the Palestinian to death preferably which is why they want it to be difficult for them to get water.

Seriously? Israel is doing a spectacularly poor job of it then, since Palestinians enjoy one of the longest life expectancies in the Middle East, along with an extraordinarily high birth rate, low infant mortality and obesity levels similar to Americans. One would think Israel wouldn't be so...well, incompetent.

I stand corrected. You are not a useful idiot. Just another vile, toxic poster spreading blood libels about the Jooooooos.
I rest my case. I don't buy your statostics thpugh. Israelis won't even allow god damn ambulances to help a palestinian.
You are a liar, a denialist and an absolute Jew hater.



...actually the Israelis intend to starve the Palestinian to death preferably which is why they want it to be difficult for them to get water.

Seriously? Israel is doing a spectacularly poor job of it then, since Palestinians enjoy one of the longest life expectancies in the Middle East, along with an extraordinarily high birth rate, low infant mortality and obesity levels similar to Americans. One would think Israel wouldn't be so...well, incompetent.

I stand corrected. You are not a useful idiot. Just another vile, toxic poster spreading blood libels about the Jooooooos.
I rest my case. I don't buy your statostics thpugh. Israelis won't even allow god damn ambulances to help a palestinian.
You are a liar, a denialist and an absolute Jew hater.



So, you are definitely a Denialist. Those who deny that Israel does help the Palestinians and everyone else who needs help.

Yep, you chose the correct icons to explain how your mind works.
A laugh onto itself. :)

Neda Amin
Neda Amin is an Iranian journalist who was deported from Turkey and received asylum in Israel, partly due to Arutz Sheva's publication of her plight. She is employed in the Iranian Department at Israel Behind the News.

Translated from Farsi by Dr. Arnon Groiss

A military training camp in the Gaza Strip has started a new project for training Palestinian youngsters under the course title “How will we kill an Israeli?” In the course curriculum, the youngsters, who study at school and are recruited by Palestinian semi-military groups, learn methods of attacking and killing Jews.

This military training camp, established with the cooperation and financial support of the Iranian regime, and specifically – the paramilitary personnel of the Revolutionary Guards’ army, provides courses for 14-year and up youngsters, so that they shoot at targets made to look like Israelis whom the trainers of this camp call “usurpers and terrorists”.

This project, that began in early May and continued on following the latest clashes in the Gaza Strip, has so far included close to 180 Palestinian Arabs, a number of whom have joined the group from Judea and Samaria. They pursue activities under the title of “anti-terrorism training” in order to fight the government of Israel.

As part of the course, that is taught in a military camp, the Palestinian Arab students are taught how they should fire at an Israeli soldier and, in case of confrontation, how to defend themselves or flee.

(full article online)

Gaza Curriculum: 'How shall we kill an Israeli?'
I doubt that Israeli propaganda is tge right source to tell us who Palestinians are.
Go ahead AP journalist, Professor, Detective, and everything else you seem to be.

YOU tell us who the Palestinians are. :)

Do tell something we do not know about the Palestinians which has not come out of the Palestinians mouths themselves.
I doubt that Israeli propaganda is tge right source to tell us who Palestinians are.
Go ahead AP journalist, Professor, Detective, and everything else you seem to be.

YOU tell us who the Palestinians are. :)

Do tell something we do not know about the Palestinians which has not come out of the Palestinians mouths themselves.
It's very kind of you to ask but this is a discussion forum. I prefer not to discuss with random articles. At least Shusha tried to use her own words. Why don't you try it.
I doubt that Israeli propaganda is tge right source to tell us who Palestinians are.
Go ahead AP journalist, Professor, Detective, and everything else you seem to be.

YOU tell us who the Palestinians are. :)

Do tell something we do not know about the Palestinians which has not come out of the Palestinians mouths themselves.
It's very kind of you to ask but this is a discussion forum. I prefer not to discuss with random articles. At least Shusha tried to use her own words. Why don't you try it.
In other words, you cannot find one video or anything which comes out of Palestinian media which tells who the Palestinians are and you respond by crying "foul!!! " ?

I have plenty of my words, like in the last post and now. And as you do not like it , I also use the words of those who are actual experts
and very experienced with "Who the Palestinians Are", like Neda Amin and many others.

You, on the other hand, use endless excuses and denialism which lead only to your crying more and more about Israel and us, as if it were an actual proof of knowledge. Knowledge which you are basically devoid of.

Zero knowledge. Zero interest. Zero responses.

Now, again.....Who are the Palestinians?
Hamas has reportedly begun returning its security forces to the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, the first time the terror organization has done so since the start of deadly clashes in late March.

The forces, part of a Hamas unit tasked with maintaining calm on the border and preventing rocket attacks by “rebellious” terror groups, were deployed on Sunday to at least two different points along the border, Hadashot TV news reported.

The report said the move was likely due to tensions between Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and was intended to restore Hamas’s control of the border. On Friday, a member of the latter group mistakenly hurled a grenade at a group of Hamas fighters, killing one and injuring several others.

(full article online)

Hamas forces said to return to Gaza border in bid to restore calm
I doubt that Israeli propaganda is tge right source to tell us who Palestinians are.
Go ahead AP journalist, Professor, Detective, and everything else you seem to be.

YOU tell us who the Palestinians are. :)

Do tell something we do not know about the Palestinians which has not come out of the Palestinians mouths themselves.
It's very kind of you to ask but this is a discussion forum. I prefer not to discuss with random articles. At least Shusha tried to use her own words. Why don't you try it.
In other words, you cannot find one video or anything which comes out of P?
a video. Are you kidding me? Im too old to fight over youtube videos.
I doubt that Israeli propaganda is tge right source to tell us who Palestinians are.
Go ahead AP journalist, Professor, Detective, and everything else you seem to be.

YOU tell us who the Palestinians are. :)

Do tell something we do not know about the Palestinians which has not come out of the Palestinians mouths themselves.
It's very kind of you to ask but this is a discussion forum. I prefer not to discuss with random articles. At least Shusha tried to use her own words. Why don't you try it.
In other words, you cannot find one video or anything which comes out of P?
a video. Are you kidding me? Im too old to fight over youtube videos.

I doubt that Israeli propaganda is tge right source to tell us who Palestinians are.
Go ahead AP journalist, Professor, Detective, and everything else you seem to be.

YOU tell us who the Palestinians are. :)

Do tell something we do not know about the Palestinians which has not come out of the Palestinians mouths themselves.
It's very kind of you to ask but this is a discussion forum. I prefer not to discuss with random articles. At least Shusha tried to use her own words. Why don't you try it.
In other words, you cannot find one video or anything which comes out of P?
a video. Are you kidding me? Im too old to fight over youtube videos.

I do. I'm not thirteen anymore - i feel the age gap between us is too great.
In September 2014, Islamic Jihad admitted that 121 of its members were killed in Operation Protective Edge.

Now, Islamic Jihad says 135 of its members were killed during that war.

Maybe a few of them succumbed to injuries afterwards, but 14 seems a bit high for that.

Which means that here are an additional dozen or so more people who were reported as "innocent civilians" by NGOs like Amnesty and the UN who were, in fact, terrorists.

(full article online)

14 more "innocent civilians" just discovered to be Islamic Jihad terrorists ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
"Jews, Christians, and Arabs are prevented from accessing the site due to its lack of accessibility."

Dei'iy also explained that the Palestinian Authority's municipal control of Hevron is what prevents the Defense Ministry and Civil Administration from making the Cave of the Patriarchs accessible.

Zoabi's parliamentary assistant wrote back to Dei'iy: "There is no question that accessibility is important, but we do not deal with requests which pertain to places in the occupied territories."

Dei'iy responded by pointing out that such a stance "severely harms the Palestinians there as well."

"There are Palestinians there, and a solution will help everyone," he emphasized.

(full article online)

Arab MK: Accessibility isn't important in Hevron
Suddenly, the Palestinians are showing interest in this Chinese proposal that says very little. The reason is that they are growing more and more nervous over the US "deal of the century" gaining traction and they want to find any alternative so that they don't appear to be against peace.

Nabil Shaath, Mahmoud Abbas'advisor on foreign affairs and international relations, welcomed the Chinese initiative in an interview with Voice of Palestine Radio on Monday. He said that it would be an alternative to the so-called "deal of the century," which he claims has collapsed "because of Palestinian, Arab and international rejection."

If it collapsed, no one would be talking about an obscure Chinese proposal.

(full article online)

Suddenly, Palestinians are interested in a forgotten Chinese peace proposal ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Mahmoud Abbas' advisor on Foreign Affairs and International Relations Nabil Shaath: "This filthy talk of ''the criminals'' in connection with our Martyrs and prisoners - while they are our heroes, the heroes of self-sacrifice and the candles of freedom. They cannot be compared to the Israeli criminals in Israel's prisons... Australia's decision [to stop] transferring $10 million angered me greatly... It transferred [the aid to the UN]... so that it would not serve for payment of the salaries of the [prisoners and Martyrs'] families. In other words, the truth is they are worthy of being spat on. You [Australians] are the servants of the US... I don't want your 10 million, I don't want to chase after them."
[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, July 3, 2018]

Shaath's definition of Palestinian terrorist prisoners as "heroes" and "candles of freedom" exemplifies the PA's policy of honoring terrorists and murderers, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch. Shaath's comments are also a result of Israel's passing of the law to deduct terror salaries from PA tax money.

(full article online)

Spit on Australia, says Abbas’ advisor on Foreign Affairs - PMW Bulletins

Mahmoud Abbas' advisor on Foreign Affairs and International Relations Nabil Shaath: "This filthy talk of ''the criminals'' in connection with our Martyrs and prisoners - while they are our heroes, the heroes of self-sacrifice and the candles of freedom. They cannot be compared to the Israeli criminals in Israel's prisons... Australia's decision [to stop] transferring $10 million angered me greatly... It transferred [the aid to the UN]... so that it would not serve for payment of the salaries of the [prisoners and Martyrs'] families. In other words, the truth is they are worthy of being spat on. You [Australians] are the servants of the US... I don't want your 10 million, I don't want to chase after them."
[Official PA TV, Topic of the Day, July 3, 2018]

Shaath's definition of Palestinian terrorist prisoners as "heroes" and "candles of freedom" exemplifies the PA's policy of honoring terrorists and murderers, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch. Shaath's comments are also a result of Israel's passing of the law to deduct terror salaries from PA tax money.

(full article online)

Spit on Australia, says Abbas’ advisor on Foreign Affairs - PMW Bulletins
And what do you make of that? Or am i supposed to respond directly to Abbas?
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