Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Today, a Gaza group called National Authority for Return and Breaking the Siege in Gaza is putting Gazans injured during the current weekly riots on a boat in a publicity stunt.

They are pretending to try to sail to Cyprus, but they are barely pretending. They want Israel to intercept the boat and then they will try to gain world headlines about cruel Israeli practices of stopping injured people from going on a journey that would probably harm the passengers more than the capture would.

Since the entire point of these things is publicity, and the first one didn't generate any, it's entirely possible that one of the passengers is deathly ill and wants to die for the cause of gaining world headlines and making Israel look bad. It isn't as if this sort of thing hasn't happened before.

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Gazans putting injured people on a rickety boat to be captured by Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yet the current Palestinian Grand Mufti is issuing a fatwa that places the sale of land to Jews in the same category as the worst possible crime in Islam, with a punishment that goes beyond Islamic law. He is saying that selling land is blasphemy, which has no legal basis whatsoever. (He did use a Quranic verse, 60:9, that says that those who drive Muslims out of their homes are wrongdoers, and he equates the sellers of land to the people who drive people out of their homes, but even then the Quran never says they are blasphemers.)

Mainstream Muslim clerics should be as adamant against this fatwa as they are against ISIS, since Qutb's idea of takfirism is based on a relatively new interpretation of the Quran - and the mufti Hussein is going way beyond Qutb in declaring that selling land is legally the same as blasphemy and treachery.

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Selling land to Jews is now the worst crime in Islam ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Yet the current Palestinian Grand Mufti is issuing a fatwa that places the sale of land to Jews in the same category as the worst possible crime in Islam, with a punishment that goes beyond Islamic law. He is saying that selling land is blasphemy, which has no legal basis whatsoever. (He did use a Quranic verse, 60:9, that says that those who drive Muslims out of their homes are wrongdoers, and he equates the sellers of land to the people who drive people out of their homes, but even then the Quran never says they are blasphemers.)

Mainstream Muslim clerics should be as adamant against this fatwa as they are against ISIS, since Qutb's idea of takfirism is based on a relatively new interpretation of the Quran - and the mufti Hussein is going way beyond Qutb in declaring that selling land is legally the same as blasphemy and treachery.

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Selling land to Jews is now the worst crime in Islam ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I don't you should contributing your mainstream to a thread called "who are the Palestinians"
[ Someone should take their word for it ]

At a Fatah demonstration earlier this month, Abbas' deputy chairman of Fatah, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, announced that Palestinians don't want US aid, because US is "forming an alliance" with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, "the Israeli enemy":

Fatah Deputy Chairman and Fatah Central Committee member Mahmoud Al-Aloul: "Mahmoud Abbas has told him [Trump], and we are telling him, that America is not fit to be a sponsor of peace... This American Trump is forming an alliance with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, the Israeli enemy, who is sowing havoc and destruction over the land by expropriation and building settlements... We want freedom. We want independence. We want an end to the occupation. We don't want your flour, your wheat, or your aid."
[Official PA TV, July 2, 2018]

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Fatah to US: “We don’t want your flour, your wheat, or your aid” - PMW Bulletins
Arabs who have lived in the enclave for decades under the rule of their Palestinian Authority brethren — first Fatah prior to Hamas — have made no secret of the dismal conditions under which they have been forced to struggle for survival. The few decades spent together with the Jews of Gush Katif in Gaza — a memory gone since 2005 — were treasured as a time when Arabs were able to earn a decent living, and had neighbors they could count on.

Now the brightest, best trained, wealthiest and most qualified among them are quietly, desperately biding their time and working every possible channel to find a way to escape the hell that is Gaza. And not just doctors, even young members of Hamas are trying to find ways to escape the enclave. And those are the people who have the financial means to escape, the rest of the population is trapped, and they also desperately want to leave, too.

There’s a price to be paid for those who want to leave, whether it be on an ambulance stretcher through the Erez Crossing into Israel for a trip to the doctor, or on one’s two legs through the Rafah Crossing into Egypt, and perhaps gone for good.

The art and ability of leaving Gaza has become ‘big business’ that has replaced the tolls and taxes Hamas once collected from the underground cross-border smuggling tunnels. Those have largely been destroyed by Egypt in the wake of the arms and terror trade with Sinai.

The only way out, according to Arab affairs journalist Muhammad Shehada, is by “paying the unaffordable bribe for the “coordinated passage,” as it is called — and the Palestinian Authority grants departure priority to people whose names top Hamas-made waiting lists.

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The Great Escape from Hamas-Ruled Gaza, by Anyone Who Can
  • Terrorist Muhammad Aql recruited suicide bombers who murdered 14 and wounded 50 in bus bombing
  • Parents: “He is imprisoned for an action that honors us”
  • The PA pays imprisoned terrorists monthly salaries and has allocated 7.47% of its 2018 budget for such rewards to imprisoned terrorists, released terrorists, families of so-called “Martyrs” and wounded

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What makes a Palestinian parent proud? - PMW Bulletins
  • Mahmoud Abbas and his West Bank-based government seek to prolong the suffering of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. They want the international community to continue to believe that Israel is responsible for the ongoing, intense suffering of the Palestinians. They are hoping to use the crisis there to pursue their campaign to delegitimize Israel.

  • Palestinian leaders would prefer to see their people starve than make any form of concessions for peace with Israel. Yet Al-Aloul and Abbas are not the ones who are facing starvation. There is nothing more comfortable than sitting in your fashionable house in Ramallah or Nablus and talking about starvation and humanitarian aid.

  • The Palestinians of the Gaza Strip, who are desperate for jobs and a better life, do not really care about Trump's upcoming peace plan. They also do not really care about a settlement or a checkpoint in the West Bank.

  • This is the essence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The Palestinians' number one priority -- the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinians in general -- is destroying Israel. They would rather die than give up their dream of destroying Israel.

    (full article online)

    Why Do Palestinian Leaders Oppose Helping Their People?
Not only that, but it means asking some uncomfortable questions about why Sirhan is regarded a hero among the Palestinians. During his trial, The Los Angeles Times reported that the PLO distributed posters throughout Beirut with a photo of Sirhan, a drawing of a Palestinian with a rifle, and the headline: “Sirhan Bishara Sirhan: a Commando, Not an Assassin.”

Yes, that’s the same PLO that the United Nations, the news media, and the State Department keep telling us is moderate and reasonable, and gave up terrorism. If so, why does the PLO consider terrorists like Sirhan to be heroes? And why have so many sympathetic articles about Sirhan appeared in the Palestinian press? Those are not the kinds of questions that CNN or “Morning Joe” want to talk about.

At least 144 American citizens have been murdered by Palestinian Arabs since the 1960s. Robert F. Kennedy was the first.

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Covering Up Robert Kennedy’s Palestinian Murderer
This page at the Palestine Cabinet website shows that anyone who spent more than a year in Israeli prisons is entitled to free health insurance.

They still have to fill out paperwork - proof that they were in prison more than a year, proof that they are no longer in prison.

Regular Palestinians have to pay a monthly fee for health insurance. Even the unemployed have to pay a token fee. From what I can tell, former prisoners who have been held in Israeli prisons for terror activities are the only ones who get free health insurance.

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Palestinian terrorists also get free health insurance ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This page at the Palestine Cabinet website shows that anyone who spent more than a year in Israeli prisons is entitled to free health insurance.

They still have to fill out paperwork - proof that they were in prison more than a year, proof that they are no longer in prison.

Regular Palestinians have to pay a monthly fee for health insurance. Even the unemployed have to pay a token fee. From what I can tell, former prisoners who have been held in Israeli prisons for terror activities are the only ones who get free health insurance.

(full article online)

Palestinian terrorists also get free health insurance ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What does this have to do with who Palestinians are? You're a wee bit self centered.
These are only small examples of the mad state of things in the Gaza Strip. Gaza’s bipolar nature is also evident in bigger issues: Hamas, the terror organization that controls Gaza and seeks Israel’s destruction, has been intermittently working in recent weeks to keep things relatively calm with the Jewish state, even amid periodic escalations of rocket fire and endless fire kites and incendiary balloons flown into and burning the fields of southern Israel. It has also been intermittently trying to reach a long-term cease-fire agreement with Israel, even as it continues to dig terror tunnels and produce long-range rockets.


This file photo taken on July 3, 2017, shows Palestinian boys swimming in the Mediterranean Sea next to donkeys in the sewage-polluted waters of Gaza City. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

While ever howling of “hardship” and “the blockade,” Hamas consistently chooses to spend its funds on its terror infrastructure rather than investing in the population. Examples of this abound, from the enormous budget of its military wing to its collection of money from Gaza’s residents to fund its ongoing military activity. A classic example is recent events at the Rafah border crossing.

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Truce or war: Hamas’s bipolar rule in Gaza
These are only small examples of the mad state of things in the Gaza Strip. Gaza’s bipolar nature is also evident in bigger issues: Hamas, the terror organization that controls Gaza and seeks Israel’s destruction, has been intermittently working in recent weeks to keep things relatively calm with the Jewish state, even amid periodic escalations of rocket fire and endless fire kites and incendiary balloons flown into and burning the fields of southern Israel. It has also been intermittently trying to reach a long-term cease-fire agreement with Israel, even as it continues to dig terror tunnels and produce long-range rockets.


This file photo taken on July 3, 2017, shows Palestinian boys swimming in the Mediterranean Sea next to donkeys in the sewage-polluted waters of Gaza City. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

While ever howling of “hardship” and “the blockade,” Hamas consistently chooses to spend its funds on its terror infrastructure rather than investing in the population. Examples of this abound, from the enormous budget of its military wing to its collection of money from Gaza’s residents to fund its ongoing military activity. A classic example is recent events at the Rafah border crossing.

(full article online)

Truce or war: Hamas’s bipolar rule in Gaza
Their defense system was formidable. When Israel went in on the ground they got its ass kicked.
These are only small examples of the mad state of things in the Gaza Strip. Gaza’s bipolar nature is also evident in bigger issues: Hamas, the terror organization that controls Gaza and seeks Israel’s destruction, has been intermittently working in recent weeks to keep things relatively calm with the Jewish state, even amid periodic escalations of rocket fire and endless fire kites and incendiary balloons flown into and burning the fields of southern Israel. It has also been intermittently trying to reach a long-term cease-fire agreement with Israel, even as it continues to dig terror tunnels and produce long-range rockets.


This file photo taken on July 3, 2017, shows Palestinian boys swimming in the Mediterranean Sea next to donkeys in the sewage-polluted waters of Gaza City. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

While ever howling of “hardship” and “the blockade,” Hamas consistently chooses to spend its funds on its terror infrastructure rather than investing in the population. Examples of this abound, from the enormous budget of its military wing to its collection of money from Gaza’s residents to fund its ongoing military activity. A classic example is recent events at the Rafah border crossing.

(full article online)

Truce or war: Hamas’s bipolar rule in Gaza
Their defense system was formidable. When Israel went in on the ground they got its ass kicked.

Palestinian "formidable" defense system:

These are only small examples of the mad state of things in the Gaza Strip. Gaza’s bipolar nature is also evident in bigger issues: Hamas, the terror organization that controls Gaza and seeks Israel’s destruction, has been intermittently working in recent weeks to keep things relatively calm with the Jewish state, even amid periodic escalations of rocket fire and endless fire kites and incendiary balloons flown into and burning the fields of southern Israel. It has also been intermittently trying to reach a long-term cease-fire agreement with Israel, even as it continues to dig terror tunnels and produce long-range rockets.


This file photo taken on July 3, 2017, shows Palestinian boys swimming in the Mediterranean Sea next to donkeys in the sewage-polluted waters of Gaza City. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

While ever howling of “hardship” and “the blockade,” Hamas consistently chooses to spend its funds on its terror infrastructure rather than investing in the population. Examples of this abound, from the enormous budget of its military wing to its collection of money from Gaza’s residents to fund its ongoing military activity. A classic example is recent events at the Rafah border crossing.

(full article online)

Truce or war: Hamas’s bipolar rule in Gaza
Their defense system was formidable. When Israel went in on the ground they got its ass kicked.

Palestinian "formidable" defense system:

These are only small examples of the mad state of things in the Gaza Strip. Gaza’s bipolar nature is also evident in bigger issues: Hamas, the terror organization that controls Gaza and seeks Israel’s destruction, has been intermittently working in recent weeks to keep things relatively calm with the Jewish state, even amid periodic escalations of rocket fire and endless fire kites and incendiary balloons flown into and burning the fields of southern Israel. It has also been intermittently trying to reach a long-term cease-fire agreement with Israel, even as it continues to dig terror tunnels and produce long-range rockets.


This file photo taken on July 3, 2017, shows Palestinian boys swimming in the Mediterranean Sea next to donkeys in the sewage-polluted waters of Gaza City. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

While ever howling of “hardship” and “the blockade,” Hamas consistently chooses to spend its funds on its terror infrastructure rather than investing in the population. Examples of this abound, from the enormous budget of its military wing to its collection of money from Gaza’s residents to fund its ongoing military activity. A classic example is recent events at the Rafah border crossing.

(full article online)

Truce or war: Hamas’s bipolar rule in Gaza
Their defense system was formidable. When Israel went in on the ground they got its ass kicked.

Palestinian "formidable" defense system:


Palestinian formidable "defense" system:

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