Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Jerusalem is, as far as I can tell, the only city in history with a "Grand Mufti."

The current person to hold that political position is Sheikh Muhammad Hussein. He was appointed to that position by Mahmoud Abbas and he often makes statements that go completely against the PA's official positions presented to the West, like his fatwa that all of Israel should "liberated."

His incitement continues, as Hussein is now claiming that Israel's archaeological digs in the vicinity of the Temple Mount are really an attempt to destroy and "Judaize" the Umayyad palaces there.

Yet those Umayyad palaces were discovered by Israeli archaeologists in the 1970s. They have been protected by Israel. The only reason the Mufti even knows those palaces ever existed was because Israel values all archaeology, including that which preserves Muslim heritage.

(full article online)

Jerusalem's Mufti charges Israel with wanting to destroy Islamic palaces that Israel discovered and protected to begin with ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
On Monday night the joint "Gunpowder/Resistance" festival was held simultaneously and simulcast between Tehran and Gaza City.

Leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terror groups gathered in the Commodore Hotel in Gaza City to give speeches, celebrate and encourage terror ("resistance") and denounce Israel.

Ironically, the title of the conference was "Resistance is not Terror."

(full article online)

Iran and Palestinian jihadists hold a joint festival celebrating Palestinian terror ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
What I find remarkable is even when islamic terrorists spell out their intentions in explicit detail, there is still a reluctance to believe them,

PA: Palestinians have a “right” to kill Israelis
, PA will continue to pay the prisoners’ salaries
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
July 17, 2018 "

(Emphasis above is mine ed.)

PA: Palestinians have a “right” to kill Israelis, PA will continue to pay the prisoners’ salaries - PMW Bulletins

Palestinians have a "right" to kill Israelis
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Spokesman Hassan Abd Rabbo:
"The [Israeli] legislation... targets the history of our people's struggle and its right to resist the occupation"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs:
"The Martyrs and prisoners are the symbol of the struggle, freedom fighters, and fighters of independence, and not murderers and terrorists as the occupation defines them"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Director Issa Karake:
"[Israel] wants to define the Palestinian people's entire struggle as a "crime" and those who have resisted the occupation as 'criminals.' This is the resistance of our Palestinian people, which is guaranteed by the international and humanitarian laws"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs:
"The PA [will] not submit to racist laws like these, whose goal is to prevent the Palestinian people's legitimate resistance"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Director Issa Karake:
"The president [Abbas is] signing on the status of the prisoners as legitimate prisoners of war"
  • Columnist in the official PA daily:
"The salaries of the prisoners of freedom are a right that is guaranteed to them, and colonialist Israel, the US, and anyone else cannot under any circumstances be allowed to harm this right, which is guaranteed to them as freedom fighters according to the Palestinian national criteria and laws and international [criteria]..."
While most of the donors have been Israeli Jews, the campaign has also received contributions from Arabs, including Palestinian Authority residents and Gazans.

Several days ago, Yediot Ahronot reported, a Gaza businessman donated thousands of shekels towards the construction of the synagogue in Shmerling’s memory. The donor says he became acquainted with Shmerling through their business dealings.

“Reuven had a totally pure heart – nothing bad in it at all,” said the Gaza donor, who asked that his name not be published. He loved everyone. I met him in the 1990s. Back then, I was importing goods from China, and we worked together. He was a good man. What they did to him was just shocking. If there were more people like Reuven, we’d already have peace.”

Shmerling’s relatives say they have received calls from a number of other Arabs looking to donate and extend their condolences, including residents of Kafr Qasim and the Gaza Strip.

(full article online)

Why are Gaza Arabs paying for a settlement synagogue?
Dozens of olive trees belonging to a Yitzhar resident were damaged and burned after arson committed by Arabs from 'Asira al-Qibliya at around 1:00 pm last night.

The local fire brigade managed to control the flames that quickly climbed toward houses in the Jewish village, but discovered dozens of trees in the orchard burned in the fire. Damage was also caused to agricultural equipment in the area. Additionally, Arabs threw stones at an IDF force and local firefighters during the fire.

Yitzhar is located on an 810 meters-high hill with five Arab villages located a few hundred meters below surrounding the community. Due to the topography, Yitzhar residents suffer from dozens of arson attacks by Arabs from the bottom of the mountain every summer season.

(full article online)

Arabs set fire to dozens of trees in Yitzhar
Dozens of olive trees belonging to a Yitzhar resident were damaged and burned after arson committed by Arabs from 'Asira al-Qibliya at around 1:00 pm last night.

The local fire brigade managed to control the flames that quickly climbed toward houses in the Jewish village, but discovered dozens of trees in the orchard burned in the fire. Damage was also caused to agricultural equipment in the area. Additionally, Arabs threw stones at an IDF force and local firefighters during the fire.

Yitzhar is located on an 810 meters-high hill with five Arab villages located a few hundred meters below surrounding the community. Due to the topography, Yitzhar residents suffer from dozens of arson attacks by Arabs from the bottom of the mountain every summer season.

(full article online)

Arabs set fire to dozens of trees in Yitzhar

What? Just a little "non-violent resistance".
What I find remarkable is even when islamic terrorists spell out their intentions in explicit detail, there is still a reluctance to believe them,

PA: Palestinians have a “right” to kill Israelis
, PA will continue to pay the prisoners’ salaries
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
July 17, 2018 "

(Emphasis above is mine ed.)

PA: Palestinians have a “right” to kill Israelis, PA will continue to pay the prisoners’ salaries - PMW Bulletins

Palestinians have a "right" to kill Israelis
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Spokesman Hassan Abd Rabbo:
"The [Israeli] legislation... targets the history of our people's struggle and its right to resist the occupation"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs:
"The Martyrs and prisoners are the symbol of the struggle, freedom fighters, and fighters of independence, and not murderers and terrorists as the occupation defines them"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Director Issa Karake:
"[Israel] wants to define the Palestinian people's entire struggle as a "crime" and those who have resisted the occupation as 'criminals.' This is the resistance of our Palestinian people, which is guaranteed by the international and humanitarian laws"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs:
"The PA [will] not submit to racist laws like these, whose goal is to prevent the Palestinian people's legitimate resistance"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Director Issa Karake:
"The president [Abbas is] signing on the status of the prisoners as legitimate prisoners of war"
  • Columnist in the official PA daily:
"The salaries of the prisoners of freedom are a right that is guaranteed to them, and colonialist Israel, the US, and anyone else cannot under any circumstances be allowed to harm this right, which is guaranteed to them as freedom fighters according to the Palestinian national criteria and laws and international [criteria]..."
"[Israel] wants to define the Palestinian people's entire struggle as a "crime" and those who have resisted the occupation as 'criminals.' This is the resistance of our Palestinian people, which is guaranteed by the international and humanitarian laws"
  • The mufti's position parallels that of a US Supreme Court judge. If the mufti issues a legal opinion or religious decree, his people and leaders are expected to abide by it.

  • With the new fatwa, Abbas can go to President Trump and other world leaders and tell them, "I would truly like to make peace with the Jews; however, I am prevented from doing so by this fatwa, which bans Muslims from doing real estate transactions with Jews. Sorry!"

  • One can only imagine the response of the international community had the Chief Rabbi of Israel issued a decree banning Jews from doing business with Muslims. But in the instance of the Palestinian mufti and his superiors in Ramallah, everything seems to be fine -- once again, the international community turns a blind eye to the Palestinian leaders' apartheid and their terrorizing of their own people.

    (full article online)

Dozens of olive trees belonging to a Yitzhar resident were damaged and burned after arson committed by Arabs from 'Asira al-Qibliya at around 1:00 pm last night.

The local fire brigade managed to control the flames that quickly climbed toward houses in the Jewish village, but discovered dozens of trees in the orchard burned in the fire. Damage was also caused to agricultural equipment in the area. Additionally, Arabs threw stones at an IDF force and local firefighters during the fire.

Yitzhar is located on an 810 meters-high hill with five Arab villages located a few hundred meters below surrounding the community. Due to the topography, Yitzhar residents suffer from dozens of arson attacks by Arabs from the bottom of the mountain every summer season.

(full article online)

Arabs set fire to dozens of trees in Yitzhar
Is Yitzhar an illegal settlement?
What I find remarkable is even when islamic terrorists spell out their intentions in explicit detail, there is still a reluctance to believe them,

PA: Palestinians have a “right” to kill Israelis
, PA will continue to pay the prisoners’ salaries
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
July 17, 2018 "

(Emphasis above is mine ed.)

PA: Palestinians have a “right” to kill Israelis, PA will continue to pay the prisoners’ salaries - PMW Bulletins

Palestinians have a "right" to kill Israelis
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Spokesman Hassan Abd Rabbo:
"The [Israeli] legislation... targets the history of our people's struggle and its right to resist the occupation"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs:
"The Martyrs and prisoners are the symbol of the struggle, freedom fighters, and fighters of independence, and not murderers and terrorists as the occupation defines them"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Director Issa Karake:
"[Israel] wants to define the Palestinian people's entire struggle as a "crime" and those who have resisted the occupation as 'criminals.' This is the resistance of our Palestinian people, which is guaranteed by the international and humanitarian laws"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs:
"The PA [will] not submit to racist laws like these, whose goal is to prevent the Palestinian people's legitimate resistance"
  • PLO Commission of Prisoners' Affairs Director Issa Karake:
"The president [Abbas is] signing on the status of the prisoners as legitimate prisoners of war"
  • Columnist in the official PA daily:
"The salaries of the prisoners of freedom are a right that is guaranteed to them, and colonialist Israel, the US, and anyone else cannot under any circumstances be allowed to harm this right, which is guaranteed to them as freedom fighters according to the Palestinian national criteria and laws and international [criteria]..."
"[Israel] wants to define the Palestinian people's entire struggle as a "crime" and those who have resisted the occupation as 'criminals.' This is the resistance of our Palestinian people, which is guaranteed by the international and humanitarian laws"

Your characterization of Islamic terrorism as “resistance” is another of the frauds you perpetuate.

  • The Iranian general did not offer to build the Palestinians a hospital or a school. Nor did he offer to provide financial aid to create projects that would give jobs to unemployed Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. His message to the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip: Iran will give you as much money and weapons as you need as long as you are committed to the jihad (holy war) against Israel and the "big Satan," the US.

  • The same Hamas that is telling UN representatives that it wants to improve the living conditions of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is the one that is reaching out its hand to Iran to receive funds and weapons.

  • Now, someone needs to step in and stop Iran from setting foot in the Gaza Strip and using the Palestinians as cannon fodder in Tehran's campaign against the US and Israel. How might someone do that? It is not so complicated. Any international aid to the Gaza Strip must be conditioned on ending Iran's destructive effort to recruit Palestinians groups as its soldiers. It is that simple.

(full article online)

Why Iran Supports Palestinian Terror Groups
More often than not, I’m left to shrug my shoulders and ask “did these loons really publish that”? And, more often than not, yes, they did.

The sheer idiosy that these loons project is a wonder to behold. In the latest rant to gush from the PA, they’re railing against The Zionists™️ In connection with some complaint about a propaganda campaign directed against the Islamic terrorist leadership. Super!

These knuckleheads obviously can’t connect the dots by drawing a straight line between their loopy rants and the posting of those rants on the islamic terrorist facebook pages.

PA TV verbally attacks PMW:

"[PMW is] an extremist Zionist NGO
with teams that work around the clock...
[and] runs propaganda campaigns
against the Palestinian leadership"

PA TV verbally attacks PMW: "PMW is an extremist Zionist NGO with teams that work around the clock" - PMW Bulletins

  • Damaged by many PMW reports, PA TV launched a verbal attack against PMW
  • PA TV rebroadcast a translated feature story from Israeli TV about PMW and its international impact, as "proof" that PMW is running "propaganda campaigns against the Palestinian leadership"
By Itamar Marcus

The Palestinian Authority is once again verbally attacking Palestinian Media Watch for the damage PMW is causing them in Israel and internationally. This time, PA TV told its viewers that PMW "is an extremist Zionist NGO" that "runs propaganda campaigns against the Palestinian leadership."



In describing what PMW does to collect its material, they said "former intelligence officers in the occupation army who work at PMW... work around the clock in order to monitor the Palestinian media outlets... They even watch cooking programs on PA TV."

Earlier this year the PA Ministry of Information attacked PMW saying the "wild incitement campaign that Palestinian Media Watch is waging against the radio station The Voice of Palestine, projects on the other." The Information Ministry said "the repeated claims of the Israeli center [PMW] are part of the deceptive Zionist discourse."
[PA Ministry of Information website, Jan. 24, 2018, emphasis added]
PMW "is an extremist Zionist NGO" that "runs propaganda campaigns against the Palestinian leadership."
We already knew that.

Indeed, there’s very little you know. It’s not surprising that you didn’t know Pal Media Watch links directly to the Facebook page of the Islamic terrorist “Pal’istanians”. How is it a “propaganda campaign” when Pal Media Watch links directly to the public Facebook contents of Islamic terrorists?

Indeed, you seem incensed that anyone would dare to criticize or critique the putrid bile that is posted by your heroes. However, why would you be surprised that others would comment on the nonsense claims and incitement to violence that is such a part of your politico-religious ideology?

Indeed, your hurt feelings are yours to reconcile.
PMW "is an extremist Zionist NGO" that "runs propaganda campaigns against the Palestinian leadership."
We already knew that.

Indeed, there’s very little you know. It’s not surprising that you didn’t know Pal Media Watch links directly to the Facebook page of the Islamic terrorist “Pal’istanians”. How is it a “propaganda campaign” when Pal Media Watch links directly to the public Facebook contents of Islamic terrorists?

Indeed, you seem incensed that anyone would dare to criticize or critique the putrid bile that is posted by your heroes. However, why would you be surprised that others would comment on the nonsense claims and incitement to violence that is such a part of your politico-religious ideology?

Indeed, your hurt feelings are yours to reconcile.
I guess you don't understand how they work.
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