Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Friends of Sabeel: Laila al Marayati; keynotge speaker

On the black list. Why?

[It is like you can not google for yourself?
As if you have no idea as to why this group would be on the "Black list"?]

Friends of Sabeel – North America (FOSNA) is the U.S.-based affiliate of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, a Palestinian Christian organization based in Jerusalem. FOSNA serves as the “voice for Palestinian Christians” against Israel’s policies and has been a driving force behind various Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel, including those initiated by mainline Protestant churches in the U.S.

Sabeel, FOSNA’s parent organization, was founded in 1990 by Reverend Naim Ateek, a Palestinian Christian theologian. Ateek is fiercely critical of Israeli policy and in recent years has begun privately advocating for a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite Sabeel’s stated support for a “just peace based on two states.”

Ateek, along with several other Palestinian theologians, coined and developed what they describe as “Palestinian liberation theology” in the late 1980s. Based on the premise that the Bible’s explicit descriptions of the land of Israel as belonging to the Jewish people must be repudiated and redefined, this theology reinterprets those descriptions in an attempt to bolster the legitimacy of the Palestinian position and disavow Zionism. Ateek has claimed that the notion that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people is “bad theology” and that the establishment of Israel is a “relapse to the most primitive concepts of an exclusive, tribal God.”

Friends of Sabeel – North America

[ Yeah, Palestinian Christians, just like the Palestinian Muslims....just dreaming of a world without Israel ]

Oh, the poor man :(

He has clearly failed to do his homework and feel sorry for all the Jews who were attacked, murdered, raped, mutilated, or expelled by force by the Muslim and Christian Arabs from 1920 to 1948, from Gaza to TranJordan.

Let us all cry for his horrible experience as a child, brought up by that Muslim of all Muslims.......Al- Husseini and his clan of "We are not accepting Jews having sovereignty over their own ancient homeland......EVER "

Friends of Sabeel: Laila al Marayati; keynotge speaker

On the black list. Why?

[It is like you can not google for yourself?
As if you have no idea as to why this group would be on the "Black list"?]

Friends of Sabeel – North America (FOSNA) is the U.S.-based affiliate of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, a Palestinian Christian organization based in Jerusalem. FOSNA serves as the “voice for Palestinian Christians” against Israel’s policies and has been a driving force behind various Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel, including those initiated by mainline Protestant churches in the U.S.

Sabeel, FOSNA’s parent organization, was founded in 1990 by Reverend Naim Ateek, a Palestinian Christian theologian. Ateek is fiercely critical of Israeli policy and in recent years has begun privately advocating for a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite Sabeel’s stated support for a “just peace based on two states.”

Ateek, along with several other Palestinian theologians, coined and developed what they describe as “Palestinian liberation theology” in the late 1980s. Based on the premise that the Bible’s explicit descriptions of the land of Israel as belonging to the Jewish people must be repudiated and redefined, this theology reinterprets those descriptions in an attempt to bolster the legitimacy of the Palestinian position and disavow Zionism. Ateek has claimed that the notion that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people is “bad theology” and that the establishment of Israel is a “relapse to the most primitive concepts of an exclusive, tribal God.”

Friends of Sabeel – North America

[ Yeah, Palestinian Christians, just like the Palestinian Muslims....just dreaming of a world without Israel ]

Oh, the poor man :(

He has clearly failed to do his homework and feel sorry for all the Jews who were attacked, murdered, raped, mutilated, or expelled by force by the Muslim and Christian Arabs from 1920 to 1948, from Gaza to TranJordan.

Let us all cry for his horrible experience as a child, brought up by that Muslim of all Muslims.......Al- Husseini and his clan of "We are not accepting Jews having sovereignty over their own ancient homeland......EVER "


More proof that we need a stupid post button.
Friends of Sabeel: Laila al Marayati; keynotge speaker

On the black list. Why?

[It is like you can not google for yourself?
As if you have no idea as to why this group would be on the "Black list"?]

Friends of Sabeel – North America (FOSNA) is the U.S.-based affiliate of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, a Palestinian Christian organization based in Jerusalem. FOSNA serves as the “voice for Palestinian Christians” against Israel’s policies and has been a driving force behind various Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns against Israel, including those initiated by mainline Protestant churches in the U.S.

Sabeel, FOSNA’s parent organization, was founded in 1990 by Reverend Naim Ateek, a Palestinian Christian theologian. Ateek is fiercely critical of Israeli policy and in recent years has begun privately advocating for a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict despite Sabeel’s stated support for a “just peace based on two states.”

Ateek, along with several other Palestinian theologians, coined and developed what they describe as “Palestinian liberation theology” in the late 1980s. Based on the premise that the Bible’s explicit descriptions of the land of Israel as belonging to the Jewish people must be repudiated and redefined, this theology reinterprets those descriptions in an attempt to bolster the legitimacy of the Palestinian position and disavow Zionism. Ateek has claimed that the notion that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people is “bad theology” and that the establishment of Israel is a “relapse to the most primitive concepts of an exclusive, tribal God.”

Friends of Sabeel – North America

[ Yeah, Palestinian Christians, just like the Palestinian Muslims....just dreaming of a world without Israel ]

Oh, the poor man :(

He has clearly failed to do his homework and feel sorry for all the Jews who were attacked, murdered, raped, mutilated, or expelled by force by the Muslim and Christian Arabs from 1920 to 1948, from Gaza to TranJordan.

Let us all cry for his horrible experience as a child, brought up by that Muslim of all Muslims.......Al- Husseini and his clan of "We are not accepting Jews having sovereignty over their own ancient homeland......EVER "


More proof that we need a stupid post button.

You forget all the stupid stuff you post.
Beware of what you ask for

Cool. :thup::thup::thup:

They are part of the occupation. The Palestinians do not want them there.

Its so cute that you have assigned yourself as the spokes-turban for Arabs-Moslems posing as "Pal'istanians".

The Arabs-Moslems sure do like those kuffar welfare dollars. You might want to suggest that they do the right thing and refund the welfare fraud money they took from us here in the Great Satan during the last few years. I would definitely prefer that we stop any more payments supporting "Pal'istanian" welfare cheats and let them have one more reason to despise us. They can do so without us paying them bundles of our welfare money.
Pal Media Watch has a really good article that addresses the pathology afflicting the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as "Pal'istanians".

In addition to the usual glorification surrounding the infliction death and destruction that these retrogrades are so anxious to attribute as noble and "islamic", they have managed to plumb new depths of the really vile.

It's quite telling that literally everything, including every element of the natural world, is available for destruction and ruin to further Islamist ideology.

Palestinian "Children's Games"

"Children's Games" - only in the PA!! - PMW Bulletins

PA Government:
Flaming arson kites are "children's games"
Palestinians launching them are "peaceful protesters"

  • The Palestinian "children's games" have burned 20 sq. km. of nature reserves and natural forests
  • The Palestinian "children's games" have killed thousands of wildlife, including foxes, jackals, tortoises, birds, lizards, rodents, reptiles, and more
One of 500 Palestinian "children's games"

[Channel 20, June 4, 2018]

By Itamar Marcus

PA Government Spokesman:
"A children's game such as kites (i.e., flaming arson-kites) used by peaceful protesters..." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 22, 2018]

These turtles are two of the wildlife
killed by Palestinians playing their new "children's game"


[Photo by Mendy Rizel, Rotter.net, June 29, 2018]

According to Palestinian "children's game" rules
players may catch a beautiful falcon like this...

[Andreas Trepte, www.photo-natur.de]

and attach a flaming bomb to its wings.
The falcon is then sent to fly from Gaza to Israel
where it falls to its death, blackening trees, like this...


[Photos: Israel's Nature and Parks Authority]

A "peaceful" Palestinian "child"
prepares to take his turn in the "children's game"
of burning nature reserves and killing wildlife in Israel


[World Jewish Congress Video, YouTube]

Palestinian "children" preparing for their turns
in the "children's game"


[World Jewish Congress Video, YouTube]

"Peaceful" Palestinians playing their new "children's game" have started over 500 fires, which have burned:
  • 11 sq. km. of nature reserves
  • 8.8 sq. km. of natural forests
  • Thousands of animals have been killed, including foxes, jackals, tortoises, lizards, rodents, reptiles, insects, and more.
[Maariv, July 3, 2018]
Someone asked me to look at it, and it was immediately apparent to me that the woman had a knife - she is chasing a man at the start of the video and she is later seen with her arm up in a stabbing position in case anyone comes near. That would explain why someone was trying to chase her with a chair, to keep out of arm's length, and why someone tried to stop her with his car.

A little research and I found the story, from 2016, with another angle of the video showing the woman (who is not old at all) trying to stab multiple people in the street while they throw things at her to keep her at bay:

(full article online)

Newest libel: "Israelis chasing poor old Palestinian woman" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The way to deal with corrupt, hateful hostage-holders is not to give them billions and leave them in power in exchange for promises they will soon break. The way to deal with them is to get rid of them.

(full article online)

The Trump team is wrong about Hamas

Yep. Though, to be clear the end of the article clarifies that "getting rid of them" means dismantling their regime and re-educating and re-culturing them.

Its just like dealing with a tantruming two-year-old. You never give in to their demands. You only calmly and consistently remind them that tantrums will not get them what they want.
Her recent Instagram post is certainly remarkable for someone who claims to be not only “progressive,” but who also wants to be considered as a credible opponent of antisemitism.

Sarsour is surely fully aware that the Temple Mount is Judaism’s holiest site, but that – due to constant threats of Muslim violence – Jews are banned from praying anywhere on the huge platform, which measures about 150,000 square meters (37 acres). And as Sarsour surely also knows, the fanatically imposed Muslim supremacy restricts the access of all non-Muslims, including Christians for whom the site has significance in their faith.

So when Sarsour stands in front of the Dome of the Rock and says “God is GREAT all the time”, she is triumphantly joining the Muslim fanatics who make sure that only Muslims are allowed to do anything that can be construed as worship on the Temple Mount. Any Jew or Christian who would stand in front of the Dome of the Rock and would declare “God is GREAT all the time” would risk being attacked by a Muslim mob and/or being swiftly arrested by police.

That’s clearly perfectly fine with the “unapologetically Muslim” Linda Sarsour, who for good measure places the Dome of the Rock in “#Palestine”. With this she makes clear that the building that was erected on the orders of a Muslim emperor to obliterate the ruins of the Jewish Temple and prevent its rebuilding for all time should indeed continue to serve as “a symbol of the permanent supremacy and governance of Islam and the Muslims over the … Noble Sanctuary or al-Haram al-Sharif.”

I guess if you’re as “unapologetically Muslim” as Linda Sarsour, Islamic imperialism remains a most wonderful thing that – unlike all other imperialist regimes – should still be celebrated in the 21st century.

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour’s triumphalism on the Temple Mount (Petra Marquardt-Bigman) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Abbas also praised some specific terrorists as martyrs, including Abdul Qadir Abu al-Fahm and Ishaq Maraghata both of whom were members of the PFLP in the 1960s and 1970s. A relative of a third "martyr," Ali al-Jaafari, spoke as well. It appears that the "martyrs" family payments continue on for decades after the deaths of the terrorists.

This adulation of terrorists is a basic part of the fabric of Palestinian life, and it is utterly incompatible with the idea of peace. To use Western funds to pay for this perversity is theft. To insist that the last penny of Western funds will go toward paying terrorists as a higher priority that food, schools or medicine is an indictment of the Palestinian leadership that is largely ignored by the world whose money is being spent.

(full article online)

Abbas says he will continue to pay terrorists and families "to the last penny" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Abu Ziyad said that the US was trying to split the Arab world but that the Arabs haven't accepted the "deal of the century." He warned against listening to the Israeli analysis and its false and misleading statements, which act as a fifth column to strike unity in the Arab-Palestinian political situation.

The most telling part of Abu Ziyad's message, though, was his praise for Arab states - for refusing to give full rights to Palestinians!

He stressed that no Arab leader has agreed to settle the refugees, for 70 years.

This was a compliment!

The Arab League insisted back in the 1950s that every Arab be eligible for citizenship in every Arab state - except for Palestinians. A 1959 resolution, number 1547, confirmed earlier resolutions that Palestinians in Arab lands must retain their "nationality" as a principle. (Of course, they are denied becoming citizens of "Palestine" today.)

The so-called Palestinian National Liberation Movement headed by Mahmoud Abbas is praising Arab nations practicing apartheid against Palestinians.

(full article online)

Abbas' party spokesman proud that Arab countries treat Palestinians like crap ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
As the title of heading of the article delineates:

“Your tax dollars at work”

Yes. As it has been for decades, the welfare fraud that the West helps to maintain is not much more than an organized fraud syndicate that feeds the bottomless pits of hate and retrogression that defines the two competing mini-caliphates run by competing Islamist dictators.



Your tax dollars at work: The Palestinian Authority is now using half of its foreign aid to reward terrorism.

The new PA budget boosts support to terrorists in prison by 13 percent and aid for the families of those killed “in the struggle against Zion” 4 percent, reports the Institute for Contemporary Affairs
[ Humans? Nature? What does the PA care about? ]

Civil Administration's Supervision Unit Director Marco Ben Shabat referred to the environmental protection and nature conservation conference on the problem of the damage to the "conservation reserve" in the Judean Desert and the efforts to deal with it.

The conference was initiated by the Kfar Etzion Field School in cooperation with the Hebrew University, in which the issue of the nature reserve in the Judean Desert established under the Oslo Accords was raised and responsibility for its preservation was entrusted to the Palestinian Authority.

"Since 2017, we began work against quarries and damage to the Arugot and Tekoa area," said Ben Shabat, "We found six quarrying areas that caused irreparable damage to the mountain, and another 86 pirate quarrying areas. One must also take into account the fact that the waste dumped in the area near riverbanks and streams end up on rainy winter days at the Dead Sea."

(full article online)

Hundreds of illegal nature reserve buildings PA responsibility
[Oh, the choice of words....from the Nazi partners in crime. One group is "occupying", and the Arabs do not have the guts to say who they are :) ]

"The Prime Minister of the extremist Right in the occupation state has committed a complete war crime against the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem, and particularly at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

"The Prime Minister of the occupation state is engaging in bullying, arrogance, and Zionist 'ISIS-ism' against members of our people and its holy sites, both in Jerusalem and Hevron, by giving relief, support, and protection to the break-in campaigns of the extremist Jews into the holy sanctuaries in Jerusalem and Hevron, to the sanctuaries' defilement, and to the attack on the Muslim worshipers who have the right to manage their holy sites with complete freedom and without the interference of the tyrannical occupation authorities." (Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 5, 2018)

(full article online)

Abbas advisor: Jewish Israeli MPs 'defile' Muslim holy sites
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