Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Just more of the depravity that is routine in the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

IDF: Children used in trap terror attack before deadly Gaza border violence

IDF: Children used in 'trap' terror attack before deadly Gaza border violence

Army says riot was deliberately staged by children on Gaza border to lure IDF troops to disperse the unrest and place them within range of a sniper; incident led to IDF attacking 7 Hamas posts and killing 3 Hamas terrorists, critically wounding another Palestinian.
[ Born to kill. Kill Jews ]

The IDF announced on Thursday evening that the 17-year-old terrorist who carried out the stabbing attack in the town of Adam was a resident of the Palestinian Arab village of Kobar, the same village from which came the terrorist who carried out the massacre in Neve Tzuf and murdered three members of the Salomon family.

According to an initial investigation, the terrorist was able to jump over the security fence of the town and then stabbed the first two people he encountered.

A civilian who passed by and who noticed what was happening pulled out his personal weapon and shot the terrorist to death. Prior to that, a confrontation developed between the two in which the civilian was lightly injured.

The IDF Spokesperson said that the terrorist arrived with only a knife, without additional equipment or documents, and that the possibility that he had left a will beforehand on social media is being looked into.

(full article online)

Terrorist came from same town as murderer of Salomon family
[ More Palestinian Heroes ]

As always with Palestinian terror attacks, the story isn't the universal praise that the murderers get from Palestinian society.

The story is that it is virtually impossible to find a single Palestinian voice - not one - who can publicly says that murdering a civilian father of two is wrong. Whether it is because of fear of retribution or because there are truly no moderate Palestinian voices, it doesn't matter. The lack of a single pushback to a horrible murder and to the canonization of the murderer says all you need to know about the disgusting pro-terror and antisemitic mindset of Palestinian society.

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Palestinian teen murderer praised as hero ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
They later found and arrested an Arab-Israeli suspect from one of Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods.

The suspect's arrest is expected to be extended on Friday.

The fire injured eight people, including a man, woman, their 14-year-old daughter, and their 9-year-old son. The four, who suffered from smoke inhalation and burns, were taken to Jerusalem's Shaare Zedek Hospital, with the father's condition deemed very serious and the others' serious.

(full article online)

Report: Arab set Jerusalem building on fire
The official Palestinian Authority TV channel broadcast a bio-documentary on President Mahmoud Abbas. The show presented his Ph.D. dissertation from the Russian Institute of Oriental Studies, claiming that he had "exposed the relations between the global Zionist organization and the Nazi regime." In a book, published on the basis of the dissertation, Abbas claimed that the number of victims in the Holocaust was less than one million. The PA TV program included an interview with Dr. Khadr Al-Zufairi, a personal friend of Abbas, who praised his oratory skills and said that Abbas had presented 93 documents to prove his claims. Later in the show, the channel lauded Dalal Al-Mughrabi, who led the 1978 Coastal Road terrorist attack in Israel, and other terrorists who launched "heroic operations" from Lebanon, saying that they "embodied the epitome of martyrdom in occupied Palestine." The program aired on July 20, 2018.

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority TV Lauds President Abbas' Holocaust Denial PhD Thesis, Terror Attacks Launched From Lebanon
Over the past month, reports have circulated that members of the US House of Representatives’ Middle East Subcommittee have raised concerns that humanitarian aid is not reaching the Palestinian population, especially in Gaza.

In response, the Center for Near East Policy Research (CFNEPR) contacted 44 donor nations that contribute humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population in Gaza through UNRWA in order to determine if any had cut back on their donations. With the exception of the US, which has cut back on 20% of its donations, every single donor nation responded emphatically that they are not cutting one penny in aid to UNRWA.

Therefore, UNRWA currently has $1.2 billion to spend on the people supposed to benefit from its health, education, and welfare programs in Gaza, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria.

Despite this, UNRWA proclaims to the media that it is bereft of resources to provide basic services. The organization’s media adviser Adnan Abu Hasna declared that UNRWA lacks basic food products and the people of Gaza “have nothing to lose,” adding “we don’t know yet whether school will open in the coming year. … We’re talking about 300,000 students who need to go to school.”

(full article online)

UNRWA Complains About Funding While Training Children to Wage War
  • Given that all Palestinian leaderships have called for a Palestinian state that will encompass and obliterate the state of Israel, it is not surprising that they cannot bear to accept any proposal that will give them only one small state (or two small states) in the territory allotted to them by the United Nations in 1947.

  • Re-imposition of Islamic waqf law will not restore Spain, Portugal, Sicily, India, Greece and all the other states of the abandoned caliphal empires to Muslim rule, and it is futile to think that is nothing more than a fantasy.

  • A recent US report revealed that there are, it seems, actually no more than 20,000 Palestinian refugees in the world.

  • In the end, it is so-called pro-Palestinian activists such as Robert Fisk or writers for papers such as The Independent, The Guardian, or the New York Times who do their utmost to persuade the world to favour Palestinian intransigence over offers of upgrading lives and international law.

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Dignity for the Palestinians

Two PFLP terrorists apparently blew themselves up this morning as they were attempting to attack Israel, according to the terror group.

"The two martyrs are Ayman Nafez al-Najjar, 24, and Muhannad Majid Hamouda, 24, who arrived at the Indonesian hospital in scattered pieces," said Ashraf al-Qudra, a spokesman for the Health Ministry in Gaza.

I do not recall the words "scattered pieces" being used before by the Gaza Health Ministry. It is almost poetic.

The PFLP said they were on a "combat mission" when they were "martyred."

(full article online)

Allahu akbar! 2 PFLP terrorists blow themselves up to bits ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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