Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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International law is clear on the definition of refugees. The 1951 Refugee Convention didn't give Palestinians a pass where their refugee status can be considered different from all others; it said that Palestinians who were getting support from UNRWA were excluded from being protected under the Convention as long as UNRWA exists.

Which is why UNRWA exists 67 years later.

But there is only one definition for refugee.

And indeed, the UNHCR lists five countries that are the source of the highest number of refugees - Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar and Somalia - of which only Syria has created more refugees that UNRWA has. Yet it doesn't include "Palestine" on that list.

One gets the impression that UNHCR is almost embarrassed to be sometimes forced to include Palestinians in its count of refugees because it is dealing with people who are in real crisis, not people who live as citizens in their own lands or who have been excluded by law from becoming citizens in the countries in which they have been born, which other international conventions call for.

In short, there is no international law that singles out Palestinians to be treated differently from other people; that idea is anathema to international law. The claims that Palestinian "refugees" are refugees under international law are ludicrous.

(full article online)

PA claims Palestinians remaining "refugees" forever is "international law" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The reason why people left is irrelevant to their right to return.

Actually, the alleged "right of return" is specifically the issue in question as it applies to some claim islamics want to apply to generations of Arabs-Moslems.
For as long as the West continues to support ineptitude, failure and provide funding for islamic terrorism the Arab-Moslems masquerading as "Pal"istanians" will continue to come begging for handouts. Islamic terrorism is not a problem that will not be cured by throwing money at the Islamic terrorists.

The UNRWA is the world's hugest welfare program. It exists purely to perpetuate the invented "refugee" status of Arabs-Moslems who fled their homes when Arab armies told them to get out of the way so the Jew-genocide could commence. It's the only such agency for a terror quasi-state, and it gets boatloads annually from U.S. taxpayers. Does that money go to help impoverished Palestinian Arabs who need to eat and receive medical care or does it buy new Kalashnikovs and plastic explosives for Hamas?

UN Palestinian agency to axe 250 jobs after US funding cuts

Mai Yaghi with Joe Dyke in Ramallah
AFPJuly 25, 2018

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Palestinian employees of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA take part in a protest against job cuts announced by the agency in Gaza City on July 25, 2018
Palestinian employees of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA take part in a protest against job cuts announced by the agency in Gaza City on July 25, 2018 (AFP Photo/SAID KHATIB)

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - The United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees announced Wednesday it was cutting more than 250 jobs in the Palestinian territories after the United States held back hundreds of millions in aid.

In total, 154 employees in the occupied West Bank and 113 in the Gaza Strip will be let go, UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness said in a statement.

More than 500 other full-time staff will be offered part-time contracts, the statement added.

The job cuts were the first since the US announced it would only provide the agency with $60 million this year, down from $360 million the previous year.
Now Ahed’s mother Nariman, who instructed Ahed to attack the soldiers and who also was just released from prison, is also accusing the Tamimis’ Western supporters of racism:

Ahed Tamimi’s mother said that the media attention and worldwide solidarity that her daughter received following her arrest by Israeli occupation forces was rooted in racism.

“Frankly it is probably Ahed’s looks that prompted this worldwide solidarity and that’s racist by the way,” Nariman Tamimi told the Anadolu Agency, “because many Palestinian children are in Ahed’s position but weren’t treated in this way.”

“In fact one journalist wrote in Haaretz once on why they sympathized with Ahed when they were trying to arrest me once; they arrested me and she was crying,” she explained. “It’s because they felt that she looked like them, she said. So perhaps the world showed more solidarity because she looks like their children, but all Palestinian children are Ahed Tamimi.”

(full article online)

Ahed Tamimi's mother calls out "racism" of Ahed's Western supporters
[ Gaza Zoo animals were so abused or neglected, they had to be transferred to the PA Zoo last year ]

The only way they could attract people to their conference was to call for "freedom" of Palestinian animals - meaning, a Palestinian donkey that is dragged behind a truck is OK as long as it is "free" from "occupation."

I don't think the PAL will be issuing any statement thanking Israeli police for caring more about Palestinian animals than Palestinian animal rights activists themselves do.

As it stands, I could not find any photos of the participants in the three day conference, so I think there might have been more speakers than attendees.

But PAL used the conference to send their speakers on a European tour to show "intersectionality" to cynically use animal rights to push their main goal, demonizing Israel - the only country in the region that actually gives a damn about animal rights.

(full article online)

Palestinians use animal rights as another method to attack Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The prisoners held banners saying "The prisoner's salary is a right, not a gift. Give our prisoners their rights, don't starve the sons of the prisoners in Israeli jails. Shouldn't you reward my father who sacrificed his freedom for his homeland?"

It called on the Palestinian Authority to reconsider the allocation of prisoners' allowances as a basic and legitimate right for them and their families. It insisted that the PA not keep all political differences away from the subject of paying terrorist salaries.

It seems that the PA made these cuts in order to further punish Hamas and other Gaza terror groups, but also to show the West that, see, it doesn't support all terrorist salaries. Only the ones from the terrorists on the side of the Palestinian Authority - their heroes.

(full article online)

Gazans protest cuts in prisoner "salaries" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
His alternative was jail. Most countries have abolished
debtors’ prisons. Palestine should have, too. It signed a UN treaty that forbids them. But they still exist in Gaza, which has been ruled since 2007 by Hamas, a militant Islamist group. Israel and Egypt imposed a blockade on the territory after it took power. Last year the Palestinian Authority (PA), which governs the West Bank, added its own sanctions to press Hamas into ceding control. The PA has cut public-sector pay in Gaza by over 40% and forced thousands of civil servants into retirement.

(full article online)

Why Hamas jails people who can’t pay their debts
Oh my. Those "poor, oppressed Arabs-Moslems" are in quite the rage. It seems the evil kuffar is to be vilified for noticing that the Death Cult is using kuffar innovated technology to promote islamist hate and violence. It's quite remarkable that while islamics revile westerners/ non-islamics, they're sure willing to use western innovated technology (technology they never could have innovated on their own), to promote their hate, fears and superstitions.

Palestinians slam Facebook for removing pages glorifying attacks on Israelis

Palestinians slam Facebook for removing pages glorifying attacks on Israelis

Journalists and activists accuse the social media giant of 'waging war on the Palestinians,' Israel has long accused it of not doing enough to combat incitement
It’s really a simple formula: if the west continues to finance Islamic terrorism on the part of Arabs-Moslems, islsmic terrorism will continue.

There’s no arguing the fact that Hamas has published its (genocidal) charter outlining its goal of the total destruction of the state of Israel. There’s no arguing that the border riots are just a continuation of the Islamic gee-had. It's also important to understand that Israeli's returning to their homeland is an affront to islamism so that the Hamas Charter is perfectly in accord with Islamic ideology. I think it’s important to understand the islamist mindset on this issue. Within Islamism, revulsion for the infidel (and particularly, insensate hatred for the Jews) is enshrined by islam’s inventor.

“Palestinian” Authority president reaffirms commitment to paying terrorists

PA President Abbas reaffirms commitment to paying terrorists

Despite demands to end these payments, Abbas plans to continue. America and Israel have both passed laws to stop sending money to the “Palestinians” until Abbas stops paying terrorists. But he has not stopped, and he has no plans to stop. Abbas continues to praise terrorists for their heinous crimes.
The two million Palestinians in Jordan who use UNRWA services - of whom the vast majority are full Jordanian citizens - are being told that they are expected one day to "return" to Israel, and therefore they should not get too comfortable in Jordan.

Yahya al-Saud, head of the Palestine Committee in the Jordanian parliament, gave various bogus reasons for why UNRWA should exist in Jordan.

"Jordan is no longer able to bear more burdens because of the various waves of asylum it has hosted," he said, the latest of which was Syrian asylum, which exceeded 1.3 million refugees.

But the Palestinians have been in Jordan for 70 years. They are citizens. Jordan is paying a great deal of money for the Syrian refugees, who are in real need - and who aren't citizens. In other words, Jordanian citizens of Palestinian origin are a lower priority to Jordan than Syrian refugees.

What a great message to send them!

(full article online)

Jordanian politicians insist that Palestinians in Jordan be treated as second class citizens ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ We know it is hard to part with a fake refugee agency, but at some point.....they will get used to it....like anything else in life....like they got used to having this agency ]

'Mutiny' at UNRWA
Who are the Arab-Moslem terrorists masquerading as Pal’istanians?

They’re the ones taking a beatdown after further acts of war.

I still can’t quite understand israel’s continued “Wait until we’re attacked again and then respond” policy.

Israel pounds Hamas after 17 injured in rocket barrage

IDF strikes 12 Hamas terror targets after over 70 projectiles fired towards southern Israel

The Israel Air Force retaliated by striking targets in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday evening after 17 people were treated for injuries resulting form rocket attacks from Gaza against southern Israel.

Following the barrages the IAF struck 12 terror targets including a plant used to manufacture components intended for the construction of tunnels as well as a tunnel for maritime terrorism along Israel’s coast.

A number of terror targets in several military sites, including weapons and rockets, as well as a military compound that serves as a central logistic warehouse were also hit by IAF jets.
Think "Peace Partner".

Gaza Professor on Hamas TV: The Jews Are ‘Human Garbage,’ ‘Behind Every Conspiracy’
AUGUST 9, 2018 7:37 AM

Gaza Professor on Hamas TV: The Jews Are ‘Human Garbage,’ ‘Behind Every Conspiracy’

Hamas supporters take part in a rally celebrating the 30th anniversary of the group’s founding in Gaza City on Dec. 14, 2017. Photo: Reuters / Mohammed Salem.

JNS.orgAbdul Samee’ Al-’Arabeed, a professor of Quranic Studies at Al-Aqsa University, said that according to the Quran, “the Jews are behind every conspiracy.”

“You may notice that over a third of the Quran talks about the Israelites, not merely to provide information, but to warn us, and to teach us how to deal with this human garbage,” he said on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV on July 19, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
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