Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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This is typical bias from the PA.

But what most people don't realize is that much of Palestinian media copies Wafa news releases verbatim, without attribution, pretending it is theirs.

So "our correspondent" also the correspondent for Palestine Today, Palestine News Network, Zamn Press (who called it "local sources",) and others.

When the media simply copies the official government "news," then the media is not very free.

(full article online)

Palestinian media copies official PA government "news" verbatim ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Even with the failure of the border gee-had to accomplish anything but generate a lot of dead and wounded Arabs-Moslems, there’s still a fair bit of Sheik’en the wannabes to join the gee-had.

It took a lot of dead and crippled Islamics at the Great Tire Burning Riots™️ before Hamas admitted their intended purpose was a failure.

Here’s Hamas doing the walk of shame:

"Gaza Return March Spokesman Ahmad Abu Rutema Calls for "Tactical Withdrawal" from the Return March: "We Have Lost the Battle for Public Opinion" and Must Invent New Tactics"

Good call, Ahmad. But be honest, with the Great Satan™️ cutting off your welfare payments and Hamas offering to pay cash to the wounded minions, the failed gee-had was getting pretty expensive, eh?
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Aside from whatever chosen interpretation one wishes to take away from selected verses, we have only to look at the examples set by the Arab-Moslam world in order to come to conclusions about islam. The fact is, the only external example of islam we have is Moslems. If one is going to come to conclusions about interpretations of such matters as pigs and apes, the Moslem world provides those examples most everywhere.

  • Say: "Shall I tell you who will receive a worse reward from God? Those whom God has cursed and with who He has been angry, transforming them into apes and swine, and those who serve the devil. Worse is the plight of these, and they have strayed farther from the right path." —Koran 5:59-60

No matter how long and closely you follow it, you still can't quite get used to this stuff.
  • This ceasefire initiative is rather disturbing: it requires no meaningful concessions on the part of Hamas. It leaves, for example, wholly intact Hamas's extremist ideology, which calls for the destruction of Israel, and does not demand that Hamas lay down its weapons.

  • A ceasefire may sound good, but in the current circumstances it will send a deadly message to Hamas and the other terror factions in the Gaza Strip: namely, that long-term terror bombardment of Israel gets you economic and humanitarian projects funded by the United Nations and Western donors, and perhaps even a seaport and airport. The ceasefire would give Hamas five to ten years to continue amassing weapons, tightening its grip on the Gaza Strip, and preparing for its next war with Israel.

  • Any ceasefire agreement will be perceived as a reward for Hamas-sponsored terrorism and violence against Israel. These negotiations will spur other terrorist groups around the world to continue their attacks with the hope of gaining legitimacy and forcing the UN and the international community to negotiate also with them.

  • Why is the UN apparently prepared to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in the Gaza Strip while keeping Hamas in power and even allowing it to become stronger? Why is the UN being allowed to play the role of savior of Hamas?

    (full article online)

    UN Enabling Hamas's War Machine
Palestine Today quotes Maariv about a Swedish candidate for Parliament.

Sa'id Hudros, is considered one of the most prominent activists in favor of the Palestinian cause in the Sweden.

Hudros was born in the Burj al-Shamali refugee camp in southern Lebanon, has lived in Sweden since 1990.

According to UNRWA, Hudros is a "refugee."

Even as he lives in Sweden, as a full citizen, UNRWA considers Hudros to be a registered Palestine refugee and counts him as one of the five million "Palestine refugees" that they keep track of.

Indeed, over 200,000 Lebanese Palestinians who have moved to Europe and elsewhere are still counted as "refugees" by UNRWA in Lebanon - including Sa'id Hudros.

(full article online)

According to @UNRWA, a candidate for Swedish elections is a Palestinian "refugee"! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Does the UN's other "refugee agency," UNRWA, adhere to these goals?

No. In fact, UNRWA opposes these goals!

It won't admit it publicly, of course, but for nearly 70 years UNRWA has been encouraging millions of people to remain stateless in Lebanon, Jordan and Syria - but only as long as they can be considered "Palestinian." UNRWA has never said a word against discriminatory laws in those states against Palestinians.

Most importantly, UNRWA has been complicit in the idea that Palestinians born in those countries not becoming citizens of those states, and even if they do become citizens through some loophole (which hundreds of thousands have managed to do), UNRWA wants them to be treated differently and not to ever be considered full citizens - until Israel is destroyed by "right to return."

It is one of the most egregious crimes of a UN agency that acts completely at odds with another agency, in order to perpetuate misery and statelessness and discrimination.

(full article online)

UNCHR has a plan to eliminate statelessness - but does it apply to Palestinian Arabs? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It’s so cute when the angry, self-hating Islamics can find some common ground and shared pathology.

It should be obvious to anybody with a reason to challenge islamist dogma that any ideology which is utterly obsessed with war against anyone who doesn't buy into its supremacist ideology is a flawed and dangerous ideology. Seriously, it is.

Yeah. Abbas aka Abu Mazen wrote his “thesis” that was drenched in Holocaust denial blather.


Flag of “Palestine” as appearing in the French “Nouveau Petit Larousse” flag lexicon

The dynasties in the Arab flags

Hashemite Soldiers with the Arab revolt flag, 1918

(full article online)

The Flag of Deception
Mahmoud Habbash, who is the Chief Justice of Palestine and President's Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations, is heading a delegation of Palestinian officials to the 7th session of the World Peace Forum (WPF), held in Jakarta, Indonesia in October.

Al-Habbash said that he will discuss ways to protect world peace from collapse and to examine the reasons that threaten the world peace, "especially the occupation that wreaks havoc on the land, and the aggressors to reach the holy sites and the cancerous expansion of settlements and the confiscation of land and the murder of an unarmed people longing for freedom and freedom from the last occupation on earth."

More than once, on TV, Habbash has called for Jihad against Israel.

(full article online)

PA minister who calls for Jihad against Israel represents Palestine at "World Peace Forum" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
J-Street has a "Myths and Facts" page about UNRWA where they deliberately switch the myths and the facts.

Once again, the "pro-Israel" J-Street can find nothing bad to say about an organization that teaches its students that they must remain stateless until they "return" to destroy Israel.

Their "myths and facts" could have been written by UNRWA itself, and I think there is a good chance that this was in fact the case.

(full article online)

J-Street lies for @UNRWA - and says that Palestinians have a "right to return" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • Ahed Tamimi has called on "Palestinians to murder Israelis through 'martyrdom-seeking operations' (i.e., suicide bombings), stabbing attacks, and stone-throwing..." — Bradley Martin, researcher.

  • If Palestinian Arabs are stateless today, it is by their own choice. Their leaders have chosen to expend their energies on wiping Israel from the face of the earth rather than on establishing a state of their own next to Israel.

  • Palestinian Arabs keep rejecting offers to establish a state of their own, according to David Brog, with Israel, Britain and the UN having offered Palestinian Arabs the opportunity to build their own state on five separate occasions -- in 1936, 1947, 1967, 2000, and 2008.

  • Turkey, on the other hand, has never accepted the right to self-rule of any non-Turkish people living in Asia Minor and historic Armenia, which is today eastern Turkey.
(full article online)

The Turkish-Palestinian Hate Fest
J-Street has a "Myths and Facts" page about UNRWA where they deliberately switch the myths and the facts.

Once again, the "pro-Israel" J-Street can find nothing bad to say about an organization that teaches its students that they must remain stateless until they "return" to destroy Israel.

Their "myths and facts" could have been written by UNRWA itself, and I think there is a good chance that this was in fact the case.

(full article online)

J-Street lies for @UNRWA - and says that Palestinians have a "right to return" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
UNWRA is an aid agency. They do not define who is a refugee. They only define who is eligible for aid.
Palestinian Arabs keep rejecting offers to establish a state of their own,
The Palestinians have not rejected a state. They have only rejected partition.
Actually, the two competing islamic terrorist enclaves of Arabs-Moslems masquerading as "Pal'istanians" have no interest in statehood. Those at the top of the welfare fraud scheme known as UNRWA stand to lose control of the kuffar welfare dollars.
Ya’ Allah but Mahmoud is doing some world class sucking-up to the Saudi’s. I’m sure it’s Mahmoud’s way of saying “I’ll bend and scrape at your flowing robes if there’s a chance you will give me a few million dollars to make up for my welfare payments denied by the western kuffar”

PA aligns with Saudi Arabia
against Canada

PA aligns with Saudi Arabia against Canada - PMW Bulletins

By Maurice Hirsch, Adv.

In response to the Canadian call to free 15 human rights and women's rights activists detained by Saudi Arabia, the Saudi authorities expelled the Canadian ambassador.

Just days later, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas declared his support for Saudi Arabia and condemned the Canadian "interference" which he referred to as no less than "a blow to the sovereignty of the kingdom."
Palestinian Arabs keep rejecting offers to establish a state of their own,
The Palestinians have not rejected a state. They have only rejected partition.
Actually, the two competing islamic terrorist enclaves of Arabs-Moslems masquerading as "Pal'istanians" have no interest in statehood. Those at the top of the welfare fraud scheme known as UNRWA stand to lose control of the kuffar welfare dollars.
"Pal'istanians" have no interest in statehood.
Do you have a link for that?

Why is it that nobody else is asking for a state?
J-Street has a "Myths and Facts" page about UNRWA where they deliberately switch the myths and the facts.

Once again, the "pro-Israel" J-Street can find nothing bad to say about an organization that teaches its students that they must remain stateless until they "return" to destroy Israel.

Their "myths and facts" could have been written by UNRWA itself, and I think there is a good chance that this was in fact the case.

(full article online)

J-Street lies for @UNRWA - and says that Palestinians have a "right to return" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
UNWRA is an aid agency. They do not define who is a refugee. They only define who is eligible for aid.

UNRWA's "Palestinian Refugee" Fraud?
UNRWA is anything but a humanitarian organization interested in the welfare of the Palestinians whom it claims to have spent the past nearly 70 years assisting. It is, rather, a self-serving political body that has bolstered Arab/Palestinian rejectionism and perpetuated Palestinian suffering, thereby preventing peace and prosperity.

In early 2018, President Donald Trump froze a large portion of the funding that the United States provides annually for UNRWA (the United Nations Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees a in the Near East). Prior to imposing the $125 million freeze, Trump tweeted: "[W]e pay the Palestinians HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciation or respect."

The president's move came in response to the fact that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his henchmen yet again were rejectingAmerican and Israeli peace overtures. Yet it was both welcome and necessary for reasons well beyond Palestinian intransigence. UNRWA not only has an abominable record of ties to terrorism, which makes a mockery of its mandate to " provide relief, human development and protection services;" but its entire existence is based on a false premise -- a special UN definition of "refugee" for Palestinians that sets them apart from other people in the world categorized as such. It thus has been able for decades to keep cash flowing freely into its coffers, providing "humanitarian services" for millions of Palestinians who are not refugees by any measure. As the ZOA's Morton Klein and Daniel Mandel recently wrote:

"All this stands in stark contrast to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the international body that deals with all refugee problems other than the Palestinian Arabs. UNHRC observes a universal definition of refugee status, one that applies solely to those who actually fled their country during hostilities, civil war, natural disaster, or other disturbances. UNHCR works to resettle refugees quickly and dismantle the temporary refugee camps housing them. Nor does it count descendants as refugees.

"This has immense practical ramifications: in literally all other cases other than the Palestinian Arabs, the number of refugees shrinks over time — chiefly through successful resettlement. In contrast, in the Palestinian Arab case, their numbers continue to expand ceaselessly.

"Thus, instead of the living original refugees officially numbering 30,000, UNRWA now services some 5.3 million Palestinian Arabs."

The actual number of Palestinian refugees is likely even lower than that cited by the authors: a classified State Department report, delivered to Congress in 2015, reveals it to be closer to 20,000. The report showed that billions of taxpayer dollars have been funneled over the years into an organization that seems to have been perpetuating a fraud. It is no wonder, then, that the Obama administration kept the report's contents a secret from the American public.

UNRWA's "Palestinian Refugee" Fraud?
Palestinian Arabs keep rejecting offers to establish a state of their own,
The Palestinians have not rejected a state. They have only rejected partition.
Arabs have actually rejected an independent state,
in favor of ceding the whole land to Syria.

On the other hand, they have not rejected the partition when an Emir from Arabia got the biggest chunk of Palestine on the east bank of the river.
It's all about Arab Muslim colonial imperialism.
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