Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The politicization of UNRWA is what makes it an anti-humanitarian agency.

Hweidi goes through the history of UNRWA, not entirely accurately, describing how different it was in the 1950s to today, and by doing so he doesn't quite realize that he is damning the agency.

In 1949, the Agency was given the task of supporting the Palestinian refugees, in addition to providing humanitarian services such as health, education and relief, coordinating with the host countries to integrate refugees into the economies of the region and working to settle those who do not wish to return and reside in host countries in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. These countries were forced to sign armistice agreements with the Israeli occupation between February and July 1949, creating a political climate suitable to begin the process of resettlement without the objection of the host countries and the exploitation of the deteriorating humanitarian situation of the refugees. The refugees themselves stopped this project and promoted awareness of what their perception was being plotted against them.It was the Arab countries and self-appointed Palestinian "leaders" who fought against UNRWA's original aims, not the refugees themselves, who would have gladly accepted being integrated into Arab countries.

And most of them still would, today. We have documented cases where loopholes opened for Palestinians to become citizens of Egypt and Lebanon, and how tens of thousands of them jumped at the opportunity to do so.

Hweidi describes other failed attempts to integrate Palestinians into the region:

(full article online)

Palestinian op-ed accurately explains how @UNRWA turned from humanitarian to political ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
You people keep beating the wrong horse. UNWRA is strictly an aid agency. The resolution of the refugee problem was mandated to the UNCCP in accordance to resolution 194.

The UNWRA has nothing to do with the refugees other than to provide aid.

UNWRA has an operational definition of who is registered as a "refugee" and has actually changed that definition. Are you saying they are operating illegally by doing so? What definition should they be using?
That only defines who is eligible for aid.

It defines who is eligible to be registered as a refugee. Its an operational point of fact as to who they permit to be registered. And they have changed the definition to suit themselves and their goal of keeping people as refugees in perpetuity.
Mahmoud “Money for Nothin’” Abbas is making good on his pledge to fund Islamic terrorism no matter the cost. The UNRWA welfare dollars he doesn’t steal and siphon off for the benefit of those in his criminal syndicate will be prioritized for paying islsmic terrorists.

The PA chooses to fund terrorists
over children’s education

PA chooses to fund terrorists over children’s education - PMW Bulletins

  • Until today there had been concern that UNRWA would not open 700 schools providing education for 320,000 PA children
  • UNRWA's claimed deficit of $217,000,000 is far less than the nearly $400,000,000 the PA pays yearly to terrorists and families of "Martyrs"
  • Instead of rewarding terror, the PA should fund the education of the Palestinian children
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

Yesterday the Palestinian Authority made clear to the world that if forced to choose, it will pay salaries to terrorists rather than pay for the education of its children.

Recent reports claimed that UNRWA did not have enough money to open up the UNRWA school system for over 320,000 Palestinian children. UNRWA’s budget for the schools could easily be paid by the PA from the money it spends paying terrorist prisoners and families of so-called “Martyrs,” yet, last night Mahmoud Abbas announced on PA TV: “Israel considers them (i.e., terrorist prisoners) criminals... Even if we need to cut from our flesh, we will continue to give the support and aid.” [Official PA TV, Aug. 15, 2018]
Mahmoud “Money for Nothin’” Abbas is making good on his pledge to fund Islamic terrorism no matter the cost. The UNRWA welfare dollars he doesn’t steal and siphon off for the benefit of those in his criminal syndicate will be prioritized for paying islsmic terrorists.

The PA chooses to fund terrorists
over children’s education

PA chooses to fund terrorists over children’s education - PMW Bulletins

  • Until today there had been concern that UNRWA would not open 700 schools providing education for 320,000 PA children
  • UNRWA's claimed deficit of $217,000,000 is far less than the nearly $400,000,000 the PA pays yearly to terrorists and families of "Martyrs"
  • Instead of rewarding terror, the PA should fund the education of the Palestinian children
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

Yesterday the Palestinian Authority made clear to the world that if forced to choose, it will pay salaries to terrorists rather than pay for the education of its children.

Recent reports claimed that UNRWA did not have enough money to open up the UNRWA school system for over 320,000 Palestinian children. UNRWA’s budget for the schools could easily be paid by the PA from the money it spends paying terrorist prisoners and families of so-called “Martyrs,” yet, last night Mahmoud Abbas announced on PA TV: “Israel considers them (i.e., terrorist prisoners) criminals... Even if we need to cut from our flesh, we will continue to give the support and aid.” [Official PA TV, Aug. 15, 2018]
You are so confused. The PA does not fund UNWRA schools.
Mahmoud “Money for Nothin’” Abbas is making good on his pledge to fund Islamic terrorism no matter the cost. The UNRWA welfare dollars he doesn’t steal and siphon off for the benefit of those in his criminal syndicate will be prioritized for paying islsmic terrorists.

The PA chooses to fund terrorists
over children’s education

PA chooses to fund terrorists over children’s education - PMW Bulletins

  • Until today there had been concern that UNRWA would not open 700 schools providing education for 320,000 PA children
  • UNRWA's claimed deficit of $217,000,000 is far less than the nearly $400,000,000 the PA pays yearly to terrorists and families of "Martyrs"
  • Instead of rewarding terror, the PA should fund the education of the Palestinian children
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

Yesterday the Palestinian Authority made clear to the world that if forced to choose, it will pay salaries to terrorists rather than pay for the education of its children.

Recent reports claimed that UNRWA did not have enough money to open up the UNRWA school system for over 320,000 Palestinian children. UNRWA’s budget for the schools could easily be paid by the PA from the money it spends paying terrorist prisoners and families of so-called “Martyrs,” yet, last night Mahmoud Abbas announced on PA TV: “Israel considers them (i.e., terrorist prisoners) criminals... Even if we need to cut from our flesh, we will continue to give the support and aid.” [Official PA TV, Aug. 15, 2018]
You are so confused. The PA does not fund UNWRA schools.

So, you are forever befuddled. The PA funds Islamic terrorism as a priority to funding schools.

It seems you are a graduate of those under funded schools.
I have to note that Islamic terrorist syndicates are totally predictable in finding the most inarticulate and, at the samr time, the most dogmatic fascists to represent their mini-caliphates. The spokes-clowns for Islamic terrorist franchises literally define the Islamist propensity for the maintenance of theocratic / dictatorial totalitarianism and the inability to adopt a human-focused worldview.

Speaking on the Palestinian Authority’s TV channel on August 13, Fatah Central Committee member Jibril Rajoub addressed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Lieberman, and Education Minister Bennett, saying: "You are criminals! You are neo-Nazis!" Rajoub said that the Palestinian people is "at the most dangerous phase in [its] history, since the Nakba of 1948," and that "the [Israeli] right, supported by the U.S. administration, wants to erase Palestine."
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Mahmoud “Money for Nothin’” Abbas is making good on his pledge to fund Islamic terrorism no matter the cost. The UNRWA welfare dollars he doesn’t steal and siphon off for the benefit of those in his criminal syndicate will be prioritized for paying islsmic terrorists.

The PA chooses to fund terrorists
over children’s education

PA chooses to fund terrorists over children’s education - PMW Bulletins

  • Until today there had been concern that UNRWA would not open 700 schools providing education for 320,000 PA children
  • UNRWA's claimed deficit of $217,000,000 is far less than the nearly $400,000,000 the PA pays yearly to terrorists and families of "Martyrs"
  • Instead of rewarding terror, the PA should fund the education of the Palestinian children
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

Yesterday the Palestinian Authority made clear to the world that if forced to choose, it will pay salaries to terrorists rather than pay for the education of its children.

Recent reports claimed that UNRWA did not have enough money to open up the UNRWA school system for over 320,000 Palestinian children. UNRWA’s budget for the schools could easily be paid by the PA from the money it spends paying terrorist prisoners and families of so-called “Martyrs,” yet, last night Mahmoud Abbas announced on PA TV: “Israel considers them (i.e., terrorist prisoners) criminals... Even if we need to cut from our flesh, we will continue to give the support and aid.” [Official PA TV, Aug. 15, 2018]
You are so confused. The PA does not fund UNWRA schools.

If Palestine wants to be taken seriously as a State, it must start addressing the needs of its citizens.
Mahmoud Abbas, the dictator of the Palestinian areas in the West Bank, gave a speech on Saturday where he warned that all aid that goes to Gaza must go through his corrupt government first.

Speaking at the closing session of the Palestinian Central Council meeting, Abbas once again criticized Hamas for not acceding to his rule and said "any money and aid coming to Gaza must come through the legitimate Palestinian government."

Abbas' government has reduced medical supplies, electricity and salaries to Gazans in the past 18 months. The world media has largely ignored the fact that Israel has been trying to help Gazans far more than their purported leader.

There are reports today from Israeli security sources that Abbas plans to increase his sanctions on Gaza while pretending that he can be trusted to take care of his people there.

(full article online)

Dictator for Life Abbas: "Any aid for Gaza must go through me first" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
According to Hamas, terrorism is not just a means -- it is a right.

Saleh Armouti, an MP in Jordan's House of Representatives last year, went a step further, claiming that the UN supported armed resistance, in general -- and terrorist attacks in particular:

[It was] the legitimate right of the liberated prisoner Ahlam Tamimi [to] resist the occupier, as the United Nations laws stipulate the right to self-determination, as ruled [by] international legitimacy [as] the right to resist the occupation.Tamimi is the mastermind of the Sbarro massacre that murdered 15 civilians (including 7 children and a pregnant woman) and wounded 130.

Is it actually possible that the United Nations, which is supposed to be an agent for world peace, actually recognizes the right to blow people up?

In 1974, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution which:
3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;

7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;The phrase "armed struggle" is repeatedly used in the 1968 Palestinian National Charter, a copy of which is conveniently carried on the UN website.

In 1978, the UN General Assembly went further. "Armed struggle" was not just one option included among others, but that it was a particular option to be used. Also, in 1978 the word "occupation" was used - a word that was not used at all in the 1974 resolution.

(full article online)

No, Palestinian "Armed Struggle" is not supported by international law (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
According to Hamas, terrorism is not just a means -- it is a right.

Saleh Armouti, an MP in Jordan's House of Representatives last year, went a step further, claiming that the UN supported armed resistance, in general -- and terrorist attacks in particular:

[It was] the legitimate right of the liberated prisoner Ahlam Tamimi [to] resist the occupier, as the United Nations laws stipulate the right to self-determination, as ruled [by] international legitimacy [as] the right to resist the occupation.Tamimi is the mastermind of the Sbarro massacre that murdered 15 civilians (including 7 children and a pregnant woman) and wounded 130.

Is it actually possible that the United Nations, which is supposed to be an agent for world peace, actually recognizes the right to blow people up?

In 1974, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution which:
3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;

7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;The phrase "armed struggle" is repeatedly used in the 1968 Palestinian National Charter, a copy of which is conveniently carried on the UN website.

In 1978, the UN General Assembly went further. "Armed struggle" was not just one option included among others, but that it was a particular option to be used. Also, in 1978 the word "occupation" was used - a word that was not used at all in the 1974 resolution.

(full article online)

No, Palestinian "Armed Struggle" is not supported by international law (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

In 1974, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution which:
3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;

7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;
Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

In 1974, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution which:
3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;

By blowing up innocent children and pregnant women in pizza restaurants?! That is not armed struggle. That is unrestrained, ugly, inhuman, abhorrent. It is a twisting of law to justify the most ugly, disgusting aspects of human interaction -- the murder of innocents. The justification then turns on re-defining innocents as the guilty, thereby making murder of innocents an acceptable form of "justice". The re-defining takes the form of judging people for what they are, or what they believe or what their narrative is. It is the most vile of all justifications for evil. There are two groups of people who have used this justification -- one historically and one currently -- and applied it to broad categories of people. It is woven into their religious ideology. It is categorically evil.

Peaceful negotiation and mutual recognition is the solution to the conflict between the Arabs and the Jewish people. It always has been.

Armed struggle (combat) is a poor second choice, but sometimes necessary. If Arab Palestinians want to engage in armed combat against Israel, I say bring it. But for the love of humanity, leave your children out of it. Don't bring them. Put them in a safe place away from weapons and combatants and tunnels and military objectives.

But this idea that the murder of innocents is the morally and legally correct path is a disgusting idea which needs to be abolished.
7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;

Arab Palestinians are not under colonial, foreign domination or alien subjugation by the Jewish people. The Jewish people are neither colonial, nor foreign nor aliens. (Though you could certainly argue the reverse is true).

The Jewish people and the Arab Palestinians both want the same thing -- self-determination and independence. Denying one of those people is nothing but hypocrisy.
According to Hamas, terrorism is not just a means -- it is a right.

Saleh Armouti, an MP in Jordan's House of Representatives last year, went a step further, claiming that the UN supported armed resistance, in general -- and terrorist attacks in particular:

[It was] the legitimate right of the liberated prisoner Ahlam Tamimi [to] resist the occupier, as the United Nations laws stipulate the right to self-determination, as ruled [by] international legitimacy [as] the right to resist the occupation.Tamimi is the mastermind of the Sbarro massacre that murdered 15 civilians (including 7 children and a pregnant woman) and wounded 130.

Is it actually possible that the United Nations, which is supposed to be an agent for world peace, actually recognizes the right to blow people up?

In 1974, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution which:
3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;

7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;The phrase "armed struggle" is repeatedly used in the 1968 Palestinian National Charter, a copy of which is conveniently carried on the UN website.

In 1978, the UN General Assembly went further. "Armed struggle" was not just one option included among others, but that it was a particular option to be used. Also, in 1978 the word "occupation" was used - a word that was not used at all in the 1974 resolution.

(full article online)

No, Palestinian "Armed Struggle" is not supported by international law (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

In 1974, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution which:
3. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples' struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle;

7. Strongly condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation, notably the peoples of Africa and the Palestinian people;

I see. You are hoping to justify islamic terrorism with a snippet of a UN opinion you cut and pasted.

Really, P F Tinmore?

You mark my post about murdering innocents as "funny"?! You find the ideology of, "the murder of innocents is abhorrent" is an ideology to be laughed at or mocked?
His real name is Hakim.

Well, tell us something we don’t already know, Muhammud. The acknowledgement that “Official PA Media” is simply a mouthpiece for Islamic terrorists and their agenda can’t be a surprise to anyone.

I’m just thinking that the admission would be an embarrassment to anyone other than Islamic terrorist retrogrades.

Official PA media is a propaganda machine


Official PA media is a propaganda machine in the "struggle" against the State of Israel, say the heads of official PA media. What this means in practice is that the role of PA media is not to objectively "report," but literally to "create" the story.

Palestinian Media Watch has asserted for years that the official PA media is completely controlled by the leadership. As such, all the official PA media lies and libels, glorification of terror and terrorists, and presentation of a world in which Israel does not exist and has been replaced by "Palestine" - all this must be recognized as PA leadership messages.

Official PA media is a propaganda machine - PMW Bulletins
Really, P F Tinmore?

You mark my post about murdering innocents as "funny"?! You find the ideology of, "the murder of innocents is abhorrent" is an ideology to be laughed at or mocked?
It is not the content. It is the presentation.

Y'all post the same few incidents over and over again year after year. While the numerous attacks on the Palestinians go unmentioned.
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