Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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In May 2018, the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy published a report titled “The Money Trail: The Millions Given by EU Institutions to NGOs With Ties to Terror and Boycotts Against Israel, an In-Depth Analysis.” Two months later, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Frederica Mogherini, replied to the report. Her main arguments were that allegations of the European Union supporting incitement or terror were unfounded and unacceptable — and that terror and boycotts are two distinct phenomena.

The Israeli Ministry’s report is clear and substantiated, and Mogherini should read it again.

What is not mentioned in the report is that the European Union and its member states finance NGOs that harass Israel, Israeli officials, and corporations doing business in Israel and in Europe. The European Union still finances the Palestinian Authority (PA) — and the PA still encourages Palestinians to kill Jews. As the Taylor Force Act states, “The Palestinian Authority’s practice of paying salaries to terrorists serving in Israeli prisons, as well as to the families of deceased terrorists, is an incentive to commit acts of terror.”

(full article online)

European Union Continues to Fiscally Back Hate Education Against Israel
  • It is clear that the Palestinian boycott of the US administration did not include receiving funds from the Americans.

  • The Palestinians are entitled to voice their anger at the US. However, if they are so fed up with the US that they are even boycotting US administration officials, why are they demanding that the Americans continue to supply them with hundreds of millions of dollars each year?

  • The Palestinians are trying to blackmail the US by claiming, absurdly, that the recent US decisions jeopardize the two-state solution and prospects for peace in the Middle East. These are the very Palestinians, however, who have refused to resume peace talks with Israel for the past four years, since long before Trump was elected as president.
(full article online)

US Aid, Palestinian Wakaha
[ Gaza should become autonomous from PA's areas. It always has been ]

I don't know how reliable this report is, but Al Akhbar in Lebanon is reporting that PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas is drawing up plans to severely punish all Gazans if the current negotiations in Egypt with Hamas prove fruitless.

The newspaper quoted "informed political sources" that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has instructed his government to prepare a "full vision on stopping the financing of Gaza."

This would include stopping salaries of employees in ministries of social affairs, health and education.

According to the newspaper, the sanctions would also include stopping the work of the Monetary Authority in Gaza, which means the closure of all banks in the sector, which will paralyze all commercial activities and affect the ability to pay for any imports.

"There are other steps that the PA is preparing to implement, including stopping the transfer of social welfare services serving more than 80,000 families from Gaza, freezing medical transfers for patients, cutting off medicines and supplies for the health sector, cutting off electricity in Gaza" according to the report.

(full article online)

Report: Abbas to close banks in Gaza, cut off all salaries ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Abbas is shooting himself in the foot.
[ Gaza should become autonomous from PA's areas. It always has been ]

I don't know how reliable this report is, but Al Akhbar in Lebanon is reporting that PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas is drawing up plans to severely punish all Gazans if the current negotiations in Egypt with Hamas prove fruitless.

The newspaper quoted "informed political sources" that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has instructed his government to prepare a "full vision on stopping the financing of Gaza."

This would include stopping salaries of employees in ministries of social affairs, health and education.

According to the newspaper, the sanctions would also include stopping the work of the Monetary Authority in Gaza, which means the closure of all banks in the sector, which will paralyze all commercial activities and affect the ability to pay for any imports.

"There are other steps that the PA is preparing to implement, including stopping the transfer of social welfare services serving more than 80,000 families from Gaza, freezing medical transfers for patients, cutting off medicines and supplies for the health sector, cutting off electricity in Gaza" according to the report.

(full article online)

Report: Abbas to close banks in Gaza, cut off all salaries ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Abbas is shooting himself in the foot.

Abbas has become a radicalized, unstable, emotional, sad, elderly man who has been unable to make his mark on history. The question is only whether the next generation will take up that particular radical calling. Sadly, seems likely.
[ Gaza should become autonomous from PA's areas. It always has been ]

I don't know how reliable this report is, but Al Akhbar in Lebanon is reporting that PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas is drawing up plans to severely punish all Gazans if the current negotiations in Egypt with Hamas prove fruitless.

The newspaper quoted "informed political sources" that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has instructed his government to prepare a "full vision on stopping the financing of Gaza."

This would include stopping salaries of employees in ministries of social affairs, health and education.

According to the newspaper, the sanctions would also include stopping the work of the Monetary Authority in Gaza, which means the closure of all banks in the sector, which will paralyze all commercial activities and affect the ability to pay for any imports.

"There are other steps that the PA is preparing to implement, including stopping the transfer of social welfare services serving more than 80,000 families from Gaza, freezing medical transfers for patients, cutting off medicines and supplies for the health sector, cutting off electricity in Gaza" according to the report.

(full article online)

Report: Abbas to close banks in Gaza, cut off all salaries ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Abbas is shooting himself in the foot.

Abbas has become a radicalized, unstable, emotional, sad, elderly man who has been unable to make his mark on history. The question is only whether the next generation will take up that particular radical calling. Sadly, seems likely.

With the recent announcement that The Great Satan is cutting off $200 million in welfare payments, Abbas has to maneuver. He has a mini-caliphate to maintain. If those at the apex of his criminal franchise see their paychecks at risk, Abbas will find himself on the endangered species list. The competing mini-caliphate in Gaza is the obvious choice to get cut off from the welfare checks.

This could easily descend into a rather ugly, internecine war between the two groups, especially if Hamas goes begging to the Iranian Mullocrats for money and weapons.
I’m surprised that Ahed Tamimi wasn’t made to disappear in the night with her bending and scraping before the Shia Iranian stooge Nasrallah.

For anyone who may not be familiar with the internecine hatreds that exist in the islamist Middle East, the sunni and shia despise each other. The majority Sunni tribe views the Shia asca heretical sect. These throwbacks from the 7th century have waged a 1,400 year long blood feud that frequently boils over into murderous rage that causes one group or the other to slaughter adherents of the competing tribe.

Iran and Hezbollah are Shia. Palestine is Sunni.

Square that circle.

Islam says Christian messiah will break all the crosses and kill Christians,
Yet hatred of Jews unites these 2 groups.

Sunni hate Shia and willing to murder them and steal their countries,
but they both hate Jews by default enough to make it into a point of unity...got it?

The same goes with Western liberals, digressive's, and communists, have historically unified with their worst enemies to fight the Jews - hence You lovely, got it?

Arabs Muslim or Christian have always attacked Palestinian Jews,
it's the same thing.

Does not address my post.

You didn't read it.

P F Tinmore how would You square that circle?
I’m surprised that Ahed Tamimi wasn’t made to disappear in the night with her bending and scraping before the Shia Iranian stooge Nasrallah.

For anyone who may not be familiar with the internecine hatreds that exist in the islamist Middle East, the sunni and shia despise each other. The majority Sunni tribe views the Shia asca heretical sect. These throwbacks from the 7th century have waged a 1,400 year long blood feud that frequently boils over into murderous rage that causes one group or the other to slaughter adherents of the competing tribe.

Iran and Hezbollah are Shia. Palestine is Sunni.

Square that circle.

Islam says Christian messiah will break all the crosses and kill Christians,
Yet hatred of Jews unites these 2 groups.

Sunni hate Shia and willing to murder them and steal their countries,
but they both hate Jews by default enough to make it into a point of unity...got it?

The same goes with Western liberals, digressive's, and communists, have historically unified with their worst enemies to fight the Jews - hence You lovely, got it?

Arabs Muslim or Christian have always attacked Palestinian Jews,
it's the same thing.

Does not address my post.

You didn't read it.

P F Tinmore how would You square that circle?

What circle is there to square?
I’m surprised that Ahed Tamimi wasn’t made to disappear in the night with her bending and scraping before the Shia Iranian stooge Nasrallah.

For anyone who may not be familiar with the internecine hatreds that exist in the islamist Middle East, the sunni and shia despise each other. The majority Sunni tribe views the Shia asca heretical sect. These throwbacks from the 7th century have waged a 1,400 year long blood feud that frequently boils over into murderous rage that causes one group or the other to slaughter adherents of the competing tribe.

Iran and Hezbollah are Shia. Palestine is Sunni.

Square that circle.

Islam says Christian messiah will break all the crosses and kill Christians,
Yet hatred of Jews unites these 2 groups.

Sunni hate Shia and willing to murder them and steal their countries,
but they both hate Jews by default enough to make it into a point of unity...got it?

The same goes with Western liberals, digressive's, and communists, have historically unified with their worst enemies to fight the Jews - hence You lovely, got it?

Arabs Muslim or Christian have always attacked Palestinian Jews,
it's the same thing.

Does not address my post.

You didn't read it.

P F Tinmore how would You square that circle?

What circle is there to square?

You wrote:
"Iran and Hezbollah are Shia. Palestine is Sunni.

Square that circle."

Q.So how do You square the choice of Sunni Hamas and PA, to become another stepping stone for the Iranian Shia Revolution, how does one square that in a Sunni neighborhood?
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The Taliban accepted american dollars and weapons to fight the soviet invasion of their country.

Did they become America's puppets after that?
The Taliban accepted american dollars and weapons to fight the soviet invasion of their country.

Did they become America's puppets after that?
Tell me when Taliban waves a big US flag on the battlefield and gives speeches under a huge portrait of the US president.

Where have we seen anything comparable...oh yeah You've mentioned it - the Soviets.
Were the Soviet republics puppets or vassals?
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Originally posted by rylah
Tell me when Taliban waves a big US flag on the battlefield and gives speeches under a huge portrait of the US president.

You need to brush up on your history of Afghanistan.

American diplomats were enthusiastically greeted by hundreds of mujaheddin fighters in the bordering region of Pakistan and yes... they did wave american flags.
You need to brush up on your history of Afghanistan.

American diplomats were enthusiastically greeted by hundreds of mujaheddin fighters in the bordering region of Pakistan and yes... they did wave american flags.
If they planted the US flag on the front-line of battlefield, and their govt does speeches under their portraits...

What if the president of Your country put a flag of a foreign country on the streets of Your cities, and started giving speeches under a picture of a foreign head of state, what would be Your conclusions? What if he made Your soldiers carry that flag on the front-line?
Afghan fighters waving the american flag and making speeches under it = a way of thanking America for her support

Hamas leaders displaying huge pics of iranian leaders = a way of thanking Iran for its support

Now you're trying to save face by splitting hairs.
Afghan fighters waving the american flag and making speeches under it = a way of thanking America for her support

Hamas leaders displaying huge pics of iranian leaders = a way of thanking Iran for its support

Now you're trying to save face by splitting hairs.
Can You show me such a picture?
Becoming a vassal puppet seems to be the standard way of "thanking Iran for it's support",
Syria already sees the Shia population exchange and new dept to Iran for the opportunity to complete the Iranian crescent corridor on the graves of Syrians.

Seems like a good deal, who doesn't want to see Iranian flags on their borders right?
I'm sure the neighbors are thrilled about this development as well.
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All the video shows is a girl climbing a fence. Something that kids do every day. There are schools surrounded by fences that kids climb for fun when they can walk around. You've probably done this yourself when you were younger.

In other words, without any further evidence, we cannot believe a word of these (conflicting) explanations of what happened. And there is reason to doubt them.

Because there are Arabs on both sides of the fence shown here.
Clearly the original story that the house was surrounded and then the gate locked is absurd, because the story would be the people who are caught inside the fence, not the ones who are trying to go from outside in. And the people "inside" the fenced area don't seem to be acting like they have been jailed. When Israel does seal off a house, it certainly doesn't include a road.

So the story morphed into "Israel closed the gate." OK, where are the photos of the people waiting at the gate, or trying to break it open, or arguing with soldiers, or anything showing that the explanation offered by the Israel-haters is true?

I don't know why the girl climbed the fence, but my guess is that she simply didn't want to walk around it. That's it. That's all we can guess without any evidence to the contrary.

This is not "apartheid." This video shows nothing wrong. It is all the lies that people attribute to the video that causes the hate. And they do it quite knowingly.

UPDATE: An explanation was posted on Facebook by Amit Deri. The girl could have indeed walked around, there is an open section a little down the road with no gate at all. The fence she climbed was a gate that is normally open, and it was closed temporarily because Arabs were throwing stones from there. When the incident was over, the gate was opened soon after.

The reason the gate exists to begin with is because of a fatal stabbing attack a few years ago.

(full article online)

"Girl climbing fence in Hebron" video seems to be Pallywood-captioning (UPDATE) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I suppose a sharia court would have rendered the same punishment.

Hamas fighters torture 13-year Adham,
because he hit son of Hamas military leader

Hamas fighters torture 13-year Adham, because he hit son of Hamas military leader - PMW Bulletins

Gazans complain about Hamas human rights violation
and child abuse

  • Muhammad Adham, age 13: "They hit me with daggers and a whip. He broke my finger... When one finished or tired out, another came and continued to hit me with a belt. They broke iron on my neck."
  • Muhammad Adham's father: "There are people who threatened me directly that they will murder my 13-year-old son Adham... We are in prison. If someone speaks up or raises his head - they [Hamas] kill him... I implore the human rights organizations, the Arab states, and all of the organizations to stand with us."
  • Muhammad Adham's mother: "We have acquiesced to [Hamas'] disrespect... to the humiliation... when it's done to adults. But when it comes to the children, what else remains in the world?"
You need to brush up on your history of Afghanistan.

American diplomats were enthusiastically greeted by hundreds of mujaheddin fighters in the bordering region of Pakistan and yes... they did wave american flags.
If they planted the US flag on the front-line of battlefield, and their govt does speeches under their portraits...

What if the president of Your country put a flag of a foreign country on the streets of Your cities, and started giving speeches under a picture of a foreign head of state, what would be Your conclusions? What if he made Your soldiers carry that flag on the front-line?

"You need to brush up on your history of Afghanistan...."

the stupid russians had to come along and poke the evil bees-nest by ....what else, trying to invade it....then, we all know, how it went from there.....here we are---afghanistan. one big insane asylum even before the stupid, meddling, greedy, russians tried to invade it...
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ member, rylah, José, et al,

Having been to Afghanistan, albeit, nearly ten years ago now, I do not equate the Mujahideen guerrillas (Islamic insurgents and unconventional warfare fighters) and the ultraconservative Taliban (a dysfunctional and radicalized Sunni political movement) as one and the same. In fact, my (limited) experience has been that the Taliban (except in rare instances) were either Afghani or Pakistani; whereas, the Mujahideen were generally of a multinational complexion.

But in any event, there is nothing truly relational between the Afghan Conflict and the Arab Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. Nearly all conflicts have similarities, and most conflicts, on an axis with North Africa - the Middle East - and Central Asia, usually have a hostile Islamic or radicalized Muslim/Jihadi component (with the Sunni 'vs' Shi'ite Baggage). And in most of these conflicts (big and small), one side claims to be patriotic and fighting in the name of the common people against the unfair dominance of the other. But then, that is where the useful universal similarities end...


As far as the common theme used by the US for the purpose of intervention, the thread that is most similar is that of diplomatic incompetence and very poor leadership exhibited by both the military and civilian authority. And that similarity runs right through the conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The conflict in Afghanistan from the American perspective [Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan (2001–2014) and Operation Freedom's Sentinel (2015–present)] now in its 17th year, will be longer than the 10,000 Day War (Vietnam). And in that view, there is the common thread that America is unable to face the truth about its competence to be a world leader.

The mistakes made by America are always made by the last Administration. The current Administration never admits to a mistake. And it is this characteristic that is, in part, responsible for the continuation of the Arab Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.

Most Respectfully,
The article in Palestine Today then gave some interesting statistics:

Gaza has 13 government hospitals and 54 primary health care centers, covering 95% of the medical services provided to more than 2 million Gazans, while the remaining services are covered by UNRWA clinics.

This means that UNRWA has built an entirely parallel medical care system - along with all the buildings, bureaucracy and overhead that this entails - to only cover 5% of the population.

According to UNRWA figures, about two thirds of all Gazans are "refugees" who can get services from the agency.

If that is true, then why do most of them use government medical facilities, and not UNRWA's?

(full article online)

Gaza ministry of health says that @UNRWA medical clinics only support 5% of population - when 67% are "refugees" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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