Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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For about ten years, Hamas has pretended that its rockets are only targeting Israeli military sites and not civilians.

This happened after Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri scolded Hamas in 2008 for shooting at Israel "with the blessed Qassam rockets which don’t differentiate between a child and an adult, and moreover, perhaps [don’t differentiate] between the Jews and the Arabs and Muslims working in those colonies or in the streets and markets of Occupied Palestine, even though the Shari’ah forbids their killing."

Since then, Hamas official communications celebrating rocket fire has been careful to say that they were targeting Israeli military bases, not civilian communities - even though they openly bragged about damage done to civilians.

Hamas has lifted the pretense.

The Al Qassam Brigades' press release on last night's bombardment of Israel by Hamas rockets has dropped nearly all references to Israeli military bases being the target. They have returned to openly saying that they are targeting civilian communities.

During the night: the bombing of the site of Ra'im and the usurperss of Sderot, Yad Mordekhai and Or Henir with a number of rocket bursts.
06: 00-04: 00: Netivot bombarded with a number of rocket bursts.
05:25: Shelled bombardment of keys(?) with a barrage of rockets.
05: 15-04: 30:The sites of Kissufim and Miftahim were shelled by rockets.
01:00: Zionist usurped Netivot bombarded with a rocket launcher.
00:30 - 01:00: The Erez military site was bombed and usurper Sderot was hit by a number of rocket bursts. At the same time, the terror group gathered all the photos and videos it could find of Israelis panicking and damage to civilian areas.

(full article online)

Hamas returns to being proud of attacking Israeli civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Amira Hass in Haaretz attempts to answer why Palestinians are different:

Other refugees had and have states that, in principle, they can or will be able to return to once the crisis that created their problem ends (like Rwandan and Syrian refugees), or alternatively, can move to (like ethnic Germans expelled from Eastern Europe or ethnic Greeks expelled from Turkey). But the Palestinian refugees lost their homeland. They aren’t allowed to return to the state – Israel – established on its ruins and have no state of their own.So ethnic Greeks and ethnic Germans have a place to move to, but ethnic Arabs - since most Palestinians are not native but came from other Arab lands - do not have a place to move to?

In fact, many of the Arabs of Palestine voluntarily fled from their homes to the places they came from - Lebanon, Syria and Egypt - and to other areas like Jordan specifically because they felt that they were Arabs first and would be taken care of by their Arab brethren. No one, including themselves, called them "Palestinian."

(full article online)

Amira Hass' absurd attempt to claim Palestinians deserve special "refugee" status ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Yeah, I started it !!! But you stop first !!!! ]

Ceasefire announcement from Hamas-run Strip followed by fresh attack on southern Israel; over 180 rockets, mortar shells fired, with IDF striking 150 'terror targets' in response

Gaza official: ‘Current round of fighting is over, calm depends on Israel’

Pathetic, they use it to boost their image while provoking the confrontation.
They've fired into 4 Israeli villages just 11 minutes ago:

[ Yeah, I started it !!! But you stop first !!!! ]

Ceasefire announcement from Hamas-run Strip followed by fresh attack on southern Israel; over 180 rockets, mortar shells fired, with IDF striking 150 'terror targets' in response

Gaza official: ‘Current round of fighting is over, calm depends on Israel’

Pathetic, they use it to boost their image while provoking the confrontation.
They've fired into 4 Israeli villages just 11 minutes ago:

War....hopefully the last one with them.....is coming....as I read.
Let us prepare for the barrage of "war criminal" charges against Israel.
[ Money to those who kill Jews....well spent...according to the PA and other Muslim groups ]

  • 17 years after the suicide terror attack that left 15 dead, the bomb-builder and the suicide bomber's family continue to be rewarded with monthly payments from the PA
  • PA terror payments to them and a third participating terrorist have reached more than $294,332 (1,020,570 shekels)
  • PA law conditions any peace agreement with Israel on the release of all the terrorist prisoners, among them the bomb-maker of the Sbarro bombing, Abdallah Barghouti, who in total murdered 67 people.

PA has paid $294,332 to the Sbarro bombers - PMW Bulletins
In retrospect, the signs were clear. Hamas evacuated several border observation posts, raising concerns a military escalation was imminent. This came in the wake of repeated sniper fire over the last month targeting IDF troops. The larger picture is that the conflict between Israel and Hamas has been heating up since March 30, when Hamas launched its “Great March of Return.”

Let’s examine the cascade of events leading to the August 8 blow-up, and their regional political context.

On March 13, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and PA intelligence chief Majed Faraj visited Hamas-run Gaza to inaugurate a sewage purification plant. Shortly after Hamdallah’s convoy passed through the Israeli-controlled Erez checkpoint, known to Palestinians as Beit Hanoun, it was targeted by a bombing that the PA blamed on Hamas.

(full article online)

To the brink of war: How Hamas and Israel got here
Some cool footage of the IDF putting the “had” in the Islamic terrorist gee-had

For about ten years, Hamas has pretended that its rockets are only targeting Israeli military sites and not civilians.

This happened after Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri scolded Hamas in 2008 for shooting at Israel "with the blessed Qassam rockets which don’t differentiate between a child and an adult, and moreover, perhaps [don’t differentiate] between the Jews and the Arabs and Muslims working in those colonies or in the streets and markets of Occupied Palestine, even though the Shari’ah forbids their killing."

Since then, Hamas official communications celebrating rocket fire has been careful to say that they were targeting Israeli military bases, not civilian communities - even though they openly bragged about damage done to civilians.

Hamas has lifted the pretense.

The Al Qassam Brigades' press release on last night's bombardment of Israel by Hamas rockets has dropped nearly all references to Israeli military bases being the target. They have returned to openly saying that they are targeting civilian communities.

During the night: the bombing of the site of Ra'im and the usurperss of Sderot, Yad Mordekhai and Or Henir with a number of rocket bursts.
06: 00-04: 00: Netivot bombarded with a number of rocket bursts.
05:25: Shelled bombardment of keys(?) with a barrage of rockets.
05: 15-04: 30:The sites of Kissufim and Miftahim were shelled by rockets.
01:00: Zionist usurped Netivot bombarded with a rocket launcher.
00:30 - 01:00: The Erez military site was bombed and usurper Sderot was hit by a number of rocket bursts. At the same time, the terror group gathered all the photos and videos it could find of Israelis panicking and damage to civilian areas.

(full article online)

Hamas returns to being proud of attacking Israeli civilians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
and the usurperss of Sderot,
Sderot was built on the ruins of the Palestinian ethnically cleansed farm village of Najd. The people of Najd now live in Gaza.

Hamas says Gaza cease-fire reached with Israel

Smoke rises from an explosion caused by an Israeli airstrike on a building of Said al-Mis’hal cultural center in Gaza City, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018. Palestinian officials say Israeli warplanes have attacked the cultural center in Gaza City. The Palestinian Health Ministry says seven bystanders were wounded in Thursday evening’s airstrike in the Shati refugee camp. (Arafat Kareem/Associated Press)

Israel made some architectural changes to something called an "Islamic cultural center" (keep the laughter to a minimum kuffar). As you might have guessed, the Islamic cultural center also housed offices of an affiliate of Islamic Terrorism Intl.., Inc.

I'm guessing you already knew that.
[ Yeah, I started it !!! But you stop first !!!! ]

Ceasefire announcement from Hamas-run Strip followed by fresh attack on southern Israel; over 180 rockets, mortar shells fired, with IDF striking 150 'terror targets' in response

Gaza official: ‘Current round of fighting is over, calm depends on Israel’
So where is that ceasefire already?

"Ceasefire" wasn't the exact word used, the talk was about "gradual calm down".
The first is a function of signed agreements, the 2nd happens naturally when Hamas is low on emmo.

Israel should sign no ceasefire with Hamas.
Under existing signed agreements, Israel is the sole administrator of Area C. Even if you consider it "occupied," Israel is the only country that has the right to determine zoning and similar decisions.

The EU knows this and keeps sending millions into the relatively few Palestinians in Area C - knowing that any buildings ti constructs will likely be demolished by Israel.

Then the EU will complain that Israel is demolishing the buildings which it knows is Israel's legal right.

So the entire point isn't to help Palestinians in Area C (some 95-98% of them live in Areas A and B). The entire point is to pressure Israel.

What a great way to waste European taxpayer euros.

(full article online)

EU earmarks € 5.5 million for illegal (Palestinian) settlements in Area C ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The absurd Haaretz attempts to defend the indefensible UNRWA definition of "Palestine refugee" to be different from every other refugee worldwide continues.

Carolina Landsmann at least admits this:

More than anything, this recognition of their right (to "return") is for the purpose of negotiations, for use as a bargaining chip. But Kushner seeks to humiliate the Palestinians – or as the right likes to say, to destroy their hope – in order to seal a deal cheaply.She cannot find any actual justification for a Palestinian "right to retun" - only that they need to pretend that such a right exists in order to have a negotiating chip.

Apparently, to negotiate, you can choose to take a position that has no basis in law, reality or morality.

(full article online)

Haaretz columnist: Accurately defining refugees is meant to "humiliate Palestinians" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Today, Basem Naim tweeted out a photo of the instagram famous daughter of an American basketball player, claiming she was Bayan Abu Khammash, a toddler allegedly killed in an Israeli airstrike. While the truth was struggling to get its pants on, the image went viral.

The "Ace" family, who are active on social media have not yet issued a statement over the shameless misappropriation and exploitation of their child's image

The kid allegedly murdered by the #Israel is a random pict from #instagram--she lives in LA, and is fine. Oh, her name is Elle, not Bayan #Hamas #IsraelUnderFire

(full article online)

Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers: The Truth Optional World of Gaza's Dr. Basem Naim
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