Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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...actually the Israelis intend to starve the Palestinian to death preferably which is why they want it to be difficult for them to get water.

Seriously? Israel is doing a spectacularly poor job of it then, since Palestinians enjoy one of the longest life expectancies in the Middle East, along with an extraordinarily high birth rate, low infant mortality and obesity levels similar to Americans. One would think Israel wouldn't be so...well, incompetent.

I stand corrected. You are not a useful idiot. Just another vile, toxic poster spreading blood libels about the Jooooooos.
I rest my case. I don't buy your statostics thpugh. Israelis won't even allow god damn ambulances to help a palestinian.

"I don't buy your statostics thpugh. Israelis won't even allow god damn
ambulances to help a palestinian."

I do recognize those typos......seriously. joanswitchblade.....wanna go over it again...? the whole thing. the "god damn," the ......emptiness of your self.......why palestinians voted for terrorists to govern them and....how come they made stupid bomb-kites? what are they morons ?
[ Here is a Palestinian who does not care about what is going on in Gaza ]

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the La Cisterna Municipal Stadium during a visit with soccer club Deportivo Palestino, in Santiago, Chile, May 10, 2018.(AP Photo/Esteban Felix)

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is facing domestic criticism for his decision to attend Sunday’s World Cup final in Moscow amid ongoing unrest in Gaza, where Israel and Palestinian terrorist groups have exchanged fire resulting in casualties on both sides of the tense border.

Palestinian soccer chief Jibril Rjoub announced last month that Abbas would travel to Russia for the game and would meet with President Vladimir Putin to discuss “bilateral relations and the latest political developments.”

(full article online)

Abbas criticized for World Cup visit amid Gaza clashes
Because you know it's important that the next generation of mass murderers, suicide bombers and mentally defective zealots have heroes to emulate.

Fatah: Teach children about Palestinian terror

Fatah: Teach children about Palestinian terror - PMW Bulletins

Fatah on Facebook: "Share [this post] so that our children will know," about a bombing in which 15 Israeli civilians were murdered in the center of Jerusalem

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus

Abbas' Fatah is encouraging Palestinian parents to teach their children about a terror bombing in which 15 Israelis were murdered and over 60 wounded in 1975.

In a post on Facebook, Fatah writes about the terror attack in which terrorist Ahmad Abu Sukkar filled a refrigerator with explosives and had it driven to the center of Jerusalem where it was detonated:
"Share so that our children will know about it."
Fatah for years has glorified this murderous attack as the "refrigerator operation."

Fatah also honored the terrorist himself by posting three photos of him:

Posted Text: "38 years since the refrigerator operation, which caused the death of 13 Israelis (sic., 15) in Jerusalem's markets

Share so that our children will know about it
From the memory:

The refrigerator bomb operation, Jerusalem, 1975

The Palestinian National Liberation Movement - Fatah

The operation was carried out by Ahmad Jabarah Abu Sukkar, born in July 1936. He was taken captive long after the operation and sat in the Israeli prison for 27 years."
[Official Fatah Facebook page, July 5, 2018
Palestinian terrorism and Muslim hypocrisy: An open letter from a Muslim woman

Thank you to brave Nadiya Al-Noor for speaking out against hypocrisy in her Muslim community.

"Let me tell you something. Stabbing pregnant women in the stomach is not “resistance.” Shooting people at a cafe is not “resistance.” Driving your car into pedestrians is not “resistance.” Bombing a bus is not “resistance.” Breaking into a woman’s home and murdering her in front of her children is not “resistance.” And stabbing a little girl to death in the one place where she was supposed to be safe is certainly not “resistance.” Terrorism is not resistance. Terrorism is an unjustifiable crime."

About this article


Somewhere, a fatwa pen is scratching out an islamo-hit.

Let’s hope this woman is not murdered by Arabs-Moslems to save someone’s “honor”

Palestinian terrorism and Muslim hypocrisy: An open letter from a Muslim woman

Thank you to brave Nadiya Al-Noor for speaking out against hypocrisy in her Muslim community.

"Let me tell you something. Stabbing pregnant women in the stomach is not “resistance.” Shooting people at a cafe is not “resistance.” Driving your car into pedestrians is not “resistance.” Bombing a bus is not “resistance.” Breaking into a woman’s home and murdering her in front of her children is not “resistance.” And stabbing a little girl to death in the one place where she was supposed to be safe is certainly not “resistance.” Terrorism is not resistance. Terrorism is an unjustifiable crime."

About this article


Somewhere, a fatwa pen is scratching out an islamo-hit.

Let’s hope this woman is not murdered by Arabs-Moslems to save someone’s “honor”

Stealing land and killing people when they object is not self defense.
Palestinian terrorism and Muslim hypocrisy: An open letter from a Muslim woman

Thank you to brave Nadiya Al-Noor for speaking out against hypocrisy in her Muslim community.

"Let me tell you something. Stabbing pregnant women in the stomach is not “resistance.” Shooting people at a cafe is not “resistance.” Driving your car into pedestrians is not “resistance.” Bombing a bus is not “resistance.” Breaking into a woman’s home and murdering her in front of her children is not “resistance.” And stabbing a little girl to death in the one place where she was supposed to be safe is certainly not “resistance.” Terrorism is not resistance. Terrorism is an unjustifiable crime."

About this article


Somewhere, a fatwa pen is scratching out an islamo-hit.

Let’s hope this woman is not murdered by Arabs-Moslems to save someone’s “honor”

Stealing land and killing people when they object is not self defense.

You obviously have a difficult time without a handy YouTube video to cut and paste. Have you considered listening to the intentions of your co-religionists attempting to invade Israel?
So the angry, kuffar-hating, brutish ideology of Islamism will exploit wildlife to promote its goals.

Horrific animal abuse by Palestinian terrorists:


Using kites with firebombs attached wasn't enough - now Palestinian terrorists have tied explosive materials to falcons and sending them into Israel, torturing them to death.

More than 1,000 arson fires have been caused by incendiary materials flown from Gaza into Israel, causing damage to over 30,000 dunams of land.

Image Credit: COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

So the angry, kuffar-hating, brutish ideology of Islamism will exploit wildlife to promote its goals.

Horrific animal abuse by Palestinian terrorists:


Using kites with firebombs attached wasn't enough - now Palestinian terrorists have tied explosive materials to falcons and sending them into Israel, torturing them to death.

More than 1,000 arson fires have been caused by incendiary materials flown from Gaza into Israel, causing damage to over 30,000 dunams of land.

Image Credit: COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

Chickenfeed. No pun intended.

The spokesman for the Arab Workers' Union in UNRWA, Mohammed Shalabi told Wafa that UNRWA was delaying the opening of the new school year, causing parents to register their kids in other schools.

He noted the number of students in UNRWA schools declined by 5,000 students during the past five years.

Which brings up a basic question:

If the parents have other options besides UNRWA schools, then why does the world need to finance UNRWA schools in the territories?

(full article online)

UNRWA losing thousands of students to other schools? Then who needs @UNRWA? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
So the angry, kuffar-hating, brutish ideology of Islamism will exploit wildlife to promote its goals.

Horrific animal abuse by Palestinian terrorists:


Using kites with firebombs attached wasn't enough - now Palestinian terrorists have tied explosive materials to falcons and sending them into Israel, torturing them to death.

More than 1,000 arson fires have been caused by incendiary materials flown from Gaza into Israel, causing damage to over 30,000 dunams of land.

Image Credit: COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories

Chickenfeed. No pun intended.

Another of your pointless YouTube cartoons.
[ Is this a good opportunity for Israel and Egypt to get together and put an end to the hell that is Gaza? And to Hamas? ]

Earlier on Monday, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s office said Israel will further limit the flow of goods into the Gaza Strip in response to the continued airborne arson attacks emanating from the coastal enclave.

Between Tuesday and Sunday, no fuel will enter Gaza through the Kerem Shalom. The entry of food and medicine will continue, but will require explicit permission from Israel. Additionally, Gaza fishermen will only be allowed to venture three kilometers (1.8 miles) into the Mediterranean Sea, down from the current six kilometers (3.7 miles).

Liberman’s office said restrictions were toughened due to “continued terror attempts” by Hamas, which is allowing, encouraging and participating in flying incendiary devices and bombs into Israel with balloons and kites.

(full article online)

Hamas warns Israel of ‘dangerous consequences’ over Gaza crossing closure
The IDF has released footage of some major islsmic terrorist beatdown.

It’s sadly comical that Arabs-Moslems are forever complaining about being “oppressed” by external factors. When people elect the very oppressors they eventually claim are oppressing them, one has to wonder about the motives for such behavior.
Not only that, but it means asking some uncomfortable questions about why Sirhan is regarded a hero among the Palestinians. During his trial, The Los Angeles Times reported that the PLO distributed posters throughout Beirut with a photo of Sirhan, a drawing of a Palestinian with a rifle, and the headline: “Sirhan Bishara Sirhan: a Commando, Not an Assassin.”

Yes, that’s the same PLO that the United Nations, the news media, and the State Department keep telling us is moderate and reasonable, and gave up terrorism. If so, why does the PLO consider terrorists like Sirhan to be heroes? And why have so many sympathetic articles about Sirhan appeared in the Palestinian press? Those are not the kinds of questions that CNN or “Morning Joe” want to talk about.

At least 144 American citizens have been murdered by Palestinian Arabs since the 1960s. Robert F. Kennedy was the first.

(full article online)

Covering Up Robert Kennedy’s Palestinian Murderer

CNN's series, "1968: The Year That Changed America" touches on the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy without mentioning that he was killed at the hand of Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan yet on the very same program does not hold back on mentioning the name of James Earl Ray, the man who assassinated Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

MSNBC's daily program, "Morning Joe" also revisited Robert F Kennedy's assassination but like CNN deliberately omitted the mention of the Palestinian assassin Sirhan Sirhan.

See a pattern here? CNN and MSNBC are hostile to Israel and cannot be relied on to be objective on the Israel-Arab Palestinian conflict!
The spokesman for the Arab Workers' Union in UNRWA, Mohammed Shalabi told Wafa that UNRWA was delaying the opening of the new school year, causing parents to register their kids in other schools.

He noted the number of students in UNRWA schools declined by 5,000 students during the past five years.

Which brings up a basic question:

If the parents have other options besides UNRWA schools, then why does the world need to finance UNRWA schools in the territories?

(full article online)

UNRWA losing thousands of students to other schools? Then who needs @UNRWA? ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Its remarkably difficult to find up to date information on the education system in Gaza. It does appear that there is a shortage of about 250 schools. The shortage appears to be caused by the high birthrate, relatively low infant mortality. 51% of the Gaza population is 18 or under.

So why is it, exactly, that they are building tunnels instead of schools for their children? Oh yeah, its the Gaza Mentality.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ria_Longhorn, et al,

OK, let's not make connections where there are none.

See a pattern here? CNN and MSNBC are hostile to Israel and cannot be relied on to be objective on the Israel-Arab Palestinian conflict!

Based on the available Open Source Data, there is no credible information that directly ties Sirhan Sirhan to any Hostile Arab Palestinian threat (domestic or foreign) organization (Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters). Nor is there any Open Source Data to suggest that a national or international Muslim or Islamic organization (state or non-state in origin) encouraged, incited or persuaded Sirhan Sirhan to carry out the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.

All news organizations, distributors, and outlets are bias; and many are inherently misleading. But when Robert F. Kennedy was killed (5 June '68), on the anniversary of the Six Day War (started 5 June '67), no connection was made through Open Source Data to suggest other than what we know today.

I don't believe in coincidence on matters of political intrigue and murder. It is more likely the case that the Regional Arab League governments tied more significance to the dates than did the American. And that Egypt was making provocative military maneuvers to cause the on-set of hostilities to correspond to that date in history.

But to inject the "Palestinian" association (althought it is true) might plant the seed that Sirhan Sirhan was the tool of some Arab Palestinian conspiracy is manipulative and misleading, knowing that many in the public would jump to an unsubstantiated conclusion.

Most Respectfully,
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COMMENTARY: UK Taxpayers Sponsor Palestinian Terror

As support for the Palestinian cause drops off even in the Arab world, news that Australia has cut a $7 million ‘lifeline’ to a death-cult is welcome indeed.

Maybe it’s also time for Britain to get real – especially in the wake of the barely reported stoning of Prince William’s vehicle – and acknowledge the need to stop encouraging terror with taxpayers’ money.

Australia has decided to discontinue direct aid to the Palestinian Authority because it suspects the cash is freeing up funds used to back political violence. And we have recently learnt that the UK gave £20 million in aid to Palestinian schools, where they teach children about Jihad (holy war) and martyrdom.

A report by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education reveals that the PA school curriculum “utilizes a variety of tools to convince children – mostly boys – to risk their lives and die as martyrs”.
Daniel Dvash, 23, lived most of his life as Nidal. He owes his return to Judaism to the Lehava organization, and the process gained momentum thanks to one Facebook post.

"At the age of five-and-a-half, my mother, who was a Jew, died. I was living as an Arab in Jabel Mukaber. At the age of 18 I was working in renovations and discovered I was also a Jew like my mother. This happened when one of the workers put on tefillin every morning. I asked him what it was and he explained to me. I told him my mother was Jewish and I have no idea about her religion, and he explained to me that if my mother is Jewish then I'm also a Jew. It was hard for me to accept. I was a devout Muslim who prayed five prayers a day and fasted in Ramadan.

(full article online)

From Arab village to yeshiva thanks to Facebook
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