Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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He claimed that the Israeli minister’s visit to the Temple Mount was carried out on instructions from the Israeli government to “storm the Aqsa Mosque on a daily basis.”

Mahmoud said that anyone who takes part in storming mosques and churches in Jerusalem, “represents this bloody ideology, which is even banned under Israeli laws.”

Firas al-Dibs, a spokesman for the Waqf Department in east Jerusalem, claimed that Ariel “stormed the mosque accompanied by dozens of settlers.” He described the tour as “suspicious.”

(full article online)

Palestinians: Jewish tours of Temple Mount part of Israeli religious war
But it was a comment from Mercy Morganfield to Shook's post that really identified the specific outrages that Bland, Mallory, Sarsour and Perez do:

As an African American and past president of the DC chapter’s Women’s March. I agree with you, Ms. Shook. I’d repeatedly denounced Tamika’s anti-Semitic rhetoric in public and in private. I was shushed by Bob Bland as she protected Tamika. I was shushed by others who didnt want their criticism to reflect badly on women. But not only have they not held up the Unity Principles, they refused to give the chapters any accountability for the money they receive in donations and grants. The travel with a glam squad. They employ The Nation of Islam as security detail. They fly their family and friends everywhere. They stay in 5-Star hotels. They pay themselves a monthly stipend. They refuse to show financial records when asked. They want to trademark the name Women’s March although most of the original marchers have left. They are not only non-inclusive of certain segments of women but Tamika and Linda have betrayed all women by their subservience to radical religious beliefs that do not believe in equal rights for women. Tamika wrote about “enemies of Jesus” just as any right-wing anti-semitic establishment would write. All six should step down. It is a board of six friends and zero accountability. The four mentioned and two more friends. No involvement of state chapters who actually do all the work. I don’t think they will resign, not as long as millions of dollars are available for their personal use. This happens when four tokens are chosen. They were handpicked to make the movement look less white. That is not intersectionality. That is tokenism. And tokenism attracts predators.

(full article online)

Women's March hires Nation of Islam to do security. Yes, they pay a hate group. (update) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Even Arabs recognize that they are Arabs from Arabia and not Palestinians from Palestine ]

PA TV has also had several kids recite the following poem teaching that "Zion is Satan with a tail":

Similarly, both PA TV and the Fatah-run Awdah TV broadcast a cartoon teaching children that Jews do the work on earth for "the satans":

(full article online)

On Universal Children's Day - look what the PA teaches its children! - PMW Bulletins
It goes beyond comprehension that Arabs-Moslems choose to wallow in their own sewage while Hamas and Fatah membership pad their personal bank accounts.

It’s just... uncanny, how the The Islam manages to attract the worst of the worst.

On November 16, 2018, Sheikh Hussein Abu Ayada, head of the Tribes and Reconciliation Department at Hamas Ministry of Interior, delivered a Friday sermon in Rafah, dressed in military fatigues. Addressing Hamas and Islamic Jihad military wings, Sheikh Abu Ayada shouted: “Tie me to a missile and fire it at Tel Aviv… Enough with the humiliation.” Abu Ayada also criticized the Gulf states, claiming that they oppose the Hamas-Fatah reconciliation and “support the Jews in the destruction of Gaza.” The sermon was filmed by Haidara Al-Sharif and excerpts from it were posted by Jihad Al-Sharif on his Facebook page. Audio and video effects of fire and missile were included in the original.

"Imam Hussein Abu Ayada, Rafah Friday Sermon: "Tie Me to A Missile and Fire It at Tel Aviv"I "

A better solution would be to paint a smiley face on a missile already in Tel Aviv and then send it hurtling toward Abu at twice the speed of sound thus Sheikh’en things up.
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The Death Cultists in the islamic terrorist enclave lead by Fatah, are maintaining those attributes which breed generation after generation of new Death Cultists.

On Universal Children's Day - look what the PA teaches its children! - PMW Bulletins

On the occasion of Universal Children's Day

- look at what the PA teaches its children!

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

On the occasion of Universal Children's Day - here's a taste of what the Palestinian Authority teaches Palestinian children.

For over two decades, Palestinian Media Watch has exposed the PA's abuse of its own children with indoctrinating messages, teaching them that
- Jews are "the most evil among creations," and Israel is "the enemy," Jews are "Allah's enemy" and "Zion is Satan with a tail"
- Terrorist murderers of Jews/Israelis are heroes, and terrorist "Martyrs" are role models
- Israel doesn't have a right to exist

Today, November 20th, is known as Universal Children's Day because it is the day the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) and the Convention of the Rights of the Child (1989).

The PA joined the UN's Convention of the Rights of the Child in 2014.

Coinciding with Universal Children's Day, PMW Director Itamar Marcus will be addressing Canadian MPs today, showing them that the PA is bringing up Palestinian children in a toxic environment in which they are constantly exposed to messages cultivating hate and encouraging terror.

Having reviewed PA school books and broadcasts on official PA TV, then Senator Hillary Clinton stated in 2007 that the PA "profoundly poisons the minds of these children."

Unfortunately, this is still true today.

The PA and Fatah leadership is abusing Palestinian children by presenting terrorists as heroes, "Martyrs" as role models, and glorifying the murder of Jews and Israelis. Sports tournaments, names of schools, school books, cultural events, and even music videos glorify terrorist murderers and urge Palestinian youth to aspire to kill and be killed.

Jews are presented as lowly, wicked creatures, and Israel is "the enemy," and "Satan with a tail."

Israel has no right to exist in any borders, and the PA teaches kids to see all of Israel in addition to the PA areas as "Palestine" - A "Palestine" they will "liberate" and "return to," and which will "return" to them in its entirety.

The following are examples of these poisonous PA messages to children:

Jews are "the most evil among creations," and Israel is "the enemy" and "Satan's project"

The PA teaches children to see Jews as mean, impure creatures, who descend from "apes and pigs." The following video shows a girl on a PA TV children's program reciting a poem that presents Jews as "the most evil among creations":

You don’t need to live in Gaza to spin the news (or ‘how ITV pulled a fast one’)
On the 11th May, Walid met ITV news correspondent Emma Murphy, from ITV. Walid had gone to ‘report’ from the scene.

When they met, he had on his flak jacket, camera and was possibly carrying a helmet with ‘Press’ written on it: This is a selfie of two journalists:

At some point, Walid removed the jacket, put down the camera and Emma used him in an interview, describing him as a ‘Palestinian protestor’.

Which seems both a little ‘contrived’ and ‘innovative’ to say the least.

Hamas and Corbyn
And just when I thought I was leaving the Labour Party behind, there it was, back on my computer screen. Incredibly, Walid Mahmoud manages a Facebook page called ‘we support Jeremy Corbyn‘:

This is a screenshot from the page ‘We support Jeremy Corbyn’:

(full article online)

Why are Jeremy Corbyn FB pages managed by Hamas puppets in Gaza?
In the relevant, first world, we often call such proscriptions as forced religion and the glorification of mass murder / suicide as eccentric or hateful or even totalitarian. In many locations within the happy-fun moslem Middle East, notions of freedom of religion are dealt with as an imprisonable offense (or a capital offense, if the right people get their hands on you) and mass murder / suicide is something every young Death Cultist should strive toward.

Sheikh Iyad Abu Funun appeared in a segment on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV (Gaza Strip) in which he gave viewers advice on how to properly carry out terror attacks. The video shows two young men cleaning and loading guns with a mobile phone on the table next to them, and Abu Funun explained that this is a "deadly mistake." He warned that merely having a phone in your vicinity is enough for you to be tracked. He also said that the attackers must not use their own cars, use their regular routes, or hold their weapons during transit in a way that is visible. He also urged attackers to avoid behavior that appears out of the ordinary before the attack and said that the attackers must hide their weapons and return to normal life immediately after the attack. Abu Funun said: "The more well-organized the attack is and the larger its impact – with many dead soldiers and settlers – the more the attack reverberates [in our society]." The segment aired on October 20, 2018. To see more videos by Abu Funun, see MEMRI TV clips 6541, 6376, 4702, 5115, 5307, 5152, and 4489.

"Tips for Terror on Hamas TV: Host Iyad Abu Funun Suggests Security Precautions for Attacks with "Many Dead Soldiers and Settlers""
Hamas had tasked operatives in Judea and Samaria with building a terror network in an attempt to commit a series of deadly terror attacks within Israel. Following their recruitment, Hamas taught the operatives how to manufacture explosives and schooled them in target selection.

"This activity of the Hamas military wing joins a long list of attempted terrorist attacks directed by Hamas by recruiting activists in Judea and Samaria.," said a senior Shin Bet officer.

"These attempts have been foiled by the Shin Bet in recent years and have led to the imprisonment of hundreds of young people in Judea and Samaria, among them students and young women, thereby harming the fabric of life in Judea and Samaria."

Hamas had decided to carry attacks in Judea and Samaria in order to escalate the security situation in the region. The Shin Bet stressed that the plan differed from previous efforts in both its scope and the damage that the attacks potentially would have caused.

(full article online)

Breaking | Hamas terror plots in Judea and Samaria foiled
Several critics of Sarsour weighed in on her apology on social media. Israeli journalist Haviv Rettig Gur tweeted, “Why would Linda Sarsour’s not-actually-an-apology-for-associating-with-a-bigot be relevant? Where’s Mallory on Farrakhan? This is damage control, not growth or repentance. Nothing is conceded here.”

Pro-Israel activist Arsen Ostrovsky wrote sarcastically, “This ‘apology’ by Linda Sarsour is about as sincere as tobacco companies apologizing for causing lung cancer.”

(full article online)

In ‘Apology,’ Women’s March Leader Linda Sarsour Fails to Mention Her Own Antisemitic Statements or Farrakhan
Billions of welfare dollars showered on Arabs-Moslems and the vast majority squandered.


Raw sewage flowing into Mediterranean poisons Gaza Strip beachfront - Chicago Tribune
In a speech at Al-Quds Open University, Fatah Central Committee member and Fatah Commissioner Abbas Zaki urged new students to seek death for Jerusalem. Zaki shouted to the young people:

"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Cursed is anyone who doesn't sacrifice for Jerusalem!"

Zaki continued:
"What did [Arafat] say? He said: 'Rise! The gates of Paradise have opened.' He who asks for death - life will be given to him. Those who die [naturally] are the cowards. But real men approach death with a smile. Do not be afraid - death is in the hands of Allah. Rush toward death and life will be given to you!"
[Official Facebook page of Abbas Zaki, Nov. 19, 2018]

(full article online)

“Real men approach death with a smile” - Fatah leader tells students - PMW Bulletins
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