Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Now this is pretty darn funny. Islamic terrorist Death Cult TV was broadcasting the usual incitement to the vacant minded Islamo-yutes when an a'splosion took out the broadcast.

Sounds like a great episode for MTV Behind the (islamic terrorist) Music.

"Death to Israel" song on Hamas TV
half-hour before station destroyed

"Death to Israel" song on Hamas TV half-hour before station destroyed - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

About a half hour before Hamas' TV station in the Gaza Strip was bombed by Israel, the station broadcast a music video repeatedly announcing: "Death to Israel." The video shows footage from terror attacks and scenes from funerals and burials of Israeli terror victims. The words "DEATH TO ISRAEL" flash in Hebrew on the screen as the Arabic song focuses on that message:




Song: "Expel the thieving occupier from the enraged land of Jerusalem,
Rid your house of that one, that Zionist in his humiliation,
Write 'death, death, death to Israel' with flowing blood,
And with the bleeding body cause death, death, death to Israel"

Text on screen in Hebrew: "Death to Israel"

Hamas leader Nizar Rayan: "[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews. The soldiers of Muhammad have started to return."

Visuals: Funeral of Israeli terror victims
Song: "Be red death. Have no mercy on the army of aggression that wears the clothes of the soldier and the settler."
Palestinian Media Watch has reported on the numerous events at which the PA has honored terrorist murderer Baha Alyan who together with an accomplice boarded a bus in Jerusalem in 2015 and shot and stabbed passengers, murdering 3 Israeli civilians.

Before choosing to murder Israelis, Baha Alyan, who was killed during the attack and classified by the PA as a "Martyr," organized a "human reading chain" in Jerusalem at which Palestinians lined up to read books. Since his terror attack, the PA has been promoting murderer Alyan as a role model for Palestinians to encourage reading. It doesn't bother the PA that Alyan was a murderer. On the contrary! It was only after his terror attack that he was turned into a role model.

So what is the PA's real message?
Read like a murderer or murder like a reader?

Since Palestinian murderers have been honored for years as role models by the PA, the PA's new added message is the importance of reading. The importance of killing has already been established. So the PA chose a terrorist to pass on and emphasize the new message: Reading - like killing Israelis - is also a positive value in the PA.

A recent public library event in the PA makes this clear.

The Public Library in the El-Bireh Municipality held a "cultural evening" called "In the Presence of the Martyrs" at which it honored no less than 4 terrorists - 3 of them murderers - and among them Baha Alyan.

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 2, 2018]

(full article online)

Read like a murderer or murder like a reader? What's the PA's message? - PMW Bulletins
The islamic gee-had as propagated in the hate and war manual known as the Koran is vastly different than the retaliatory measures employed by Israel.

Israel’s warning to Hamas of impending destruction
of Al-Aqsa TV building caught on camera

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Israel’s warning to Hamas of impending destruction of Al-Aqsa TV building caught on camera - PMW Bulletins

Israel continues to warn Palestinian civilians before attacking strategic targets, to minimize civilian casualties.

One remarkable example can be seen and heard in the video of the last minutes of broadcasts from Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV station. Al-Aqsa TV has been inciting to murder of Israelis and Jews for years, and yesterday, Israel decided to destroy its main broadcast building. However, as can be seen and heard, the station received ample warning from the Israeli army and air force to get all their staff out of the building before it was destroyed. In the video, the faint sounds of the three warning missiles that hit the building, as well as shouting of the TV staff can be heard in the background:


WAFA, the official PA news agency, and official PA TV described Israel’s warning and the building’s destruction as follows:

WAFA, the official PA news agency:
"Israeli planes fired three missile alerts, before F16 planes targeted with at least three missiles the al-Quds TV headquarters, destroying it completely... No injuries were reported."
[WAFA, Nov. 12,
According to the indictment, Ami Ayoub Fawsi Zamari had in July 2018 "contacted another person living in Gaza who gave the defendant identifying details of Daniela Weiss and Moshe Zer and asked him to follow the two in order to carry out an attack against them".

"The defendant made observations and photographed the home of Moshe Zar and the entrance to the settlement where Daniela Weiss lives," continued the indictment. "The Defendant also carried out observations at a Jewish religious site in the Samaria area, with the aim of planting an explosive charge. The defendant was unable to execute his plans because of his arrest by the security forces."

(full article online)

Palestinian Arab indicted for plotting to kill Daniella Weiss
Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida - Oct. 14, 2018





Headline: “The [Fatah] Shabiba [Movement] organizes a lecture in Jinsafut on the racist nation-state law”

“The [Fatah] Shabiba Student Movement’s Qalqilya branch organized a cultural lecture on the racist [Jewish] nation-state law (see note below –Ed.) at the Girls’ High School in Jinsafut… with the participation of lecturer Ahmed Taher Oudeh…

Oudeh… spoke about the nation-state law, which targets the Arab Palestinian identity, establishes the Jewish identity of what is called ‘the State of Israel,’ revokes the right to self-determination of the Palestinians of 1948 who live in the occupied Interior (i.e., Palestinian term for Israel), and revokes our historical first right to the land.”

(full article online)

Speaker at Fatah organized lecture refers to Arab Israelis as “the Palestinians of 1948 who live in the occupied Interior” - Denying Israel's right to exist | PMW
PA daily refers to Israel as “territories that were occupied in 1948”

Source: Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 16, 2018

Headline: “The Jenin branch of the Association of Workers Unions of Palestine demanded to ease the procedures at the Jalame checkpoint”

“The Jenin branch of the Association of Workers Unions of Palestine demanded that the Israeli bodies ease the procedures that are being implemented at the Jalame checkpoint, as it is the only checkpoint that serves as the entry of civilians into the territories that were occupied in 1948 (i.e., Israel).”
The US administration has been working to bring the Arab states to 1949. That is to say, accepting that Israel is a legitimate, permanent part of the region. And some Arab states are beginning to recognize Israel’s rightful place. In Islamic history, there were Jews, even in Medina, who are part of that. The playing of Israel’s national anthem in Abu Dhabi and Israel’s female minister of culture and sport visiting its Grand Mosque are part of that.

These gestures — as much stemming from Sunni Arab fear of Shiite Iran as they are a sudden desire to set history right — increase Palestinian angst. This angst often leads to rockets, stabbing attacks, and other Hamas or Fatah-driven attempts to change the regional and international discourse back to them.

(full article online)

How Hamas Wins
I can’t think of any location on the planet where a Cult such as the Islamic Death Cult has become as much a danger to itself as to everyone around it.

Read like a murderer

Murder like a reader?

Read like a murderer or murder like a reader? What's the PA's message? - PMW Bulletins

What's the PA's message?

  • Palestinian Public Library event honors 4 terrorists at book launch, 3 of them murderers. Among them killer of 3, Baha Alyan - PA's role model to promote reading
By Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Palestinian Media Watch has reported on the numerous events at which the PA has honored terrorist murderer Baha Alyan who together with an accomplice boarded a bus in Jerusalem in 2015 and shot and stabbed passengers, murdering 3 Israeli civilians.

Before choosing to murder Israelis, Baha Alyan, who was killed during the attack and classified by the PA as a "Martyr," organized a "human reading chain" in Jerusalem at which Palestinians lined up to read books. Since his terror attack, the PA has been promoting murderer Alyan as a role model for Palestinians to encourage reading. It doesn't bother the PA that Alyan was a murderer. On the contrary! It was only after his terror attack that he was turned into a role model.

So what is the PA's real message?
Read like a murderer or murder like a reader?

Since Palestinian murderers have been honored for years as role models by the PA, the PA's new added message is the importance of reading. The importance of killing has already been established. So the PA chose a terrorist to pass on and emphasize the new message: Reading - like killing Israelis - is also a positive value in the PA.

A recent public library event in the PA makes this clear.

The Public Library in the El-Bireh Municipality held a "cultural evening" called "In the Presence of the Martyrs" at which it honored no less than 4 terrorists - 3 of them murderers - and among them Baha Alyan.
Another of the Death Cult inspired rants that are so commonly belched out by the impaired.

I can’t help but chuckle at the term “revolutionary” that so often accompanies the titles that Islamic retrogrades assign to their Cult groups.

Fatah Revolutionary Council Member Mphammad Al-Lahham said that Palestinian diplomatic efforts must be combined with "means of struggle." He said that in 1969, Fatah had shelled the building that is now the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem and that Fatah should not be expected to "remain calm regarding the crimes of the occupation." Al-Lahham talked about Ashraf Na'alwa, who shot and killed two Israelis at the Barkan Industrial Park on October 7, 2018 and said that there are millions of Palestinians "just like him who are ready to rub the nose of this occupation in the mud once again." Na'alwa murdered his co-workers Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel and Ziv Hajbi. Muhammad Al-Lahham was interviewed on Palestine TV on November 12, 2018.

"Fatah Revolutionary Council Member Mohammad Al-Lahham Reminisces On Fatah's 1969 Shelling Of Building Now Housing U.S. Embassy In Jerusalem, Adds: There Are Millions Of Palestinians Like (Terrorist) Ashraf Na'alwa

There Are Millions Of Palestinians Like (Terrorist) Ashraf Na'alwa”

Right you are, Mo. There are two, competing Cults of your Islamic terrorist heroes who are as much a danger to each other as everyone else unfortunate enough to be near you.
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The following is a longer excerpt of Fatah Movement Deputy Chairmans' statement that the differences between Fatah and Hamas are minor:

Headline: "Al-Aloul: The sole and fundamental conflict is with the occupation"

"Fatah Movement Deputy Chairman [and Fatah Central Committee member] Mahmoud Al-Aloul said... at a ceremony to mark the 14th anniversary of the death of [former PLO Chairman and PA President] Yasser Arafat as a Martyr (Shahid) that our people is still being subjected to aggression, and that the most despicable and grave kinds of crimes are still being committed against it...
He explained: 'The Fatah Movement has always adhered to the principle and will never deviate from it - the only conflict is with the Israeli occupation, and the distinctions and differences between the Fatah Movement and the Hamas Movement are nothing but a secondary disagreement. The proof of this is that our sons from Fatah are standing in the battle field and have made many sacrifices in the Gaza Strip.'
Al-Aloul demanded that priority always be given to the struggle against the aggression, and said: 'At this occasion, we repeat the call that [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas has made on several opportunities. We call on our brothers in Hamas - for the sake of Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque and for the sake of the future, freedom, and independence - to work immediately to end the [Fatah-Hamas] rift and to return to the bosom of the people and the homeland.'"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 14, 2018]

(full article online)

Fatah and Hamas mock Israelis fleeing rocket fire - PMW Bulletins
In the comments section on the post in response to the criticism, Sarsour singled out the Anti-Defamation League. In an online petition in support of Omar, Sarsour wrote that she was alarmed by “organizations like the ADL using their platforms to attack a trailblazing Black Muslim woman in order to undermine advocacy for Palestinian human rights.”

The post raised the ire of the American Jewish Committee which responded in a tweet that: “Accusing Jews of dual loyalty is one of the oldest and most pernicious antisemitic tropes. No surprise to see it coming from @LSarsour. How long will progressive leaders continue to look the other way in the face of this hate?

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour ripped for accusing US Jews of dual loyalty
  • Mahmoud Abbas does not want his people and the rest of the world to know that his security forces are arresting women for criticizing a social security law or providing financial aid to Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip.

  • Unlike Jbara and Marab'eh, Ahed Tamimi was lucky to be arrested by Israel. Had she been arrested by the Palestinian Authority, no one would ever have known.

  • This attitude is another example of the anti-Israel bias of the international media and community. It is yet another example of how the West gives the Palestinians a pass to violate human rights and crack down on dissent.

(full article online)

Palestinians Arresting Women; Where are the Media?
The world of hate that the PA creates for its children includes messages of violence against Israel, teaching that Israel has no right to exist and all of Israel is Palestinian, and that Israel's eventual replacement by "Palestine" is inevitable.

One recent episode of the PA TV children's program The Best Home included all of these messages.

A girl recited a poem that called for "vengeance" and "liberation" and for "war that will... destroy the Zionist's soul":




(full article online)

Palestinian children's TV - a world of hate - PMW Bulletins
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