Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I cant say I understand the idea of a "Peaceful solution" with Islam. In every instance across the planet where Peaceful Inner Strugglers are in the majority, those of minority faiths are subject to discrimination, privation and even death. In the situation of the islamics masquerading as "Pal'istanians", it seems the entire societal structure is one that is utterly consumed with hate, self-hate.

Palestinians schoolbooks still promote terror and the demise of Israel

Palestinians schoolbooks still promote terror and the demise of Israel

A four-year study found that after examining 364 Palestinian Authority schoolbooks for grades one through 12 from the years 2013 to 2018, children are still learning that a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not an option.
  • "There's no place for the [Israeli] enemy on the map." — Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas leader, October 29, 2018.

  • A number of senior Fatah officials, including Munir al-Jaghoob and Mohammed Shtayyeh, have condemned Oman for hosting Netanyahu. They have also condemned the UAE for allowing Israelis to participate in the judo competition.

  • So, Fatah and Hamas cannot agree to pay their workers, they cannot agree on supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip, and they cannot agree on providing medical supplies to hospitals there. They do agree, however, on inflicting more harm and damage on their people. If they go on like this, the day will come when the Palestinians will discover that their friends and brothers have become their biggest enemies.

(full article online)

Palestinian Threats to Arab Normalization with Israel
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,


While reading this article you contributed, I ran across another; about "Who are the Palestinians."

post: 21144031 said:

I find these issues absolutely funny.

• -Arabs upset that Palestinian suicide bombings and airline hijackings are called "terrorism" in textbook- •

I find it quite amusing that this would be an issue at all. I have wonder how this could occur.

Most Respectfully,
  • "There's no place for the [Israeli] enemy on the map." — Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas leader, October 29, 2018.

  • A number of senior Fatah officials, including Munir al-Jaghoob and Mohammed Shtayyeh, have condemned Oman for hosting Netanyahu. They have also condemned the UAE for allowing Israelis to participate in the judo competition.

  • So, Fatah and Hamas cannot agree to pay their workers, they cannot agree on supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip, and they cannot agree on providing medical supplies to hospitals there. They do agree, however, on inflicting more harm and damage on their people. If they go on like this, the day will come when the Palestinians will discover that their friends and brothers have become their biggest enemies.
(full article online)

Palestinian Threats to Arab Normalization with Israel
Attempts by their Arab brothers, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to solve the power struggle between the two rival Palestinian groups have thus far failed and are unlikely to succeed in the foreseeable future.​

They want to put Fatah's illegal security forces back into Gaza. These are the forces that Hamas expelled in 2007. These forces regularly violate Palestine's constitution and the rights of the people.
  • "There's no place for the [Israeli] enemy on the map." — Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas leader, October 29, 2018.

  • A number of senior Fatah officials, including Munir al-Jaghoob and Mohammed Shtayyeh, have condemned Oman for hosting Netanyahu. They have also condemned the UAE for allowing Israelis to participate in the judo competition.

  • So, Fatah and Hamas cannot agree to pay their workers, they cannot agree on supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip, and they cannot agree on providing medical supplies to hospitals there. They do agree, however, on inflicting more harm and damage on their people. If they go on like this, the day will come when the Palestinians will discover that their friends and brothers have become their biggest enemies.
(full article online)

Palestinian Threats to Arab Normalization with Israel
Attempts by their Arab brothers, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to solve the power struggle between the two rival Palestinian groups have thus far failed and are unlikely to succeed in the foreseeable future.​

They want to put Fatah's illegal security forces back into Gaza. These are the forces that Hamas expelled in 2007. These forces regularly violate Palestine's constitution and the rights of the people.

The Islamic terrorists masquerading as Pal’stinians certainly do follow a constitution, of sorts. It’s just vastly different from the underlying precepts that founded western civilization.

God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Where do you think the above is taken from?
  • "There's no place for the [Israeli] enemy on the map." — Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas leader, October 29, 2018.

  • A number of senior Fatah officials, including Munir al-Jaghoob and Mohammed Shtayyeh, have condemned Oman for hosting Netanyahu. They have also condemned the UAE for allowing Israelis to participate in the judo competition.

  • So, Fatah and Hamas cannot agree to pay their workers, they cannot agree on supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip, and they cannot agree on providing medical supplies to hospitals there. They do agree, however, on inflicting more harm and damage on their people. If they go on like this, the day will come when the Palestinians will discover that their friends and brothers have become their biggest enemies.
(full article online)

Palestinian Threats to Arab Normalization with Israel
Attempts by their Arab brothers, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to solve the power struggle between the two rival Palestinian groups have thus far failed and are unlikely to succeed in the foreseeable future.​

They want to put Fatah's illegal security forces back into Gaza. These are the forces that Hamas expelled in 2007. These forces regularly violate Palestine's constitution and the rights of the people.

The Islamic terrorists masquerading as Pal’stinians certainly do follow a constitution, of sorts. It’s just vastly different from the underlying precepts that founded western civilization.

God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Where do you think the above is taken from?
Ahh, it is not from Palestine's constitution.
  • "There's no place for the [Israeli] enemy on the map." — Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas leader, October 29, 2018.

  • A number of senior Fatah officials, including Munir al-Jaghoob and Mohammed Shtayyeh, have condemned Oman for hosting Netanyahu. They have also condemned the UAE for allowing Israelis to participate in the judo competition.

  • So, Fatah and Hamas cannot agree to pay their workers, they cannot agree on supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip, and they cannot agree on providing medical supplies to hospitals there. They do agree, however, on inflicting more harm and damage on their people. If they go on like this, the day will come when the Palestinians will discover that their friends and brothers have become their biggest enemies.
(full article online)

Palestinian Threats to Arab Normalization with Israel
Attempts by their Arab brothers, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to solve the power struggle between the two rival Palestinian groups have thus far failed and are unlikely to succeed in the foreseeable future.​

They want to put Fatah's illegal security forces back into Gaza. These are the forces that Hamas expelled in 2007. These forces regularly violate Palestine's constitution and the rights of the people.

The Islamic terrorists masquerading as Pal’stinians certainly do follow a constitution, of sorts. It’s just vastly different from the underlying precepts that founded western civilization.

God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great, God is great.”

Where do you think the above is taken from?
Ahh, it is not from Palestine's constitution.

It is from the “constitution” that identifies one tribe of Islamic trrrorists elected as dictators of an erstwhile mini-caliphate.

Of what value is another “constitution” that is featureless?

The waves of terror that trailed these concessions in Judea and Samaria, and again following the disengagement from the Gaza Strip, are evidence that the conflict doesn't stem from "occupation." Therefore, no withdrawal will lead to peace. The conflict is rooted in the Palestinians' refusal to accept the presence of Jews in this land and Israel's right to exist. Peace isn't on the docket today and wasn't on the docket when Rabin was alive, either.

Amir didn't influence diplomatic processes. No one affected them more than Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, who misled Rabin. Arguing that his murder torpedoed the peace process absolves the Palestinians of responsibility for their belligerence and helps the Left evade the historical truth: It wasn't the murder that destroyed the chance for peace; it was our "partners" in Ramallah.

(full article online)

It appears that the Dutch are deciding their welfare contributions being used to promote, support and further Islamic terrorism has perhaps met its limits.

It is obvious that a wider array of nations are coming to the realization that it is pointless to pretend that showering Islamic terrorist with welfare dollars will only continue an Islamic terrorist problem. Showering Islamic terrorist dictators with welfare dollars only serves to keep those Islamic terrorist dictators in positions of control. Granting islamic terrorists the privilege of entitlements to non-interference by those nations supplying the welfare fraud money only serves to embolden the islamic terrorists.

Dutch MPs respond to PMW lecture
with calls to cut funding to Palestinian Authority

Dutch MPs call to cut PA funding, following PMW and terror survivor’s lectures - PMW Bulletins

  • PMW director Itamar Marcus and Kay Wilson, a survivor of a brutal terror attack, addressed members of Dutch Parliament
  • Kay Wilson to MPs: “I watched in horror as a Palestinian terrorist butchered my Christian friend to death right in front of me... A second Palestinian terrorist stabbed me 13 times... The PA’s rewarding of those two killers and all the other thousands of terrorists in prison is both morally abhorrent and incomprehensible.”
  • Dutch MPs plan to initiate legislation to cut funding to the PA by the amount the PA spends on rewarding terrorists


Kay Wilson and PMW director Marcus
Palestinian Media Watch director Itamar Marcus spoke to members of Dutch Parliament yesterday documenting the many ways in which the Palestinian Authority in itself is the fundamental impediment to peace. Marcus documented PA’s vicious Antisemitism, its indoctrination of children to hatred and terror, as well as the PA's continued monthly payments to terrorist prisoners and families of killed terrorists.

Members of Dutch Parliament expressed their condemnation of these PA activities and discussed steps that should be taken to stop the funding by their own government.

MP Kees van der Staaij: “I think it’s also important to have now further steps [by the Netherlands] and to stop each payment to Palestinians as long as there is no real progress.”
[Parliament of The Netherlands, Nov. 7, 2018
  • "There's no place for the [Israeli] enemy on the map." — Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas leader, October 29, 2018.

  • A number of senior Fatah officials, including Munir al-Jaghoob and Mohammed Shtayyeh, have condemned Oman for hosting Netanyahu. They have also condemned the UAE for allowing Israelis to participate in the judo competition.

  • So, Fatah and Hamas cannot agree to pay their workers, they cannot agree on supplying electricity to the Gaza Strip, and they cannot agree on providing medical supplies to hospitals there. They do agree, however, on inflicting more harm and damage on their people. If they go on like this, the day will come when the Palestinians will discover that their friends and brothers have become their biggest enemies.

    Palestinian Threats to Arab Normalization with Israel

Say it ain’t so, Sami.

All seriousness aside, assigning terms such as “missed opportunities” and
“... paid the price for choosing bad leaders who made bad decisions,...” is old history but describes the history of the Arab-Moslem Death Cultists parading around as “Pal’istanians”.

I would opine that a bad decision by Arabs -Moslems is exampled by decades of “leadership” by Islamic terrorists. These are the same “leaders” who have managed and exploited a UN welfare fraud agency. We rarely read of any of the enablers and promoters of islamic terrorism being brought to justice by the islamist governments which support and shelter the terrorists. Is that because the enablers and promoters of islamic terrorism are enabled and promoted by islamist governments? That's a rhetorical question, BTW.

Former Kuwaiti Minister Sami Al-Nesf in Support of the "Deal of the Century": The Palestinian Cause Is The Cause of Missed Opportunities

During an interview on the Egyptian Mehwar TV channel, Kuwait's former Minister of Information Sami Abadullatif Al-Nesf praised Oman for supporting the "Deal of the Century" and for wanting to arrive at realistic solutions to the Palestinian issue. Al-Nesf said that the Palestinian cause has paid the price for choosing bad leaders who made bad decisions, and that the Palestinian cause has become the cause of missed opportunities.
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