Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[ Could someone please tell both Gaza and the P. A. that they are not ever going to be one Palestinian State, and as they continue to want to destroy Israel.....Never....a Palestinian State, at all ]

Palestinians on Sunday mark 14 years since the death of their late leader Yasser Arafat, with his successor as Palestinian Authority president laying a wreath at his tomb in Ramallah in the West Bank on Sunday.

Abbas suspended diplomatic contact with Washington following Trump’s 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Abbas adds that Hamas, his bitter rival which rules the Gaza Strip, was also hindering the cause.

“Another plot, by Hamas, aims to disrupt the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” he says.

(full article online)

Abbas accuses US, Israel and Hamas of blocking Palestinian statehood
[ Could someone please tell both Gaza and the P. A. that they are not ever going to be one Palestinian State, and as they continue to want to destroy Israel.....Never....a Palestinian State, at all ]

Palestinians on Sunday mark 14 years since the death of their late leader Yasser Arafat, with his successor as Palestinian Authority president laying a wreath at his tomb in Ramallah in the West Bank on Sunday.

Abbas suspended diplomatic contact with Washington following Trump’s 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Abbas adds that Hamas, his bitter rival which rules the Gaza Strip, was also hindering the cause.

“Another plot, by Hamas, aims to disrupt the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” he says.

(full article online)

Abbas accuses US, Israel and Hamas of blocking Palestinian statehood

If they really wanted one, they would have had one by now. Even reaching back to 1948.
[ Could someone please tell both Gaza and the P. A. that they are not ever going to be one Palestinian State, and as they continue to want to destroy Israel.....Never....a Palestinian State, at all ]

Palestinians on Sunday mark 14 years since the death of their late leader Yasser Arafat, with his successor as Palestinian Authority president laying a wreath at his tomb in Ramallah in the West Bank on Sunday.

Abbas suspended diplomatic contact with Washington following Trump’s 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Abbas adds that Hamas, his bitter rival which rules the Gaza Strip, was also hindering the cause.

“Another plot, by Hamas, aims to disrupt the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” he says.

(full article online)

Abbas accuses US, Israel and Hamas of blocking Palestinian statehood

If they really wanted one, they would have had one by now. Even reaching back to 1948.

Where were they before ‘67?
[ Could someone please tell both Gaza and the P. A. that they are not ever going to be one Palestinian State, and as they continue to want to destroy Israel.....Never....a Palestinian State, at all ]

Palestinians on Sunday mark 14 years since the death of their late leader Yasser Arafat, with his successor as Palestinian Authority president laying a wreath at his tomb in Ramallah in the West Bank on Sunday.

Abbas suspended diplomatic contact with Washington following Trump’s 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Abbas adds that Hamas, his bitter rival which rules the Gaza Strip, was also hindering the cause.

“Another plot, by Hamas, aims to disrupt the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” he says.

(full article online)

Abbas accuses US, Israel and Hamas of blocking Palestinian statehood

If they really wanted one, they would have had one by now. Even reaching back to 1948.

Where were they before ‘67?

Good question.
[ Could someone please tell both Gaza and the P. A. that they are not ever going to be one Palestinian State, and as they continue to want to destroy Israel.....Never....a Palestinian State, at all ]

Palestinians on Sunday mark 14 years since the death of their late leader Yasser Arafat, with his successor as Palestinian Authority president laying a wreath at his tomb in Ramallah in the West Bank on Sunday.

Abbas suspended diplomatic contact with Washington following Trump’s 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Abbas adds that Hamas, his bitter rival which rules the Gaza Strip, was also hindering the cause.

“Another plot, by Hamas, aims to disrupt the establishment of an independent Palestinian state,” he says.

(full article online)

Abbas accuses US, Israel and Hamas of blocking Palestinian statehood

If they really wanted one, they would have had one by now. Even reaching back to 1948.

Actually, reaching back to the first Partition proposal in 1937.
But....so, we do not know what they want :)
The status quo allows the current Islamic terrorist welfare thieves to continue the welfare fraud that is an inheritance from Yassir Arafat. Those at the top of the Hamas and Fatah Islamic terrorist pyramid have everything to lose with establishment of an Arab-Moslem “State”.
[ The things money can buy.....if you kill a Jew.... ]

By the time a Palestinian terrorist spends 20 years in prison, he or she will have been paid by the Palestinian Authority a cumulative sum of approximately 1,118,400 shekels. Upon release, PA law allows terrorists jailed for more than 20 years to purchase a car free of tax. In Israel, a Ferrari 458 Spider costs 1,000,000 shekels before tax. Accordingly, when released from prison a Palestinian terrorist has accrued enough "blood money", among other things, to buy a Ferrari.

The exemption from paying tax on a new car is just one of the many financial rewards the PA pays to the terrorist prisoners and to the families of dead terrorists.

Benefits for terrorist prisoners

The following are additional benefits that terrorist prisoners receive under PA law and implementing regulations (2004 PA Law of Prisoners and Released Prisoners and PA government regulations from 2010 and 2013):
  • A monthly salary that starts at 1,400 shekels/month and rises to 12,000 shekels according to the amount of time the terrorist stays in prison.

  • The monthly salary payments are based on the cumulative periods a terrorist spends in prison. Accordingly, if a prisoner spent 3 years in prison, was released, and then was imprisoned again for additional terrorist acts, his salary during the second period of incarceration starts at 2,000 shekels/month (see chart above).
  • Terrorist prisoners who were employed by the PA at the time of their arrest are entitled to continue to receive their original PA salary and will continue to enjoy the rises in the PA pay scales so long as their salary outside prison was higher than the regular terrorist salary pay scale. If their "civilian" salary was lower, they are entitled to the higher terrorist salary.
  • In addition, terrorist prisoners are entitled to have university degrees funded by the PA.
  • The children of terrorist prisoners are exempt from paying elementary and high school fees in PA schools.
  • The children of male terrorist prisoners who were sentenced to 20 years imprisonment and have spent at least five years in prison and children of female terrorist prisoners who were sentenced to at least 10 years in prison and have spent at least 3 years in prison are entitled to an 80% reduction in university fees.

(full article online)

Spend 20 years in prison for terrorist offences and buy a Ferrari free of tax - PMW Bulletins
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ et al,

I'm not really sure what the status quo is anymore in the Middle East or specifically the conflict in Palestine.

The status quo allows the current Islamic terrorist welfare thieves to continue the welfare fraud that is an inheritance from Yassir Arafat. Those at the top of the Hamas and Fatah Islamic terrorist pyramid have everything to lose with the establishment of an Arab-Moslem “State”.

I am not sure one can look at the at much more than just Palestine and Israel to get a flavor of the status quo in order to understand the Middle East. While the Arab Spring brought some change, change was short-lived → if not the catalyst for worse times. Most in the Middle East wake to very much the same patriarchal society as they did in times before the Arab Spring. In the eyes of some, there was even some great political expense experienced. It is now 7 years on and Syria is a mess. The Syrian Democratic Forces [Arab Forces (US-Backed)] still engage the DAESH [AKA: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)] in Eastern Syria. There are still over 160,000 Palestinian Refugees in NGO/UN hands that the Syrians plan to relocate back to the (mostly destroyed) South Damascus Refugee Camp (Yarmouk). It remains to be seen if the Palestinian Authority (PA) or the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) are going to rebuild the camp. There are another (formerly held civilians by IS) 50,000 Syrian refugees that fled the fighting on the northeastern Syrian-Jordanian border. This is not to mention the ≈ 4 million Syrian refugees sprinkled across four nations adjacent to the fighting.

There is a deterioration of PA relations with both the Israelis and the Americans; particularly over Jerusalem protocols. And the HAMAS border challenges are heating up along the northern border.

I'm not sure that, external to the territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine, that the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank would like to be in the same condition as their Syrian counterparts. Maybe they would prefer to live and work under the Israeli umbrella.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ et al,

I'm not really sure what the status quo is anymore in the Middle East or specifically the conflict in Palestine.

The status quo allows the current Islamic terrorist welfare thieves to continue the welfare fraud that is an inheritance from Yassir Arafat. Those at the top of the Hamas and Fatah Islamic terrorist pyramid have everything to lose with the establishment of an Arab-Moslem “State”.

I am not sure one can look at the at much more than just Palestine and Israel to get a flavor of the status quo in order to understand the Middle East. While the Arab Spring brought some change, change was short-lived → if not the catalyst for worse times. Most in the Middle East wake to very much the same patriarchal society as they did in times before the Arab Spring. In the eyes of some, there was even some great political expense experienced. It is now 7 years on and Syria is a mess. The Syrian Democratic Forces [Arab Forces (US-Backed)] still engage the DAESH [AKA: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)] in Eastern Syria. There are still over 160,000 Palestinian Refugees in NGO/UN hands that the Syrians plan to relocate back to the (mostly destroyed) South Damascus Refugee Camp (Yarmouk). It remains to be seen if the Palestinian Authority (PA) or the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) are going to rebuild the camp. There are another (formerly held civilians by IS) 50,000 Syrian refugees that fled the fighting on the northeastern Syrian-Jordanian border. This is not to mention the ≈ 4 million Syrian refugees sprinkled across four nations adjacent to the fighting.

There is a deterioration of PA relations with both the Israelis and the Americans; particularly over Jerusalem protocols. And the HAMAS border challenges are heating up along the northern border.

I'm not sure that, external to the territory formerly under the Mandate for Palestine, that the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank would like to be in the same condition as their Syrian counterparts. Maybe they would prefer to live and work under the Israeli umbrella.

Most Respectfully,

The status quo was - the infamous "3 No's", which gave Palestinian leaders key positions in the Arab league. That position visibly diminishes as Israel takes a central position in a wider Arab alliance.

Regarding refugees, it means that in this specific conflict the Arab states will take a formal responsibility in resettlement and provision of full citizenship. According to UNHCR among the top 5 refugee hosting countries only one is Arab (Lebanon) hosting 1 million out of the 68.5 million forcibly displaced people worldwide.

In my view it is a key issue for Europe, to make sure Arab states take responsibility for their refugees, so to prevent further migration of hostile populations as a resolve in geopolitical conflicts.
  • To date, Hamas and Fatah have not been able to agree on the interpretation of the "reconciliation" agreements already signed. Fatah claims that the agreements are supposed to allow its Ramallah-based government to assume full responsibility over the Gaza Strip. Hamas, for its part, remains vehemently opposed to relinquishing security control over the Gaza Strip.

  • Abbas's official news agency, Wafa, issued a strongly worded statement accusing Hamas of being part of a "Zionist-American conspiracy" to detach the West Bank from the Gaza Strip. According to the statement, Hamas is now cooperating with the US and Israel to establish a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. "There will be no Palestinian state without the Gaza Strip, and there will be no [separate Palestinian] state in the Gaza Strip," the statement quoted Abbas as saying.

  • Abbas can continue to present himself to the world as the "President of the State of Palestine" as much as he wants. He is only living in an illusion: it is obvious by now that he does not represent the two million Palestinians who are living in a separate Hamas-controlled entity in the Gaza Strip. Abbas has not been able to set foot in the Gaza Strip for the past 11 years, and his chances of ever returning there now seem to be zero.

(full article online)

The "Separate" Palestinian State
  • To date, Hamas and Fatah have not been able to agree on the interpretation of the "reconciliation" agreements already signed. Fatah claims that the agreements are supposed to allow its Ramallah-based government to assume full responsibility over the Gaza Strip. Hamas, for its part, remains vehemently opposed to relinquishing security control over the Gaza Strip.

  • Abbas's official news agency, Wafa, issued a strongly worded statement accusing Hamas of being part of a "Zionist-American conspiracy" to detach the West Bank from the Gaza Strip. According to the statement, Hamas is now cooperating with the US and Israel to establish a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. "There will be no Palestinian state without the Gaza Strip, and there will be no [separate Palestinian] state in the Gaza Strip," the statement quoted Abbas as saying.

  • Abbas can continue to present himself to the world as the "President of the State of Palestine" as much as he wants. He is only living in an illusion: it is obvious by now that he does not represent the two million Palestinians who are living in a separate Hamas-controlled entity in the Gaza Strip. Abbas has not been able to set foot in the Gaza Strip for the past 11 years, and his chances of ever returning there now seem to be zero.
(full article online)

The "Separate" Palestinian State
Abbas can continue to present himself to the world as the "President of the State of Palestine" as much as he wants. He is only living in an illusion:
Abbas is the division. He is on the 13th year of a four year term. He only stays in power because the US and Israel want him because he is useless.

He needs to step down and let the constitutional process replace him. Of course the US and Israel will not allow the constitutional process proceed.

It is interesting that the Palestinians do not mention creating "a state."
  • To date, Hamas and Fatah have not been able to agree on the interpretation of the "reconciliation" agreements already signed. Fatah claims that the agreements are supposed to allow its Ramallah-based government to assume full responsibility over the Gaza Strip. Hamas, for its part, remains vehemently opposed to relinquishing security control over the Gaza Strip.

  • Abbas's official news agency, Wafa, issued a strongly worded statement accusing Hamas of being part of a "Zionist-American conspiracy" to detach the West Bank from the Gaza Strip. According to the statement, Hamas is now cooperating with the US and Israel to establish a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip. "There will be no Palestinian state without the Gaza Strip, and there will be no [separate Palestinian] state in the Gaza Strip," the statement quoted Abbas as saying.

  • Abbas can continue to present himself to the world as the "President of the State of Palestine" as much as he wants. He is only living in an illusion: it is obvious by now that he does not represent the two million Palestinians who are living in a separate Hamas-controlled entity in the Gaza Strip. Abbas has not been able to set foot in the Gaza Strip for the past 11 years, and his chances of ever returning there now seem to be zero.
(full article online)

The "Separate" Palestinian State
Abbas can continue to present himself to the world as the "President of the State of Palestine" as much as he wants. He is only living in an illusion:
Abbas is the division. He is on the 13th year of a four year term. He only stays in power because the US and Israel want him because he is useless.

He needs to step down and let the constitutional process replace him. Of course the US and Israel will not allow the constitutional process proceed.

It is interesting that the Palestinians do not mention creating "a state."

Your conspiracy theories involving the Great Satan are a hoot. Who are the conspirators who keep Hamas in power without elections? Who is responsible for the Islamic terrorist dictators enabled by islamic terrorist enablers?
Lebanon detains Palestinian man over ISIS-directed poisoning plots
Lebanon’s intelligence agency said it detained a Palestinian refugee allegedly linked to Islamic State over two poisoning plots, one of Lebanese army water and another of food in a foreign country.

The refugee, born in 1991, admitted to links with a person called “Abu Jallad,” an IS member in Syria “who tasked him with making explosives and concocting poison,” the General Security force tweeted on Thursday, September 27.

Lebanon detains Palestinian man over ISIS-directed poisoning plots
After months of the failed border gee-had and the inability of the Islamic terrorists to breach the Israeli border, it wasn’t a surprise that the islsmic terrorists would look to a broader gee-had.

I would think that this is the time for Israel to make a concerted effort toward a more disproportionate response and provide a major beatdown to the Islamic terrorists.

Hundreds of rockets fired from Gaza at southern Israel amid renewed tensions

Hundreds of rockets fired from Gaza at southern Israel amid renewed tensions

The Israel Defense Forces said it has also launched strikes against terror targets in Gaza.
It’s actually comically tragic to see the pompous blowhards from the Hamas franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., rattle on with their goofy Death Cult

What a shame that the islamist world can’t seem to find the will to rampage and riot in protest of those heroes who maim and kill their fellow islamists.

Civilians as human shields:
Recognize how Hamas fights Israel

Hamas fights Israel by using civilians as human shields - PMW Bulletins
  • In 2014, Hamas demanded Palestinians stay in their homes and become "Martyrs," despite Israel's warnings their houses would be bombed
  • "You [Israelis] are fighting divine soldiers, who love death for Allah like you love life, and who compete among themselves for Martyrdom," - Hamas leader Muhammad Deif, during 2014 Gaza war
  • Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, during 2014 Gaza war:


  • Hamas told Palestinians that "Martyrdom" for Allah and death in the war with Israel was "a privilege"
  • "We are leading them [our people] to death - I mean, to confrontation" - Hamas' spokesman in 2014 Gaza war
  • Paradoxically, it has been Israel which has tried to protect the lives of Palestinian civilians by warning of air strikes in advance, while it was Hamas who intentionally endangered them, causing many civilian deaths among Palestinians
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Does it really matter what started the shooting at the border between Israel and Hamas-run Gaza? To outward appearances, it looks like it was something of an accident when a routine security operation inside Gaza went awry and Israeli troops were fired upon, leading to bomb strikes to extricate them. That was followed by the largest barrage of rockets fired at Israel since the war that took place in the summer of 2014.

Iron Dome missiles intercept rockets from Gaza, seen in the sky in southern Israel, on Nov. 12, 2018. Credit: Hadas Parush/Flash90.
Hamas’s decision to launch hundreds of rockets, which has resulted in the death of one man (a Palestinian working inside Israel) and the wounding of more than two dozen Israelis so far, is being discussed in the international media as just one more episode in an endless “cycle of violence,” in which the Jewish state is as guilty as the Islamist terror groups that rule Gaza.

(full article online)

Hamas rockets and the idea of two states
Palestinian Authority terrorists are continuing to attack Israelis in a concerted effort to murder both Jewish and Arab drivers on the roads of Judea and Samaria, using rocks, Molotov cocktails (firebombs), live fireworks and sometimes gunfire. On Wednesday, in at least two cases, both Jews and Arabs were targeted across the regions.

(full article online)

Stoning and Firebombing Terror Attacks Continue in Judea and Samaria
In a later post, Does Hamas Really Kill Its Own Civilians?, Medad followed up and found for the first 4 months of 2014:

o 9-22 Januaryout of 36 Home Made Rockets (HMRs)/Mortars, 19 landed in Gaza.
o 23 January-5 February50% fell inside Gaza.
o 6-19 February no mention.
o 20 February-5 March6 dropped in Gaza.
o 6-19 March24 out of 64 firings dropped short/exploded on-site.
o 20 March-2 April. 9 civilians injured and 1 death due to accidents involving explosive devices and unexploded ordnance.
o 3-16 April. 3 fatalities and 6 injuries due to accidental explosions. o 17-30 April. 8 rockets dropped short out of 24.

In an article in The Syndey Morning Herald in 2014, Gregory Rose, a specialist in International Law, wrote in "How Gaza became one big suicide bomb":

About 5 per cent of Hamas rockets misfire and land on Gazan targets, such as one in a hospital and another in a market last week. Three rocket caches at three UN schools have been discovered in the past fortnight. Ironically, in each case, the rockets were handed by UN employees, who are mostly locals, back to Hamas, which is the local government authority with which the UN co-operates.

(full article online)

If Every Palestinian Victim of Hamas Terrorism Was Made Into a Shahid...(Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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