Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I think you are on the right track.

“....Iran does not ask anything in return for the aid it provides to Hamas.”

Mahmoud, the useful idiot for the Iranian Mullocrats, will gladly accept Iranian welfare money if it finances the Hamas terrorist infrastructure. The Iranian Mullocrats must be like giddy schoolgirls having an upper hand with their newfound Sunni errand boys.

When I was young, local drug dealers were known to give "free samples" of "crack" (and other such drugs that induce euphoria) in order to establish a dependence on the drug by the users. The Arab Palestinians are beginning the dance with the devil. This idea that the young Arab Palestinians are heroic freedom fighters in the service of their emerging nation is an experience of pleasure and excitement. They gradually build an intense feeling of well-being, happiness and social status which is based on the concepts that the involvement violent acts that are a depraved indifference and dangerous to human life, to intimidate or coerce the Israeli civilian population, and to influence the policy of the State of Israel by intimidation or coercion; is legal and morally correct.

Most Respectfully,
Palestinian Arab Bethlehem is at war with Christians and Jews

When Bethlehem was turned over to the Palestinian Authority, the number of Christians soon plummeted from being 80 percent of the population in 1995. Now it is just 20 percent. What happened?

Palestinian Arab Bethlehem is at war with Christians and Jews

What does the story of Bethlehem tell us today? Two things.

Under the control of Israel (1967-1995), the Christian population of Bethlehem grew by 57 percent. When Israel delivered the city of Jesus to the Palestinian Authority in 1995, Bethlehem had an 80 percent Christian population. Now it is just 20 percent.
In this episode of Islam’s Most Gifted™️, we’re treated to a deep, philosophical discussion of the public relations implications regarding dead Hamas terrorists at the border gee-had.

We’re also reminded that MEMRI monitors everything™️

Yes. Arabs-Moslems should be aware that The Zionists™️ employ their Super-Zio powers to monitor Arabs-Moslems.

"Palestinian Author Mushir Al-Farra: MEMRI Monitors Everything; We Should Stay Away from the Word "Jew," Talk about "Zionists" Instead"

During a December 23, 2018 interview on Baladna TV (Gaza), Palestinian author Mushir Al-Farra said that the Palestinians should be more cautious while representing their cause on media outlets in order to avoid speaking in a way that weakens it. He gave the several examples of statements made by Palestinian media figures or Hamas representatives that Israeli officials that played into the hand of Israel. One example is a statement by Salah Bardawil from Hamas in May 2018. Bardawil said that almost all the people killed during the "Return March" clashes were Hamas members. Al-Farra said that "MEMRI monitors everything," and hat Al-Bardawil's statement was "a big mistake," which caused "great harm to our public relations." (see Al-Bardawil's remarks here: Hamas Political Bureau Member Salah Al-Bardawil: 50 of the Martyrs Killed in Gaza were from Hamas, 12 Regular People)
It’s OK for husbands, fathers and brothers to beat disobedient women, says Abbas` advisor

Contradictory messages are an art in the Palestinian Authority. A striking example was when right in the middle of a PA campaign to stop domestic violence against Palestinian women, Abbas' advisor and top PA religious figure explained on TV exactly when, how and why husbands, fathers and brothers are allowed to beat women!

The following are examples of Abbas' advisor
completely negating the positive anti-violence messages:

Abbas's Advisor Al-Habbash PA TV public service campaign

[Official PA TV, Horizons, Dec. 1, 2018]
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Dec. 9, 2018]

"'Admonish them,' it can be the husband, the father, the brother... 'And beat them' - this too is not necessarily especially for the husband."

"No to violence against women"
"Why Islam permitted a man to hit and not a woman: Look, the woman is more sensitive ... the woman can be affected [to change] by anything."


"There is no authority that gives men the right to attack women"

(full article online)

It’s OK for husbands, fathers and brothers to beat disobedient women, says Abbas` advisor - PMW Bulletins
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I didn't stay married to my 19 y/o Wife for forty years, and not learn something; although she would say I was a slow learner. (She is always right.)

It’s OK for husbands, fathers and brothers to beat disobedient women, says Abbas` advisor
[quote="Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Dec. 9, 2018]
"'Admonish them,' it can be the husband, the father, the brother... 'And beat them' - this too is not necessarily especially for the husband."

Throughout the world, you are going to run into cultures and people which have never socially evolved past the
Neolithic characteristics.

While some anthropologist claim the Neolithic period ended more than a thousand years (some say 2000) BCE, it appears that Official PA TV has captured one of the species on video. We should mount an expedition to go out there and capture this one, and put it on exhibition in Cairo; along with Tutankhamun.

Most Respectfully,
In the Apartheid-minded mini caliphate of Abbas’istan, the egregious error of selling land to a Jew can get you life in prison with hard labor. It may actually get you worse if the wrong Islamists get their hands on you.

Although, is life in prison with hard labor materially different than living in any of the Islamic backwaters that are so common in the alternate reality of Islamism?

The PA's Apartheid land laws

The PA’s Apartheid land laws - PMW Bulletins

  • American-Palestinian sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor for selling land to Jews.
  • In 2014, Mahmoud Abbas passed legislation raising the punishment for selling land to Jews to life imprisonment with hard labor.
  • 64.4% of Palestinians support the death sentence for selling land to Jews
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv.

An American-Palestinian, Isaam Akel, was convicted of selling land in East Jerusalem to Jews and sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor by a Palestinian court:

"In accordance with the instructions of clause 2/274 of the [PA] criminal procedures law, the [PA] Grand Criminal Court, which convened in Ramallah, convicted the accused I.A. on the charges attributed to him - an attempt to cut off part of the Palestinian territories and annex them to a foreign state [as described in] Penal Code Number 16 of 1960. Relying on the conviction and in accordance with the instructions of clause 2 of Decision with Legislative Force Number 20 of 2014, the court sentenced him to life with hard labor.

The lawsuit was submitted to the court on Dec. 23, 2018, and the verdict was given approximately a week later."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Dec. 31, 2018
Some say that after the Oslo Accords, armed struggle abandoned. However, particularly after the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian resistance, led by Fatah, was set free. In the years of the Intifada, between the years 2000 and 2005, it was set free in a way that was unprecedented in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The fiercest battles between Fatah and Israel took place after the Oslo Accords, not before them. I am referring to the years 2000-2005. This means that that negotiations that ended in failure in Camp David brought about armed resistance by Fatah with a ferocity that had not been seen before the Oslo Accords.

(video online)

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah brags about its terrorism increasing after Oslo ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ 1954. I wonder what made the Arabs found this group. Not during the Crusades. And not during the Ottoman Empire. And not during the Mandate for Palestine. ]

Fatah was founded in 1954, but no one celebrates the anniversary of its founding.

Instead, Fatah celebrates the anniversary of the first terror attack it mounted against Israel, on January 1 (some say the 3rd,) 1965.

The terror group attempted to bomb Israel's National Water Carrier. Meaning, their very first act was to deprive Israelis of water.

And this is what is being celebrated today.

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah celebrates 54th anniversary of first terror attack ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: Well before 2030 (about a decade from now), most of the "Old Guard" of Fatah, Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and other lesser groups, will have dissolved (if not already faded away) and either become only of a historical threat; or evolved into evolved into something altogether different (if not already).


Life expectancy at birth: for the total population in the West Bank is: 74.54 years

✦ Male: 72.54 years
✦ Female: 76.65​

Life expectancy at birth: for the total population in the Gaza Strip is: 74.4 years (2018 est.)

✦ Male: 72.7 years (2018 est.)
✦ Female: 76.2 years (2018 est.)
✪ Data from CIA Factbooks.


Just as the Mahmoud Abbas (President of the Palestinian Authority) is already past 80 years of age.

✦ Hamas leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh is over 55 and just assumed the position from Khaled Mashal age 62.
✦ The Palestine Islamic Jihad Leader is Ramadan Shalah; is now age 60.
✦ Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; and is 65 years old.
✦ Nayef Hawatmeh is the President of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; and is 80 years old.​

The leadership positions will soon change. And with that change we do not know yet what changes in Arab Palestinian Policies these new leaders (yet to be determined) will have on the survival of the respective organizations.

Most Respectfully,
"UNRWA was established in 1949, started operating in 1950, and in 1960 declared that its work was done. But then, under pressure from Arab countries, it was decided to extend its mandate. It's a unique organization because there is a high commission in the U.N. that deals with refugees from all over the world, and a special authority established to handle only the Palestinian issue. On the other hand, no one established any agency for Jewish refugees in Israel.

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: Well before 2030 (about a decade from now), most of the "Old Guard" of Fatah, Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and other lesser groups, will have dissolved (if not already faded away) and either become only of a historical threat; or evolved into evolved into something altogether different (if not already).


Life expectancy at birth: for the total population in the West Bank is: 74.54 years

✦ Male: 72.54 years
✦ Female: 76.65​

Life expectancy at birth: for the total population in the Gaza Strip is: 74.4 years (2018 est.)

✦ Male: 72.7 years (2018 est.)
✦ Female: 76.2 years (2018 est.)
✪ Data from CIA Factbooks.


Just as the Mahmoud Abbas (President of the Palestinian Authority) is already past 80 years of age.

✦ Hamas leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh is over 55 and just assumed the position from Khaled Mashal age 62.
✦ The Palestine Islamic Jihad Leader is Ramadan Shalah; is now age 60.
✦ Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; and is 65 years old.
✦ Nayef Hawatmeh is the President of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; and is 80 years old.​

The leadership positions will soon change. And with that change we do not know yet what changes in Arab Palestinian Policies these new leaders (yet to be determined) will have on the survival of the respective organizations.

Most Respectfully,

Maybe some rather ominous potentials for Hamas and Fatah. With no clear dictator to pick up the gee-had banner for either of the rival enclaves, the first dictator out (Abbas?) could lead to a power struggle within Fatah. That would be an opportunity for Iran to convince Hamas of an end to the Hudna that has kept those angry fellows from each orthers throats. A very nasty civil war could put these three groups into a winner takes all slugfest.

With millions upon millions of UNRWA welfare dollars at stake, there are still fortunes to be made and lost for the enterprising, up and coming Islamic dictator.
Last edited:
[ 1954. I wonder what made the Arabs found this group. Not during the Crusades. And not during the Ottoman Empire. And not during the Mandate for Palestine. ]

Fatah was founded in 1954, but no one celebrates the anniversary of its founding.

Instead, Fatah celebrates the anniversary of the first terror attack it mounted against Israel, on January 1 (some say the 3rd,) 1965.

The terror group attempted to bomb Israel's National Water Carrier. Meaning, their very first act was to deprive Israelis of water.

And this is what is being celebrated today.

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah celebrates 54th anniversary of first terror attack ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Brave Islamic terrorists sure like those teenage girls..... as cover.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: Well before 2030 (about a decade from now), most of the "Old Guard" of Fatah, Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) and other lesser groups, will have dissolved (if not already faded away) and either become only of a historical threat; or evolved into evolved into something altogether different (if not already).


Life expectancy at birth: for the total population in the West Bank is: 74.54 years

✦ Male: 72.54 years
✦ Female: 76.65​

Life expectancy at birth: for the total population in the Gaza Strip is: 74.4 years (2018 est.)

✦ Male: 72.7 years (2018 est.)
✦ Female: 76.2 years (2018 est.)
✪ Data from CIA Factbooks.


Just as the Mahmoud Abbas (President of the Palestinian Authority) is already past 80 years of age.

✦ Hamas leader in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh is over 55 and just assumed the position from Khaled Mashal age 62.
✦ The Palestine Islamic Jihad Leader is Ramadan Shalah; is now age 60.
✦ Ahmad Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; and is 65 years old.
✦ Nayef Hawatmeh is the President of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine; and is 80 years old.​

The leadership positions will soon change. And with that change we do not know yet what changes in Arab Palestinian Policies these new leaders (yet to be determined) will have on the survival of the respective organizations.

Most Respectfully,
Abbas is about 85 now. The Palestinians have wanted him to leave for many years. All of his old cronies should leave too. They are all leaders of the past.

I cant think of many people who would be a good president. Here is one I have been looking at:

Mustafa Barghouti (born 1 January 1954) is a Palestinian physician, activist, and politician who serves as General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative (PNI), also known as al Mubadara. He has been a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council since 2006 and is also a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Central Council. In 2007, Barghouti was Minister of Information in the Palestinian unity government.


Mustafa Barghouti - Wikipedia

BTW, The Palestinian National Initiative party does not have a military wing and does not have a terrorist designation.
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