Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Karl is starting to make a lot of sense.

Given the Israeli Gov’t has a active program supporting academic falsification of archeological ‘discoveries’ it’s almost impossible to separate ancient myth from recent claims.
We may also want to ask why the re-establishment of the temple and/or the ‘renewal of it’s covenant with God' (whatever that may mean) would justify the forced takeover of Palestine.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
I’ve experienced their anti-Christianity venom first hand. It was totally unprovoked too.

You might be right about them.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ding,

And why? What makes you feel this sympathy.

I’m starting to become sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

I'm serious. This is a serious question (not argumentative)...

Most Respectfully and Seasons Greetings to All,

Ding's not argumentative. Who knew?
Actually I’m not. I can be most pleasant to converse with.

Keep up with your five a day, dear.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ding,

And why? What makes you feel this sympathy.

I’m starting to become sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

I'm serious. This is a serious question (not argumentative)...

Most Respectfully and Seasons Greetings to All,

Ding's not argumentative. Who knew?
Actually I’m not. I can be most pleasant to converse with.

Keep up with your five a day, dear.
And you should keep replaying the movie in your head, my dear.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ding,

And why? What makes you feel this sympathy.

I’m starting to become sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

I'm serious. This is a serious question (not argumentative)...

Most Respectfully and Seasons Greetings to All,

Ding's not argumentative. Who knew?
Actually I’m not. I can be most pleasant to converse with.

Keep up with your five a day, dear.
And you should keep replaying the movie in your head, my dear.

Can you recommend one?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ding,

And why? What makes you feel this sympathy.


I'm serious. This is a serious question (not argumentative)...

Most Respectfully and Seasons Greetings to All,

Ding's not argumentative. Who knew?
Actually I’m not. I can be most pleasant to converse with.

Keep up with your five a day, dear.
And you should keep replaying the movie in your head, my dear.

Can you recommend one?
If you believe it is working for you don’t change.
Actually I’m not. I can be most pleasant to converse with.

Keep up with your five a day, dear.
And you should keep replaying the movie in your head, my dear.

Can you recommend one?
If you believe it is working for you don’t change.

As clear as mud.
At any point in our lives we are the sum of our choices.
Keep up with your five a day, dear.
And you should keep replaying the movie in your head, my dear.

Can you recommend one?
If you believe it is working for you don’t change.

As clear as mud.
At any point in our lives we are the sum of our choices.

And then what do we do?

Unless we are meant to be this way. Predestination.
Ramallah has suddenly reverted to a terrorist agenda. Hamas has raised its flag in the capital of the Palestinian Authority.

There, in that city of spacious homes, which in recent years has attracted banks and business centers and international organizations and embassies, and where accelerated development has resulted in hundreds of high-rise buildings springing up, Hamas is sticking it to PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Ramallah and the villages around it, which function as the political and economic center of the PA, strongly identified with the Palestinian elite and wanted cooperation with Israel. This week, they became the site of a hunt for the terrorists who carried out the shooting attacks in Ofra and Givat Asaf. The raids, the encirclement, the capture of homes and the shots fired at protesters – all in the beating heart of the PA, which this week resumed full security coordination with Israel – are the last thing the ailing Abbas needs.

In the middle of all this, between the Jewish settlements Halamish, Nachliel and Atarot, lies the village of Kaubar, a hamlet that raises murderers. Kaubar illustrates how shaky Abbas' stature has become in the region where his own capital lies.

(full article online)

As with most of these work accidents, the most significant part is not the accident itself. It’s how and where it took place.

In this case, the Hamas tunnel engineer was working underneath his own home, turning the civilian structure into a military purpose. That is something we see throughout Gaza, where Hamas hides among and underneath civilian structures, using civilians as human shields.

(full article online)

Hamas tunnel engineer "working on a tunnel underneath his home when it collapsed and killed him"
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ding, et al,

With the exception of a few, this topic and this discussion group (active members) are very passionate about their position. It is good (very good) that you question the topic (both sides) and come to your conclusion; NOT on the sharp argumentative and non-contributory view; but, sift through the commentary and dig out the pieces that give a better picture, a useful picture.

But don't base your views on the completion of this discussion group. The sample size is just too small and the passions too high, to get a valid impression.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ding,

And why? What makes you feel this sympathy.

I’m starting to become sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

I'm serious. This is a serious question (not argumentative)...

Most Respectfully and Seasons Greetings to All,
The behaviors I am personally witnessing on these boards.

Probably, our best contributor to this discussion group is "Coyote." Coyote is level-headed and yet is able to dive-in and question both assumptions and the perception of events that give the group the glue and bond.

Most Respectfully,
And you should keep replaying the movie in your head, my dear.

Can you recommend one?
If you believe it is working for you don’t change.

As clear as mud.
At any point in our lives we are the sum of our choices.

And then what do we do?

Unless we are meant to be this way. Predestination.
That would be up to each person.
A flyer featuring a burning Christmas tree and threats in Arabic forbidding the celebration of Christmas was published by the Al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades, also known as the Specialty Brigade, in Gaza ahead of the Christian holiday.

A verse from the Quran, quoted on the left side of the flyer, warns Muslims “not to go the way of the Jews and the Christians, indeed God is not for the evil people.” The brigades added that it is “absolutely forbidden” to celebrate the holidays in any capacity.

(full article online)

Gaza terrorists warn locals: 'Celebrating Christmas is evil'
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ding, et al,

With the exception of a few, this topic and this discussion group (active members) are very passionate about their position. It is good (very good) that you question the topic (both sides) and come to your conclusion; NOT on the sharp argumentative and non-contributory view; but, sift through the commentary and dig out the pieces that give a better picture, a useful picture.

But don't base your views on the completion of this discussion group. The sample size is just too small and the passions too high, to get a valid impression.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ ding,

And why? What makes you feel this sympathy.

I’m starting to become sympathetic to the Palestinian cause.

I'm serious. This is a serious question (not argumentative)...

Most Respectfully and Seasons Greetings to All,
The behaviors I am personally witnessing on these boards.

Probably, our best contributor to this discussion group is "Coyote." Coyote is level-headed and yet is able to dive-in and question both assumptions and the perception of events that give the group the glue and bond.

Most Respectfully,
I have a very favorable opinion of Coyote, while we have not always agreed, she has always been respectful. She seems very objective and articulates her positions well. She is thoughtful in her positions. She does her parents proud.
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