Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I responded on Twitter: Saeb – you’re not a lawyer. There’s no violation of international law in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. You seem to confuse international law with UN resolutions which are not international law.

Saeb – I value this opportunity to communicate with you after so many years since we worked together on the 1995 Oslo Interim Agreement.

Permit me to remind you and your colleagues of some basic facts and truths:

A Palestinian state does not exist because it cannot fulfill the accepted international law criteria for statehood. The Palestinians are divided among themselves and sponsor, support, finance and encourage terror.

The fact that the PLO is committed by the Oslo Accords to negotiate with Israel on the issue of the permanent status of the territories is indicative of the fact that permanent status has not yet been agreed upon, and thus there can be no Palestinian state.

Basing their claim to statehood on a 2012 non-binding General Assembly resolution is totally flawed, manipulative, and misleading. The General Assembly is not empowered to establish states. It only upgraded the Palestinian Authority’s observer status and reaffirmed the necessity to negotiate.

Since the PLO is not a state, it therefore cannot be party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is specifically open only to states. Clearly, the ICC cannot exercise jurisdiction over territory that you falsely claim to be sovereign Palestinian territory. It is not Palestinian territory, since its status has yet to be determined through the negotiating process to which the PLO is committed. The fact that the Palestinians politically manipulated the UN and ICC into viewing them as a state is legally flawed and has yet to be reviewed juridically.

The fact that the Palestinians manipulatively present themselves as a state and accede to international treaties and organizations is legally flawed and an abuse of the bona fides of the international community, as well as being a serious violation of the Oslo Accords that they negotiated.

The Palestinians’ fixation with the “1967 borders” has no legal basis. No such borders ever existed. There is no reference in any of the agreements between Israel and the Palestinians to 1967. To the contrary – the determination of borders is an agreed final status negotiating issue.

Similarly, Palestinian claims that establishing the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem violates international law is simply false, including your curious litigation in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the U.S. No provision of international law prevents this.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Claim to Statehood: An Open Letter to PLO Negotiator Saeb Erekat
The Status of Jerusalem under International Law and United Nations Resolutions | The Institute for Palestine Studies
I responded on Twitter: Saeb – you’re not a lawyer. There’s no violation of international law in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. You seem to confuse international law with UN resolutions which are not international law.

Saeb – I value this opportunity to communicate with you after so many years since we worked together on the 1995 Oslo Interim Agreement.

Permit me to remind you and your colleagues of some basic facts and truths:

A Palestinian state does not exist because it cannot fulfill the accepted international law criteria for statehood. The Palestinians are divided among themselves and sponsor, support, finance and encourage terror.

The fact that the PLO is committed by the Oslo Accords to negotiate with Israel on the issue of the permanent status of the territories is indicative of the fact that permanent status has not yet been agreed upon, and thus there can be no Palestinian state.

Basing their claim to statehood on a 2012 non-binding General Assembly resolution is totally flawed, manipulative, and misleading. The General Assembly is not empowered to establish states. It only upgraded the Palestinian Authority’s observer status and reaffirmed the necessity to negotiate.

Since the PLO is not a state, it therefore cannot be party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is specifically open only to states. Clearly, the ICC cannot exercise jurisdiction over territory that you falsely claim to be sovereign Palestinian territory. It is not Palestinian territory, since its status has yet to be determined through the negotiating process to which the PLO is committed. The fact that the Palestinians politically manipulated the UN and ICC into viewing them as a state is legally flawed and has yet to be reviewed juridically.

The fact that the Palestinians manipulatively present themselves as a state and accede to international treaties and organizations is legally flawed and an abuse of the bona fides of the international community, as well as being a serious violation of the Oslo Accords that they negotiated.

The Palestinians’ fixation with the “1967 borders” has no legal basis. No such borders ever existed. There is no reference in any of the agreements between Israel and the Palestinians to 1967. To the contrary – the determination of borders is an agreed final status negotiating issue.

Similarly, Palestinian claims that establishing the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem violates international law is simply false, including your curious litigation in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the U.S. No provision of international law prevents this.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Claim to Statehood: An Open Letter to PLO Negotiator Saeb Erekat
The Status of Jerusalem under International Law and United Nations Resolutions | The Institute for Palestine Studies
We are going to get the truth from the Institute for Palestine Studies?

Written by "Palestinians" for "Palestinians" for a Palestine free of Jews.

You are a joke. A huge one.
I responded on Twitter: Saeb – you’re not a lawyer. There’s no violation of international law in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. You seem to confuse international law with UN resolutions which are not international law.

Saeb – I value this opportunity to communicate with you after so many years since we worked together on the 1995 Oslo Interim Agreement.

Permit me to remind you and your colleagues of some basic facts and truths:

A Palestinian state does not exist because it cannot fulfill the accepted international law criteria for statehood. The Palestinians are divided among themselves and sponsor, support, finance and encourage terror.

The fact that the PLO is committed by the Oslo Accords to negotiate with Israel on the issue of the permanent status of the territories is indicative of the fact that permanent status has not yet been agreed upon, and thus there can be no Palestinian state.

Basing their claim to statehood on a 2012 non-binding General Assembly resolution is totally flawed, manipulative, and misleading. The General Assembly is not empowered to establish states. It only upgraded the Palestinian Authority’s observer status and reaffirmed the necessity to negotiate.

Since the PLO is not a state, it therefore cannot be party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is specifically open only to states. Clearly, the ICC cannot exercise jurisdiction over territory that you falsely claim to be sovereign Palestinian territory. It is not Palestinian territory, since its status has yet to be determined through the negotiating process to which the PLO is committed. The fact that the Palestinians politically manipulated the UN and ICC into viewing them as a state is legally flawed and has yet to be reviewed juridically.

The fact that the Palestinians manipulatively present themselves as a state and accede to international treaties and organizations is legally flawed and an abuse of the bona fides of the international community, as well as being a serious violation of the Oslo Accords that they negotiated.

The Palestinians’ fixation with the “1967 borders” has no legal basis. No such borders ever existed. There is no reference in any of the agreements between Israel and the Palestinians to 1967. To the contrary – the determination of borders is an agreed final status negotiating issue.

Similarly, Palestinian claims that establishing the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem violates international law is simply false, including your curious litigation in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the U.S. No provision of international law prevents this.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Claim to Statehood: An Open Letter to PLO Negotiator Saeb Erekat
The Status of Jerusalem under International Law and United Nations Resolutions | The Institute for Palestine Studies
We are going to get the truth from the Institute for Palestine Studies?

Written by "Palestinians" for "Palestinians" for a Palestine free of Jews.

You are a joke. A huge one.
Well then, post something from a neutral source.
Poster in PA classroom promotes Martyrdom death

Source: Facebook page of Zayzafuna magazine for children, Feb. 6, 2017
Text and pictures posted on the Facebook page of the PLO Zayzafuna magazine for children


In the top picture, a picture of Yasser Arafat and the Dome of the Rock hangs on the wall on the right, and next to Arafat is written "Martyr (Shahid), Martyr, Martyr," referring to Arafat's well-known statement: "They want me as a prisoner, a refugee, or dead. I say to them: 'Martyr, Martyr, Martyr.'"

Posted text: "The Zayzafuna Association for Development of Children's Culture today, Monday, Feb. 6, 2017, held a literary activity at the Tell High School for Girls in the Nablus Education Directorate (i.e., under the PA Ministry of Education), as part of which a group from Zayzafuna met… with 35 students from grades 7 – 11."

Zayzafuna is a PLO magazine for children partially funded by the PA. The magazine, which includes material written by both the magazine’s staff and child readers, represents the values of the educators and serves as a window into the minds of the Palestinian children submitting material to the magazine. Zayzafuna's website states that the magazine's advisory board is comprised of PA officials and educators, including Jihad Zakarneh, PA Deputy Minister of Education, and Abd Al-Hakim Abu Jamous, Head of the Media Department at the PA Ministry of Education. Since September 2015, Zayzafuna included a note on its second page thanking the PA Ministry of Finance for its financial support of the magazine (true as of the time of this writing, May 2016). In May 2011, the Deputy Chairman of the Zayzafuna organization Abd Al-Karim Ziyada explained on PA TV that the PA gives "a monthly payment of 10,000 shekels ($2,700) to cover the magazine's [costs]." [Official PA TV, May 9 and 13, 2011]

Motivating children to seek Shahada | PMW
[ No, nothing to do with Islamic ideology, nothing ]

The mother of terrorist Salah al-Barghouti who carried out the attack in Ofra said her son's death in the IDF operation was "a mercy on him".

"We'll continue to bless Allah all our lives. We firmly believe that as long as the occupation exists, falling in the path of Allah will remain the way we will go."

(full article online)

Muslim mothers thank Allah for death of their sons
Just another day in one of the most Jew haten’est places on the planet.

A society that breeds self-contempt and contempt for non-Cult members holds collective responsibility for crimes against their offspring and the the crimes those offspring commit. It is no use expecting any law enforcement to step into the breach when you have allowed your child to be indoctrinated into the ideology of religiously sanctioned murder/suicide.

At some point, the first, and only concern of the targets of the insane is protecting their own.

"Antisemitic Friday Sermon on PA TV: Allah Turned Jews into Apes and Pigs; Vile Traits Run in Their Genes; Humanity Cannot Coexist with Them"

On December 14, 2018, Palestine TV (Palestinian Authority) aired a sermon delivered by Sheikh Osama Al-Tibi at the Taqwa Mosque in Al-Tira, near Ramallah. Sheikh Al-Tibi said that the Jews have not changed throughout history despite Muslim attempts at peace. He said that he does not claim to be able to mention all of the Jews' despicable traits, and that they are accursed, tyrannical, cowardly, and humiliated violators of agreements who spread discord and corruption, conspire against humanity, bare their fangs at every opportunity, and with whom humanity can never coexist. He said that Allah turned them into apes and pigs, and that their vile and filthy genes are passed down from one generation of Jews to the next. He explained that this is the reason that Europe, America, and other countries "vomited the Jews out" and threw them to the Arabs and Muslims. Sheikh Al-Tibi added that the conflict between the Jews and Muslims will continue until Judgment Day, when the Jews will hide behind the rocks and the trees, which will call to the Muslims to kill the Jews.
In a presidential election between Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh, Haniyeh would win, 49% to 42%. But most would prefer to elect terrorist Marwan Barghouti, now in an Israeli prison.

88% of Palestinians say that other Palestinians who sell property to Israeli Jews are traitors while 9% call them merely "corrupt and unpatriotic." A clear majority of Palestinians, 64%, support the death penalty for anyone who sells land to Jews.

Interestingly, a large majority of Palestinians both in Gaza and the West Bank support Qatari efforts to provide salaries to Hamas employees in Gaza as well as its providing fuel for electricity, both of which the PA vehemently oppose.

55% oppose a two state solution, without being asked what they want to see. Other polls from different organisations have consistently shown that most Palestinians want a single Palestinian state and no Israel, either immediately or after a stage of a two state phase. It is a shame that this polling outfit does not want to ask that question, albeit for obvious reasons, because it would show how Palestinians are really not interested in real peace.

(full article online)

New poll shows Palestinians support terror and want a new violent intifada ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
And still, the international community continues to write welfare checks to enable these psychopaths.

Israelis are “blood suckers,” says mother of 6 terrorists who murdered at least 10 - PMW Bulletins

Israelis are "blood suckers,"

says mother of 6 terrorists who murdered at least 10

  • PA officials about the 6 terrorists: They are "a crown of honor"
  • Fatah official about mother of the 6 terrorists: She is "the mother of the Palestinian people"
  • Following demolition of terror mom's home, Abbas ordered it rebuilt "immediately." PA and Fatah: It is "an obligation" and "a national responsibility"
  • Terror mom: "We... extend our hands to peace, [Israelis] extend their hands to murder... We are even prepared to live in peace between us, but they don't want peace. They are bloodsuckers
Prepare yourselves for a bout of nausea. Yes, it's another day in the life (or what passes for such) in a truly deranged islamic terrorist Cult.

Apparently the debilitating disease of IDS (Islamic Derangement Syndrome), now includes islamic terrorist sponsored "festive events" where the mothers of dead cultists can celebrate their shared pathology of churning out Islamo-bots, raised to pursue death and self-destruction.

I mean, what mother wouldn't take pride in her young Cultist a'splodin in a bright orange flash and thunderous explosion to make Hamas rich?

Muslim mothers thank Allah for death of their sons

Muslim mothers thank Allah for death of their sons

Mother of terrorist who carried out attack in Ofra on her son's death: 'We'll continue to bless Allah all our lives.'

Dalit Halevy, 18/12/18 21:00


Hamas members of the fairer sex
Flash 90
On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of its founding, Hamas held a series of festive events in which it chose to celebrate the contribution of the mothers who sent their sons to Jihad against Israel.

The Hamas newspaper Al-Risala devoted an article to these mothers. Um Muhammad Buskhar, who gave shelter in her home to terrorist Ashraf Nalwa who carried out the attack in Barkan, asked to convey a message to the Palestinian resistance organizations: "If we could protect him in our stomachs and inside our insides we would."
The Islamist group affirmed its commitment to “liberating Palestine, declaring the sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and freeing the Palestinian detainees held in the Israeli jails.” Once these goals are achieved, Hamas — which has been accused by human rights advocates of perpetrating severe abuses in territory under its rule — said it will build a society “that adopts and promotes freedom, justice, democracy, civil peace, women rights, vulnerable groups’ protection, equality, unity, openness, and peace.”

(full article online)

On 31st Anniversary, Hamas Compares Palestinian Terrorism to Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Pledges to Resist Israel ‘With All Means Possible’
During a conference held in Gaza on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, a Palestinian girl recited a poem that referred to the Jews as wild apes, miserable pigs, and evil creatures destined for humiliation. She said that they are like herds of stupid cattle, and that Jerusalem "spits out [their] filth" because it is a pure virgin. She also said: "I do not fear the rifle… As long as I have my arm and my stones… I will not sell out the Palestinian cause." The conferenc...

(full article and video online)

Poem Recited by Palestinian Girl at Gaza Conference: The Wild Apes and Miserable Pigs (Jews) Are Destined for Humiliation, Jerusalem Spits Out Their Filth
More of the usual incitement and calls for Jew killing that defines the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

Just pious Moslems following the literal word of Islam's inventor.

"Three Martyrs for three Israelis [killed].
This is a great thing," says senior Fatah official

Killing 3 innocent Israelis "is a great thing," says Fatah official - PMW Bulletins

Abbas Zaki: "We are proudly following the events in the West Bank.
The young Palestinians are avenging a blood vengeance
- three Martyrs for three Israelis [killed]. This is a great thing"

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Last week, a terrorist shot and murdered 2 Israelis and seriously wounded 2 others in a shooting attack next to Givat Assaf, near Ramallah. The terrorist fled the scene and as of Dec. 20, 2018, has not been apprehended.

Responding to these murders, senior Fatah official Abbas Zaki said it was "a great thing." Applying a twisted logic, Zaki indicated that this terrorist shooting was legitimate "blood vengeance" for Palestinians killed by Israel. However, he did not differentiate between deaths of innocent Israelis targeted by terrorists and the deaths of the terrorists who had murdered Israelis and were killed during Israel's attempt to capture them:

"We are proudly following the events in the West Bank. The young Palestinians are avenging a blood vengeance - three Martyrs (Shahids) for three Israelis. This is a great thing."
[SHMS News Agency, Dec. 13, 2018; official Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki, Dec. 13, 2018;
official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 16, 2018]
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
→ Hollie, et al,

While I expect nothing less from the Arab Palestinians, I sometimes find it utterly astounding that there are still some in the world who believes these bloodthirsty people searching for peace; or have the moral compass even to find it if they wanted.

Most Respectfully,
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