Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
→ Hollie, et al,

While I expect nothing less from the Arab Palestinians, I sometimes find it utterly astounding that there are still some in the world who believes these bloodthirsty people searching for peace; or have the moral compass even to find it if they wanted.

Most Respectfully,

Totally agree, Rocco.

I believe it is important to acknowledge we have 1400 years of Arab/Moslem and Jewish relationships to reach conclusions about the bloodthirsty nature of Palestinian/Moslem Arabs.

The conflicts that arose from the influx of Western/European ideologies to the area of Palestine in the 18th and 19th centuries (in the final century of the Ottoman Empire,) including Western notions of "equal rights" and equal dignity, the joint rise of Arab nationalism, and the world tragedy of WWII were monumental in human terms. The Islamic majority had never had any notion or pretense of freedoms being extended to the non-Moslems and they were the freedoms, opportunity, equality, and even security that Moslems reserved for themselves.

History has shown that Islam was passed by as the Renaissance, the European enlightenment, and finally the scientific-technological revolution, all predicated on free thought and open debate, which allowed the West to progress in new avenues of social, political and economic advances.

The wars that Muhammud lead, the ethnic cleansing of Yathrib in a historical context and the near ethnic cleansing of non-Moslems from the Middle East in a modern context, the tacit permission for his soldiers to rape war captives, the permission of sexual slavery (or slavery at all). The assassination of political rivals. The practice of banditry and caravan raids. The marriage to Aisha. The very reason these occurrences are even a part of the historical record is because Moslems recorded these events. They were perfectly fine with the ideas of sexual slavery, genocide and piracy. Those behaviors were not morally objectionable to them, and so they were dutifully recorded with the intention of preserving the history of Muhammud as an example for all later Moslems.

All of the behaviors described above were perfectly acceptable in the zeitgeist of Muhammud's day but most of the planet has moved away from sexual slavery, genocide and fascism. Most – not all. While it may be unfair to cast judgments regarding Muhammud as a 7th century Arab in the context of his time, we have no legitimate reason to accept his behavior in the context of the 21st century.

However, the standards for judgment are different if, rather than judging Muhammud as a 7th century Arab figure, we instead are judging him as a "model for humanity". In that sense, Muhammud's behavior (and the behavior of Moslems across so much of the Middle East), is irreconcilable with the ethics or the standards of behavior we define as acceptable in the 21st century
The Islamic God is having a sale, at least according to a Death Cult Sheikh.
Lovely, lovely folks.

"Palestinian Cleric Nasser Maarouf: A Martyr Killed by Jews Receives a Double Reward; Jihad must be Continued, Abandoning It Causes Discord"

Sheikh Nasser Maarouf of the Palestine Islamic Scholars Association said that that Palestinian mujahideen have the advantage of waging Jihad against the Jews. He said that a martyr killed by the Jews receives twice the reward of one who was killed by other infidels, and he explained that Allah had turned the Jews into apes and pigs because He hated them. Giving the examples of India, Africa, and medieval Spain, Maarouf said that the abandonment of Jihad causes discord and corruption of faith. He said that Jihad is necessary because it is the nature of Allah's enemies to fight Muslims. Sheikh Maarouf spoke on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) on December 2, 2018.
The Islamic God is having a sale, at least according to a Death Cult Sheikh.
Lovely, lovely folks.

"Palestinian Cleric Nasser Maarouf: A Martyr Killed by Jews Receives a Double Reward; Jihad must be Continued, Abandoning It Causes Discord"

Sheikh Nasser Maarouf of the Palestine Islamic Scholars Association said that that Palestinian mujahideen have the advantage of waging Jihad against the Jews. He said that a martyr killed by the Jews receives twice the reward of one who was killed by other infidels, and he explained that Allah had turned the Jews into apes and pigs because He hated them. Giving the examples of India, Africa, and medieval Spain, Maarouf said that the abandonment of Jihad causes discord and corruption of faith. He said that Jihad is necessary because it is the nature of Allah's enemies to fight Muslims. Sheikh Maarouf spoke on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) on December 2, 2018.

Palestinian "Cleric" () Nassar maarouf.....

he ain't no...cleric or a ....man of the cloth....or a broker of peace...or a "spiritual leader" with GOD in his heart.....

he's...well, you know:

....he really should be resting in an insane asylum, but he's up walking around giving spiritual guidance to the palestinian leaders & their troops....
When a nation or culture is judged on its success or failure as a nation, one is required to evaluate what unique and positive developments it gave to its people and to mankind.

With this in mind, it’s worth examining what has been the exceptional prowess we associate with the word "Palestinians."

In a brief history, we remind ourselves that a nation or state called Palestine never existed. The name was an insult, a curse to obliterate the vanquished nation of Israel two millennia ago by the Romans. Today, we have come full circle with Arabs using the term Palestine as an insult and a curse as they attempt to obliterate the modern State of Israel.

A century ago, those described a carrying the term “Palestinians” were mainly the Jews who inhabited the district of Greater Syria, a barren and barely inhabited area of the fading Ottoman Empire, an empire that died after Turkey foolishly allied itself with Germany in World War One and was defeated by the British-led Expeditionary army aided by a volunteer force of Palestinian Jews who fought and died to liberate the land.

The Arabs, during and after the Great War, disliked being called "Palestinian." In 1937, the Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul Hadi, told the United Nations Peel Commission on Palestine that “there is no such country as Palestine. Palestine is a term the Zionists invented. Palestine in alien to us. Our land was for hundreds of years a part of Syria.”

This was confirmed decades later in 1970 by no less than Yasser Arafat who admitted in an interview with Italian journalist, Arianna Palazzi, that, “Palestine is nothing but a drop in an enormous ocean…What you call Jordan is nothing more than Palestine.”

They were right. A century ago the Arabs much preferred to live under the tutelage of an Arab ruler based in Damascus. No Arab fought to rid themselves of the Turks west of the River Jordan, and the Arabs east of the Jordan only fought for the Hashemite sheikhs in return for gold, weapons, or booty. When this was not forthcoming by the Britain they drifted back into the desert until money enticed them back to the battlefield.

(full article online)

The Palestinian pioneering spirit
[ Here is a simple solution: Hamas creates a Palestinian State in Gaza, Fatah creates a Palestinian State in areas A and B of Judea and Samaria. They know that they are never going to become one, destroy Israel. Even if they managed, with Hezballah and Iran, to destroy Israel, they would be having a civil war between them for power. And Hamas would win. Two more Arab States in Mandate for Palestine, besides Jordan. End of war. ]

Though the parliament has not met since 2007, when Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip, PA law allows for its speaker to act as interim president should 83-year-old Abbas die in office.

Hamas won the last parliamentary elections in 2006 in a landslide, resulting in an electoral dispute with Fatah.

The split between them persists and has defied several reconciliation attempts. A range of issues have kept the two sides apart, including Hamas' refusal to disarm its military wing.

Abbas, whose Fatah is based in Judea and Samaria, has sought to pressure Hamas in recent months by reducing salaries in the Gaza Strip, among other moves.

Abbas's term was meant to expire in 2009, but he has remained in office in the absence of elections.

(full article online)

Hamas rejects Abbas plan to dissolve PA 'parliament'
The Palestinian Authority’s Preventive Security Service in Ramallah announced on Sunday that its agents had succeeded in thwarting the sale to Jews of 750 acres of land belonging to Arabs.

The lands in question were located in eastern Jerusalem, Ramallah, Shechem, Hebron, Qalqilya and Salfit.

The Preventive Security also warned local Arab land owners against selling land to Jews or suspicious elements who represent Jewish buyers.

44 PA Arabs have recently been arrested and accused of selling land to Jews.

The Palestinian Authority land laws prohibit Arab residents from selling their lands to “any man or judicial body corporation of Israeli citizenship, living in Israel or acting on its behalf,” in a flagrant violation of the civil rights of Jewish buyers.

Land sales to Israelis are considered treason by the PA and PA citizens who sell land to Israelis can be subject to the death penalty. When captured, suspects are tortured by the PA security service and kept behind bars for long periods of time without a trial.

(full article online)

Apartheid: PA Security Boasts of Preventing Sale of 750 Acres to Jews
Oh, my. Arabs-Moslems, they’re so islamophobic™️

Palestinian Children: Victims of Arab Apartheid
by Khaled Abu Toameh
December 20, 2018 at 5:00 am

Palestinian Children: Victims of Arab Apartheid

  • According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), "legal prohibitions persist on access for Palestinian refugees to 36 liberal or syndicated professions (including in medicine, farming, fishery, and public transportation)... In order to work, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are required to obtain an annual work permit. Following a change in the law in 2001, Palestinian refugees are reportedly prevented from legal acquiring, transferring or inheriting real property in Lebanon."

  • The latest failure serves as a reminder of the apartheid and discrimination Palestinians face in Lebanon. According to various human rights organizations, Palestinians there suffer systematic discrimination in nearly every aspect of daily life. The UNHCR also points out that the Palestinians in Lebanon do not have access to Lebanese public health services and rely mostly on UNRWA for health services, as well as non-profit organizations and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. The Palestinians are also denied access to Lebanese public schools.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I do not understand why... The Arab Palestinians are refugees, in Lebanon, in part and on account of Lebanon's participation in various acts of aggression against Israel by the Arab League.

Palestinian Children: Victims of Arab Apartheid
apartheid and discrimination Palestinians face in Lebanon.
• legal prohibitions persist on access for Palestinian refugees to 36 liberal or syndicated professions (including in medicine, farming, fishery, and public transportation)...

• In order to work, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are required to obtain an annual work permit.

• prevented from legal acquiring, transferring or inheriting real property in Lebanon."

• do not have access to Lebanese public health services and rely mostly on UNRWA for health service

The question is → why?

These restrict sound more like measures to protect economic concerns and employment positions.

Today's unemployment rate is about 6.7%.

Lebanon · Unemployment 2017.png

Lebanon has a balanced national healt care system.

Lebanon Health care sysdss.png

There appears to be at a point that it could push it into a change in financially ineffective medical care.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco -

My take on things is that the Lebanese clearly are motivated by two overriding themes. One is, as you put it, “protect economic concerns and employment positions.” And, I also suspect that within the Lebanese population there is still a deeply held suspiscion for, and long memory of the Black September fiasco in neighboring Jordan,

Accurate numbers are difficult to find but it seems that somewhere between 450,000 to possibly 500,000 Palestinian “refugees” are in Lebanese camps. At least as I understand it, the “refugee” label places most of the financial burden for food and care at UNRWA, not Lebanon.

Nationmaster (Countries Compared by People > Population. International Statistics at NationMaster.com) lists the (2013) population of Lebanon at only 4.13 million people. If Lebanon was to nationalize an additional one-half million people, that represents a sizeable percentage increase. Presuming much of the “refugee” population to be functionally unemployable, Lebanon is staring into the gaping maw of a huge financial burden. It’s also worth pointing out that the population of Lebanon is a volatile mix of ethnic and religious clans. They don’t always play nice with each other. A sizeable population change that adds a half-milllion Arabs to the mix won’t sit well with with either the Christian minority or the Iranian Shia backed Hezbollah military.

Yet it's been observed many times, by many commentators:

§ That the Islamic states refuse to accept “Palestinian refugees”;

§ That Israel's succor toward the Palestinians exceeds that of all the world's Islamic states put together;

§ That Moslems in Israel proper enjoy far more rights, better protected, than the residents of the Palestinian internment camps;

§ And, despite the above, that the Islamic states of the Middle East have made it mortally dangerous to be a Jew anywhere in that region except Israel.
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I do not understand why... The Arab Palestinians are refugees, in Lebanon, in part and on account of Lebanon's participation in various acts of aggression against Israel by the Arab League.

Palestinian Children: Victims of Arab Apartheid
apartheid and discrimination Palestinians face in Lebanon.
• legal prohibitions persist on access for Palestinian refugees to 36 liberal or syndicated professions (including in medicine, farming, fishery, and public transportation)...

• In order to work, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are required to obtain an annual work permit.

• prevented from legal acquiring, transferring or inheriting real property in Lebanon."

• do not have access to Lebanese public health services and rely mostly on UNRWA for health service

The question is → why?

These restrict sound more like measures to protect economic concerns and employment positions.

Today's unemployment rate is about 6.7%.
Lebanon has a balanced national healt care system.
There appears to be at a point that it could push it into a change in financially ineffective medical care.

Most Respectfully,
Palestinians are not citizens of Lebanon. Palestinians have no passports or other travel documents. They are just stuck there.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I do not understand why... The Arab Palestinians are refugees, in Lebanon, in part and on account of Lebanon's participation in various acts of aggression against Israel by the Arab League.

Palestinian Children: Victims of Arab Apartheid
apartheid and discrimination Palestinians face in Lebanon.
• legal prohibitions persist on access for Palestinian refugees to 36 liberal or syndicated professions (including in medicine, farming, fishery, and public transportation)...

• In order to work, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are required to obtain an annual work permit.

• prevented from legal acquiring, transferring or inheriting real property in Lebanon."

• do not have access to Lebanese public health services and rely mostly on UNRWA for health service

The question is → why?

These restrict sound more like measures to protect economic concerns and employment positions.

Today's unemployment rate is about 6.7%.
Lebanon has a balanced national healt care system.
There appears to be at a point that it could push it into a change in financially ineffective medical care.

Most Respectfully,
Palestinians are not citizens of Lebanon. Palestinians have no passports or other travel documents. They are just stuck there.

The Iranian mullocrats laugh at Arabs.
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