Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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If we all say “Peace Partners” while tapping the heels on our ruby slippers...

Gaza residents received a special holiday greeting this week, just in case they didn’t realize ‘tis the season to be jolly.

A threatening flyer featuring a Quranic verse warning Muslims “not to go the way of the Jews and the Christians, indeed God is not for the evil people,” and that it is “absolutely forbidden to celebrate Christmas” in way, shape or form, was distributed to citizens ahead of the holiday.

On the flyer, reportedly aimed at the 1,000 Arab Christians living in Gaza as well as at Muslims, was a burning Christmas tree.

(full article online)

"Fedayeen" is the Arabic word for commandos, and that is the name that was used for the terrorists who infiltrated Israel in the 1950s as well as the Palestinian terrorists who hijacked airplanes and terrorized the West in the 1970s. For example, this article refers to the 1972 Munich Olympic terrorists as "fedayeen."

When Palestinians are looking for heroes to associate with their sports teams, they choose terrorists.

(full article online)

Palestinians refer to their football team as "Fedayeen" - after the terrorists of the 1970s ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I suppose if Arabs-Moslems are going to carry on with invention of their history, they might as well make it a full-blown, across the board fabrication.

Christmas is a "Palestinian symbol" and "Jesus was the first Palestinian," says senior Fatah leader - PMW Bulletins

"Christmas is one of the Palestinian symbols"

"Jesus was the first Palestinian,"
says senior Fatah leader

By Itamar Marcus

Christmas is a "Palestinian symbol" and "Jesus was the first Palestinian," says senior Fatah leader - PMW Bulletins

For years, the Palestinian Authority and Fatah have presented Jesus as a Palestinian, as part of its fabricating an ancient Palestinian history.

This year was no exception. On the occasion of Christmas, a top Fatah official spoke of Jesus as "the first Palestinian" and "'Christmas is one of the permanent Palestinian symbols."

In their historical revision, the PA and Fatah ignore that Jesus was a Jew ("Judean") according to Christian tradition and that the Roman Empire changed the name of the land Judea into "Palestine" only a hundred years after Jesus lived. In spite of the dishonesty, senior PA and Fatah leaders have consistently presented Jesus and his mother Mary as Palestinians and Jesus as "the first Palestinian Martyr," and the first Palestinian refugee, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch.

The following is a statement from PLO Executive Committee member and Fatah Central Committee member Azzam Al-Ahmad yesterday at Khan Al-Ahmar, a site where Palestinian Bedouins have illegally erected buildings and dwellings.

"The lighting of the Christmas tree each year has many meanings in Palestine... Christmas is one of the permanent Palestinian symbols, and the whole world follows Mass in Bethlehem...
The children of Khan Al-Ahmar are happy about the lighting of this tree, as it is the symbol of the first Palestinian, Jesus, peace be upon him. We, the members of the Palestinian people, are celebrating Christmas together with everyone in the land of Palestine...'

The same false claims about Jesus were repeated by Secretary-General of the National Initiative [and PA Parliament member] Mustafa Barghouti:

"Jesus, who was born on this land, was a Palestinian and defeated his suffering."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 20, 2018]

St. Nicholas/Santa uses "peace doves" to deliver presents over the barbed wire that supposedly separates Palestinians from the rest of the world, according to this highly offensive piece of propaganda disguised as innocent holiday greetings.

(full article online)

Palestine mission to Netherlands sends Christmas message showing children getting gifts over barbed wire ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

It's all happy-fun Islam when Arabs-Moslems are getting gifts from the kuffar St. Nick.

Somebody missed the email.

Palestinian Officials Turn Off Christmas Trees, Cancel Holiday Event over Trump Jerusalem Recognition
The PLC is dominated by Hamas, who won more seats than Fatah in the only parliamentary election ever held in the territories. While it hasn't met since 2006, it still has one meaningful function in Palestinian law: If Abbas dies, the Palestinian Basic Law says that the speaker of the PLC becomes acting prime minister, and that is a Hamas member. So Abbas has incentive to ensure that Fatah remains in control should he expire.

In early December, Abbas vowed to dissolve the PLC "in a legal way." It is unclear if there is any legal way to do so under the Palestinian Basic Law.

But now Abbas has declared that the Palestinian Constitutional Court has indeed dissolved the PLC, just like he wanted.

The Court does not have a webpage. It has a Facebook page that doesn't mention any such decision, or indeed any of its decisions. From that page it appears that members of the court travel to other Islamic countries to conferences on constitutional law - and do little else.

But the Palestinian Constitutional Court, although mentioned in the 2003 Basic Law, was not set up until 2016.

And guess who handpicked all members of the court? Mahmoud Abbas!

(full article online)

Dictator Mahmoud Abbas also controls the court system that just consolidated his power even more ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • As far as Abbas and other Palestinians are concerned, Israel's security measures in response to terrorist attacks are also a "crime." In other words, they are saying that Israel does not have the right to conduct hot pursuit after terrorists hiding in Palestinian cities or refugee camps.

  • When it comes to the actions of the Palestinian leaders themselves, however, they see utter innocence. For them, the daily incitement against Israel and Jews is not a "crime." For them, the glorification of terrorists and paying salaries to their families is not a "crime." For them, the shooting of a pregnant woman at a bus stop is not a "crime."

  • Such messages are driving Palestinians into the open arms of Hamas. If you are telling your people that Israel and the Jews are criminals, and that anyone who does business with them or visits them is guilty of a "crime," you are telling them that Hamas has got it right: Palestinians should be seeking the destruction of Israel, not peace with it.
(full article online)

Palestinians: The Real "Crimes"
The moralists couldn't be more wrong. The Palestinians are contemptuous of the stupidity and naiveté of the Left and see these as an asymmetry that holds their salvation, not to mention a weakness and an Achilles' heel via which they can strike at our people. They have grown up in a society in which the tribal code leaves no room for the weak and thinks nothing of the individual other than as a part of a stampeding herd of a collective. Indeed, in Arab society, the individual is valued only when he or she is attacked by someone from the outside, which means that the tribe's collective deterrence has been attacked and it is under threat. In response, tribe members will take vengeance on individuals from the attacker's side.

(full article online)

by Khaled Abu Toameh

Palestinians: Silencing and Intimidating Critics

  • Palestinian columnist Sami Fuda denounced the Hamas crackdown on its critics in Gaza: "Apparently, freedom of expression is unacceptable to the de facto rulers of the Gaza Strip... The policy of intimidating and imprisoning writers will not deter them and is completely ineffective and unacceptable."

  • While these few Palestinians have expressed concern over Hamas's effort to silence its critics, international human rights organizations, including some that operate in the Gaza Strip, continue to turn a blind eye to this assault on public freedoms. They are either afraid of Hamas, or they do not give a damn about human rights violations unless they can find a way of pointing an accusatory finger at Israel.

  • Hamas is prepared to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a rally marking the 31st anniversary of its founding, but says it cannot afford to provide financial aid to impoverished Palestinians. Meanwhile, any Palestinians who dare to ask Hamas the wrong questions will find themselves behind bars.
Arab nations have been reneging on pledges to the Palestinians for many years now. They attend summits where they promise their full support and then usually do not follow through. Yet the conferences still happen - Hamdallah presided over one today, called the "Jerusalem Victory Conference," in Ramallah.

Absurdly, Hamdallah also claimed that there were no sanctions by the PA against Gaza. Since April 2017, the PA has limited salaries, fuel, medicines and many other items, all of which are well documented. Even Hamdallah admitted to these moves in August but he denied that they were sanctions even then, calling them "temporary measures." (Abbas gave a speech in March where he said he would increase "financial measures" against Gaza.)

(full article online)

Palestinian PM: Arab countries reneging on their promises to give us money ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I cannot hardly type this response for the big floppy tears in my eyes.

Arab nations have been reneging on pledges to the Palestinians for many years now. They attend summits where they promise their full support and then usually do not follow through. Yet the conferences still happen - Hamdallah presided over one today, called the "Jerusalem Victory Conference," in Ramallah.

Absurdly, Hamdallah also claimed that there were no sanctions by the PA against Gaza. Since April 2017, the PA has limited salaries, fuel, medicines and many other items, all of which are well documented. Even Hamdallah admitted to these moves in August but he denied that they were sanctions even then, calling them "temporary measures." (Abbas gave a speech in March where he said he would increase "financial measures" against Gaza.)

(full article online)

Palestinian PM: Arab countries reneging on their promises to give us money ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

This story and the tragedy is just breaking my damn heart! Now, where did I put those nitro-tablets?
I'm going to need them just any second now...

Most Respectfully,
A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry explained, “We have made it clear to the Palestinian Mission that we need clarification on the Facebook post, and the glorification of terrorism and a glorification of Lufthansa kidnapper Leila Khaled are completely unacceptable.”

The rebuke of the Palestinian Mission came after Filipp Piatov, a reporter for the newspaper Bild, reported on the post praising Khaled.

Khaled was a member of a PFLP cell that hijacked TWA flight 840 in August 1969. She also participated in the attempted hijacking of an El Al flight a year later.

The rebuke issued by Foreign Ministry came just days after Germany decided to stop funding foreign organizations that promote anti-Semitism.

The PFLP has been designated as a terrorist organization by both the United States and the European Union.

In November of last year, Khaled, currently, a resident of Jordan, was barred from entering Italy due to an invalid visa, even though other European nations, including Germany, allowed her to enter. Khaled frequently travels advocating boycotts of Israel.

Khaled has been quoted as saying that for Palestinians, “negotiations will be held only with knives and weapons.”

(full article online)

Palestinian Mission Takes Down Pro-Terror Post After Rebuke from Germany's Foreign Ministry
One of the most distressing and depressing aspects of how the Abbas and Hamas regimes weaponize their Palestinian Arab society's children is in how they educate them.

The evidence for the open and callous manipulation of their children's minds and futures has been out there for anyone concerned with the truth to absorb. Yet its corrosiveness goes on. And no less disturbing, it continues in large measure to be funded by non-Arab states in the name of "helping".

We're reposting here an article written by Arnold Roth for the Wall Street Journal back in September 2003 - more than a decade and a half ago.

Readers paying attention will see that, while some things have changed somewhat, others remain just as rotten as they were back then.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 27-Dec-18: What's changed these past 15 years with the maleducation in Palestinian Arabs schools?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

In a Region of the World, where Radical Islamic Fundamentalism and Resistance has been repackaged and rebranded as freedom fighting in the name of self-determination and destiny for the people's sovereignty, → I have to wonder why this event is so very strange. After all, it is just supernatural powers of a higher authority (PBUH or whoever it is) that magically made miraculous transport happen.


It is all about the Prime Directive and evidence of a transporter being used.

Most Respectfully,
I’m trying to come up with some ideas as to how the planet can better accommodate Islamic fascists.

Maybe pointing and laughing is enough.

"Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahar: U.S. Embassy Is Unacceptable in West Jerusalem, in Tel Aviv, or Even in Safed"

Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said in a December 23, 2018, interview on Al-Alam TV (Iran) that Iran does not ask anything in return for the aid it provides to Hamas. He added that the presence of an American embassy in Palestine is totally unacceptable, even if it were built in Safed or suspended above Palestine, and that Western Jerusalem is even more Arab than Eastern Jerusalem. He added that Israel was established by the West in order to get rid of the Zionist cancer that was ruining the Western economy.

“....Iran does not ask anything in return for the aid it provides to Hamas.”

Mahmoud, the useful idiot for the Iranian Mullocrats, will gladly accept Iranian welfare money if it finances the Hamas terrorist infrastructure. The Iranian Mullocrats must be like giddy schoolgirls having an upper hand with their newfound Sunni errand boys.
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