Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Rockets mounted on a truck during a parade by Hamas in the city of Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip, December 15, 2018 (alqassam.net)

Hamas displays apparent truck-mounted rockets at parade to mark its founding

The Iranian Mullocracy (likely the ones who paid for the weaponry) must be laughing all the way to the mosque. The most hated enemies of the Shia include Jews and Sunni Moslems. The Mullahs must be giggling like schoolgirls at the thought of Sunni Hamas Islamists being played for fools as Shia errand boys.
The sort of unhinged ranting by “Pal’istanian” nutbars would be absolutely comical, except these idiots are serious. With references to India and Spain, the good Sheik is lamenting the seventh century promise of supremacy over the infidel that was left as a legacy by the inventor of islam.

"Palestinian Cleric Nasser Maarouf: A Martyr Killed by Jews Receives a Double Reward; Jihad must be Continued, Abandoning It Causes Discord"

Sheikh Nasser Maarouf of the Palestine Islamic Scholars Association said that that Palestinian mujahideen have the advantage of waging Jihad against the Jews. He said that a martyr killed by the Jews receives twice the reward of one who was killed by other infidels, and he explained that Allah had turned the Jews into apes and pigs because He hated them. Giving the examples of India, Africa, and medieval Spain, Maarouf said that the abandonment of Jihad causes discord and corruption of faith. He said that Jihad is necessary because it is the nature of Allah's enemies to fight Muslims. Sheikh Maarouf spoke on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) on December 2, 2018.
For around 500 years prior to World War I the entire Middle East was "owned" by the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was much like the United States in that it was divided into Vilayets (provinces) which were similar to states. People moved freely from province to province as they liked.

After that, the British took control.
Palestinians are not born hating Jews. That hatred is learned, and for the Palestinians, it is vital.

This is how for generations they have been churning out terrorists who shoot, stab and run over pregnant women, children asleep in their beds, and soldiers and police officers on guard duty. Along with the aspiration to martyrdom and the willingness to die, hatred is apparently the basis for the Palestinian loss of fear and Israel's loss of deterrence, two issues that are often discussed together.

The Palestinians feed their children hatred with their mothers' milk. Where else in the world will you find a society that gives babies names like "Knife of Jerusalem" and posts pictures of them on Facebook holding weapons in their tiny hands? Where else on Earth are sports teams, streets and schools named after the murderers of children and the elderly?

(full article online)

Just more of the putrid bile from the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

Praising the killer of an infant as a “hero”.

It seems that mental illness can be a learned phenomenon.

Fatah “prays for the souls” of 2 murderers

Fatah “prays for the souls” of 2 murderers - PMW Bulletins

Fatah “prays for the souls” of 2 murderers
- “The heroes of the homeland”
  • Murderer of baby is “Martyr” who “whispered to the land: ‘I’ll give you the most precious thing I have - my blood and my soul’”
  • Murderer of two Israeli co-workers is “the legend,” “heroic,” and “a Martyr”
  • "The heroic Martyrs of the homeland are sketching the map of the homeland with their pure blood... Eternity and glory to you... [The winds] spread a scent... similar to the scent of musk - and it is not surprising, for on that ground is a Martyr who was killed for his Lord and his land. His pure soul went out to the Lord of Heaven and earth... These are the Martyrs of Palestine. They live today with their Lord”

  • On poster with splashes of blood and images of the two murderers: “Eternity and praise to our righteous Martyrs,” “In Paradise, the meeting place”
by Nan Jacques Zilberdik

The Israeli baby who had to be delivered prematurely because its mother was shot and seriously wounded in a terror attack last week died yesterday.

Today, Abbas’ Fatah Movement “prays for the soul” of the baby’s murderer.

Yesterday, two terrorist murderers were killed when Israeli forces tried to arrest them. One terrorist murderer was Saleh Omar Saleh Barghouti, who murdered the baby who died as a result of a shooting attack last week in which he wounded 7 Israelis, including the pregnant mother. The other terrorist murderer was Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na’alwa who in October this year shot and murdered 2 of his Israeli coworkers in the factory where they all worked.
Hamas' military wing, the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, claimed responsibility for both attacks.

Today, Fatah honors these two murderers as “heroes of the homeland” in several posts on Facebook. Fatah wished the murderers “eternity and glory,” praised their “pure blood” and “pure soul,” and described the “scent of musk of the Martyr.” Abbas’ movement stressed the fact that these two murderers were “killed for their Lord and their land”:

- “The heroes of the homeland”

  • Murderer of baby is “Martyr” who “whispered to the land: ‘I’ll give you the most precious thing I have - my blood and my soul’”
  • Murderer of two Israeli co-workers is “the legend,” “heroic,” and “a Martyr”
  • "The heroic Martyrs of the homeland are sketching the map of the homeland with their pure blood... Eternity and glory to you... [The winds] spread a scent... similar to the scent of musk - and it is not surprising, for on that ground is a Martyr who was killed for his Lord and his land. His pure soul went out to the Lord of Heaven and earth... These are the Martyrs of Palestine. They live today with their Lord”

  • On poster with splashes of blood and images of the two murderers: “Eternity and praise to our righteous Martyrs,” “In Paradise, the meeting place”
by Nan Jacques Zilberdik

The Israeli baby who had to be delivered prematurely because its mother was shot and seriously wounded in a terror attack last week died yesterday.

Today, Abbas’ Fatah Movement “prays for the soul” of the baby’s murderer.

Yesterday, two terrorist murderers were killed when Israeli forces tried to arrest them. One terrorist murderer was Saleh Omar Saleh Barghouti, who murdered the baby who died as a result of a shooting attack last week in which he wounded 7 Israelis, including the pregnant mother. The other terrorist murderer was Ashraf Walid Suleiman Na’alwa who in October this year shot and murdered 2 of his Israeli coworkers in the factory where they all worked.
Hamas' military wing, the Izz A-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, claimed responsibility for both attacks.

Today, Fatah honors these two murderers as “heroes of the homeland” in several posts on Facebook. Fatah wished the murderers “eternity and glory,” praised their “pure blood” and “pure soul,” and described the “scent of musk of the Martyr.” Abbas’ movement stressed the fact that these two murderers were “killed for their Lord and their land”:
I knew he was arrested by Israel as a hate-filled teenager — a victim both of childhood rape, and of the extremist conditioning of his home and schooling. (“It wasn’t ‘take a gun and kill the Jews’ at school,” he says. “But it was ‘the Zionists stole our land.'”) He was caught with a gun, with which he fully intended to kill Israelis. I knew he’d begun to ask questions when, in jail, he saw Hamas inmates torture and even kill fellow Hamas inmates they (falsely) suspected were collaborating with Israel, and that he’d ultimately undergo what he called in the documentary a “crazy transformation” — from trying to murder Israelis to risking his life in order to save them.

(full article online)

Just trying to save lives: 5 surreal days in Florida with the ‘Son of Hamas’
I responded on Twitter: Saeb – you’re not a lawyer. There’s no violation of international law in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. You seem to confuse international law with UN resolutions which are not international law.

Saeb – I value this opportunity to communicate with you after so many years since we worked together on the 1995 Oslo Interim Agreement.

Permit me to remind you and your colleagues of some basic facts and truths:

A Palestinian state does not exist because it cannot fulfill the accepted international law criteria for statehood. The Palestinians are divided among themselves and sponsor, support, finance and encourage terror.

The fact that the PLO is committed by the Oslo Accords to negotiate with Israel on the issue of the permanent status of the territories is indicative of the fact that permanent status has not yet been agreed upon, and thus there can be no Palestinian state.

Basing their claim to statehood on a 2012 non-binding General Assembly resolution is totally flawed, manipulative, and misleading. The General Assembly is not empowered to establish states. It only upgraded the Palestinian Authority’s observer status and reaffirmed the necessity to negotiate.

Since the PLO is not a state, it therefore cannot be party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which is specifically open only to states. Clearly, the ICC cannot exercise jurisdiction over territory that you falsely claim to be sovereign Palestinian territory. It is not Palestinian territory, since its status has yet to be determined through the negotiating process to which the PLO is committed. The fact that the Palestinians politically manipulated the UN and ICC into viewing them as a state is legally flawed and has yet to be reviewed juridically.

The fact that the Palestinians manipulatively present themselves as a state and accede to international treaties and organizations is legally flawed and an abuse of the bona fides of the international community, as well as being a serious violation of the Oslo Accords that they negotiated.

The Palestinians’ fixation with the “1967 borders” has no legal basis. No such borders ever existed. There is no reference in any of the agreements between Israel and the Palestinians to 1967. To the contrary – the determination of borders is an agreed final status negotiating issue.

Similarly, Palestinian claims that establishing the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem violates international law is simply false, including your curious litigation in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the U.S. No provision of international law prevents this.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Claim to Statehood: An Open Letter to PLO Negotiator Saeb Erekat
  • According to the logic of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Ministry of Information, Israeli soldiers searching for terrorists is an "act of terrorism," but not the shooting of a pregnant woman and six other Israeli civilians standing at a bus stop.

  • The message that Abbas is sending to the world is: How dare these Israelis take security measures to stop terrorist attacks against their soldiers and civilians!

  • Finally, we might mention an important detail about which Abbas and his representatives are keeping their mouths shut tight: the Israeli crackdown on Hamas in the West Bank actually serves the interests of the Palestinian Authority. Without this ongoing crackdown, Hamas would have long ago overthrown Abbas's regime and seized control of the West Bank.
(full article online)

Palestinians: Shooting a Pregnant Woman and Lying
Biting the hand the signs your welfare check.

While an outright refusal of the Dutch to continue funding Islamic terrorism would have been the right choice, their small gesture of a welfare pay cur to the Arab-Moslem Cultists is a move in the right direction

Unfortunately, we in the West still refuse to understand that Islamic terrorists are not "made" by others. The names they operate under are subordinate to the cause of their ideology. That ideology, of course, is gee—had: warfare to expand the dominion of Allah's religion, as elucidated in the Koran.

Following PMW lecture, Dutch parliament passes motion to cut funding to PA - PMW Bulletins

By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Nan Jacques Zilberd


Kay Wilson and PMW director Marcus
speaking to MPs

Just three weeks after Palestinian Media WatchDirector Itamar Marcus spoke to Dutch MPs in November, the Dutch Parliament voted 94-56 to cut 7% of Dutch funding to the Palestinian Authority. The cut of 7% was chosen because PMW documented that the PA spends 7% of its budget on payments to terrorists in jail and to families of killed terrorists ("Martyrs"). The Dutch motion is binding unless the PA stops these payments.

Following PMW lecture, Dutch parliament passes motion to cut funding to PA - PMW Bulletins

Dutch MP Joël Voordewind responded to the PMW lecture by saying that he would propose legislation:
"I was very impressed with the story of Kay Wilson that she survived 13 stabbings in her body. This makes Itamar Marcus' appeal even stronger, that the [PA's] paying of convicted terrorists should stop... We're now part of the government...Hopefully the other parties will agree to cut the budget from the PA, by the amount they're spending on the terrorists."
[Parliament of The Netherlands, Nov. 7, 2018
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