Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[ Shooting at unarmed civilians = heroic ]

A Hamas spokesman praised the terrorist attack adjacent to the Ofra settlement in the central West Bank on Sunday in which a pregnant 21-year-old Israeli woman and six others were wounded, describing it as “heroic.”

Shots were fired from a passing car at a crowd of people who were waiting at a bus stop near the settlement. The pregnant woman was in a critical condition, and was “fighting for her life” in the hospital late Sunday. Doctors delivered her baby, which was in a stable condition.

(full article online)

Hamas praises ‘heroic’ West Bank shooting attack
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) violence conduct such operations with a total disregard and depraved indifference to human life for personal gain and individual merit (martyrdom) on themselves and reimbursement (bounty) in the event of their death. The HoAP seek recognition for the havoc they create and the intentional targeting and murder of the unarmed or defenseless; for which there is no heroism.

[ Shooting at unarmed civilians = heroic ]

A Hamas spokesman praised the terrorist attack adjacent to the Ofra settlement in the central West Bank on Sunday in which a pregnant 21-year-old Israeli woman and six others were wounded, describing it as “heroic.”

Shots were fired from a passing car at a crowd of people who were waiting at a bus stop near the settlement. The pregnant woman was in a critical condition and was “fighting for her life” in the hospital late Sunday. Doctors delivered her baby, which was in a stable condition.

(full article online)

Hamas praises ‘heroic’ West Bank shooting attack

BUT, there will never be a time when the civilized people that exhibit courage and valor in the case of overwhelming odds, will recognize the Arab Palestinians that engages the defenseless. The civilized world long since passed the tactics of the barbarian Arab Palestinians and the cowardly acts they commit.

Most Respectfully,

It seems the IDF is going to require accountability.

Israeli troops raid office of Palestinian news agency - Wafa

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Dec 10 (Reuters) - Israeli soldiers raided the offices of Palestinian news agency Wafa on Monday in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, it said.

An Israeli military spokeswoman declined to comment on the report. It was unclear whether the raid was connected with an army search in Ramallah after a gunman believed to be Palestinian opened fire on Israelis outside a nearby Jewish settlement on Sunday.

"They (the soldiers) raided the server room in the bureau and went through the camera recordings in the agency," Wafa said on its website. "They withdrew from the agency's office after they took copies of the security camera footage."
[ Shooting at unarmed civilians = heroic ]

A Hamas spokesman praised the terrorist attack adjacent to the Ofra settlement in the central West Bank on Sunday in which a pregnant 21-year-old Israeli woman and six others were wounded, describing it as “heroic.”

Shots were fired from a passing car at a crowd of people who were waiting at a bus stop near the settlement. The pregnant woman was in a critical condition, and was “fighting for her life” in the hospital late Sunday. Doctors delivered her baby, which was in a stable condition.

(full article online)

Hamas praises ‘heroic’ West Bank shooting attack

There will be no response; there never is. When did any Arab Govt show respect for the Israeli Govt?
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  • Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist groups have interpreted the failure of the US-sponsored resolution as an internationally sanctioned license to continue killing Jews.

  • What Hamas is telling the UN and the rest of the world is: "Now that you have refused to brand us terrorists, we have the right to launch all forms of terrorist attacks and kill as many Jews as possible." Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders are, in fact, threatening not only to continue, but also to step up, their terrorist attacks on Israel.

  • When Hamas and its supporters celebrate, the few Palestinians who are described as moderates and pragmatists and who are opposed to violence and terrorism, will have to hide.

  • Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah have boasted that what happened at the UN was a "slap in the face of the US and Israel." In fact, what happened at the UN is a severe blow to the "moderates" among the Palestinians and to any chances of reaching a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Now that the UN has legitimized Palestinian terrorism, no Palestinian leader will be able to return to the negotiating table with Israel. Thus, with this move, the UN has expertly torpedoed even the remotest possibility of peace talks.

(full article online)

UN Approves Terror, Torpedoes Peace
It really is remarkable how fear, self-loathng and retrogression has gripped Arabs-Moslems.

"Poem Recited by Palestinian Girl at Gaza Conference: The Wild Apes and Miserable Pigs (Jews) Are Destined for Humiliation, Jerusalem Spits Out Their Filth"

During a conference held in Gaza on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, a Palestinian girl recited a poem that referred to the Jews as wild apes, miserable pigs, and evil creatures destined for humiliation. She said that they are like herds of stupid cattle, and that Jerusalem "spits out [their] filth" because it is a pure virgin. She also said: "I do not fear the rifle… As long as I have my arm and my stones… I will not sell out the Palestinian cause." The conference was held on November 29, 2018 and aired on Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar). November 29 was declared by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
But if you look at their annual report you can see that Palestinians only take a small percentage of the microfinance loans that UNRWA offers. They gave out loans to 38,595 people in 2017, but only 13,756 went to Palestinians.

In Syria, practically none of the loans go to Palestinian "refugees." Out of 11,094 loans total in Syria, a mere 288 went to Palestinians.

Who gets the rest?

According to an investigative report in the Arabic Daraj site, some of the loans have been made to elements of the Syrian intelligence services and militias active in Syria.

The wife of the Syrian president, Asma al-Assad, seems to have worked with UNRWA on the loan program. Here's a photo of her with the then-head of UNRWA Karen Abu-Zaid.

The article has interviews with former UNRWA employees who testify that the agency's loans were taken over by Syrian officials, and loans were made to those that the regime wanted to get the loans.

The investigation uncovered hundreds of applications and documentation from UNRWA.

(full article online)

.@UNRWA loans money to Syrian regime thugs, Hamas and Islamic Jihad ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The film, produced by Netflix, is supposedly pro-Palestinian. Nearly all the people involved in production are Jordanian with a smattering of Americans.

The newest problem just came up as there was to be a scene where a Palestinian terrorist flees to a mosque after his attack. It was to be filmed at a mosque in Amman, and the Waqf approved the filming, but residents objected - because, they claimed, some Jews were part of the production (possibly actors) and would pollute the holy site with their presence.

(full article online)

Jordanian Waqf stops filming in mosque because residents complained that Jews would be there ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
When a “Dean” at the Islamic university of Gaza (I know, let’s enjoy the humor), rattles on about Jews, you just know what to expect.

"Gaza University Professor Subhi Al-Yazji: We Should Hit a Synagogue Every Time Israel Hits a Mosque"

Dr. Subhi Al-Yazji, who is the Dean of Quranic Studies at the Islamic University of Gaza, said that while the Palestinians in Gaza are capable of carrying out military attacks in Tel Aviv, simply firing a missile can achieve the same result and doesn't require sending people to be "martyred." He added that the Gazans should adopt an "eye-for-an-eye policy" and that killing an Israeli for every Palestinian killed is not enough. Rather, he suggested that they should bomb a synagogue or school every time Israel bombs a mosque or school. Dr. Al-Yazji was interviewed on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) on November 18, 2018. To see more statements by Dr. Al-Yazji, see MEMRI-TV clips 4318 and 6290.


The good “Dr.” Al-Yazji can be reached for further comment on tuesday and Thursday afternoons after his shift driving the ice cream truck.
Today, Abbas has proven again that he supports terror by his Fatah group issuing congratulations to another terror group, the PFLP, on its anniversary, and stressing how both groups have been an important part of the PLO. This was reported in PA-run media.

For its part, the PFLP issued a nine-point position paper for the occasion, one of which states:

The resistance option proved its effectiveness, as demonstrated by its forces, which supported it and defended it and exercised it in all its forms, especially the armed struggle, its ability to use it successfully in more than one arena despite all the attempts of the hostile forces to strike its foundations and dispersing its forces and popular support.The PFLP also issued a statement of praise for the terror attack in Ofra this week, calling it a "bold heroic operation."

Both Fatah and the PFLP feature guns in the current logos on their media.

(full article online)

Abbas' terror group praises the PFLP terror group. (But he's a "man of peace.") ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Fatah recommits to "the armed struggle":

"We won't drop the rifle"

"Fatah is the torch of the armed struggle"

(full article online)

Fatah recommits to "the armed struggle": "We won't drop the rifle" - PMW Bulletins
The Gaza propaganda highway

In 2016, Journalist Mohammed Othman wrote a few ‘probing articles‘ and was arrested by Hamas. He had his laptops and mobile phones seized, and claims he was beaten by Hamas security forces. In 2015, twenty-one people were arrested in Gaza over articles they had written (see more examples). The notion that Hamas do not have a stranglehold over news transmitted to the west is absurd. Most international news outlets rely on local correspondents, in Gaza that means ‘reporters’ and ‘photographers’ with homes and families in Gaza, all vulnerable to Hamas pressure, intimidation and violence.

Yet the mainstream media is still only one outlet Hamas can use to deliver its messaging. Social media is another. This isn’t a difficult logical exercise. If Hamas won’t permit criticism in print, then the popular social media accounts pushing news from Gaza are almost certainly within their remit. Why would they ignore the global audience social media activists give them? Whilst mainstream media may seek to partially clarify the reports they are given, on social media there is no such filter.

Propaganda can be driven directly from Hamas HQ to anti-Israel Facebook groups in a matter of minutes. If you then place this ability next to the issue of anti-Israel activists ignoring the output of mainstream media, it means that anti-Israel activism is receiving and distributing raw Hamas propaganda almost by default.

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Hamas lies and propaganda: From Gaza to the world in less than a minute
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