Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Fatah recommits to "the armed struggle":

"We won't drop the rifle"

"Fatah is the torch of the armed struggle"

(full article online)

Fatah recommits to "the armed struggle": "We won't drop the rifle" - PMW Bulletins
Neither will Israel.

What is your point?
  • Hamas and its allies are openly working and encouraging the eruption of a new anti-Israel uprising in the West Bank, and they have been emboldened by the recent failure of the UN General Assembly to adopt a US-sponsored resolution condemning Hamas and other Palestinian groups for firing rockets at Israel and inciting violence.

  • The Hamas-engineered attacks are not only a threat to Israeli civilians and soldiers; they also undermine the Western-funded Palestinian Authority (PA) of Mahmoud Abbas. Each "successful" attack carried out by Hamas earns it more popularity in the West Bank, at the cost of Abbas and his regime.

  • Now that Hamas is getting what it wants in the Gaza Strip -- millions of dollars and no war with Israel -- it is seeking to shift the attention to the West Bank, all with the help of its friends in Tehran. This has a twofold goal: to undermine or overthrow the Palestinian Authority, inflict heavy casualties on Israel, and thwart any peace plan brought forward by the US administration.

    (full article online)

    The Hamas Plan to Take the West Bank
Oh my. Another occurrence of gee-had denied™. This action on the part of facebook is likely racist, probably islamophobic and definitely not in keeping with the Peaceful Inner Struggle

Palestinians slam Facebook for removing pages glorifying attacks on Israelis

Palestinians slam Facebook for removing pages glorifying attacks on Israelis

Palestinian activists and journalists on Monday launched a campaign to protest against Facebook after the social media giant removed dozens of pages in recent weeks, saying they incited and glorified terrorism.

“Facebook is waging war on the Palestinians,” the activists and journalists complained in a statement as they launched a Twitter hashtag entitled “#FBfightsPalestine” to protest the Facebook measures.

During 2017, Facebook took action against 200 Palestinian accounts, the statement said. The measures also included the removal of posts and photos deemed inflammatory and supportive of terrorism.
Fatah's Information Office released a statement threatening to continue terror attacks as long as Israel "exercises its policy of field executions against our people and destroys in one night three young Palestinians."

Because finding murderers and killing them in shootouts when trying to arrest them is the crime, and shooting Jews waiting at a bus stop is heroic.

This is the "moderate" group that Mahmoud Abbas heads, and that the world still considers to be peaceful.

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah gleeful about killing Jews - and mourning over terrorists that kill them ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In another display of real sleaze, "Palestinian-American" Linda Sarsour will be hosting some of the worst-of-the-bunch with regard to Islamist fascists.

Linda Sarsour, unfazed by new anti-Semitism charges, will keynote radical Islamist gathering


At the Chicago conference, Sarsour will be joined by a who’s who of America’s most fringe Islamist preachers, including:

Imam Omar Suleiman, a gay-bashing imam who has endorsed honor killings, the act of murdering a family member for her allegedly inappropriate behavior to restore “honor” within the community or household.

Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Hamas-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S.-based group that was founded to build support for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. Awad has previously declaredthat he is “in support of the Hamas movement,” which remains a U.S.-designatedterrorist organization. The UAE recently listed CAIR itself as a terrorist organization.

Mazen Mokhtar, who was identified in a federal affidavit as the individual behind a website to raise funds for the Taliban and Chechen terrorists.

The groups that combined to host the confab share an extremist, anti-American agenda.

Lovely. A gathering of islamic misfits.
In another display of real sleaze, "Palestinian-American" Linda Sarsour will be hosting some of the worst-of-the-bunch with regard to Islamist fascists.

Linda Sarsour, unfazed by new anti-Semitism charges, will keynote radical Islamist gathering


At the Chicago conference, Sarsour will be joined by a who’s who of America’s most fringe Islamist preachers, including:

Imam Omar Suleiman, a gay-bashing imam who has endorsed honor killings, the act of murdering a family member for her allegedly inappropriate behavior to restore “honor” within the community or household.

Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Hamas-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S.-based group that was founded to build support for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. Awad has previously declaredthat he is “in support of the Hamas movement,” which remains a U.S.-designatedterrorist organization. The UAE recently listed CAIR itself as a terrorist organization.

Mazen Mokhtar, who was identified in a federal affidavit as the individual behind a website to raise funds for the Taliban and Chechen terrorists.

The groups that combined to host the confab share an extremist, anti-American agenda.

Lovely. A gathering of islamic misfits.
2018 SALAM Annual Banquet_Linda Sarsour

In another display of real sleaze, "Palestinian-American" Linda Sarsour will be hosting some of the worst-of-the-bunch with regard to Islamist fascists.

Linda Sarsour, unfazed by new anti-Semitism charges, will keynote radical Islamist gathering


At the Chicago conference, Sarsour will be joined by a who’s who of America’s most fringe Islamist preachers, including:

Imam Omar Suleiman, a gay-bashing imam who has endorsed honor killings, the act of murdering a family member for her allegedly inappropriate behavior to restore “honor” within the community or household.

Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Hamas-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S.-based group that was founded to build support for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. Awad has previously declaredthat he is “in support of the Hamas movement,” which remains a U.S.-designatedterrorist organization. The UAE recently listed CAIR itself as a terrorist organization.

Mazen Mokhtar, who was identified in a federal affidavit as the individual behind a website to raise funds for the Taliban and Chechen terrorists.

The groups that combined to host the confab share an extremist, anti-American agenda.

Lovely. A gathering of islamic misfits.
2018 SALAM Annual Banquet_Linda Sarsour

In connection with Linda Sarsour and the Chicago conference with the Iman who is a big fan of “honor” killing, do you think Linda Sarsour chooses to ignore the fact that the beneficiaries of Arab-Islamist “honor” killings, beatings, acid attacks, gang rapes, etc., are almost exclusively young women?

If you’re planning on attending the conference and flailing your Pom Poms for the Iman, be sure to post that YouTube video.
In another display of real sleaze, "Palestinian-American" Linda Sarsour will be hosting some of the worst-of-the-bunch with regard to Islamist fascists.

Linda Sarsour, unfazed by new anti-Semitism charges, will keynote radical Islamist gathering


At the Chicago conference, Sarsour will be joined by a who’s who of America’s most fringe Islamist preachers, including:

Imam Omar Suleiman, a gay-bashing imam who has endorsed honor killings, the act of murdering a family member for her allegedly inappropriate behavior to restore “honor” within the community or household.

Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Hamas-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S.-based group that was founded to build support for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. Awad has previously declaredthat he is “in support of the Hamas movement,” which remains a U.S.-designatedterrorist organization. The UAE recently listed CAIR itself as a terrorist organization.

Mazen Mokhtar, who was identified in a federal affidavit as the individual behind a website to raise funds for the Taliban and Chechen terrorists.

The groups that combined to host the confab share an extremist, anti-American agenda.

Lovely. A gathering of islamic misfits.
2018 SALAM Annual Banquet_Linda Sarsour

In connection with Linda Sarsour and the Chicago conference with the Iman who is a big fan of “honor” killing, do you think Linda Sarsour chooses to ignore the fact that the beneficiaries of Arab-Islamist “honor” killings, beatings, acid attacks, gang rapes, etc., are almost exclusively young women?

If you’re planning on attending the conference and flailing your Pom Poms for the Iman, be sure to post that YouTube video.

I find that the reports of what people say are exaggerated and/or taken out of context. I tend not to believe them especially if they are presented by a propaganda organization.
In another display of real sleaze, "Palestinian-American" Linda Sarsour will be hosting some of the worst-of-the-bunch with regard to Islamist fascists.

Linda Sarsour, unfazed by new anti-Semitism charges, will keynote radical Islamist gathering


At the Chicago conference, Sarsour will be joined by a who’s who of America’s most fringe Islamist preachers, including:

Imam Omar Suleiman, a gay-bashing imam who has endorsed honor killings, the act of murdering a family member for her allegedly inappropriate behavior to restore “honor” within the community or household.

Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Hamas-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S.-based group that was founded to build support for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States. Awad has previously declaredthat he is “in support of the Hamas movement,” which remains a U.S.-designatedterrorist organization. The UAE recently listed CAIR itself as a terrorist organization.

Mazen Mokhtar, who was identified in a federal affidavit as the individual behind a website to raise funds for the Taliban and Chechen terrorists.

The groups that combined to host the confab share an extremist, anti-American agenda.

Lovely. A gathering of islamic misfits.
2018 SALAM Annual Banquet_Linda Sarsour

In connection with Linda Sarsour and the Chicago conference with the Iman who is a big fan of “honor” killing, do you think Linda Sarsour chooses to ignore the fact that the beneficiaries of Arab-Islamist “honor” killings, beatings, acid attacks, gang rapes, etc., are almost exclusively young women?

If you’re planning on attending the conference and flailing your Pom Poms for the Iman, be sure to post that YouTube video.

I find that the reports of what people say are exaggerated and/or taken out of context. I tend not to believe them especially if they are presented by a propaganda organization.

Your goofy conspiracy theory rattling is a hoot?
[Arabs, Jews.....it is a free for all in Judea and Samaria by Allah blood thirsty Muslims ]

One of the attacks targeted an Israeli Arab woman who told security personnel when she eventually reached safety at the Tena’im checkpoint that she tried to shout to her attackers that this was a case of “mistaken identity” — but to no avail. She was hit in the head by one of the rocks that rained down upon her car as she traveled the road between the communities of Avnei Hefetz and Einav. The woman was evacuated by medics with the Magen David Adom emergency medical service to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba.

Later in the day, a Jewish teen was taken for treatment to the Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat after he and several others were attacked by Arabs in northern Israel. The teen was struck in the face by a rock thrown by one of the Arabs during the attack. The wound required a number of stitches, according to the Honenu civil rights organization.

(full article online)

Sharp Escalation in Stoning, Firebombing Terror Attacks in Judea & Samaria
A former politburo mouthpiece of the Hamas franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc. is issuing the call to gee-had.

While Arabs-Moslems didn't invent suicide bombing as a tactic, pious Moslems are the ones saying these heinous crimes are legitimate, honorable and praiseworthy, simply because they have changed the definition of mass murder / suicide to “martyrdom”.

"Former Hamas Leader Khaled Mashal Calls for West Bank "Guerrilla Warfare," States: "I Resist, Therefore I Am""

Former chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau Khaled Mashal said that resistance is the basis of day-to-day life for people under occupation, and that just as people say "I think, therefore I am," the Palestinians say: "I resist, therefore I am." Explaining that the abandonment of jihad leads to humiliation and death, Mashal said that resistance is the pinnacle of life. He criticized Fatah for not engaging in "resistance" and added: "The West Bank, which spans over 5,600 square kilometers, and which has mountains and valleys... has everything necessary for guerrilla warfare." Mashal's comments aired on Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) on December 2, 2018.
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