Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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  • The message that Iran is sending to Palestinian families is: "If you want money and a good life, send your children to die on the border with Israel." This is a message that is likely to reverberate far and wide among Arabs, well beyond the Palestinians.

  • The declared goal of the Iranian-sponsored World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought is to forge unity between Muslims. For the Iranians and their proxies, Islamic unity is a prerequisite to advancing the ultimate goal of removing the "cancerous tumor" (Israel) from the face of the earth. Iran has been doing its utmost to achieve this goal.

  • Were it not for Iranian support, the Lebanese Shiite terrorist organization, Hezbollah, would not be aiming tens of thousands of rockets and missiles at Israel. Were it not for Iranian military and financial backing, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups would not have been able to fire more than 500 projectiles at Israel in 24 hours, as they did last month.

  • To set the record straight: Iran cares nothing for the Palestinians; Iran seeks to obliterate Israel, and if it could, obliterate the US, as its expansion into South America suggests.

  • It seems that some mullahs in Iran cannot wait for Khamenei's prediction of Israel's destruction in 2040. The Iranian money promised to the families is meant to encourage other all Arabs and Muslims to send their children to launch rocket attacks on Israel and throw stones and firebombs at Israeli soldiers.
(full article online)

Why Iran Funds Palestinian Terrorists
Every year, a giant Chanukah menorah is erected in the plaza of the Kotel, the Western Wall.

The official Palestinian Authority news agency, Wafa, describes it as "the introduction of the Jewish 'candelabra' into the heart of the blessed mosque."

(full article online)

The supposed holiness of the Kotel to Muslims is a new phenomenon from the 19th century. The legend of Mohammed's flying steed does not say where he supposedly tethered the magical animal; early Muslim sourcesassociated it with the southern wall of the Mount, and then later with the southwest corner, and only in the 19th century with the area of the Western Wall.

As with everything else in Israel, Muslims consider something holy only in relation with how sacred the Jews consider it.

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority says Chanukah menorah at Kotel erected "in the heart of Al Aqsa Mosque" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Something tells me a "Hamas court" has vastly different standards of evidence and procedure vs. those in the First World.

Death by hanging or firing squad? Why not both?

Hamas court says six Gazans sentenced to death for collaboration with Israel

Hamas court says six Gazans sentenced to death for collaboration with Israel

A Hamas military court in the Gaza Strip on Monday handed out thirteen sentences to Palestinians convicted of ‘collaborating’ with Israel, six of whom were sentenced to death by hanging or firing squad.

The sentences were a “clear message to the collaborators of the occupation that this (a death sentence or years of hard labor) is their inevitable fate, the Hamas interior ministry said.

Hamas Interior Minister Iyad al-Bazm told a press conference that Hamas security services were successful in thwarting a planned Israeli operation in Gaza. It is unclear if he is referring to the botched special forces operation that took place November 11 that left one elite Israeli commander and seven Palestinians dead.

.“We are still working on the security-related event east of Khan Younis (the Nov 11 Israeli special forces op) and a number of people have been arrested and are being investigated,” he said.

Six of the thirteen convicted for collaborating with Israel were sentenced to death, either by firing squad or by hanging, according to details published by Palestinian Ma’an news agency.

Well, I'm more than just a little creeped out. I suppose there is nothing more vile about the latest Death Cult musings than the last episode of islamic mental disorders but this one seems to be an especially dark pathology.

Official PA TV:

"The blood of the Martyrs flows in my veins...
I harvest the souls in the fields [of battle]...
The Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me"

"The Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me" - poem on official PA TV - PMW Bulletins

  • Fatah: "Allah, do not prevent us from Martyrdom-death in [Al-Aqsa's plazas"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

The ideal of dying as a "Martyr" continues to be promoted regularly by the Palestinian Authority and Abbas' Fatah party. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that "Martyrs" have cult-like status in the PA.

Following a recent terror attack in which the terrorist stabbed and wounded 4 Israeli policemen, a host on official PA TV read a poem in the terrorist's honor. The poem glorifies Martyrdom-death in battle and states that the 72 "Dark-Eyed" Virgins in Paradise who the Martyr marries according to Islamic tradition, are "yearning" for the Palestinian Martyr:



Official PA TV host: "About the Jerusalem Martyr Abd Al-Rahman Abu Jamal (terrorist, wounded 4 -Ed.) we say:

I am the Palestinian lion cub
I was planted in my land, like the olive and fig tree
My roots reach Canaan
The blood of the Martyrs flows in my veins,
I am like a lion in the fields [of battle]
If the drums of war call
I harvest the souls in the fields
I guard the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] and the [Dome of the] Rock
My eyes will not close, and my head will not bow
I am the Palestinian lion cub
The armies of treachery fear me
The Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me
I have not sold my homelands, and have not given up my assault rifle
Today I carry my shrouds, and in my heart my faith strengthens
Because victory and liberation are coming at the hands of the lion cubs
[Official PA TV, Good Morning Jerusalem, Nov. 23, 2018
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Hollie, et al,

I'm not sure that the Arab Palestinans know what it is to be happy or how to be happy.

Well, I'm more than just a little creeped out. I suppose there is nothing more vile about the latest Death Cult musings than the last episode of islamic mental disorders but this one seems to be an especially dark pathology.

I think that to be a "martyr" the Arab Palestinian must first have a very low level of self-esteem, a deep feeling of hopelessness, and a need to be noticed → unable to reach an achievement in life → move to unnecessarily sacrificing themselves → for a cause that really does not warrant the loss → but to be noticed for the ritual process of the act.

The Arab Palestinians that do this, feel that they have nothing more to offer → anyone.

The poet, on the other hand, • "The Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me" • needs to observe and have empathy for the would-be martyr. The poet needs to have, at some point, been close and in observable range → with the would-be martyr, to feel the sorrow, the anguish and the agony that drives them forth to the final moment.

Yes - I agree with Hollie, it is hard to estimate the "creepiness factor;" who's more creepy; the poet on the subject or the martyr that passes-on the last moments in an otherwise worthless life.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Now I find this interesting. This is the advocation of a Plan Genocide (intent to destroy, in whole or in part). Yes, subtle but there. Article 6cDeliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction; • Article 6dImposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.

  • The message that Iran is sending to Palestinian families is: "If you want money and a good life, send your children to die on the border with Israel." This is a message that is likely to reverberate far and wide among Arabs, well beyond the Palestinians.

The keys here are:

✦ IF you want money
✦ IF you want a good life
✦ THEN send your children to die
✦ THEN send your children to the border with Israel​

This is lethal servitude and deadly bondage of child → sold for the money to buy a good life. (Very Islamic!)

It destroys the next generation of Arab Palestinians. After all, in the eyes of the Iranians (Shia 90-95%) the Arab Palestinians are merely (predominantly) Sunni.

Most Respectfully,
The ideal of dying as a "Martyr" continues to be promoted regularly by the Palestinian Authority and Abbas' Fatah party. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that "Martyrs" have cult-like status in the PA.

Following a recent terror attack in which the terrorist stabbed and wounded 4 Israeli policemen, a host on official PA TV read a poem in the terrorist's honor. The poem glorifies Martyrdom-death in battle and states that the 72 "Dark-Eyed" Virgins in Paradise who the Martyr marries according to Islamic tradition, are "yearning" for the Palestinian Martyr:



Official PA TV host: "About the Jerusalem Martyr Abd Al-Rahman Abu Jamal (terrorist, wounded 4 -Ed.) we say:

I am the Palestinian lion cub
I was planted in my land, like the olive and fig tree
My roots reach Canaan
The blood of the Martyrs flows in my veins,
I am like a lion in the fields [of battle]
If the drums of war call
I harvest the souls in the fields
I guard the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] and the [Dome of the] Rock
My eyes will not close, and my head will not bow
I am the Palestinian lion cub
The armies of treachery fear me
The Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me
I have not sold my homelands, and have not given up my assault rifle
Today I carry my shrouds, and in my heart my faith strengthens
Because victory and liberation are coming at the hands of the lion cubs
[Official PA TV, Good Morning Jerusalem, Nov. 23, 2018

(full article online)

"The Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me" - poem on official PA TV - PMW Bulletins
[ Truer words were never spoken ]

Senior Fatah official: 'If Hamas... is considered a terrorist movement, this means that all groups
of the Palestinian people are involved in terrorism"

[ And then.....the usual denial ]
  • Fatah official denies Palestinian terror:
    Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not terror organizations
    "Fatah will not agree to any Palestinian being defined as a terrorist"

Fatah: If Hamas is a terrorist organization, so are we - PMW Bulletins
Well, Shirley the "bitches" deserve it.

"Mahmoud Al-Habbash, Advisor to PA President: Men May Only Beat Their Wives When They Are Disobedient"

Mahmoud Al-Habbash, who is an advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said that the only situation in which a man is ever permitted to beat his wife is when she is "being disobedient, crossing the line, [and] violating the sanctity of matrimony." He said that even under these circumstances, the man may not hit his wife in the face or in a fashion that causes harm, injury, or excessive pain. He said that men must remember that their wives are partners rather than maids or slave girls. Al-Habbash was interviewed on Palestine TV (Palestinian Authority) on December 1, 2018.
It's really an interesting dynamic to see a portion of the Sunni and Shia tribes declaring a Hudna in their 1400 year long internecine war. While these angry throwbacks will find common ground in their shared Jew hatreds, make no mistake; the Sunni and Shia despise each other.

Hamas is going to further alienate themselves from the Sunni/Salafi component of the Islamist Middle East being viewed as subordinate to the Iranian Mullocrats.

"Hamas Rep. in Lebanon Ali Baraka: Our Missiles Can Strike Anywhere in Israel; Iranian Support Is the Basis of Our Steadfastness"

During a November 23 interview on Al-Nujaba TV (Iraq), Hamas's representative in Lebanon Ali Baraka said that Hamas has missiles that can strike anywhere in Israel, and that it is working to increase the missiles' range, accuracy, and destructive power. He said that Syria has not supported Hamas since 2011 and that he hopes that Iraq will support Hamas in the future. Baraka added that Hizbullah has been providing Hamas with logistical support, political aid, and expertise. He also explained that Iran's financial support is the "basis for the steadfastness of the resistance in Gaza," and that Iran was the only country that helped Hamas recover from the war in 2014. He also said that Hizbullah's willingness to fight Israel in the Galilee is an indication that it considers the liberation of Palestine to be a central cause.
As a result of immense international pressure threatening to cut off a vast amount of aid to the Palestinian Authority, it was Abbas who deposed the democratically elected Hamas terrorist organization.

(full article online)

The joke of Palestinian ‘democracy’
When examining Erekat’s claim about the Hamas “coup d’état” in the Gaza Strip, Erekat again “forgot” that Hamas won 74 seats of the 132 seat Palestinian Legislative Council in the last P.A. general elections held 13 years ago. Hamas therefore formed the legitimate P.A. government. As a result of immense international pressure threatening to cut off a vast amount of aid to the P.A., it was Abbas who deposed the democratically elected Hamas terrorist organization.

Accordingly, when Hamas violently seized control of the Gaza Strip from Abbas’s so-called “technocrat government” in the summer of 2007, Hamas was simply reasserting the mandate that it had been granted by the Palestinian population in democratic elections—control which had temporarily been usurped by Abbas.

When the party that wins the outright majority of the democratic election assumes control, it is not called a “coup d’état,” it’s called “true democracy,”​

Indeed, I have been posting this for years only to have my posts rated funny, or conspiracy theory by Israeli propagandists.

The so called "PA government" in the West Bank is an illegal coup government. The US is violating its own law when recognizing this government as it is not allowed to recognize a coup government. The US does, however, violate its own law regularly. Haiti, Venezuela, and Egypt, for examples.

As a result of immense international pressure threatening to cut off a vast amount of aid to the Palestinian Authority, it was Abbas who deposed the democratically elected Hamas terrorist organization.

(full article online)

The joke of Palestinian ‘democracy’
When examining Erekat’s claim about the Hamas “coup d’état” in the Gaza Strip, Erekat again “forgot” that Hamas won 74 seats of the 132 seat Palestinian Legislative Council in the last P.A. general elections held 13 years ago. Hamas therefore formed the legitimate P.A. government. As a result of immense international pressure threatening to cut off a vast amount of aid to the P.A., it was Abbas who deposed the democratically elected Hamas terrorist organization.

Accordingly, when Hamas violently seized control of the Gaza Strip from Abbas’s so-called “technocrat government” in the summer of 2007, Hamas was simply reasserting the mandate that it had been granted by the Palestinian population in democratic elections—control which had temporarily been usurped by Abbas.

When the party that wins the outright majority of the democratic election assumes control, it is not called a “coup d’état,” it’s called “true democracy,”​

Indeed, I have been posting this for years only to have my posts rated funny, or conspiracy theory by Israeli propagandists.

The so called "PA government" in the West Bank is an illegal coup government. The US is violating its own law when recognizing this government as it is not allowed to recognize a coup government. The US does, however, violate its own law regularly. Haiti, Venezuela, and Egypt, for examples.

Indeed, the usual conspiracy theories.
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